Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1995972-Ripples-in-the-Pages
by Felix
Rated: NPL · Short Story · None · #1995972
Who's ready for a horror story?
Narrator: Stories can be fairly interesting. Done correctly they can invoke powerful feelings into their attended audience. Lose a beloved character in your favorite book? You cry your eyes out for a week. That one underdog character that didn't stand a chance in hell? Of course you root for him or her all the way until the very end. Stories sort of act like windows in that regard. Able to peer into but never actually touch.

Narrator: But, what happens when you get a little too engrossed into a good story? Open that window a little and venture inside? Could it be dangerous? Who knows what is hidden, tucked away in the countless pages of neglected stories? Are you willing to continue this little adventure? If so, continue on! Although, fair warning who’s to say you make it back out?
You’re lost. You don’t know who or where you are. All that you know is that you have to escape. Heart pounding, you sprint into the darkness looking for any signs of a way out. There is nothing. No hints of light anywhere to be seen. Looking out into the distance you notice a blurry silhouette of a house. Jogging over towards the house you race up the rickety, wooden porch. You can’t help but notice that this house has a familiar feel to it. You get a sinking feeling that you have most certainly been here before. Home?


Narrator: Oh, hello there! I wasn't expecting any guest this late. Well, why don’t you come in and make yourself comfortable?

You explain the situation to the generous man.

Narrator: What!? You don’t remember who you are or how you got here? Well, why don’t you come in and make yourself comfortable? Here, sit down near the fireplace and warm up a bit. I’ll have breakfast ready in the morning.

----Feeling weary from your travels you soon pass out staring into the embers of the nearby fire.----

*Ding-Dong, Ding-Dong*

The noise of ringing bells chimed into your inner ears. Students and teachers alike cheering with excitement as this was last day of school. That could only mean one thing! Sweet freedom! Running through the school hallway you bump into a classmate or two not really paying attention to the hustle and bustle surrounding you. Quickly, you race home.

“MOM, I’m home! I’m heading over to have a sleepover with guys! Don’t worry I won’t forget an extra change of clothes this time” You shout in one breath. Running up the stairs you start to gather the essential supplies for the sleepover. About to run out the door your mother stops you dead in your tracks.

“Whose house are you sleeping at tonight?” A worried expression appeared on you mothers face as she inquired about your possible whereabouts.

“Damn….mothers always know don’t they?” Muttering under your breath to no one in particular. “Umm…you know just with the guys.” You clarify.

“Alright I trust you. Have a good time. Don’t stay up to late. I want you back tomorrow morning you hear?” Your mother replied.

What she didn't know won’t hurt her, right? You neglected to tell her about the location of the sleepover. One of your friend made a bet that you five couldn't spend the night at the abandoned house near the forest. That house had been known to hold a mysterious past. Currently, it stood by itself with disrepair and ruin.

Legend has it that some sort of demon once resided in those walls. Back in the day a lot of stories would pop up in the local news about a missing person report and somehow that house was always involved. A supposed exorcism was performed once long ago. Nowadays, it was a nothing more than superstition brought on by the local police to prevent pesky kids from entering the decaying house.

Setting out on your first adventure of summer you start your trek over to the edge of the cul-de-sac. Looking around you notice that dusk is slowly setting in. A slight chill runs down your spine as the dark clouds slowly encroached overhead. You quickly remember that the local weather reporter said this storm might be a big one.

The smell of rain and wood rot slowly threaten your senses. It started off as a slow pace. First a mild dousing of raindrops. Next a light pit pat here and there. One or two drops gently glided down your cheeks.

*Flash* A streak of lighting shot high above you towards the back drop of the sky. Then the low rumble of thunder overhead. Now panicking you start a light jog through the dead trees towards the front porch of the abandoned homestead. Running up the creaky steps you bend down to catch your breath under the leaky balcony. The storm starts to pick up, turning into a steady downpour.

“I hope the guys are already here!” you murmur as you reach for the corroded bronze doorknob and slowly turn it clockwise. Walking into the common room you notice mirror shards scattered among the cobwebbed furniture. What kind of person lived
here? You wondered to yourself.

Walking along the dimly lit corridor you soon reach the end of the hallway door. Leaning in closer you could hear a faint giggle or two emanating from the wooden door. Pushing the door open a light creaking noise hissed out as it was pulled inward into the room. Looking around you see the whole gang center around in the middle of the room with lanterns and sleeping bags.
“Finally!” Remarked Philip. Philip being a relatively meek and frail looking boy. His dirty blond hair slightly covered his hazel eyes and rounded glasses. Wearing his normal geeky attire he reached out to greet you.

“Sorry about that.” Was all you could muster up. You feel your body being lifted from the ground. Trying to stabilize yourself, you attempt to reach for the flooring by bending your foot down in a tip-toe footing. However, it’s too late, you get knocked off face first onto the hardwood floor.

“Took you long enough to get here squirt” Howled Jace as he tousled your hair giving you a noogie into the ground. Rushing up from the ground, Jace got up and sat down next to Theo laughing at your “accident”.

Getting up you brush off some dust that still clinging to your shirt. “Thanks for the warm welcome!” You say in a sarcastic tone.

To your left was Jace and Theo. Together they were quite the duo. On one hand you have Jace the cocky jock always trying to be the bigger man in every situation. Being the tallest of the bunch he didn't mind to show off his size in height and bulk with his tight shirts and close fitting shorts. His blemish free olive skin and dark hair only added to his big headed ego.

The blonde haired teen with darting green eyes was Theo. Theo always dressed in baggie clothes with his hat switched on backwards. Being quite lazy he never bothered to change out of his old-tattered tennis shoes.

Out of the whole group, Theo was naturally the class clown and local trouble maker. Always going down to that bizarre prank store on the bad side of town. The store had recently run into trouble with several disappearances with no leads on their whereabouts. It was suspected that it was something to do with their faulty shocking remotes. But that’s another story.

Towards the right of you was the secretive Felix. He joined your rag-tag team rather recently. Always going off about his “supernatural” this and “demons” did that routine. Naturally, Felix possessed a dark aura around him. His physical appearance was slim and pale. There was a subtle hints that under his dark shaded clothes were a hidden muscle or two.
“What took you so long? We started without you already.” Snapped Felix in annoyance.

“Start what?” You inquire. Leaning in closer you sit down in the middle of the room completing a circle on the filthy hardwood floor. Looking around the room you notice nothing in particular about the dust filled room. However, two things seemed to stand out to you. Towards the back of the room was a bricked up wall with deep crevices that showed a small room once resided on the other side. No one seemed to pay any mind to the lack of décor in the room.

“Truth or dare silly! Philip was just about to be dared to do something nasty.” Ginned a smiling Theo.
Removing his old tennis from his feet, Theo inched closer to Philip sticking his sweaty barefoot up into the air towards Philips face. Phillip put on a disapproving grimace at the reeking smell that stemmed from Theo’s unkempt hygiene.

“Come on Phill, you picked dare after all…..Just one lick and your punishment will be over.” Cooed Theo. Closing his eyes Philip stuck out his tongue and gently licked Theo’s foot. Starting at the base of the sole, Philip made his way over to the toes.

“Eww gross man” “I can’t believe he actually did it! The boys laughed and giggled at the humiliated Philip. Philip started to choke and gag at the lingering aftertaste of toe sweat and grime.

“Okay who’s next?” Felix asked. “Well, since we had a late guest arrive he can go last.” joked Jace.
“Perfect!” The boys said in unison.

“I guess that means you’re up next Jace. Truth or dare?” Philip asked.
“Dare of course. I’m a man after all.” Snorted Jace puffing his chest up a little as he boosted his raw strength.
“Alright Mr. Tough Guy. Why don’t you shows us what a big man you are and punch your way through the wall over there?” Philip grinned.

“Stand aside shrimp and watch a man at work.” Jace walked over in a prideful stride towards the back of the room and pulled up his muscle shirt showing off his biceps. Spitting on each hand, he rubbed them together. Walking back a little he rammed into the wall.


Miraculously the wall did in fact start to fall apart. The other side showed an empty room with a sleek and thin object covered over with a dusty, old tarp. “See? I told you I could do it!” Scoffed Jace.

“For our last dare of the night I found something special we can do!” smirked Felix. “Let’s see what’s under the tarp!
Motioning everyone to get up from their positions. The group of boys all headed towards the back of the room towards the mysterious object.

“Let’s see what’s under curtain number one!” Grinning Felix removed the tarp revealing an old antique mirror. Unlike the other shattered mirrors in the house. This one seemed to stand the test of time looking brand new for its age. Etched into the top of the wooden frame was a name of some sort.

Property of Taro Narr At the bottom was a text reading Nodt suttr het ronrraat.

"What do you suppose that mean?” You asked.

“OH! Man we hit the jack pot! I read about these mirrors in some of my demon lore. They are supposed to be cursed with evil magic and must not under any circumstances utter the words aloud.” Smirked Felix. You've never seen Felix so enthusiastic about anything before.

“This dare is going to be a little different from the other.” Snickered Felix. “I want the whole gang to recite what’s on that mirror in the dark without chickening out.” Chimed and over excited Felix.

“Do we have to?” Question a nervous Philip. “Stop being such a wimp!” Bellowed an annoyed Jace. “Okay on the count of three we are going to say it at once into the mirror.” Felix explained.

Ready? 1…..2…..3 “Nodt suttr het ronrraat” The teenagers chant in a low toned whisper. “Now what….?” Theo asked.
Looking around the battered room you notice nothing in particular. The rain storm that has been raging throughout the night seemed to have pacified a little during your little chanting.

“Whelp. I guess we can call it a night.” grunted an upset Felix.
Reaching for your sleepover bag you snuggle in for the night. The rest of the gang soon follows in unison each pulling out their sleeping bags. The room grew silent with the occasional snore or two from the loud mouth Jace. You eyes get heavy and you soon drift off to sleep.


Tossing and turning you soon wake. Your phone alarm is buzzing. Standing up and stretching you look around. The rest of the boys were still sound asleep. Philip was holding what it looks to be a physics book in his hands.

“Man, this guy doesn't quit when it comes to academics.” you say softly, rolling your eyes in disbelief.

Doing a quick double take you look at the window and notice that it’s pitch black outside. Not like the storm earlier but pitch black with no light anywhere in sight. Looking at your phone you notice the time function seems a little off. The time doesn't want to display properly. It's just a hue of red, fuzz numbers.

“Huh? That’s strange.” You get up from the floor and open the window and put your hands outside. Nothing, just nothing. Your hands become invisible to your sight. Consumed by the eerie darkness outside. Quickly, you pull your hands back into the room and slam the window.


“What’s going on?” Felix muttered, as he jumped out of his sleeping bag. The whole gang casually awake with enough poking and prodding from your behalf.

“Guys, I don’t know how to tell you this but I think we got transported someone where....else.” You state unsure about your possible location.

"You might want to check this out.” Philip points to a mirror in the middle of the room. The group soon huddled around the mirror and are shocked to see the reflection. Peering inward you gasp. It's the room that you were sleeping in moments ago. Only you and your friends are not in it....

“W-what? I don’t understanding? Theo said as he pushed his face against the mirror, trying to get inside.

“It’s not going to work like that. I didn't think any of that demon stuff was real…. Now we might be stuck here!” Trembling as he said Felix feel to the ground sobbing.

“Forever?” Philip piped up.

“Yes... That spell only works one way. There might be something here that might shed some light on where we are and maybe a way out?” Getting up from the ground Felix started to feel a little more hopeful on the situation at hand.

“Fine it’s settled we need to explore this house and look for any clues.” With new sense of rigor you and the gang head out into the first hallway. Reaching out for your lantern you quickly flip it on and venture towards the first door you spot.

Outstretching your hand you reach out for metal brass knob. Hesitant at first you hand pauses in mid-flight right above the door knob. Breathing heavily, you notice your breath has become visible as a slight cold snap has entered the room.

“What’s the hold up?” Shouted Jace as he grabbed the door knob and flung the door wide open. Peering inside you notice nothing. Like everything around you the room is in masked in darkness.


A sharp tapping noise could be heard in a pattern of some sort across the darken room. A leaky faucet? Or an old grandfather clock? Your eyes slowly adjust to the bleak darkness in the room. In the corner of your eyes you spot a hooded figure tapping his fingers across wooden desk. Just the noise of the tapping sends a shiver down your spine. Reeking of malicious intent you wait for a response from the mysterious figure.

“Hello my dear interlopers and welcome to my humble dwelling and prison.” Laughed the sinister man still cloaked.

“Umm….who are you?” asked a now trembling Philip.

“The better question is who are YOU five? Why have you trespassed into my house? The angrily figured hissed. The mysterious man rose up from his beneath his chair and strode over barefoot to you and your pals. The light given off by your lantern streaked across his face revealing a toothy grin with a Cheshire cat smile. He seemed almost flawless in every way. A top-hat with a blue ribbon tied around the middle. The hat covered most of his hair with only a couple of dark bands poking through here and there. Piercing jade eyes and naturally tight shirt, that showed off his semi-muscular chest. Looking down you notice a pocket watch attached to his dressy black pants.

“Some have called me a saint others a demon but, if you must know I’m Taro Narr teller of stories.” Taro stated bowing down and tipping his hat.

“Yo, dude do you know where the hell we are? Somehow we got transported to this shit-hole of a place.” Jace roared while tensing up in anger.

You face loses all of its color and your eyes go wide in horror. “J-ace…” Was all you could mutter before a loud slam was heard in front of you.

“SHITHOLE? YOU CALLING MY HOUSE A SHITHOLE? FIRST YOU FIVE ENTER MY DOMAIN WITHOUT PERMISSION AND NOW YOU ARE CALLING MY DOMCILE A “SHITHOLE?” Gritting his teeth in frustration Taro stomps over with raged filled eyes. About to lose his cool Taro raised his right hand about to smack Jace. Then a slight pause. Taro’s eyes twinkled for a sec, soon after a sinister grin spread across his handsome face. In an instant Taro snapped back into his prim and proper position. Looking more calm and collective he started to chuckle.

“You got spunk kid I’ll give you that. It takes a lot of guts to stand up to a being of my caliber. I didn't mean to ruin your night of fun.” Eyelashes batting as he said it.

“Let me make it up to you. I know! We should play a game together!"
Laughing now Taro lightly taped his foot not really waiting for a response.

“What kind of game? You ask reluctantly choking a little bit as you gulp down hard.

“Oh, the best kind of game. A game of epic portions one might say~ And If you guys manage to survive the night I might show you the way out." Winking as he said it Taro walked closer to the group.

“Of course we have to make this interesting for me. For starters you guys need to be cut down in size.” Taro said as he slowly waved his index finger in the air in a playful manner.

As the last words left Taro mouth, you and your friends felt a wave of numbness and sinking feeling. The room slowly expands and stretches around you. Taro smirking the whole time watching you wither away to nothing.

First, you are only chest high. Then only reaching Taro’s tone stomach. The sinking feelings starts to pick up the smaller you get. Quickly you shoot pass his midsection and below his ankles. Finally, you and the gang reach a height of roughly 3 inches. Taro now completely dwarfing you in size.

Truly massive now, Taro long legs slowly stretched high above you. His majestic torso glistened resembling of an ancient Greek statue dedicated to the gods. Only this statue was huge and alive wanting to play a live game of cat and mouse. Before the gang could react to their new height. Taro made the first preemptive strike!Slowly he rose his right foot high above you five. Wiggling his bare toes, he mocked your new diminutive size.

“Looks like I have an infestation. Guess I’ll have to take care of it myself.” Taro lowered his foot in between you five. He purposely missed watching everyone scatter in different directions. “Oh look how they try to flee from me!” Taro amusingly stated, biting his bottom lip in pleasure.

Taro rose his foot for a second time. Only this time with more intent. With a quick sweeping motion he lowered his bare foot on top of Jace.

Jace had his head completely trapped between the first and second toe. The smell was unbearable to the tiny man. The soft, warm, flesh started to sweat as the foreign body was wedged between two massive, sweaty objects. Trying to thrash around, Jace made the situation even worse. Some random bits of toe-jam dislodged from Taro's toes and caked over Jace's face.

“Owwww, let me go man! This hurts!” Grasping for breath Jace cried. He started to slowly whimper in pain as Taro put the squeeze on poor little Jace.

“Oh it looks like I caught one~ Don’t worry I’ll make this quick. I need to make an example of you after all.” Taro cooed as he started playing rough with Theo’s body.
Batted and busied Taro picked up Jace with his toes and quickly swung the body around in a clock like motion. Similar to a cat, Taro loved to play with his victims. With each passing swing Taro added more pressure to the dangling body. Jace wailed out in pain as his neck muscles were slowly being crushed in this twisted Tilt-a-Whirl ride. Staring down in disgust Taro soon got bored when Jace's body went limp.


Jace’s head flung right off like a cork to a bottle, shooting clear across the room. “Not so tough now.” Snorted Taro. “Actually I got the perfect way to dispose of the body.” Taro dangled the now decapitated body in front of his toothy grin mouth. Sticking out his wet, slippery tongue. He slowly wrapped his tongue around the now lifeless body. Pausing for a second Taro glanced down smirking at the little's at his feet. Their horrified expressions only added to Taro's pleasure. Taro slowly pulled in the body soaking it with saliva and some light swishing before one last mighty...


Jace’s body slid down Taro’s throat. A visible bulge could be seen as the lifeless body traveled down the moist throat towards the waiting stomach below. “Who’s living in shit now?” Laughing out loud Taro produced a might belched. After he rubbed his stomach in complete bliss.

"I haven't had visitors in such a long time. Oh well, that’s one down four to go.”

From down below the rest of the gang was shocked on the events that had just transpired above them. “He just ate Jace! Now he’s going to eat me!” Philip shrieked.


“I can’t have you start freaking out on us now! We need to get out of here away from this freak” Theo said aloud.

“Oh, boys!” A voice was heard high above them. “It might be a good idea if you would separate. It wouldn't be fun if I ended the game so fast now would it?” Taro wiggling his massive toes next to you.

“Ahem and just to make it even more interesting every time one of your friends meets their unfortunate demise the rest of might find yourself even smaller. The winner of this little contest will have their height restored". Winking as he said it. “Speaking of which.” Taro grabs his pocket watch and starts to smirk.


The pocket watch started to shank and rattle. You once again get the sinking feeling as you height reductions seems to be a little more drastic. You soon found yourself around an inch in height. The room seems stretched even more your feet sinking into the carpet fibers. Looking up Taro seemed more like a tower of flesh with clothing then an actually normal sized person. His overwhelming mass radiating heat down to you four.

“Well…..I’ll give you four a head start.” “How does 30 minutes sound to you runts?” Taro grunted as he walked away sending minor tremors to the group of four down below.

“It’s not fair what happened to Jace….” Theo meekly mumbled still distraught from losing his best friend. Theo kicked the ground in frustration. “I mean look at us! It’s only going to get worse as the time goes on! First we were the size of small action figures now the size of a cockroach. What’s next flea size?”

“It would be a good idea we each took opposite sides of the house. Statically speaking of course.” Cleaning his glasses and gazing off in the distance Philip looked quite stern.

“Okay, it’s agreed we each take different parts of the house and meet back when time is up?” You muster up enough courage to talk to your friends, knowing there is a very slim chance of seeing ever again.
“Agreed” Everyone says as they each headed off in different directions.

30 minutes later~

“I guess I gave those maggots enough time to hide.” Stretching up from his recliner Taro made his way over to the first room. Walking into his study room, Taro bends down to look for anything on the floor.

Unlike, most studies that were kept neat and tidy this one happened to be quite a wreck. Piles of books and demonic notes littered the floor. After decades of research Taro had given up trying to escape his mirror world. Naturally, over the years these books piled up. It was literally one of the best places for a stray tiny to hide. Taro inspected piles of books and various nooks and crannies hoping he might catch a bug.

Phillip being the brightest of the bunch thought it would be in his best interest to hide in a place that offered so many hiding places.

“This should do it.” Smugly Philip made a make shift tent by crawling under a book that had been toppled over to its side. Nestled in between the hardback cover and the floor, Philip had just enough room to squeeze under. To the untrained eye the book seemed perfectly camouflaged into the other junk that littered the floor.


The hardback shelter supporting Philip shook with every foot fall. Taro was on the hunt for tinies. Shaking in fear Philip was oblivious that his slight shivering was actually causing the top of book cover to vibrate ever so slightly.
Brushing books off the table Taro notice something catching his attention in his peripheral vision. Turning his head slightly he looked to the side of his room. He walked over to a book that so happened to be face down on the floor.

“Oh? What do we have here? I've heard that good books almost seem alive. However, I never seen one move before.” Smugly Taro walked over ready to pounce on top of the moving book.

“SHIT!” Hearing Taro’s words echo in the study room, Philip darted out from under the book cover. Running in between a valley of books on either side of him, Philip made it to the other side wheezing and coughing do to his exercise induced asthma. Glancing behind him he watched as the towering figure approached him. Looking up he could see the slight smirk. Taro was enjoying this a little too much. There was little he could do. Philip was cornered. This little cat and mouse game has reached its end.

“Not so fast little guy!” Chuckling as he said it Taro walked closer in between the two piles books. “You’ve given up already? Hahahha that’s no fun.” Walking in-between the pile he inched forward. “Well, this was a disapoin---- ARGH WHAT THE HELL!?!”

Taro’s winced as he felt a sharp pressure shoot up his body. His right barefoot was throbbing in pain. “Ow-ow” Slowly Taro raised his right foot to carefully examine it. On the underside of the foot was a thumb tack embedded deep into the skin.

“YOU LITTLE FUCKER DID THIS ON PURPOSE. DIDN'T YOU?!?” Looking down to the ground Taro notice that Philip was gone! The whole situation was a set up from the beginning. Clear across the room Philip smirked as pushed in his glasses closer to his face. “Never underestimate the super genus!”

Taro’s ears perked up cocking his head slightly he saw little Philip near the entrance of the study about exist into the hallway. “GET BACK HERE YOU RUNT!” Pulling out the thumb tack, Taro lunged at Philip.

“Oh-no! Whatever shall I do?” Philip sarcastically cried as he saw Taro race across the room in contempt. A slight smirk appeared across Philips face as Taro was walking into another one of the super geniuses traps.

Blinded by rage Taro didn’t even notice the sarcastic undertones from the little human. Frankly, he didn’t give a damn. How dare this pitiful human make a fool of the Great Taro Narr! Running across the room Taro failed to notice a unique pile of notes on the floor directly in front of him. With his right foot landing dead center into the note pile. Taro’s foot quickly adhered to random scarps of notes.

“What th-”Was all Taro could say, before he felt himself sliding across the room. Taro had one foot glued to the paper and the other swinging high in the air. If there was anybody to see such a sight, they would said it was a rogue circus act gone bad. Flailing his arms in the air Taro desperately tried to get a hold of his balance.

Philip did not calculate the slickness of the wooden floor. Underestimated the smooth surface, Taro found himself shooting forward directly towards Philip at high speeds. Barley grazing a shocked Philip. Instead Taro’s body flew way ahead out into the hallway.

Like with most things dealing with gravity. What comes up most come down. Or in the case what became unbalanced must be balanced. Unfortunately, gravity wasn't on Philips side. Falling backwards Taro body literally dominate the view of the tiny genius. A round shadow slowly stretched in front of Philip blanketing the whole floor around him in darkness.

“oh-crap” Philip cried looking up Taro’s massive, round rump was on a direct path to the floor. The massive behind came crashing down at dizzying speeds.


“That will teach you to make a fool of me.” Grunted Taro as he slid his booty back and forth making sure Philip was a permanet red stain under his perfect ass. Getting up Taro inspect his butt looking at the red splotches of goo still clinging to his pants.
“Whelp,I better get out of these pants.”

Walking over into the hallway, Taro was set on his newest destination. The Bathroom!
Like most people at this diminutive size, Felix thought it was best to get survey his new landscape. During his 30 minute trek Felix found himself in a blue tiled room. Looking around Felix notice a relatively simple set-up for a bathroom. Towards the back of the room was the white porcelain toilet. At his height the toilet resembled a might throne for a humongous giant. Next to the toilet hung a roll of toilet paper that drooped off to the slide piling up on to the floor.

“Hmm….I wonder if I could use this to my advantage.” Running over to the loose toilet paper Felix grappled the center mass of the soft ply paper and shimmied up the paper. Grunting as he climbed, Felix soon reached the top of counter top.

“Shit! I don’t think this through.” Felix stammered as he found himself going through the shrinking process once more. Besides being nauseous from the drastic reduction in size. Felix had a sinking feeling that one of his friends must have met his demise.

“I wonder which one of my friends died.” Cried a somber Felix. Lamenting on the fact this was all his fault. If he hadn't dared the group to utter those silly words they would all be still tucked away in their sleeping bags.

Stuck on the massive bathroom granite counter top, Felix was nothing more than a small dot camouflaged into the different flecks of color surroundings him. Head hung lower, Felix walked through his new wonderland environment trying to get a grasp on what he should do now.
“Tch…There is no way I can get this stain out of these pants now!” Grumbled an irate Taro as he walked into the bathroom. Taro tried to rub out the blood and random appendages still glued onto the backside of his nicely dressed pants. Disappointed in the lack of the stains removal, Taro opened his belt buckle and slid off his pants. Turing around examining his backside he notice it too were stained a dark red.

“Ah man!” It seemed that Taro was a little too forceful with his butt smash and the bloody remains seeped through the pants into the other layers of clothing. “Might as well remove everything.” Muttered an annoyed Taro as he pulled his shirt over his head.

“Damn I look good today!” shirtless now Taro flexed a little in a cracked mirror that hung right above the counter top. He was showing off some accumulated muscle mass he has acquired over the years being trapped in his prison. As for the last garment, Taro ripped off his boxer.

Why should he care about being prudish in a time like this? It’s not like he had anybody watching him strip. Standing butt naked Taro smirk at his natural physique. His dick was out and about hanging free. For a moment or two he had completely forgotten about the little game he was playing with his intruders. Taro wasn't even aware that one these intruders was rather close and getting a view of a lifetime.
“Well, if I just hide here till the night is over I should be alright” whimpered a distraught Felix. Still showing remorse over the death of his two friends in the span of a couple of hours.


“What is that!?!” Cried a flustered Felix. A huge moving object appeared in the far off distance. “That….thing can’t be human.” Shriek a shocked Felix. Taro now resembling a living landscape to the flea size boy. The gigantic figured loomed closer to the counter top. Each passing footfall created an echo against the cold hard floor. Even these minor sounds were quite audible to the little tiny.

Looking in awe Felix watched as the huge humanoid figure started to strip down. “Oh my god” Blushing Felix quickly covered his face as he had front row seats to the peep show. Trying to show some restraint he couldn't help himself from peeking a couple of times as the layers of clothing seem to fly off of the mammoth man.

“Man this guy is such a narcissist. No, wonder he got trapped in a mirror. Although, I can’t find myself looking away from him”. Felix slightly enamored stared up at the now pantless man.

Staring upwards Felix couldn't help but marvel over the huge clothed bulge right in front of him. As soon as the pants fell over Felix nostrils flared up as he waffled in a powerfully musky scent. Almost hypnotized from the pheromones giving off by the giant, Felix slowly stumbled closer to the massive being. In his dazed state Felix observed as the mighty titian disrobed his shirt revealing a wall of fleshy muscle before him.

Felix watched as Taro flashed a coy smile and removed his boxers. Now blushing a beet red Felix looked away in embarrassment. There was no way he was going to look in front of him. Turning around Felix opened his eyes and ran towards the back of the counter. Running away he couldn't help but notice that the mirror in front of him showed in all its glory the one eyed snake right behind him. It was huge beyond belief. A living moving tower! The slit was big enough to swallow Felix whole if he got to close. Hung high in the air above the counter it slowly swayed back and forth almost as if it were staring him down.

*Bam and Bam*

Still smirking as he said he Taro continued to flex off his biceps in the mirror. Casually looking downwards, Taro carefully examined his other assets. I’m smoking toni---What the?” Taro eyes narrowed down on the counter-top and watched a minuscule, dark speck running towards the back of the counter.

“Hmm….I wasn't aware that I had a peeping tom in my midst.” Why don’t you turn around and worship all of this?” Taro whipped his hands in a circular like motion. Slowly he waved over the muscle groves on his body. Smirking Taro put his hands on his hips. Taro started to laugh as the little bug was frozen in fear.

Grinning as he said it Taro learned in closer to get a good look at his little flea. Taro started to feel fluster as his lustful side got the better of him. His cock started to swell as he subconsciously compared his penis to the little mite down below.
Running away Felix heard a loud rumbling high above him. The giant was aware of his presence and clearly mocking him with his mighty laughter. "Damn..." Turning around Felix was met was quite a sight. Right in front of him danging above his minuscule form was a musky, pink obelisk staring down the little tiny. It was daunting to the little man below. Bigger then a tallest building the penis slowly swelled up growing even bigger. At this new increase size even the slit was wide enough to swallow a group of people. As Taro inched closer the penis zoomed in catching up to Felix.
"Looks like my friend over here wants to greet you!" "Don't be shy~ I'll introduce you two. Fair warning he might have a crush on you." Beaming as he said it, Taro grasped his cock with his right hand and slowly stroked it back and forth. Getting closer he brought his massive member overhead right above the tiny speck. Still grasping his cock, Taro squeezed the tip ever so slightly allowing a drop of cum to hit the speck dead on.
Felix view was completely blocked out by the midsection of Taro. Watching the mammoth man move was pretty frightening. The tower of flesh slowly encroached on his location. Fearing for his life, Felix ran straight ahead to get away from the massive, pink monolith. The shadow soon caught up to poor little Felix. Still running Felix could feel the warmth from the back of his neck. The musk choked the air as the pillar of flesh got closer to the little flea. Gazing upwards he saw it.....The penis literately right above him. The slit was now completely engorged and flaring bright red. Pre-cum accumulated at the tip and started to droop down. "You've got to be kidding." Felix watched as the white liquid detached from the penis and started it's descent downwards.


The pre-cum was a direct hit. The white, sticky, mass, engulfed the flea sized boy in milliseconds. Felix was doused completely. Struggling to swim in the liquid was harder then it looked. Struggling to get to the surface Felix crawled his way to the top.


Coughing up a little Felix reached the surface of the pond sized lake that had formed out of nowhere. Wiping away the sticky liquid from his eyes Felix was greeted with the building size penis.
The mushroom head crashed right into the counter top as a loud groaning could heard echoing through the entire room. The little mite was stuck between the cold counter top and the mass amount of flesh pounding him into the ground.
"Hahaha" "You can't even win a fight against my spunk!" Roaring as he said Taro decided to end this little game once and for all. Gripping the shaft Taro pointed his penis down and smashed into the counter top.

"Oh! Ya! That's the spot!"Grinding and grunting Taro released his white load utterly erasing any trace of life.
Breathing heavily Taro got up started to clean the mess he made. "Thanks for saying hi to my little friend!"

Meanwhile……during the other two unfortunate deaths of Philip and Felix. Theo thought it would be advantages to get to higher ground as well. Running through the kitchen, Theo managed to climb up the bar-stool and hop onto a wooden table. However, this was before the two previous shrinking incidences. After the death of Felix, Theo roughly stood at 1/16 of inch tall and found himself completely stuck on the wooden table top. He was so small in fact the smooth texture of the wood grains seemed quite coarse to the little man. The landscape was full of ridges and hills.
Taro walked over to the kitchen still shirtless and barefoot. Now, perspiring from the “fun-time” he had just previously had. Taro naturally gleamed a nice glossy coating of sweat that formed. Little sweat droplets clung heavily to his body sliding down landing onto the floor.

“Any maggots left for me to have a little fun?”

Standing directly above the kitchen table Taro slightly tapped the table looking off into the distance contemplating about the possible whereabouts of his two victims. “Damn by now those two runts are probably shrunken into oblivion. Whelp, this might be a problem……..”
“Fuck! I don’t think I thought this one through.” Looking down from the edge Theo got dizzy just trying to focus on the ground. It’s not that he had a fear of heights. It was that the distance was so great and Theo was so small, he couldn't make out the ground at this height. At this point it resembled a mirage of sorts. Shrugging the optical illusion off Theo walked towards the center of the table. At this size, crumbs and random bits of debris were about half his size. Some of the crumbs were even bigger then him!


Theo heard tremors in the front of the kitchen and looked up in fear. Taro now resembling a half-naked god. Slowly parading across the kitchen, Taro walked closer to the table and little Theo. As Taro got closer Theo vision got obstructed by the massive size of Taro. First, his head dipped from view. Then his pecs stretched up to far for him to see. Trying to ignore the huge musky clothed budge right above him. Theo gazed upwards looking up trying to figure out his next plan of action. “Shoot, if he notices me its game over. I’m just going to have to stay still…...


Theo looked up and saw three fleshy pillars fall out of the sky. Resembling large towers they zoomed in on Theo’s location. A direct hit from any of these fingers would surely grind the mite size boy in seconds. The first one seemed off in the distance a couple of meters away from Theo. Looking upwards he saw the second finger come dangerously close barely grazing Theo. The power behind the finger hammering into the table blasted Theo back right onto the direct path of the third finger. This one was too fast to get out of the way. The finger collided into Theo’s minuscule body crushing his right leg into a sticky, bloody paste.

“Hmm?” Looking downward at the table Taro felt a rough texture on one of his fingers. Bringing his fingers closer to his face he carefully examined the little crumb that adhered to the ridges of his finger.

Theo was wracked in pain as he felt a surge of wind surround his body. He was tossed up in the air at high speeds upwards closer to the face of Taro. As his dizziness dissipated Theo was left was quite a sight. Looking straight ahead he saw a massive green eye examining him. A blast of stale air greeted him as Taro opened his mouth to speak.
“Looks like I caught a little brat and didn’t even realize it.”
“Damn you sure are a tiny one! I can barely even see you~
Taro shouted out loud looking at the minuscule boy. “Hmm…what to do with you…….” Smiling as he said it. A devil’s smile flashed and quickly a low chuckle could be heard.
Ears ringing Theo only heard loud rumbling escape Taros mouth. Theo was too small and too close to understand anything Taro was saying. Looking inward Theo saw a massive mouth with sharp pointed teeth and a bright red tongue resembling a massive landscape of red.

“OH-GOD NOT LIKE THIS” There was little Theo could do as he felt his body being lifted pass Taro’s mouth.
Extending his finger out, Taro slowly pointed upwards closer to his left nostril. Looking up Theo was confused as he saw two caverns come into view. “What the?”

Smirking slightly “I’ve always wanted try this out.” Taro said chuckling. With his other hand Taro blocked off his right nostril with one finger and deeply inhaled.


“WHAT????” Theo shouted in disbelief as he felt his body being lifted upward with great force. Trying to hold on to the ridges in Taro’s finger, Theo was detached from one fleshy landscape to be sucked up into another. The air around him whipped up into a strong gale force. The vortex of wind acting like a huge vacuum, sent the dust mite upwards towards the huge cavern in the sky. It happened in an instant. A living person sucked up like it was nothing. Not even even a bug. Theo shot up the moist sinus cavity never to be seen again.


“That was quite the rush.” Cackling out loud Taro felt a surge of pleasure in the complete obliteration of an actually person with just one “Sniff”.
Hiding behind a bookshelf you fall to the ground wracked in pain. Your again become woozy the room starts to blur together as your body contorts and expands. The floor seems to zoom out and the room shrinks down. You have regained your original size. But, at what cost? All of your closest friends have perished.

Getting up from the ground you run out of the house not trusting a single thing Taro has said. In the darkness you look for anything to help you out of this mirror world. You run straight ahead anywhere is better than this death trap. Breathing heavily, sweat drips down your face. Heart racing you notice a light coming up ahead. Frantic you run towards the light and trip on small rock. Falling down you bang your head hard against the ground. Your eyes slowly close. Your hands struggle at first reaching out to the light as you fight the urge to black out. The world once again gets fussy as you black out in the mud.

*An unknown amount of time later*

“Who am I?”

“Arg…my head!” Your head is pounding and you feel lightheaded. You are unsure if you were dreaming or those events actually took place. Still groggy you try to open your eyes but are flooded with a bright light. A sweet-smoking aroma fills your nose as you hear popping and sizzling noise in the next room over.

Narrator: “Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!” hummed the generous figure who housed you for the night. “How are you feeling? Have your memories returned?”

With your eyes now adjusted to the light you finally see that you are in a kitchen. “Something seems off….” Your voice trails off into the background.

Looking around it seems that you are on a huge platform, circular porcelain surrounds you. Turning around you notice the background seems stretched out and decals are hard to make out. The sky is illumined by a fuzz orb giving off an incandescent warmth. A huge shadow figure comes into view. “No, it couldn't be.” Your voice trembles as your notice that you have actually shrunken down.


Your body starts to shake up and down as the footfalls from the man shakes the table. Looking up you realize the huge error you have made in trusting this generous man.

Narrator: Have you figured it out yet? A cheeky grin spreads across the man. Steeping forward towards the light you soon realize your mistake. Taro was standing there half naked from the waist down. Wearing only a silky pair of boxers. He slowly inches closer to your location. Giving you a full view of his package.

“Miss me already buddy boy?” “I bet you feel pretty dumb now don’t ya? What kind of loser gets knocked out and forgets everything that has happened to them the night before?
Oh…wait you do~ Taro laughed as he put his hand down his boxers idly scratching his junk not really caring about the mant down below. "If it was as simple as walking away from this house I would have escaped this prison long ago!"

“Well, at any rate it’s time to eat! Sitting down at the table Taros massive hands start to hone in on your body as he licks his lips in anticipation on the newest snack.

Scowling in disbelief. You have been tricked from the get-go! There was never a way out of the story. The narrator had played you like a fool.

“What, don’t give me that look. I never said I would let you out! I said might show you a way out! Truth be told I don’t even know how to leave this prison.” Hesitating at first, Taro pauses as he grabs you between his thumb and index finger slightly squeezing your midsection, hoisting you up towards his toothy grin. Struggling seems futile at this point. It isn't fair! All of your friends are gone and soon you will be too....

With his other hand he slowly taps the table in deep thought. As his jaws open you are blasted with meaty stench. Saliva pools in the back of the mouth as he slowly lowers you inwards. His tongue slowly slithers out and wiggles closer to your body. With a slight flick of the tip of the tongue you are drenched in saliva as he gets a good taste of your body. The individual taste buds wash over your body. Closing your eyes you wait for your demise…..

“You know what?” The wet cavern echoes with vibrations as he slowly talks to you. Pulling you out of his mouth he places you on the palm of his hand. “Since, you did technically win this little game….. How about you spend the rest of your life with me? It gets awfully lonely in this prison. I could always share my stories with you.

Looking up you notice a slight warmth and sincerity to Taro words. You quickly nod in agreement. The room slowly fades to black as you gaze up at Taro’s trademark Cheshire cat smile.
The end…?
© Copyright 2014 Felix (pattymic1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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