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A teenage boy and his father are attacked by the government for not paying for the house. |
Foreclosure Foreclosure - It's more than just losing your home. (Poster shows a house with circle/crosshairs around it and has the title and punch line bellow it in red.) -----------Begin Scene 1------------ Scene 1: I'm (me) at home (my house) watching tv; dad (my dad) walks into kitchen from dining room and goes to the sink area for a minute. (Camera goes back to me watching tv) Tv show switches to a commercial and I begin to switch to different channels. I start to get very bored and stare at the reflection of the field/forest behind our house in the middle, far right window of the left glass case. As I start to do so, my eyes (camera) begin to focus (zoom in and enhance) on the reflection. As I do so, I begin to look away, but I think I see something moving near the edge of the tree line and start to look back. (Change to camera next to sniper) Camera shows the left side of the sniper in a ghillie suit at the edge of the tree line and slowly/dramatically moves up to show his whole body. The camera then switches to him aiming at me in the window. (Camera switches back to me and focuses on him in the reflection) I look back at the reflection and see the sniper aiming at me. My eyes go wide, I duck down, and roll off the couch as he fires (show him shoot with crosshairs first, then I roll out of the way from in the kitchen along the half-wall and close to the end of the table near the glass) and the bullet breaks through the glass, which destroys the window with the reflection. As the bullet breaks through the glass, dad is walking through the kitchen behind the chair near the back door. After it breaks, camera shows dad look out towards the field/forest to try and see the sniper, but he doesn't have enough time to look for long and quickly hides behind the wall next to the glass. He yells to see if I'm ok and I tell him that I am. I say that we need to leave and get to the car to escape. We end up running through the laundry room and almost get shot by the sniper. The sniper radios to the rest of his team (who are in two black "muscle cars" outside of our neighborhood on Lake St. behind the fence so that you couldn't see them unless you looked over the fence) that we are escaping and that he missed. The camera then shows me and dad run out to the van and get in. We exit the garage and drive towards the main entrance of our neighborhood. As we are turning on Lake St. heading towards the Rt. 83 intersection, the camera shows the two "muscle" cars race towards us from Dury Lane. The stop light turns to red just before we get there. As this happens, I look to the right (Rt. 83 on the other side of Family Video) and see a large semi heading towards the intersection. We keep driving and swerve around the cars in front of us waiting for the light to turn, ending up a few feet in front of the semi. The driver of the semi attempts to swerve out of the way and the semi ends up flipping over, while we barely get past before it would've landed on our car. The first car (which was just behind us and going very fast) doesn't make it under, crashes, and blows up. (<--Need to decide if just the car or both blow up!!) The second car attempts to swerve like the semi, but flips over as it tries to. After it hits the ground and stops, the driver screams the "f word" and blows the car up (which has two other people in it siting behind him) by pushing a button in the car because he failed his mission and the government (which owns the bank and only wants the best people working for them) would've killed them anyway. Dad and I escape and head race down the road (Lake St.). ------------End Scene 1------------- -----------Begin Scene 2----------- Scene 2: (Flashback to a year earlier) (Screen is black) Me: Since you probably have no idea what's going on right now, so let me fill you in. (Flash to 2016 presidential election) Last year was the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. The man who became president, (THINK OF A NAME FOR HIM), promised to change America for the better, by taxing the rich more than the middle and lower classes, by searching for alternative energy sources, and eliminating corruption. He lied... (Flash to a few months after the inauguration) (Insert his last name here) had secretly formed a dictatorship committee before he was elected. A few days after the inauguration, his secret army mobilized and quickly defeated the military within the next few months. He also eliminated the majority of the rebels in the big cities and the military. There have been a few revolts and some protests outside of the White House, but most of the people in them didn't live for more than a few weeks. Most of us gave up after the military lost the war or after the first set of revolts. Though there are rumors of a rebel army being formed across the Midwest and Atlantic coastline, although there is little hope left among us. (Flash to special ops team breaching a bank's front door during the day) After the government seized control of the banks, they cracked down on foreclosing houses. Rumor has it that they supposedly created a task force to flush out anyone who didn't pay the bank for their loans. After a month though, they resorted to killing them because most people couldn't pay or wouldn't by choice. All of that happened only a few months back, but most of us didn't believe these rumors. I do now... ------------End Scene 2------------ |