Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1996822-Rain-Demons
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1996822
A beautiful forest walk turns for the worst as a girl expands in her new image of herself.
Lost. Broken. Scared. I knew one day I was to feel these forsaken emotions, but I’d always hoped it wasn’t all at the same time. This was that horrid day I’d never wanted to seek, and there was no one who would’ve been prepared to witness what I did. Not even the evil creature that entered my mind with terrible intentions.

The Day Nasty Shadows First Appeared:

The pouring waves of water made my hair stick to my skin like super glue held it there. Grey trees clouded my vision, and their thick trunks dashed in front of me one after another. I had to be the stupidest person on earth, for I set out for an adventure while rain drizzled lightly upon each of my checks.

“Darla!” my mother had yelled, “Come back!” but I didn’t. She knew what was best for me all day, every day, yet I still never listened. Just like all the other times before, I regretted not obeying my mom.

The forest infested my mind now. Hours passed of just cold droplets of H2O falling from the sickly green clouds while I walked ever so slowly to an unknown destination. I saw animals with eyes as deadly as poison, and creatures looking for their next meal. I hoped I wasn’t next. Bugs crashed into me, but I had no care in the world right now; bugs didn’t affect my new happiness at all.

All of a sudden, the sky ceased it’s wet rage. Everything around me became still with a staleness that cascaded throughout the entire forest. I stopped dead in my tracks. In front of me a shadow stood.

The shadow oozed green slime, and hovered slightly off the ground. The black figure had no real shape, and, yet, had a profile all it’s own. I watched as it slipped into the dark earth once…twice…three times, bringing more creatures each time. Their eyes spat green light in my direction multiple times. I stood shocked. What were these foal things that carried with them their smells of rancid garbage and spoiled eggs?

A piercing shriek broke through the still air. It made my ears bleed. I was pushed from my daze, and as I turned to run I saw nothing other than trees and logs blocking my path. Dashing, I dragged through muck and moldy grime. Again I heard the shriek, and I knew I had no chance against these demons.

Yet I sprinted on.

I had no clue what to do, or where to go. I was frightened by not only their evilness, but shear mass also. I was next on a list created by Satan himself. I was set to die in the depths of Hell. Forever.

Flames burst past me, missing me by inches. A dozen more balls of fire flew by me. Was this the reason the rain had stopped? Who had the power to control the weather apart from God?

A thousand degrees of sharp light burned my back, causing my flesh to peel off. It felt as if I wield a backpack full of acid, and every bottle had just burst into piles at my feet. Tripping, I fell upon a tree ablaze all the way to the roots. I was doomed to die.

There I sat. Ready to face my fate. Then the world around me grew black, sucking me into an everlasting abyss of sin. Mortified, I felt tears escape my eyes....

I awoke in bed, sweaty and itchy. My pulse beat wildly, with my veins popping out of my pale skin. I was flustered.

The dream came to me every night, but tonight was different. Those demons, they never had gotten that close to looking like…me.

© Copyright 2014 ImMortalAmy (immortallove10 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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