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A group of teens are thrust into the zombie apocalypse at a haunted house on Halloween. |
A group of teenage boys (4-5 total) go to a local haunted house on the afternoon of Halloween. They go in one of their friend's van and arrive in the middle of the afternoon. They meet other people there and have a small dinner party before the haunted house opens at 6pm. They go through the haunted house and get scared at the end by a man dressed up as a zombie. They all laugh and leave the haunted house. As they walk out the doors of the haunted house, they see another man dressed up as a zombie turn around, look at them, and walking fast/running towards them making zombie sounds. One of them laughs and says that it's one of the employees trying to scare them on their way out. The man dressed as a zombie doesn't stop walking fast/running and continues to make zombie noises, which get faster and louder as he gets closer. Once he gets about 15ft away from them, the group starts to get freaked out and walk away to their car. The man dressed like a zombie finally reaches them and chases after them around the front yard of the haunted house. One of them finally stops, turns around, and tells the man to stop. The man dressed up as a zombie keeps walking fast/running and attacks the boy. The man knocks him down and bites the boy on his neck before the boy can put his hands up to push the man away. Blood spurts out of the boy's neck as he screams in agony. The man dressed like a zombie is actually a zombie. The boy screams for his friends to help him and to get the zombie off of him. His friends stare at him in horror and run for the car. The boy continues to scream for help as the zombie keeps biting him and ripping of flesh from his body with its mouth. As the boys start running towards the car, they see a few zombified employees come out of the haunted house, realizing that the zombie that chased them inside was real. A few more walk out from behind the car that they are running to and chase after them, forcing them to run into a forest next to the haunted house. The zombies that walked out of the haunted house walk towards the still screaming boy and start to eat him with the first zombie. The boys begin run away from the approaching zombies and race into the forest. The zombies behind them are quickly gaining on them and their loud "voices" start to attract nearby zombies and ones that are just arriving from the other boy's screams. The boys head through the tree line and weave between the trees. The zombies continue to follow the boys and enter the forest as the haunted houses becomes distant from the boys' view. The boys are starting to slow down and are getting tired. One of them suggests that they hide under a small cliff next to them. The rest begin to disagree, but then hear the zombies getting closer and louder. The boys grab some fallen branches with lots of leaves and hide behind them under the small cliff. A few seconds later, a few zombies walk down where they came from. One of the zombies stops and stares towards them. The boys go dead silent and freeze, hoping that it doesn't see them. The zombie stares at them for a few seconds, and then turns and walk along with the large group of zombies just arriving. The zombies walk past the group of boys and none of them see them. The final zombies eventually walk past the boys and disappear into the woods in front of them. The boys slowly start to breathe again and quietly remove the large branches concealing them. They step out from under the cliff and walk into the center of the clearing in front of them that they were at before they hid. They ask each other to see if any of them was scratched or bit and nobody is. They don't notice that there is a lone zombie that was straggling behind the large group that chased them. The zombie slowly walks into the clearing and walk behind one of the boys whom they are checking. One of the boys looks up just before the zombie reaches them and lets out a small scream. The other boys shush him, but look at where his finger is pointing and see the zombie right in front of them and right behind the boy that they are checking. They scream at him and they all run away before the zombie can grab any of them. The loud yelling alerts the zombies that passed them earlier to their presence behind them and they all turn around and head toward the yelling. The group of boys race through the forest heading back towards the haunted house to get back to their car. As they break through the tree line, they see a large pool of blood where their friend's body was, but don't see him or the zombies who were eating/attacking him earlier anywhere in sight. They look back into the forest and see the large group of zombies quickly getting closer to them and almost at the tree line. The boys turn around and race towards the car. They look in their pockets for the keys, but remember that the keys/car belongs to the boy who was eaten/attacked. They begin to freak out and look around frantically for the keys. One of the boys sees something shining on the ground and realizes that it is the car keys. He yells to the boys that he found them and runs for the keys. The boys look at him and see that the large group of zombies is starting to come out of the tree line and are headed for the boy getting the keys. They yell to him to look out and hurry just as the boy gets to the keys and picks them up. The boy looks up and sees that the group of zombies are only 10ft away from him and are starting to surround him. The group of boys yell for him to run and he takes off at full speed, with the zombies only feet behind him. The boy looks back and sees that they are gaining on him and that they will reach the car with him before anyone can get in. The boy throws the keys to the group of boys and tells them to start it and get in. One of the boys catches the keys and runs around to the driver's side door and unlocks the car. The boys at the car open the doors and pile into the car. The boy in the driver's seat starts the car and yells to the boy still running to hurry up. The boy who is still running tells them to start driving and to pick him up while it's driving. The boy driving the car puts the car into drive and starts driving towards the main road. The boy turns so that he's running parallel to the road that the car is on and runs with all of his remaining strength to catch up to the car and outrun the zombies. The boy driving the car slows down a bit and one of the boys opens the side door facing the boy on the side of the road. The boy is almost ready to give up and begins to slow down. The boy holding the door open tells him to jump and grab his hand. The boy uses his last ounce of energy to run a little faster and jumps towards the boy and the car. The boy flies over the road and lands halfway in the car. He misses the boy's hand and starts to slide out of the car. The boy driving the car looks back, sees what's going on, and slows down the car a little more. This allows the group of zombies to get closer and one of them grabs the boy's leg and the zombie starts to pull him out of the car. The boy screams and looks back at the zombie. He sees the zombie's face, recognizes it, and screams even louder. The zombie is the boy who was eaten/attacked earlier. The zombie continues to pull the boy more and more out of the car. The boy who is being pulled out of the car keeps screaming and tries to grab the hand of the boy who is holding the car door open for a second time. He once again misses and grabs the bottom of the seat and clings on to it. The boy who is holding the car door open tries to grab the boy's hand for a third time and finally grabs his hand. The boy being pulled out is almost out of the car by now and can't hold on to the seat or the other boy's hand much longer. (CHOOSE WHICH SHOULD HAPPEN NEXT) 1. The zombie pulls one last time as the car turns onto the main road and pulls the boy out of the car and into the gravel/grass. The boy screams for help as he is pulled out and stops when he hits the ground. His body and the zombie roll across the ground for a few feet and stop. The boy attempts to get up, but is immediately surrounded by the group of zombies and the one who pulled him out and disappears from view. The zombie that pulled him out of the car is the first to reach him and bites him on one of his legs. The boy screams in pain and agony and tries to kick the zombie away, but is held down by the large group of zombies that slowly begins to bite him all over his body. The boys in the car scream his name as the car speeds away from the boy and the large group of zombies that has surrounded him. 2. The boy holding the door open lets go of the door, grabs the boy's hands, and pulls him in. The zombie loses its grip on the boy's leg, but its nails scratch the boy's leg and cuts it open. The boy screams in pain and grabs his leg as he is pulled into the car and the door flies closed. The boy driving the car speeds away from the group of zombies chasing after them. |