Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1996774-Unwanted-part-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1996774
This is a book I started. Hope you enjoy
This is more of the book I have started. I uploaded the first part already, so please read that one first :)

Cold water was hitting my face. I was confused and disoriented. I heard voices in the background. My head was killing me and I soon felt vomit coming up.

I was sitting in the bathtub with the shower running, I was covered in my own puke and my cloths were still on.

I heard the front door slam and a car start up. I could hear my mothers heels clicking as she walked. She threw open the bathroom door and screamed at me, "NOW LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! YOU GOT YOUR FATHER ALL PISSED OFF!! WHY CAN'T YOU BE A GOOD GIRL?" my mother walked over to me and turned the water off. "I HOPE YOU'RE FUCKING HAPPY! YOU STUPID LITTLE GIRL!" she grabbed a handful of my hair and dragged me out of the bathroom.

"I...I...I'm sorry mo...Moth...mother" I was shivering from the cold water. "I di...dn't mean to make Fa...Father angry." She was still pulling me by my hair but I was going along.

"Well it's too late for apologies; he has already gone to back work. Now you have to be punished. You are lucky he forgot his lunch or you may have been in that bathroom for longer." She had taken to the kitchen closet. She opened the door and shoved me in. "now this is where you will stay until I need you. Feel lucky you have room to stand. You're such an ungrateful little bitch!"

She slammed the door in my face. The closet was about a 3 by 2 feet barely enough room for the cleaning supplies. I could barely move but in circles. I heard her walk away and I tried to open the door. It was unlocked but before I knew it I heard her heels clicking back down towards the door again. She came up to the door and I heard it being pushed, and she putting something down. As I heard her walking away I tried to open the door again. I couldn't even turn the handle.

My cloths and hair was still wet and I was freezing. I could barely move at all without having my body hurt and I was so tired. My body wanted to give out and so did I but I knew I couldn't do anything. If my body gave out and mother found me sleeping it would only get worse. Sleep would have to wait till later....I just had to wait this part out.

I don't know how long I had been standing there but my mind started to drift away. It was like I was watching my body and I was outside of it. I was detached from my own life and I could wonder anywhere I wanted. It was a strange feeling at first but when I realized how free I felt it was amazing. I think that was the closest I would ever get to freedom.

I didn't hear the car pull up in the drive way or my mother screaming at my father. He came over to the closet and moved the chair away. I was leaning against the door, so when he opened it I fell. I was startled and confused, being taken away from the freedom and back into the prism I thought my body was.

"Hannah, are you okay?" my father asked me as he looked at me.

"She is fine. See, the little bitch was sleeping on her punishment anyways." My mother told my father.

"Janet, do you realize the harm you are doing? I mean for god's sake she is only a little girl."

"I'm fine daddy. And I wasn't sleeping mother" I told my parents as I become coherent again. My father knew I was lying but there wasn't much to be done. Even if I told him the truth my mother would only make me pay for it later.

"Shut up Hannah! This is mommy and daddy talking time!" she said calmly. "Go down to your room and wait for me to call you."

I started walking toward my room, not even thinking that it was no longer really my room. My mother saw me and got very angry again. I could see it in her face. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" She laughed when I got a quick look of confusion on face. "You can't really be that stupid. GET THE FUCK DOWNSTAIRS!" She screamed!

Startled I turned around remembering that I no longer had a real room. My new 'room' was a sleeping bag, and a bucket in the basement. I went to the basement door and started heading down the stairs. I was about three steps down when I heard her slam the door shut and lock it. I went back up the few steps as quickly as I could. I put my ear to the door to hear what they were saying.

"Janet, she is just a little girl, you cannot be treating her like this. It's just not right," My father was saying to my mother.

"Oh really and it was right for her to be a selfish bitch, and go to the park that day?" I knew she was talking about the day Brian died. "It was okay for her to take my baby away? I don't understand why you're not more upset about this George? He was your only son!"

"Janet, Janet I understand, and yes I'm hurting too, but you have to understand that it wasn't her fault. She had no con-"My father was saying.

"WASN'T HER FAULT!?!? IT WASN'T HER FAULT?!?! THEN WHOSE WAS IT?!?!" She was screaming at my father now, her rage seemed uncontrollable. "If it wasn't for that stupid bitch, he wouldn't have been at that park, we wouldn't have lost him" She the words at my father, like she couldn't stand having them in her mouth.

"Janet, things that happen, just happens. You cannot blame Hannah, how was she supposed to know. She is just a little girl! Now you need to stop this abuse, before you really hurt her." My father told her. I wish he would have just stopped trying to argue with her and really protect me. Things were only going to get worse if he kept trying to defend me. She would find ways to make my life a living hell no matter what. "You need to get a grip Janet; they will commit you if you don't. I understand that you are hurting, we are all hurting and most likely we will always be hurting. You need to call Dr. Change and set up an appointment, maybe he knows what to do for you, cause I know you won't be able to do this, without help. Now I'm going to go out to the shed and start bring in some of Hannah's' stuff." My father started.

"She doesn't need anything! She is just fine with the shit I gave her!" My mother was starting to get upset again.

"Janet, you know that is not true. She needs her stuff! Now I want you to go downstairs and apologies to our daughter for the way you have been treating her. Things need to change." He told her "I love you," I heard my mother step back, and my father dropped his arms. I had no clue what that meant at the time but now I believe my father was trying to show her some affection and she had turned away from it. Things were a lot worse off then any of us knew.

My father signed and I heard him walking away. I thought for about a total of five seconds that everything was going to be okay. I didn't hear my mother approaching the basement doors. I heard the click of the lock and I tried to run down the stairs but I knew it was too late. The door swung open and I wasn't even halfway down the stairs.

"Wait!" She commanded me, and I stopped. "Now turn around, please" I slowly turned around to face my mother and I could see her face was filled with anger. Her eyes where dead with hatred, they frightened me so much that I almost peed myself. "Come upstairs right now. Faster please I do not have all day." I rushed back up the stairs to face my mother.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out about you listening to us talk? Well you were definitely wrong, you stupid little shit!" She slapped me hard across the face and my eyes once again filled with tears. "I don't give a flying fuck what your 'Daddy' says, you deserve everything I fucking give you! Do you understand me?" She said to me, I nodded knowing that any hope if things getting better were completely gone. Nothing would ever change her hatred for me.

"And if you even think about telling your father any of this, I will find out about it and you will wish you were never born!" She pulled my hair so she could whisper this last threat right into my ear. My father walked into the kitchen and my mother quickly let go of my hair and made it look like we were hugging it kind of felt nice for the little bit that it lasted.

"Hannah, I know it's not really idea but I'm going to set up all, well most of your stuff in the basement. It will almost be like your old room sweetheart. Does that sound alright to you?" My father asked me. I looked at my mother to see what I should say but her face was reading blank.

"Umm...that sounds great daddy!" I tried to put as much excitement into my voice as possible, I knew it sounded so false but my father didn't seem to notice. He got a huge grin on his face and walked downstairs to put the boxes he was carrying into the basement. I knew he was only making things worse for me but what could I do?

"Just because your getting your shit back doesn't mean anything. You just wait until your father isn't here. He won't always be able to protect you, ya little cunt. You may have your stuff back but don't expect anything to change, do you understand me?" My mother said to me, I knew all of this before she had explained it to me.

"Yes mother, I understand. Things won't change between us, no matter what daddy does." I explained back to her. At least I knew when my daddy was here, things wouldn't be so bad. I just had to worry about when he was gone.

"Good, now go help your father bring that shit in. oh and Hannah, don't you ever let me find you playing with your toys, or even enjoying any of that shit. If I do, there will be hell to pay." My mother told me with a smirk on her face.

"Okay mother" I responded. There wasn't much else I could say to her. She hated me with such passion that it was scary. Sometimes I could see the evil so strong in her eyes, it made me wish that I was the one who had died in the park and not Brian.

I pushed those thoughts away from my mind. They were no good to think about, it wouldn't help me get through life. My father walked back up the stairs and saw us standing there. "Daddy can I help you? I can't wait to set up my new room!" I said with a false smile on my face.

The smile must not have reached my eyes because he looked at me with a puzzled face before s before saying with uncertainty, "Sure honey, just don't lift anything that is too heavy for you." He started out towards the shed and I followed.

"Have fun honey!" My mother said to me, loud enough for my dad to hear. I turned to look at her puzzled, only to see her look of hatred on her face. I turned and followed my dad, and she went off to do god nows what.

Chapter          Five:

The Talk

I and my father ended up working all day, to bring my stuff down into the basement, and that wasn't even everything. A lot of my stuff had gotten ruined when my mother threw them into the back yard. My father had to bring them into the shed when she did this, but he had to wait till she was done or she would have had a fit.

Anyways after we finished bringing my stuff in, we started moving things around in my room. My dad had been mostly singing and whistling while we worked. He was in such an upbeat mood; it was nice to be around someone who was happy, unlike my mother. I think I had an actual smile on my face at one point.

"You know, your mother doesn't really hate you," My father told me. I had a feeling he was going to end up trying to explain my mother to me. I knew all the happy had gone away now. "She just is trying to cope with what happened to Brian. It won't always be so bad. I'm trying to help her, and she will be talking to someone who can really help her." My father told me but he had the eyes of a man who didn't believe in his own words.

I nodded, and continued to put my books on my book shelf. I didn't want him to see my disbelief in my eyes. He just sat on my bed for a couple minutes. I think he was trying to figure out what he was going to do. "Come here Hannah, I want to have a serious talk with you, if that's okay." I sat continued to sit there, I wasn't sure if I could handle having a 'serious' talk with my father. It might be too painful. "Please Hannah?" My father asked in almost a whisper.

I stood up and walked over to my bed, and sat down next to him. "What daddy?" I asked in a quiet voice. I knew I was being rude but I really didn't want to have to talk about my mother.

"I just want to make sure you understand things. That you're not getting confused. You see when Brian died; your mother had a mental break down. She kinda lost her mind. See she couldn't handle losing him, not that really any of us could, she just took it bad. And it didn't help that her hormones were all outta wack. Do you know what I mean?" he asked because I had a look of confusion on my face.

I shook my head no, I didn't want him to continue though, but I didn't have much of a choice. It was painful to hear him try to explain her. Even though he thought she would get better, I knew she never would.

"Well see before mommy had Ava, sometimes carrying a baby makes you a little crazy because your body creates....hmmm....this is a lot harder to explain then I thought it would be," my father sat there, trying to figure out how to explain things to a little girl, that is too little to understand. "Well sometimes when women are gonna have a baby, they get a little emotional and crazy because of all the extra stuff there body has to make for the baby. So things were a little crazy, and I know that they still are. But I'm trying to make things better." I still didn't understand him but I don't think he could have explained in a way that I would.

"okay daddy," I said and I was about to get up but he contuined talking, like he wanted me to understand her. And I did understand my mother, I think I understood her better than my dad.

"I mean I know that she is taking this all out on you but I want to make sure you understand that this is not your fault. You did nothing to deserve her treating the wat she has these past few months. And I should have stopped her sooner, I know that's my fault. But Brians death has taken a toll on all of us. And I realize that is no excuse, but I'm just trying to make you understand.


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