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A group of young adults travel back in time to stop a girl from dying after a prom party. |
Operation Click "You guys all ready?!" John shouted. Kelly powered up the Machine, which made loud whirring sounds as it booted up. "It's almost time guys!! Hurry up!" Kelly hollered. Mike, Brandon, and Sarah ran out of their small locker room, struggling to pull on their uniforms as they hobbled around the Machine to John. "What's with these crazy uniforms?! They're WAY too tight!" Sarah yelled. John laughed and walked over to them. "You'll get used to it. Just hurry up though, we need to hurry before we miss our time slot!" John walked up the stairs of the Machine and stood in the center of the circular platform. Mike, Brandon, and Sarah finished pulling their uniforms on and joined John on the platform. "Everything ready Kelly?" "Just a second..." Kelly finished typing on the Machine's keyboard, then looked up at them. "All set! Remember to sync your watches!!" Everyone quickly synced their watches with the Machine, then Kelly pushed a large, red button. The Machine made loud whirring sounds and a bright light filled the room. Everyone closed their eyes and a cold wind rushed over them. John, Mike, Brandon, and Sarah slowly opened their eyes and looked around. They were outside and things looked a little old fashioned. "Jeez...everything's so old..." Sarah complained. "It's 2014, what do you expect?" John said. "What are you guys talking about. We only went back 3 years. It's not that old..." Mike countered. Everyone laughed. "So...where are we supposed to go?" Sarah asked. "To the party, right? We have to get there before things get out of hand and Stephanie and Brad leave." John explained. "But how are we supposed to get there. Where are we anyways?" Mike noticed something down the road. "Hey guys...I think there's a bus stop over there!" The 4 of them ran down the road to the bus stop. It was a glass covered one, and it had a map of the area inside it. John traced over the map and found where they were. They were surprisingly only a few block away from the neighborhood where the party was taking place. "If we follow this road, we should end up at the entrance to the neighborhood." "Lets go! I'm starving!!" Everyone laughed again as they began to jog down the road to the party. They entered the neighborhood and quickly found the house, which was strewn with trash on the front lawn, the driveway and street were packed with cars, and loud music was coming from the backyard. "Jeez...this place is trashed..." Mike whispered. "Do we have to wear these ridiculous outfits to the party?! I can't be seen like this!" Sarah whined. "We'll need them for when we go back, so as long as that happens, we should be fine." They all changed out of their uniforms - wearing their normal clothes under them. The group ditched the uniforms in the bushes in front of the house and walked inside. "We have to find Stephanie and Brad. Fast. The party is getting too crazy and we might not be able to find them," John instructed. "We should split up into pairs. We'll cover more ground," Brandon suggested. "Sounds good to me. I'll go with Brandon. Sarah, you go with Mike." "Got it." The group split off and searched both sides of the first floor of the house. They found Brad in the kitchen drinking with friends. Sarah was outside with her friends dancing to the music. "Ok. Now that we've found them...what are we supposed to do?" Sarah asked John. "Well...you guys know what happened to them on this night, right?" Everyone nodded except for Sarah. "You know how Brad's drinking right now?" "Yeah. What about it?" "He gets drunk, drives Stephanie home, and then they crash. They both die in the accident." "Well when did they leave together? We just need to make sure that neither of them leave, or at least have it be just Brad." "Agreed," said Brandon. Sarah looked around. "Hey...where did they go?!" The group looked frantically and didn't see either Brad or Stephanie. "Crap! They must be leaving already!!" John, Mike, Brandon, and Sarah raced around the side of the house to the front. A car was pulling away from the curb as they reached the front yard. "No!! They're getting away!" "Get your uniforms on! We need them for when we travel back!" Sarah ran to get their uniforms as Brandon hotwired a car. "You guys drive the car! I'll take this." Brandon climbed onto a motorcycle and revved the engine. "Stupid rich kids..." Brandon muttered. Sarah got into the driver's seat of the car as John sat in the passenger's seat and Mike jumped in back. Brandon raced down the street to try and find the car that Stephanie and Brad had left in. Sarah pulled out onto the street moments later and followed the motorcycle. Brandon reached the entrance of the neighborhood and spotted the car turning onto the highway. He looked both ways and then sped after the car. Sarah stopped at the stop sign and waited for a car to pass before turning to follow Brandon. Brandon turned onto the highway and looked for where the car had gone. He spotted it up ahead and weaved through the cars separating them. Sarah couldn't weave through like Brandon since she was in a car and frantically searched for an opening. Brad was speeding up and shifting left and right within the lane, which was making Stephanie regret having him drive her. "Quit freaking me out! What's wrong with you?!" Stephanie hit Brad in the head angrily. "Pull over! I want to get out!" Brad frowned and drove faster. He drove onto the lane line and passed cars on both sides of them, causing Stephanie to scream. "BRAD!!! STOP IT!!" Brandon was finally catching up to them and saw Brad's erratic driving. He drove up behind Brad's car and accidentally hit the front tire against the back of the car. Brad heard the sound and slightly tapped on the brakes, trying to shake Brandon off. The car got closer to the motorcycle and hit the front tire. Brandon lost control of the motorcycle as it fell out from under him. Brandon hit his watch and disappeared into a bright flash of light, which blinded Brad from his mirrors. Brad swerved back and forth, bumping into the sides of other cars around him. Sarah saw an opening and raced through it, quickly catching up to Brad's car. She almost didn't see Brandon's motorcycle and veered to dodge it. "I hope Brandon's alright..." The light disappeared and Brad floored the gas. He was not in a good mood. John rolled down the window and began to climb out onto the roof. Sarah glanced over at him and her eyes went wide. "John?!! What are you doing?!!" "Just keep going! I need you to pull alongside his car!" "Jesus..." Sarah drove as fast as she could and pulled alongside Brad's car. John steadied himself, then jumped onto the roof of Brad's car. Sarah and Stephanie screamed and Brad veered right after the loud thump on the roof. Sarah drove around to the other side and pushed against Brad's car. Stephanie rolled down her window and called out for them to help her. Sarah rolled down her window and reached out to her hands, grabbing them. She told Mike to take the steering wheel and she began to pull Stephanie out and into their car. Brad began to veer away, but John reached over and hit his window. Freaking him out and sending his car crashing into Sarah's. Stephanie flew out of Brad's car, threw the open window of Sarah's, and into her lap. John jumped back onto the hood of their car as Sarah slowed down. Brad veered too hard and ran into the guard rail. The guard rail didn't hold and his car drove into the forest next to the highway. Sarah left the highway and stopped at the nearest gas station, dropping off Stephanie and leaving the car. They quickly ran behind the gas station, pulled on their uniforms, and hit their watches, all of them disappearing into a flash of bright light. |