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by BarryN
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1996416
Things Have Changerd
Chapter 12:          Things Have Changed

         That night Liz made passionate love to Tom. And for the first time, she took control. It was so different with him being so freaking weak. Soon they both collapsed on the bed. Tom leaned over and kissed Liz's cheek.

         "That, that was amazing...Master," he said.

         Liz smiled. "It was. Fun with me being in control."

         "It was fun. And I don't think I could control you even if I wanted to,' he said as he tried to flex his arm. No muscle came out. Liz took hers out of the covers and flexed it next to him. A smallish, but larger than his, muscle rose up. She reached over with her other hand and squeezed his thin arm.

         "Ow!" Tom winced. Liz let go.

         "Sorry, did I hurt you Foot Servant?" she asked.

         Tom rubbed his sore arm. "No, it's just, you are so strong, well, strong compared to me. It is going to take some time for me to get used to being so weak," he said.

         Liz kissed him. "I know. You will get used to it though, I promise. Anyway, we agreed. A servant should never be stronger than his master," she said.

         "I know," Tom said sheepishly looking down.

         "I know....what?" Liz asked sternly.

         Tom looked up at her. She was flexing her normal arms. Tom looked in envy at the normal muscles in them. "I know, Master Muscle Liz," he said.

         She smiled and brought her arms down. "That's better. Now, how about breakfast in bed for me tomorrow? Sound good Foot Servant?"

         "Yes Master Muscle Liz," he said. "Breakfast in bed first thing in the morning. My pleasure," he added.

         She kissed him again and then laid her head on the pillow. Tom did the same and was asleep within seconds.

         Tom woke up around 7 a.m. and looked over. Liz was still asleep. He stretched and got out of bed. He immediately fell on the ground, his legs buckling. "Ommmff!" he gasped as he sat up. He looked at the bed. Liz stirred but did not wake up.

         Tom slowly lifted himself up on his weak legs and walked to the kitchen. With a grunt he opened the fridge and got out eggs and bacon. He turned on the stove and reached down, opening the cabinet. He reached in and grabbed the skillet. "Ung," he gasped as he felt its full weight. With effort he pulled it out and sat it on the stove.

         "Everything is so different being so weak," he thought as he broke the eggs into the skillet and put the bacon in the microwave. He got out the bread and made toast.

         With effort he loaded the eggs onto a plate along with the bacon and toast. He weakly walked back into the bedroom. Liz was sitting up, stretching. She looked over at him and smiled brightly.

         "Good. You remembered," she said as Tom walked over and put the plate on her lap.

         "Of course. Wouldn't be a good Foot Servant if I disobeyed my Master," he said.

         Liz looked down at the plate and then down at the end of the bed. "This breakfast looks great. Thanks. But you know what would REALLY start off my day?" she asked.

         Tom smiled and walked down to the end of the bed. He peeled away the covers, exposing her feet. He got on his knees.

         "May I kiss your feet while you enjoy your breakfast Master Muscle Liz?" he asked.

         She grinned and wiggled her toes. "Of course, you may kiss my feet. In fact," she said as she shoved some eggs into her mouth. "I think you should do this every morning. Make me breakfast, and then kiss my feet while I eat. I command you to do so Foot Servant," she said.

         "Yes, of course. It, it will be my pleasure," he said. "Where shall I begin?" he asked.

         "Right foot, from the bottom. Start at my heel and work up to my strong toes," she said.

         "Yes Master Muscle Liz," Tom replied. He kissed her right heel and slowly moved his way up her normal tanned foot, showering it in kisses.

         Liz enjoyed her meal while Tom kissed her feet. It was heaven. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever think she would have a servant who made her breakfast in bed, and then worshipped at her feet while she ate. "A girl could get used to this," she thought as she finished up her breakfast.

         "All done," she said. "Take this back to the kitchen and clean up the mess you made," she ordered. Tom got up and took the plate, heading to the kitchen.

         Liz watched him go, his weak legs shaking as he walked. "God, I really made him weak. I wonder if it is too weak?" she thought. She got out of bed and walked to the door. She watched him struggle with the skillet as he weakly scrubbed it, his arms shaking with effort. She began to wonder if she had done the right thing, making him so weak, and making him her servant. He had done it willingly, and at the time, it seemed right. But now, in the light of day and reality, it seemed....different. She sighed as she LOVED having him serve her, but was it fair?

         She walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms around him.

         "Thank you for breakfast," she said as she kissed his neck. "And thank you for kissing my feet while I ate. It made me feel, powerful," she added.

         Tom turned around. Despite his weakness he was still taller than her. He kissed her back. "You are welcome. And I am your servant..."

         "Foot servant," she corrected.

         "Right, foot servant. You," he said as he grabbed her hand and then got on his knees. "Are my Master, my Supreme Master. I swore allegiance to you, you don't have to thank me," he said.

         She smiled brightly at him. At doubts about their new arraignment left her. She backed away and pushed her left foot forward. "Well then," she said as she pointed down at her foot. "Well then, as your Supreme Master, I command you to kiss my left foot, Foot Servant. Now!" she said sternly.

         Tom got on all fours and bent over her foot. She quickly lifted it and put it on his hand, pushing down. Tom winced.

         "Jesus, you're...s..strong," he gasped.

         "I know," she said as she thought about transforming but stopped, knowing her mega foot would probably crush his hand. "Aren't you supposed to be kissing that foot?" she asked.

         He looked up at her. She was pointing down at it. She added some pressure and Tom let out a small gasp. He immediately started smothering her foot in kisses, knowing he was no match for her. Or her mighty foot.


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