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The team encounters their smallest but biggest problem yet. |
Within Hell's kitchen back to where the three are eating "Well yeah that's my story," Xezbeth said. "Hmm, that's interesting, it really is, by far one of the best I have heard," Mara said as he stared at Xezbeth. "Midday and I were chosen through heritage, our parents and family have helped demons for ages. We are chosen upon the death of our parents," Mara stated. "Sorry to hear," Xezbeth said in response. "It's nothing really, it's something we expect, anyone of us could die on the job, it's life, don't be afraid of death," Midday said as she reached over and put her hand on Xezbeth's arm, and asked "Anymore questions?" Xezbeth eyes glowed, "Yes, just who is running this thing, how did it all come about, and how are powers chosen." Midday began to answer, "Ok, so for a long time, there was a hierarchy in heaven and hell, with Lucifer ruling hell and God ruling heaven. There however was a war in hell, and Amon, our leader rebelled against Lucifer simply because he thought Lucifer wasn't guiding demons enough in their pursuit of taking over the world. In response, he was banished from hell and sent to earth, where his plan was to possess the whole world and lead an army of his own. Upon being sent to earth, the archangel called Raphael met him and warned him against what he was doing. What we didn't know was that there were disagreements in heaven as well due to the fact God saw Amon coming to earth, and knew his intentions but didn't see fit to stop him. Most angels in heaven were worried about this decision and secretly had doubts. Only Raphael spoke up and actually decided to rebel, and soon many more angels followed. However, there are those who didn't follow Amon or Raphael, and they hunt down both the righteous and us, the wicked. These guys are strong too, I never fought one personally, but we call them the forgotten, and they are original demons." "Now time for the question of how are powers chosen," Mara stated. "If you are born with the ability to have demon powers like us through your bloodline upon the death of a parent, that means a specific demon possessed a bystander upon Amon's arrival upon earth. All demons ran lose and not only occupied the whole of Tennesse but spreaded out to the other 49 states, while angels occupied some states as well. The nightmare demon Mara occupied my ancestor at the time, and the demon Lady Midday occupied Midday's ancestor. Our main headquarters are in Tennesse though, which was chosen due to it being the state with the highest crime rate. Ummm, as for new comers like you, powers are chosen by an experience you had that would define you or reflect your struggle. Im guessing for you, it was the fact religion lied to you and gave you a false image on life, so you were bestowed with the power to feed people lies and change their mind perception, it's really brilliant." Mara then proceeded to extend his hand to Xezbeth which led to a handshake between the two. "Welcome to the team Xezbeth, I'm glad we could serve together and become friends," Mara then stated. Midday got up from her seat and opened her arms, inviting Xezbeth for a hug. Upon hugging Xezbeth, Midday gave her initiation, "Your ability is amazing, we could definitely use talent like yours." The three ate for awhile, and then Mara started the conversation about their main objective. "We basically were informed to help find this guy Gideon, and kill him if we are lucky. He's a scary one though, I don't know how lucky we could really get." Xezbeth smiled and then proceeded to talk, "I could always feed him lies and make him kill himself or work for us." Midday then put herself into the conversation, "No, he is probably far too powerful for that, some of our abilities can't take total effect on those of greater power, and he was chosen by Raphael himself. We need some power on our side." The three sat there and thought about anything they could do. "We could ask a higher up demon for help," Xezbeth stated. "No, they would be too busy, the only time they come and help is when an enemy is in distance of our headquarters, it is their job to interfere only then. I say we go on and take our risk, and just do the best we could," Mara replied. Midday then thought of an idea. "Ah, how about we do some bonding, like go and do some assignments, you know, see what we are made of and how compatible we truly are," she said. Mara then smiled as well as Xezbeth and the three came to a final agreement. Within headquarters, seventh floor of sloth Midday, Mara, and Xezbeth came back to headquarters where they signed their names and waited for Belphegor to assign them something. "Come in," Belphegor screamed from a distance, and the three walked in a door with a picture of Amon on the front. Belphegor sat on his high chair, about twelve feet, with what seemed to be a bright energy circling around the chair. "Wow, what's that?" Xezbeth asked. "Souls, and demons and angels rely on souls for power now-a-days, they give off a powerful energy that increases power, and major demons like Belphegor are strongest based on the more souls they have and the month they are in. This is his strongest month, so he stays at headquarters in order to best protect it. Don't ever mess with someone with energy like that circling them," Midday responded as she rested her hand on Xezbeth's shoulder. "Got it," Xezbeth said as his jaw dropped open. "I know exactly what you three need," Belphegor started. "I want you three to get your hands on the case of Krampus being killed, I just got word Gideon invaded his home and I would love it if you three could go over there and investigate," Belphegor finished. "No way," Midday said as she clenched her fists. "Imma get Gideon, I swear, and imma make him pay." Mara's face dropped as Xezbeth looked clueless and said, "Im guessing he was one of us right?" Mara then proceeded to respond, "Yes, he took the day off or he must of quit, and Gideon took advantage and killed him, it's our job to go investigate the site of his murder, we owe it to him," Belphegor then interrupted. "I sent a Djinn there, he should accompany you guys upon your arrival. Now go, you don't want him waiting forever, it's only tne blocks away." "Got it," Mara and Midday responded. "Ugh, got it," Xezbeth followed. The three then proceeded to leave headquarters and walk to Gideon's house. "Imma kill him, I swear," Midday said as she walked quickly, still clenching her fists. "Calm down Midday, we are almost there, just two more blocks, we will get our revenge, just wait awhile. Ultimately, we probably can't take this guy on by ourselves, we need some more muscle.," Mara said in response at calming her down. When they got to Gideon's house, they were presented with an open door. "Guys, this is creepy," Xezbeth proclaimed. "Don't worry, there is a DJinn in there waiting for us," Mara responded. Thirty minutes later the three arrived and walked inside and looked around, first seeing a dinner table upon the entrance. "It's a mess in here," Xezbeth stated as he walked around, only to get his foot stuck in a pile of dust. "What the fudge, no way, so he can really do that," Xezbeth proclaimed in amazement, "he could turn us to dust." Mara then bent down and picked up a palm of dust. "This could be Krampus, poor guy, never stood a chance." Midday walked around the dinner table and saw dust on what appeared to be a seat made for a baby. She then began to shriek and a tear came out her right eye as she covered her mouth. "What happened Midday?" Mara quickly ran to her aid only to see what she had noticed. "Wow, just heartless, what kind of monster is this guy," Mara said as he shook his head in digust. Xezbeth walked over, and stared at the two as they looked on in digust at the dust of Krampus' baby. "That sucks," Xezbeth said as he looked on the table and saw a tray covered with a round silver cover. "They never got to eat this last meal," Xezbeth said as he uncovered the tray. "Oh my God, what the f*ck!" Xezbeth's mouth dropped and Mara and Midday quickly turned to what caused Xezbeth's uproar. In the tray was a cut of head, one with eyes poked out. "That's definitely a Djinn," Mara said. "What in the world could do that to a Djinn?" Midday said this as she touched the Djinn's cut off head. Xezbeth looked up and saw a little girl about the age of twelve, covered in a blood soaked dress and a hat of Jesus on the cross soaked in blood. "Could that little girl have done that," Xezbeth said as he barely lifted and his fingers and pointed. Mara and Midday looked at the young girl. "Little girl, what are you doing here, you shouldn't be here," Midday said as she approached the girl and bent down to her level. The girl started off and replied in a sweet, high voice. "Ummm, I walked in because this guy, named Gideon, well he, I and my other partner, well sometimes we seperate and sometimes we travel together. I just came to clean up his mess, and well," the girl stopped her speech and then her voice became deeper and loud, so loud the noise engulfed the room. "I'm going to kill you bastards here and now," the girl finished. |