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This is story is told by five different people, going through life struggles. |
ALEXANDRIA Waking up to my alarm clock going off and my phone ringing at the same time wasn’t a great start to my day since it was only 6:45 in the morning. I had a feeling at that moment, looking at the caller ID that it was going to be a bad day. “Hello?” I said groggy, “hey Lex, did you hear. Did I just wake you up?” the voice said. “Did I hear what? I asked sitting up in bed “nah, it was time for me to get up anyway.” “Oh okay good, just making sure” “beck, did I hear what?” I said getting annoyed. By now I could really careless what she had to say to me, Becky was one of those people you loved to hate. She’s a good friend you just can’t be around her for too long, because then she starts to be an annoyance. “Oh, uh when’s the last time you talked to matt?” Shrugging my shoulders like she can see me, I replied “I haven’t talked to him since Wednesday, why?” “uhm, because he got jumped Thursday” well maybe that’s why I haven’t gotten a reply back from him in a few days, I was just shocked and surprised I was lost for words.” Alexis are you there, are you okay?” Shaking myself out my daze I told her I’d have to call her back and got into the shower regardless I was awake now, wide awake. I couldn’t believe what I just heard, knowing the last conversation I had with him had me crying in the shower, but I knew who I could call to verify what I had just heard from Becky. So when I got out the shower I called my best friend and matt’s Sister Laurie she answered on the first ring. “Laurie, Beck just called me and told me matt got jumped?” there was a pause on the phone for a second, that felt like the longest second. “Laurie is it true?” she took a deep breathe then said, “Yeah Lex, he got jumped Thursday night after the game. Where were you at? ” I wasn’t feeling good and I didn’t want to see him so I stayed home, how bad is he? I felt bad not going to the game, we had all planned on going to the playoff game, but that fight with matt changed everything. Laurie finally told me that matt was alright just had some bruises and resting, then why hasn’t he answered me back, before she hung up though she made it a point to tell to stop by. I had already thought about doing that, but before I could I had to do some other stuff first. Finally dressed after half an hour of trying to figure an outfit out, and working on my make-up my phone vibrated looking down I saw a text from my cousin, “Lex, where are you? You still coming over here?..I need to know if not I’ll just meet you or something?” that text had just annoyed me, why I wasn’t completely sure it was just one of those days, I reply back to my cousin, “at home, doing hair && make-up. Yeah I’m coming now. Are you ready?” While waiting for her text I finished my hair and make- up, said bye to my mom, brother and puppy Jamie and was out the door by the time I got any reply from her, and instead of texting back I called her. “Lisi, I’m on my way please make sure you’re ready, I’m not having a good day, and by the way can you ride with me to matt’s house later on? “ “Yeah I’ll ride with you; I heard what happened to him mike told me. Is he okay and what’s wrong with you?” ignoring her last question I told her what Laurie told me and said I’ll talk to her when I got there. Forty minutes and some country music later I was out front of my cousin Alison’s house, walking up to her front door. I was glad I didn’t have to work or have class that day when I got to her door. My day actually seemed like it might change a little bit, before I could knock on the front door Allie was coming out the door yelling to her boyfriend mike that she’d be back later. This was going to be a whole day adventure like always instead of a few hours and by this point I didn’t care anymore I was just going to enjoy my day with my favorite cousin and ultimate best friend. Al and I are only three months and two days apart; I think that’s why we have such a great bond because we’re more like sisters then cousins. Getting in my car lisi started talking to me about mike and what they are going through, then asked me what was wrong with matt. Since I wasn’t completely sure I again repeated to her what Laurie had told me, that’s all I knew. Three hours later, I told her I wanted to stop by matt’s house before we did anything else, I wanted to see him and talk to him for a little. When I knocked on the side door his mom answered the door, “Alexandria and Allison, hi sweeties. I was waiting for you to come by her Lex, what took so long?” “hey Mrs. H” “hi Mrs. H, I just found out this morning..” cutting me off, his mom said, “I know Laurie told me, so what took so long?” “I...I had to do some stuff with Allie first, sorry.” I finally spit out, Mrs. H knows how to make someone feel bad about something. “I understand Lex, he’s in the den. You guys can go see him and make sure you find me before you leave alright” okay no problem. So we walked around the corner into the den to see matt Hey Allie n ally, what’s up? Nothing much just came to see my best friend, how about you? Alison said. Nothing came to see how you’re doing and talk to you. What you up too? I said “awe, love you too ally. Nothing just laying here watching this movie, waiting on someone and Allie, I’m glad I need to talk to you too.” Alright, does it matter if it’s in private or no? He said he it wasn’t private but it was up to ally if she wanted to stay in the room or not. She chose to go back in the kitchen and find Mrs. H or look for Laurie and talk to her while I talked to matt. “So what’s up matt? What did you want to talk about and I just wanted to say sorry I wasn’t there Thursday. I feel bad about it...” I said, before I realized he was talking too. “What happened Thursday? Why weren’t you there...yeah I forgive you but what happened you were supposed to be there and you weren’t there. I even tried calling you. You never answered my calls or texts.” I don’t ever remember getting a text from him, but I listen to what he has to say then I tell him my side and why I wasn’t there. “We got into that fight Wednesday night, I had all intentions to still come to the game though, but I wasn’t feeling good and so I didn’t come. Sorry I don’t ever remember getting a text from you and I didn’t answer the call, because I wasn’t trying to fight with you more matt. And again, I’m sorry I feel like maybe this was my fault a little bit.” It wasn’t your fault Allie, I just wanted you there sick or not. It would’ve happened if you were there or not probably. I tried explaining to him that I really did want to come to that game, but I couldn’t even get out of bed. I didn’t know what happened. I asked him what happened exactly anyway. He told me it was during half time, he went out to the parking lot to call me again and try to convince me to come if I picked up. And when I didn’t he was about to leave a voicemail when these guys from the opposing team came out trying to start trouble with him. Well that answered the weird voicemail I got from him that night. Matt said he told them he didn’t want any trouble, he figured they were just mad that their team was losing to ours 25-15 and came outside for a breather and just saw him. I cut him off and told him if he wasn’t calling me than this wouldn’t have happened, he told me he didn’t want me blaming myself. That maybe he wouldn’t have been outside calling me, but he would’ve still gone outside because it was stuffy in there. That’s how Laurie had found him in the first place, she came outside to check on him and to go to her car real fast before half time was over. I did feel a little better after he told me, but I would still blame myself for a little while anyway. MATT Trying to convince Alexandria it’s not her fault I jumped is a little harder than I thought it would be since I kind of do feel like it’s her fault. I just hope my face isn’t giving away that I’m lying to her, if she would have just picked up the phone when I first got there I’m sure I wouldn’t be laid up and missing two days of work. I get we had a fight the other day, but what’s up with ignoring my phone calls and text messages. “Are you alright matt?” oh yeah, I’m alright what did you and Lisi do today? “We went shopping at the mall, out to eat and prepare for the big dance.” Oh yeah I almost forgot about that dance, well I guess I better get my stuff for it to, girls and their official dances. I asked her what she was doing after she left here and she said stopping by to see my sister than she wasn’t that sure what after that maybe just go home or out a little longer since she didn’t have class or work. I told her I was probably going to try and finally get out the house maybe see what mike was doing or some of my other friends. I just needed to get out the house and away from my mom for a while. She was suffocating me while being in here and it hasn’t even been that long. Alexandria told me my mom wanted her to find her when she was done talking to me and if I wasn’t doing anything later to come by the house if I wanted, but call or text because she didn’t know where she was going to end up being at. I told her sure, I’ll text her later and have fun. After Alex and Ali left the house mom came in the room being her normal loving in your business self-she’s been for the last 19 years of my life. I've heard when she was younger she wasn't the all in your face type wonder what happened. She asked if I felt like me and Alex had settled everything, I told her yes to make her feel better but in a way we had. I know Alex she'll blame herself for what happened for a while and I'll blame her for a while too but in time I'll understand it wasn't anyone's fault but those dudes. I told my mom I was going to try and go out later on, of course she looked at me crazy, "Sweetheart, you sure you want to do that? Why not just stay in the house one more day?" I never lied to my mom, but I had to just once "Mom, I have too. I already had plans with Mike for today to pick up that stuff for the girls dance. “which in a way I did, we already knew we were going to have to get everything for their party and I even hit him up right after Alex left the room just to see what he was up too which was not a thing (score for me). So I told her I’d see her later and I got up the best way I could without making a face for her since I know she was looking for one sign of me not feeling my 100% self. I was still hurting a little, but nothing was going to hold me back from going out today, I texted mike to see if he could pick me up and give me 20 minutes to get changed wasn’t going out in pajamas. ALLISON After leaving the mike's house with Alex, I decided I’d hit our friend Becky and Kristy up to see what they were doing. I think Alex defiantly needed her girls, and Laurie was leaving to go to work the same time we left the house. Becky was at work too, but Kristy was at her new place moving everything in, so I told Alex that's where we going after I got some food. I was super hungry and needed food right then. We went by Wendy’s since there was barely anything close to Kristy food wise, and I texted to see if she wanted anything. She texted back and told me to get strawberry lemonade and a baconator, I should've known that but wanted to make sure. When we pulled up to the window Alex asked "our normal order?" I told her yeah but add an extra for Kristen. "Hi how can I take your order?" "Hi, can I get 3 large bacaonators, 3 large fries and 3 large strawberry lemonades. Thanks" after she ordered the food. I told her I would pay for it and I was trying to get her to tell me what happened with her and matt back at the house. She told me nothing they talked it out, but she knew that he’d still blame her some regardless of what he says but they're good and that's all that really matters. I said okay and left it alone for now until she was really ready to maybe tell me more about the situation at hand. We got our food and were on our way to Kristin’s when I got a text from my boyfriend mike "hey babe, hope you’re having fun. Going to pick up matt and heading out to get stuff for y'all dance thing. What do I need again for it?" I’ve told him multiple times to get his stuff and told him what he was going to need; inhaling deeply I said "babe, you need dress pants, shoes, a shirt, maybe a tie and jacket if you want. If you get a tie it has to match my dress if you don’t get a tie, than the shirt has to match my dress okay?" he said yeah and asked what color my dress was again. I told him dark blue and then hung up on him. I hadn't seen Kristy in a week or so, so I was pretty excited to see her and hang out with her for a few hours maybe. We got to her new house that she just got near the country, I loved the house but just wasn’t sure about the location. We got out the car and I knocked on the door twice before you answered the door jolly and happy looking cute in her sweatpants and white tank top. "Cute outfit Kristy, looking really comfy and homey." I said handing her the food. Taking the food Kristy said "thanks al, it is pretty comfy and homey. I’ve been fixing up the house all day. Hey Alex." "Hey Kristy, wassup? House looking a little too big for just you in it." Alexandria said to her walking into the house. She told us after she gets settled in hopefully in the next week; she'll than start looking for a roommate or something because the house was pretty big. Kristin walked us into the house showing us the living room which was pretty big, but I saw that she had her couch and everything delivered there. I wondered how she was going to get everything together when she worked almost as hard if not harder than some of the people I knew. Everything looked great though, she walked us into the kitchen with big bay windows the kitchen table on the left side and on the right side an island. It was big and beautiful; I knew my mom and aunt would love this kitchen if they saw it. I loved it and I don’t spend as much time in there like they do. Kristy asked what we had been doing all day while we sat down at the table to eat our lunch. I told her how since we both didn’t have work that day we decided to make it a girls day out and if we knew she didn’t have work either we would've asked her. She told me she was busy all day anyway she wouldn’t have been able to go, but what did our girls day consist of. I told her we went shopping for the dance coming up, got our nails done, shopped just in general and then went by matt's house to check up on him. She asked house matt was doing and I told her he seemed pretty good to me but if she really wanted to know she would have to ask Alex, because I didn’t spend much time talking to him. So Kristy looked at my cousin and asked her how he was doing, Alexandria told her that he was pretty good, said he didn’t believe her but she wasn’t sure about that too much. But if he wanted to say it than she would pretend to believe him and that he planned to hang out later on maybe. She wasn’t sure, Kissy told her she hasn’t seen anyone really in a while and that she would love to have a little party or get together soon. So I suggested tonight than, why not? Kissy said she wasn’t sure that the house was party ready or get together ready, but if told her if thought it was. As long as the bathroom was working, she had running water and places to sit than her house was definitely ready, but we wouldn’t be inviting everyone. If convinced her enough so if told Alexandria to text Laurie and matt. While if texted mike to tell him when he was doing for him to come over Kissy house. MIKE If had just got a text from Allison telling me to come over Kristin’s house when it was done here, if looked over at matt and asked did he get a text too. He told me no that Alexandria had just called him and told him that Kissy was having a little thing at the house. No party or anything just something small with a few people. If don’t think Kissy or any of the girls know what a small thing so and if told matt that while if tried on this suit jacket, he laughed and told me that if was right they only know how to have big parties mostly, but if they wanted to call it a small thing let them. If it'll make them happy, but text Allison and see if ted could come too. That was a good ideal if hadn’t seen ted in a while and if knew the girls liked him and plus ted worked with Allison at foot locker, instead of texting her if just called her. "Hey babe, if got a question for you." "Yeah mike, what’s up?" "Uh, do you think Kissy would mid if I invited ted to her house." "Nah, that sounds good invite to the house. But remember it’s a small thing. It’s just going to be you, mike, Kristy, Alex, Laurie maybe and me. No one else mike alright." I told her yeah I got it and hung up so I could call teddy and see what he was up too. I called him but he told me he’d have to call me about in a little cause he was at work still and got off in 20 minutes. I took the jacket off and just figured I’d buy it, now I just had to find a shirt that would match Allison dress. I asked matt if he was going to get a shirt or tie that matched Alexandria’s dress, I guess he didn’t know it had to match because his face told it all. "What are you talking about? I was just going to get a black tie and white shirt." "You can’t do that matt. When I called Allison she told me my tie or shirt had to match her dress, but only my shirt if I wasn’t going to wear a tie. I might just get the tie; they got plenty of dark blue ties." "Shit man, no one told me that. hold on let me call her and see what color she’s wearing than I’ll decide." he made the call which only took two minutes and decided he'd get a teal tie, easier to find than a teal shirt he said. Teddy called me back and asked what was up. I asked him if he had any plans tonight and he told me to go home and chill why. I told him how Kristy was having a little thing they called it and that he was invited if he wanted too, he said he was game but he forgot Seth was coming over. Seth is teddy’s older half-brother; I didn’t see what was wrong with Seth coming along. Everyone that was going to be there knew who Seth was and was cool with him so I just told teddy to bring him alone. I even offered to come pick them up after me and matt where done at the mall. He told me I didn’t have to pick them up, but still come by the house so they could follow us since no one knew where Kissy had just moved too. LAURIE I got a text from my best friend and brother’s girlfriend Alexandria telling me to come to our friend Kristy’s house when I got off work. They were having a little get to together and probably a bonfire; I texted back alright and send me the address. I also texted her and told her I wouldn’t get off work for another forty-five minutes or so, she told me that wasn’t problem. Come when I was done, I said okay and asked her who else was going to be there. Instead of texting me back she called me, lucky I was on a short break. She said "hey laur, uhh, your brother, mike, Kristy of course, Allison, me and I think mike is bringing teddy. they're the only ones I know that are coming cause we're tryna keep it small for right now since she just moved in you know and everything is put away completely." I told her, "Yeah I understand that. Why is teddy coming I didn’t know Kristy was that close with him." "She’s not that close, I mean they know each other, but mike asked if teddy could come. You know Kristy isn’t going to say someone can’t come over. Plus we want to see teddy, I like teddy... don’t you like like teddy?" I told her I had to get back to work, and I’d see her when I get there. She said alright, but I could hear the laughter in her voice when I was hanging up. I knew Allison worked with teddy and I knew Alexandria was friends with teddy, but why did he have to come to this one thing. At least other times I have a fair warning, hours before, but not this time. When I left work I was going straight there, hopefully I would get there before he did. I was finally off work, and I had just got a text from Alexandria giving me Kristy’s address. I somewhat knew where it was at, so I texted Alex and told her I’d be there soon. Before I could even pull out of the parking lot I spotted my brother and mike. They walked over to my car. "Hey sis, just got off work?" "Hey matt, hey mike. Yeah just got off, on my way to Kristy’s. How about you guys?" "Hey laur. Yeah we're going over there too. First got to stop by Teddy’s and get him n his brother. They’re following us over there." mike said I tried not to blush too much at the mention of teddy's name. "You guys have the address and everything?" I asked them. Matt said, "no but I know where it’s at. I helped her move in there with Alex earlier last week. It’s not far, you got the address?" I told him yeah, Alexandria texted it to me and that I was about to go over there (once again in case he didn’t understand the first time), he told me he'd meet us over there and before he walked away he asked was I really going over there in my work clothes. I told him yes, what’s wrong with them? And that I actually had a change of clothes in my trunk if he must know. He just laughed and walked away calling mike over his shoulder. "Bye, to you too brother." "Bye Laurie, see you there." "Bye mike, see you there." than I pulled off and started my way to Kristy’s house. When I got to Kristy’s house I was happy I got there before my brother and the boys, I knocked on the door and heard someone yell come in. I walked into the house with my change and clothes, found the girls in the back and asked Kristy where her bathroom was so I could change my clothes. She directed me to guest bathroom and I went to change my clothes real fast. when I came out the bathroom I heard more voices and I was pretty sure when I turned the corner I’d see the guys, before I could turn the corner I ran directly into a guys hard muscled chest. the first thing I noticed was that whoever it was smelt pretty damn good, I started apologizing before I looked in a set of bright green guys. "Uh sorry... sorry about that ted..teddy." why was I stuttering, ugh. "Hey Laurie, it’s alright. I think it was my fault anyway...how are you?" it was something in his face, something in his eye that kindof calmed me down, but made me question exactly how much of that was his fault. I’m sure he did it on purpose. ALEXANDRIA I heard a knock on the door and told Kristy I’d get it. When I got to the door it was the boys, mike and matt where the first two that I saw. "Hey boys, what’s up?" "Hey Alex, nothing. Where’s my girl?" "In the back, go straight through and you'll see her with Kristy." "Thanks, by the way looking good." I just laughed because mike tells me that every time he sees that, and I never understood why. But I just thanked him while staring at matt the whole time. Than I saw teddy and his brother Seth. "Hey ted, hi Seth. Everyone else is in the back. Straight through." The both said hi to me in unison and walked by me and matt, than matt finally walked into the house and gave me a hug. It took it in cause it was more than I got a few hours ago, I asked how he was doing and he told me he was doing better probably because he finally got from underneath his moms eye. I just laughed and walked with him to the back where everyone else was, teddy was in the kitchen getting drinks when he asked me where Laurie was. The look in his eyes said way more than his words, I told him the bathroom and which way to go. Than I took the drinks from him and said I’d bring them out for him, he thanked me and I just smiled and kept walking. "Here’s the drinks. Who wanted what?" "Where’s teddy? He’s the one that went in there to get them" I looked at Kristy and told her he had to go to the bathroom, she looked at me with a knowledgeable look and just said "oh okay." I was sure we all knew they had a crush on each other, at least everyone knew teddy had a crush on Laurie only the girls knew Laurie had the same crush on teddy. I looked around and just smiled this is what I loved, I just loved all my friends these were the only people we really needed though Becky wasn’t here cause she had to work these were the only people we really needed. I turned around to voices and saw teddy and Laurie walking out. Laurie looked a nervous like she always did when she was in teddy's presence but I knew it was bypass soon and I handed her a bottle of water. "I didn’t tell you Kristy, nice house. A little big for just one person isn’t?" Laurie said. "Yeah a little bit, but it’s not just one person. I got Sammy he’s around here somewhere. Plus I’m trying to convince someone to move out here with." Kristy said that looking right at me. She had talked about to me about moving out my parents house since she knew she had the place, I just wasn’t sure if I wanted to give it up living at home just yet. Atleast i know Jamie will be taken care of with my mom being home all the time if I stayed and if I moved out I’m not sure what he’d with no human there. I told her “well before I decide, we have to see if Jamie and Sammy like eachother. They will be roomies too, and btw what do you with him while at work.?” |