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by Dheart
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #2000118
A classmate has a plan to make the little blonde even bigger
"Ian, what was the biology homework?" asked Josh while sitting with his friend during free period. The spectacled boy didn't reply, he merely stared into space, unconcerned with the world around him. Noticing his friend was unresponsive he tapped his shoulder and repeated. "What's the homework?" The brunette didn't even flinch, and just continued to on in his dream like. "Ian!" barked Josh, finally gathering his friends attention.
"Gah! What!" exclaimed Ian, shocked from being pulled out of his daydream so abruptly.
"Finally!" snapped the other boy slightly annoyed "What's up with you anyway? You've been all catatonic, for like the entire day."
"Sorry, I've just been... I don't know kinda distracted recently..." chuckled the taller boy.
Josh sighed before breaking into a smile. It was inevitable being around someone like his friend. "So what's got you so distracted?" he teased.
"Uh... nothing really I guess..." said Ian. "Just, you know worried abut that english paper and stuff." The lie was unconvincing, and Ian knew it. He could tell by Josh's skeptical look that he was suspicious. Mainly because Ian had never worried about homework in his entire life. Since the two of them had met in second grade the brunette had always been top of the class in every subject, and hearing now that this straight A student, was worried about some measly two hour assignment, was bull shit.
"Whatever," Josh said dismisivly. "Anyway I gotta get to the field to warm up"
"Kay, see you." waving to Josh as he disappeared amongst the crowd of students passing though the halls. Ian sighed, relieved that his friend hadn't pressed him on his lie. He was worried that Josh would call his bluff for a second there. No Ian wasn't thinking about school at all, in fact the only thing he had been thinking about was his roommate Craig. Since the incident with Craig's pants yesterday, Ian couldn't shake the blonde boy from his thoughts. Truth be told Ian had no idea why the plump boy was on his mind so much, he was starting to get a little bit concerned that this was something a normal friend probably wouldn't do. It was getting close to lunch period, he figured Craig would go looking for him if he made him wait to long so he started to make his way to his dorm.


"5:40... new record..." panted Josh heavily, tossing back his wild overgrown black hair, smiling as he did. After pausing to catch his breathe, the boy reached for a clear plastic water bottle, and drank the entire bottle in one swig. He sighed wiping the sweat from his face with his gym shirt, revealing his toned abs, shame nobody was there to see it. "I better get back to the room..." thought Josh as he started to head to the dorm. Since he was the track and field star of the all boys school, Josh spent most of his free time running and practicing for meets. But the very little free time he got in between his sports and attending his classes he strove to spend with Ian.
Ever since the first time he set his eyes on the brunette, in second grade, Josh had been head over heals for the spectacled boy. It was a well kept secret buried under years upon years of denial, but even so Josh wanted nothing more then to spend all his free time with Ian.
And up until september, that's what he did. Until he met Craig. There was no denying it he was cute, and Josh knew that he would only cause trouble between him and Ian. And upon realizing the two boy's connection, jealousy began to rear it ugly green head. Josh took every chance he had to openly mock the chubby blonde, especially upon his recent weight gain. He didn't hate Craig, as much as he told himself he did, it was just, he couldn't bare to see the boy he loved for so many years with someone else. Especially with such a fat ass.
Thinking about the two of them spending time together while he was away, only served to distressed him, and he figured he should get back to the dorm as quickly as possible. Josh rushed as fast as he could to his room, hoping to catch Ian by without any unwelcome third parties, only to find Craig sitting in alone on the couch demolishing a pile of chocolate bars. His pants were unbuttoned allowing his bulging stomach to consume the candy unhindered. The blonde's white button up shirt was stained with the sweets he continued to stuff his face with.
"God, could he be any more of a lard ass! What the hell does Ian see in him!" thought Josh careful not to alert Craig, but then it hit him. He felt so incredibly stupid for not realizing it before. Even if Ian liked Craig now what would happen if he started to put on more weight, and not just a little but become completely obese. Soon enough the spectacled boy would lose interest in the plump blonde, and would come right back to Josh. But he'd have to plan it right, he couldn't let the blonde figure out what he was up to, or Ian would be out of his grasp forever. "But how am I gonna get him to get fatter without noticing?" thought Josh frantically. But just one glance at the pudgy boy secretly pigging out on chocolate gave him hope. "This is gonna be to easy..." he smirked silently.
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