Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1998021-
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1998021
Wow, did I write this? Hm.
"Keep asking her name!" John was telling Ritchie as the rain turned from drizzling, into a light sprinkling, and immediately to a full on torrent. "What's your name, little girl?" he asked her through the payphone receiver for the third time. A moment of silence and Ritchie covered the receiver. "She said she's not going to tell me and if I ask her again she's hanging up." John said. "Ask her one more time." "No! She's going to hang up if I do!" "I promise she won't hang up." Ritchie groaned the words oh my god so loud they echoed through the alleyway beside the pay phone. "What's your name?" Ritchie sighed through the receiver, his response was a click of the line going dead. He let the phone dangle bye it's cord from his thumb. "I told you." he said casually as he hung the phone up. "Just wait." Ritchie said as he stared unblinking at the phone. A few moments later it began to ring. They exchanged glances of relief, and Ritchie answered. "My name is Aphon X-m209. We need to talk. I'm tracing your location now." The voice on the phone said. "But what about the mon--" Ritchie asked and was answered with the click of the phone dropping dead again.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1998021-