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by Dheart
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #1998969
Just a WG story with a character based of a personal character of ine
"C'mon Ian hurry up!" whined the short blonde boy standing outside his dorm.
"I'm coming just hold on a second! Why are you in such a rush anyway?" yelled a voice, before a pair light green eyes framed by neat dark brown hair peered out from inside the room.
"I wanna get to the dining hall before there's a line!"
Craig had never been patient, even as a child and especially not now as a seventeen year old boy. And especially when it came to the matter of food. He could picture it, there would pizza's, hamburgers, fried chicken, french fries, chips, mac and cheese and a whole assortment of desserts and candy. Craig was salivating just imagining the delicious meal that lay ahead, and becoming more irritated with his friend for keeping him from it. After what felt like hours to the blonde, a familiar tall brunette reappeared from inside their dorm.
"Ugh! Finally!" exclaimed the shorter boy, clearly a little pissed off at his lanky friend.
"Sorry, I couldn't find my glasses, will you find it in your heart to forgive me..." he chuckled, while putting on his best puppy dog eyes.
Craig pursed his lips, but his face soon melted in to a reluctant grin. "Okay, but only this once." he said comically. "Damn its hard to stay mad at him." the blonde thought, before the two hurried off to the cafeteria.
Craig and Ian navigated their way around the school, passing through the many halls of the picturesque building. The class rooms, gym, the sports fields and finally, much to the shorter boy's delight, the cafeteria. A large room decorated with five long tables meant to seat the 400 students attending the boarding school and a veritable buffet of unlimited food.
"Looks like no one's here yet, I guess we didn't have to rush at all~" mused Ian, teasing the shorter boy playfully.
"Oh shut up will you." snapped Craig smiling as he did.
With out hesitation the blonde made his way to the empty lunch line. Numerous slices of pizza, french fries, a bag of chips, a slice of chocolate cake, and two candy bars, all piled high onto a single tray. The blonde looked at the food excitedly, taking in the irresistible scent.
"Hey, uh... Can we eat in our dorm today..." mumbled Craig, although there wasn't anyone around to eavesdrop.
"Again? We've eaten in, for almost a week now. Why do we have to-" but halfway through asking the question Ian had found his answer.
Even though Ian had only known Craig since september, the two had already become very close friends. And by now he knew just how to push the blondes button's, but there was one thing that Ian knew to never bring up. Craig's weight. Craig had never been one for self control, he could just never quite resist the temptation of a second helping or an extra slice. He loved food and he was never happier then when eating, and having full access to a virtually unlimited supply of food was heavenly. But his greedy behavior did not go unpunished. Although Craig wasn't exactly fat, he was certainly a more than a little chubby. He had never been without a slight potbelly, and his face without a slight cherubic quality. Craig was new to the school, only arriving at the beginning of the school year. And now after nearly a month and a half of his gluttonous behavior he had gained nearly 15 pounds.
The brunette knew how sensitive his friend could be about the subject so he never bothered him about it. Unfortunately for Craig though, some people were not as considerate. Yesterday Ian remembered their other roommate, Josh, made a comment about the blonde's recent weight gain to his face. Just recalling the utterly crushed look in the Craig's usually cheerful blue eyes made him feel depressed. Ian knew that Josh didn't mean to hurt him, that's just the way he is. Insensitive, blunt and at times completely oblivious, but not a jerk, well not intentionally. The spectacled boy supposed that Craig didn't want to be seen by anyone, he could see how ashamed he looked, even now standing in the cafeteria.
"You know what," said Ian smiling again. "the room is so much nicer then the dinning hall any way"
Craig didn't answer him but his grateful smile said it all.


"Mmmm... I love the pizza here." moaned the pudgy boy while finishing off his fourth and final slice of extra large pepperoni pizza on the couch.
"Yeah, it's pretty good." replied the spectacled boy sitting near his desk on the other side of the room. He held a textbook from which he said he was studying from. But in reality, he was pretending not to be busy marveling at his roommates amazing appetite.
"Let's see what else's left..." Craig muttered while trying to see over his belly to see if he missed anything. The blonde almost gasped at the sight of his bloated stomach, which was flowing out over his constrictive waistband, giving him a considerable muffin top. Craig was well aware off his weight gain, but he tried his best to delude himself. "It probably just shrunk in the wash." he kept telling himself. "Still... I better not eat any more..." he thought. But then he caught a waft from the piece of double chocolate fudge cake, and a large chocolate chip cookie on his tray. Craig looked down at the sweets feebly. His stomach ached from fullness, and he knew that eating it could only end badly.
"I must look like such a pig!" he thought, trying to deter himself from them. But it smelled so delicious and the blonde's own will was deteriorating. After arguing with himself for what seemed like hours, Craig had come to a conclusion. He would eat the cake and save the cookie for later, since it was they were last things on his tray anyway it would be stupid to let them go to waste.
So with nothing holding him back the plump boy plowed though the heavy cake, his pants groaning in protest, straining against his fleshy midsection. Each bite of the cake heavenly, and by the time it was gone all of his past inhibitions had disappeared. Without even giving it a second thought Craig grabbed the cookie that he promised not to eat and shoved it into his mouth finishing it in just two bites.
"Ugh... I'm so full..." By now, his stomach had expanded so much that it hung over his pants, obscuring the button beneath a roll of soft fat.


Both the boys heard the noise and jumped startled.
Soon both the boys had begun to realize what the source of the noise was. Gingerly Craig looked down but couldn't see the source of the noise over his overstuffed belly. Then he reached down and felt for it, reaffirming his prediction. The button on his pants had been unable to take the strain any further and had burst off, rocketing across the room.
"Craig, what happened?" asked Ian nervously
Flushing a deep shade of red Craig let out a loud gasp. The blonde had completely forgotten that the brunette was even there. The pudgy boy was left utterly speechless. Not knowing what to do he ran to the bathroom.
When he go there he hurried into a stall and locked the door behind him.
"Craig!" he heard his friend call, but the shorter boy ignored him. He was so ashamed, he didn't want the anyone to see him, especially not Ian.
"Oh god! How could I have let this happen!" he thought, feeling his eyes begin to sting. The blonde tried his best to stifle his tears but to no avail, they began to pour down his chubby cheeks profusely. He wanted nothing more than to just crawl up and disappear.
He heard footsteps outside his stall.
"Craig are you in there?" said Ian gently
"Go away!" whimpered the shorter boy weakly.
There was a pause then Craig heard Ian mumble "...Was it something that I did?" The blonde was at a loss for words. "Because if it was then I want you to know that I'm really sorry... Can you please just tell me whats wrong?" Craig could hear the hurt and worry in his friends voice.
"This is even worse then I imagined..." he thought. He never wanted Ian to feel bad about what he did. It was all his fault, that Ian was so worried, and for what a stupid little button. After a moment of thinking it over Craig decided to unlock the stall and come out.
"...Hey..." mumbled the shorter boy, trying his best not to look at his friend for fear of further embarrassment.
"Hey... So do you want to tell me what happened?" implored the taller boy softly.
"Y-you didn't do anything I swear, Ian!" sobbed Craig "It was my own damn fault..." Ian's gaze did not shift an inch from his friend. "I-i burst my pants..."
There was a long silence in the bathroom, only to be broken by the unexpected sound of laughter. Craig looked up horrified to find his roommate laughing at him, for a split second he thought it would be over for him. But then the blonde hear something, his friends laughter weren't cruel or hurtful, they sounded like... Well like relief.
"I'm glad." said the spectacled boy grinning from ear to ear.
"W-what!?" exclaimed the all to confused blonde.
"Wait, no- I mean!" stumbled the taller boy blushing a little to. "I mean I'm glad that I didn't do anything, to get you that upset!"
Seeing Ian so flustered, well, Craig couldn't help but giggle too. After calming down a little the taller boy reached out and tousled the shorter boys messy blonde tresses while sighing. Something changed in them that moment, they both could feel it whether they'd admit it or not.
"Hey, let's go back to the dorm, curfews in an hour and Josh is probably wondering where we are." said Ian
"But umm... Before we go can we stop at the vending machine on the way back?" asked Craig bashfully, after hearing his stomach growl angrily.
"Yeah of course." chuckled the brunette, "Get as much as you want, its on me."
They then proceeded to the vending machine, to with the little blonde grabbed as much candy has his pudgy arms could carry. Ian watched has the Craig just filled up on candy. With a large burp, he rubbed his extra overstuffed tummy and fell asleep.
© Copyright 2014 Dheart (dheart at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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