Wise men say...let their voices be heard... |
The Great Uncertainty Choose the way one's fear resides instead of where safety ensures At the tip of my tongue, why I dare? Journey on with no assurances, no stability, no guidance... No safety net to fall on to? Sounds ludicrous bordering on in needing of immediate mental care There is nothing worse than taking a chance, where doubt is at every corner waiting. Yet now I'm in between the mysterious Janus And blinded by a forgotten lightning Somehow along the way, we forgot how to ask, to question; Curiosity running our brains wild Too used to the customs and the status quo Moving with a blindfold tied by our own hands Seem only a fool's game of Russian roulette But we're human, the generous and image and likeness and Blessing of the Highest Order We embrace mistakes We cherish victories We stand back up from falls We fight for what we believe in Wouldn't it be easier to look forward to the horizon present to us? Maybe? Maybe. To choose the way one's fear resides instead where safety ensures The great and unfathomable uncertainty The risk of falling or to emerge flying That delicious rush of boundless unforeseeable consequences Something to seek and crave for Dare I say? |