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Liz and Tom find trouble in the woods |
Chapter 13: Liz and Tom find trouble in the woods Tom kissed her foot for a few minutes when she told him to stop. He looked up at her. "Think you can lift my foot off your hand?" she asked. Tom sighed. "I, I doubt it. But I am guessing you want me to try?" he asked. "Yep," she said. He brought his free hand over and grabbed her heel. "Unnnggg..mmffff.." he gasped as he tried to move it. It didn't budge. He switched over to her toes and tried to move her foot. It was the same result. He then grabbed her big toe and with some effort, moved it up. "Shew," he said. "What?" Liz asked. "I was hoping I was at least stronger than you big toe. And I am, thank God," he said. She laughed. "Stronger than my big toe....for now," she said as she traced an M over her chest. She lifted up her foot and helped him up. She gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Eat some breakfast and change cloths, let's go for a morning walk," she said as she went to the bedroom. Tom scarfed down the leftover eggs and bacon and joined her. By the time he got there, she was dressed in a workout t-shirt, shorts and running shoes. Tom went to the suitcase and pulled out a pair of shorts. He held them up when he suddenly realized something. "Umm, Master, I, I don't think my cloths are going to fit anymore," he said. She turned around and grinned. "Wow, I think you are right. I, I have an extra pair but, I think they might be big for you. I suggest you get a belt or some rope and tie up the waist of your shorts," she said as she dug through the suitcase. "Oh, and here," she said as she handed her one of her smaller shirts. "I think this will fit honey," she said. Embarrassed, Tom took the shirt and put on his shorts. He wrapped his belt around it, using the last loop on the belt. He then put on her shirt. It was still big, but fit better than anything he had. "When we get back home, we will go shopping," she said as she went out of the room and towards the door. "Yes Master Muscle Liz," he said as he followed. Soon they were outside when Tom realized his car was still at the quarry. "I suggest we walk towards the quarry and get my car. I can drive it back," he said. "Or I could mega-out and fly it back," she said flexing an arm. "Or that," he said as they both turned and started walking towards a trail in the woods which lead towards the quarry. Soon Tom fell behind. Liz turned around and stopped. "Come on, quit dragging!" she said. Tom sped up, his legs aching. He caught up to her. "I'm sorry, I, I am just so, so weak. I can't keep up with you. Do you mind slowing down? Please?" he asked. Liz sighed. "Sure, but this isn't really exercise for me," she said as they walked together slowly, Tom breathing heavy. "You seem to have a lot of energy Master. I wonder if any of that mega power rubbed off on you," he said as they walked. "I don't know. I do feel great. I mean, not as great as when I am Mega Woman, but still really good. Who knows, maybe some of her powers stray with me. I know I can't fly, shoot heat vision, x-ray vision, read minds or any other powers. And I certainly am not super strong. But I do feel really good. I feel like I could run ten miles and not even be tired. It is strange, but even walking now, I feel like my muscles are getting...stronger," she said. Tom looked down at her legs. They did seem to be a little different since they started walking. Some of the fat on them seemed smaller. "Fuck," he thought. "If she can build muscle faster when normal, she will soon be much stronger than me, or maybe anyone else." "Yeah, they do look different. Guess we can add ability to buildf muscle fasgter to your list of super powers Master," he said. She smiled. "Yep, freaking wild isn't it?" she said as they walked further. "Maybe I will squeeze you with them later tonight, if you are lucky my little Foot Servant," she added. Tom smiled. "That would be fun," he said as her was about to lean over and kiss her cheek when they heard a shot gun blast. The couple stopped dead in their tracks and ducked their heads. "What was that?" Liz asked. "Sounded like gun fire. Do people hunt around here?" he asked. "I don't know. I don't think so. My grandparents never mentioned it," Liz said as she thought about muscling up, and then remembered she had not put on her Mega Woman suit. "Maybe we should head back," she said to Tom. "Good idea," he said as they both turned around and stopped. In front of them were two men. They both had guns. One was pointed at Liz and Tom. "Goin' someplace lady?" the larger man said as he walked towards the couple. Tom instinctively stepped in front of Liz. The man roared with laughter. "Protecting your woman huh?" he said as he approached Tom. "By the looks of it, she ought to be protecting you pussy," he said as he reached out and grabbed Tom's shirt. Tom brought up his hands but they were much too weak to counter the larger man's strength. Tom gave up trying to pull the man's hands off and, instead, balled his fist and swung at the man's head. Tom connected but did no damage. In fact, Tom grunted as his hand weakly hit the man's face, not even causing a red mark. "Ha!" the man laughed. "You hit like a girl pussy. Here is how a man hits," he said as she reached back and punched Tom in the gut. "Oooommmmfffff!" Tom gasped as he fell to the ground, gasping for air. "Leave him alone!" Liz said as she lunged at the man. The man laughed and grabbed her, easily holding her. "Let...h..er..g..go!" Tom gasped from the ground. "Shut up pussy," the man replied, kicking Tom in the face and knocking him back. The man turned his attention to Liz. "Stop struggling. Unless you want your weak ass boyfriend to get his ass kicked more," the man said. Liz stopped struggling and looked at Tom. He appeared to be knocked out, his nose and forehead bleeding. Liz turned to the man holding her. "What do you want?" she asked. "Jerry, come on up here," the man said. Jerry, who had been pointing the gun at the couple, came up. He smiled. "She'll do nicely," he said as he stroked Liz's cheek, his breath smelling of alcohol, despite the fact that it was still fairly early in the morning. Jerry looked down at Tom and then back at Liz. "That sack of shit your boyfriend?" he asked. "Yes," she answered, knowing she could mega-out at any time, but want to try and talk her way out of it so as to not reveal herself. "What you see in that boy? He ain't got an ounce of muscle on him. Hell, I bet you could kick his ass," Jerry said laughing. "He's been sick. And trust me, he is ten times the man you will ever be," Liz said. Jerry frowned and brought his hand back, slapping Liz hard across the face. "You keep it up bitch, and that will be the first of many. Dan, give her here," Jerry said as Dan handed her over. "Pick up that sack of shit and get the truck. We'll take 'em back to camp," Jerry said as she cupped Liz's breast, causing her to let out a slight scream. "Yeah, you go ahead and scream. Ain't nobody around to hear ya. But don't worry, ol' Jerry will take good care of you, bitch." Liz turned her head and looked at Jerry. "I have a feeling you are going to regret this, Jerry," she said. Jerry smiled as he got out a pair of handcuffs and placed Liz's hands behind her back, locking them with the cuffs. "I doubt it, bitch," he said Dan brought over the truck and threw Tom in the back. He then forced Liz into the back seat and sat next to her, rubbing her leg. "We are going to have some fun," he said with a sneer. |