Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1996613-The-Disembodied-Human-Soul
Rated: E · Assignment · Supernatural · #1996613
A young girl;s experience that changed her beliefs forever.

"The Disembodied Human Soul"

         I never use to believe that ghosts and spirits were real. I always depicted a ghost being covered in a white sheet yelling BOO, like the ones you see on children's television shows. Ghosts never frightened me because I would only see them on TV. One day that all changed.

I was about seven or eight when my family decided to move to Girard, OH. My mother, a school teacher, and my father, a business man, were always busy so they needed some time to spend alone. They asked my Cousin Tiffany if she would come "watch me" because I hated the word baby sit. They offered to pay her for her services because they planned to be gone all day. She agreed to the offer and made her way over to our apartment. Tiffany was my favorite cousin and I loved spending time with her. She used to tell me stories about her life and take me outside to play. That was always enough to keep my eight year old mind occupied. That day it was nice out so she took me outside to ride my bike. I rode and rode until I got tired and decided it was time to come back inside. I opened the door and Tiffany carried my bike up the stairs. When I made it up the stairs I turned on the television. All of a sudden I heard this big BOOM! I jumped off the couch and ran into the hallway to see what happened and to see if my cousin was okay. "What's the matter?" I asked. She looked startled before she began to speak. I waited for words to come out but nothing came. She finally mumbled, "Nothing, I just accidentally dropped your b - bike down the stairs let me go get it." I stood there stuck for what seemed like a while because my intuition was telling me it was more to the story to then what she was letting me in on. She went down the stairs and picked up the bike then came back in. She was acting very weird but I didn't question it even though there was something fishy about that whole scenario.

         So a few years went by and I pretty much forgot about what happened at the apartment that day. One day I decided I wanted to go stay the night with my grandmother. I always loved going over my grandmother's house because we'd goof around and do everything under the sun. That night we baked some cookies and watched movies until it was time for bed. Midnight approached and I began to get really sleepy. I took my plate to the kitchen sink. I had this terrible eerie feeling so I turned around and this shadow move suddenly but there was nothing to see. I hurried out the kitchen as I watched my back to make sure nothing followed me out. My grandmother had a two bedroom apartment so I always felt at home because I had my own room there. I hopped up into my queen sized bed and fell fast asleep. Some time went by as I lay there and all of a sudden I woke up. I found this a little strange because I hardly ever wake up in the middle of the night unless I'm thirsty or I have to use the restroom, and neither was the cause. I sat straight up the bed in pitch black dark and opened my eyes. There stood a little creepy old lady staring at me with wide eyes that could slaughter you. She had on a night gown and rollers in her hair. I don't know how I remember what she was wearing or how I even saw it because it was pitch black. She began to come closer and closer slowly and I couldn't believe it was real so I rubbed my eyes and opened them again. She was still there! She kept creeping towards me in this stiff manor. My body became weak and my heart started to race. I couldn't take it anymore and I let out a loud AHHHH! My grandmother rushed into the room, turned on the light, and she disappeared. I screamed, "Grams it - it was a g - ghost!" I was so hysterical with tears streaming down my face. She came over and got me out of bed and brought me to bed with her. I never slept that room again.

         The next day I tried telling my grandmother what happened and she told me I was dreaming when I knew I wasn't. Every room I entered had to be examined before I felt comfortable. I felt like it was someone watching every move I made. Later that day we all went over to my Aunt Rebecca's house who is Tiffany's mother. The adults started talking and my grandmother began to tell them what happened that previous night. They laughed about it and said I must have been dreaming just like my grandmother. Tiffany sat there with a blank face and quietly got up and went into her room. I sat there trying to plead my case but they just would not believe me. I started to second guess myself. Tiffany called my name and told me to come here. I went back to the room and she looked at me and quietly said "Close the door and sit down." I sat down and looked her in the eyes and she looked back at me and softly said, "I believe you." I was so happy because someone finally believed me. She continued, "I believe you because I saw a ghost too..." I instantly believed her because of my experience.

"Remember a few years ago when I came over to watch you and I dropped your bike down the stairs?"


"Well that's when I saw the ghost."

Looking at her startled my body became icy. She continued, "I was bringing your bike upstairs and when I got to the top it was a girl faced away from me in a wedding dress. I felt paralyzed. I could not move not one inch of my body. I couldn't scream, run, nothing. She sluggishly turned around and blood emptied her body. She looked me in my eyes and said Tiffany I will not hurt you. Those words forever linger into my mind. She compelled me to believe her. I actually felt safe from this disembodied human soul. She started to cry out in a hollowed voice I was supposed to be happy! She started coming towards me and I backed away. As I backed away, I came closer to the stairs and that's when I dropped your bike. I turned away and I looked again and she was gone." I was so shocked that no words could even begin to leave my mouth.

         I can't help but to believe that ghosts exist because I experienced it and someone that I trust experienced it too. At the time I was petrified but now I believe if you are able to see the spirits it's for a reason. This really changed my life because not everyone has had the chance to experience anything like that. I only believe that you can see it if there's a slight chance that you may believe it.

© Copyright 2014 Toni Jay (toni.jay at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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