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writing prompt: of A random Act of Kindness Creates a Stir in Sin City. Short story. |
word count:1182 A Random Act of Kindness Creates A Stir In Sin City It was a windy day in town as I was crossing South Vine Street and Main. At first, I didn't see the big blue ball as I was about to step off the curb. But in a flash here comes this little red haired girl running after a ball. I grabbed her by her clothes just as she was ready to run into the street. And a few minutes later her Mother comes running to get the scared, wirey, little girl from me. Thank you! Thank you! she says. I told her not to think a thing of it, just cherish the time with this precious little princess. Amy..that's her name. Amy with her curly red hair bouncing all over her head. runs up to me and says, "I'm not really a princess, I just thought you should know that. Well, to me you are a princess I told her. Amy's Mother wanted to do something special for me for saving her daughter's life. I told her there was no need to do for me, but just pass any kindness on to the any person in need that she would meet. With those last few words we parted ways and went on our seperate ways. This last project will be our street improvement and grounds will be broken on it next week. We will be adding green bike lanes, widened streets and better lighting and the addition of trees and planters. So that's what's on the agenda for next week. Take these files and look over them tonight, and with that being said I am out of here. Driving away from work today was one of the easiest things I have done all week. What could I do to keep from stopping for supplies? Thinking to the rhythem of my windshield wipers I decided any or all things in my fridge was more than likely petrified by now. So I stopped in at the Market to pick up a few items for dinner.Just as I was about ready to check out at the register; I spotted a flash of red hair that looked very familiar. I took note there could possibly be thousands of children with red hair in this city, But to my surprise It was Amy, and her Mom strolling down the isle buying groceries. I hesitated to go say hello to them for fear they would think I was trying to be too chummy with them, but then all of those thoughts just flew out the window, when Amy comes running up the isle after me and telling me of her latest escapades. Amy, come back here! her mother yelled. and Amy returns with, it's alright Mom it's our new friend who helped me in the street. Hello again! I smiled at Cynthia and Amy. It is a small world! I was just picking up a few things on my way home from work. All the while, Amy was tugging at my jacket and saying; Mom tell him he can come home with us for dinner! Amy, I don't think.. (what's your name again?) Frank, I said. Amy, I don't think Frank has time tonight. He is a very busy man you know. Amy just stood there and hung her head as if she were about to cry. I said Sure, why not! and within moments we were riding in my car to Cynthia and Amy's home. Cynthia spoke up in a rather quiet voice ..I will feel good to get to repay your kindness Frank. Amy was ecstatic and singing in the back seat of the car. It's only one more block from here Frank and you can pull your car into the garage, My car is in there too. Amy and I just needed a walk tonight. Cynthia thank you very much for dinner it was delicious! Amy fell asleep on the couch but please tell her I said goodbye and I enjoyed our time here at dinner. I will Frank, Cynthia said. I thought I saw a glimmer of a tear in Cynthia's eye, but it could have been the street light shining on her face. Anyway it was very nice and hopefully we will see each other soon. I'd like that she says. And with that last few words I have to agree, it was a good night and a nice drive home. It's very odd what a day can bring! I had a good feeling though about my new friends and I felt at peace driving home.I noticed no stress at all. Just peace. Up early with the sunrise and shower , breakfast to go I decided some Racquetball would be my starter today and the great thing is no work tomorrow. Beating Jim Watkins at Racquetball was a great workout and well worth the energy spent! I might stop by Cynthia and Amy's house and see if they would like to take a trip out on the lake for a picnic lunch on Sunday. So turning onto Cynthia's road and pulling up her driveway I noticed all of the windows were boarded up and not a trace of life was there. even the small porch had cob webs hanging all over it and I know they were not there last night. Can I help you sir? I am the caretaker of this property. Are you interested in buying? No! No sir, Last night I was invited to dinner here with Cynthia and Amy and we had a great time together. Why is it there are boards over her windows?.. and what happened to Cynthia and Amy? Oh, That's a sad story he said. What! What happened? It's been about 3 years ago the momma and daughter were hit by a car up on South Vine and Main Streets. Both were injured pretty bad. The Little girl lived on for awhile but the Mother she died at the scene of the accident. I was dizzy. I couldn't believe what he was saying! I wasn't hearing him right. It was all I could do to sit down and then I felt nothing stretched out there on the lawn where we had sit and talked before dinner last night. Sir are you alright? should I call an ambulance? |