Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1994375-Liz-the-mighty-MEGA-WOMAN--Chapter-11
by BarryN
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1994375
Tom submits to Master Liz
Chapter 11: Time to Submit to Master Liz

         Tom was blinded by a pure, white light. Through the light he watched he huge feet he had been kissing quickly start to shrink, losing their mass and thick muscles. The mega toes, once thicker than his thin, pen like arms, began to shrink rapidly. In a matter of seconds, the light faded. Tom blinked his eyes several times as he adjusted to the light. He then looked back down at the once massive mega foot he had been kissing. It was smaller, normal looking. It was...Liz's foot!

         "What's wrong Foot Servant? You did swear to worship me even if I am not Mega Woman," a familiar voice said.

         Tom looked up. "Liz?" he asked.

         Liz lifted her foot and put it on Tom's head and with a grunt, pushed him. Tom tumbled back.

         "Master Liz, rem...remember?" she said as she slowly stood up and then grabbed her head and fell back on the couch.

         Tom got back on his ass. "Are you okay?" he asked.

         "Yes, I, I think so. It, it is just draining to go from being able to lift millions of tons to being, well, normal. I am a bit dizzy but, but feeling better," she said as she slowly sat up. She looked down at her Mega Woman suit. It was not stretched out and had returned to its original size.

         Tom crawled over to her. "Well take it, take it easy. You probably need time to adjust. You have no idea how big you actually were," Tom said.

         "Yeah, I know. I still can't believe it happened," she said.

         Tom got up on the couch and looked at her. Even in her normal state, he could tell her muscles were still bigger than his. "So, what is it like? To be, to, strong, to be a..."

         "A goddess?" she asked. "Fucking awesome," she said as she turned to him. "It was like, like having a thousand suns exploding inside you, feeding your body, your muscles, your mind, your spirit. It, it is so hard to describe to someone who have not experienced it. I, I definitely want more," she said as she stood up and stretched. She looked around the room and saw his pants on the floor.

         "Shit, I forgot. You, you can put those back on if you want Tom," she said as she walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

         Tom got up and tried to put the shorts back on, but they fell down again. "So, how, how much do you remember?" he asked.

         Liz turned to him. "All of it. Even when I am the Divine, it is still me," she said as she looked him over. "Question is, how do you feel? I drained a lot of your strength."

         "Yes, you did. You should be considerable stronger than me now. I have to admit, this," he said as he flexed his arm only to have nothing rise up, "is going to take some getting used to."

         Liz walked over to the kitchen table with her water and sat down. "I know. Me too. I have never owned anyone before," she said smiling at him.

         "So you remember that part too huh? Me submitting to your mega feet?" he asked.

         "Yes. I told you, I remembered everything. Everything like you are supposed to be calling me Master Liz," she said.

         Tom walked over to the table and sat down. "Right, sorry," he said.

         "Foot Servant, you swore allegiance to me, whether I am Mega Woman or not. Besides," she said as she flexed her arm and a small bulge rose. "I can make you do what I want now!"

         Tom gulped in. "I know Master Liz. Is that why you shrunk down? To see if I would keep up my end of the deal?" he asked.

         Liz smiled. "That was part of it," she said a she put her elbow on the table. "Now, let's see if I really did make you weaker than me. Let's arm wrestle," she said.

         Tom knew he had no choice. He scooted his chair over and put his thin arm next to hers. "I don't stand a chance do I" he asked.

         "Probably not. Now, I want you to really try," She said as she took his hand. She squeezed and he winced a little.

         "One, two, three...GO!" she said. Tom pushed with all his might. His limb like arms shaking as he pushed against her tanned hand.

         "I, I can feel you pushing but, but it isn't that hard. Is that all you have? Are you really pushing as hard as you can?" she asked.

         "Y...yes M...aster Liz..." he gasped as his face got red. She grinned in delight as she slowly pushed his hand to the table. She let go and hit a double bicep pose. "Master Liz the winner!"

         Tom rubbed his sore hand. "Yes," he said. "You are now stronger than me."

         Liz stood up and went to the den area and got on her knees. "Let's wrestle. We used to pretend I would beat you but now, now it is for real. And when I am Mega Woman I am so strong that I would toss you in orbit or crush every bone in your body if we wrestled. So, come on down here Foot Servant," she said. "I will even let you get me in a lock," she added.

         Tom went over and put his arms under hers in a wrestler's lock.

         "One, two, three!" Liz said a she pulled her arms.

         "Ung," Tom gasped as his rail thin limbs quickly gave way to her superior might. Once she was out she grabbed his legs and brought him to the ground. She quickly rolled on top of him, placing her thighs on either side. She began to squeeze.

         "Ung...oh fuck..." Tom gasped as he felt the pressure of her normal thighs. He looked down in shock as his thighs were at least three times smaller than hers, and contained no muscle. He brought his hands up and grabbed the inside of her thighs and pushed.

         "Ung..mm...fffff..." he moaned as he tried to push her legs apart. Had this been this morning, he could have easily performed this task. But now, now that she had made him so weak, perhaps one of the weakest men on the planet, it was like trying to push apart a steel vice.

         "What's wrong Foot Servant? Having trouble with your Master's normal legs?" she laughed.

         "C..an't...m..ove....your...l....legs...God...your...s...so...s..strong!" he gasped as he pushed, his face getting red.

         "Aw, your face is getting red Foot Servant. Perhaps it is time I ended this," she said a she pushed his hands behind his head and jumped up. Once up she used her left foot to step on his hands, trapping them on the floor. She took her other foot and placed it in his mid-chest. She rose her foot up, leaving only her toes on his chest. She flexed her normal muscles in a classic 'victory pose' over him.

         "Who is stronger?" she asked.

         Tom grunted and groaned as he tired to get his hands out from under her normal foot. But the weight of her entire body, and the strength of her legs and foot, where too much for him in his weakened state.

         "You are, are stronger, Master Liz," he said.

         "Who is weaker? And call me Master Muscle Liz," she ordered.

         "Yes ma'am, I, I, ung am, am weaker, Master, Muscle, Muscle Liz," he wheezed,

         "And who is your Muscle Master?" she asked.

         "You are, Master Muscle Liz," he said, half smiling knowing he had no way of getting out of her hold.

         "And who is my Foot Servant? My willing slave?" she said as she looked down at him with a wry smile.

         "I am your Foot Servant, and your willing slave," he said.

         "Do you yield to my power and muscles?" she asked.

         "I, I yield. You are, superior, Master Muscle Liz," he said.

         She flexed her biceps harder. "I win again!" she said. She then looked down at him. "You seem to have a bad habit of being at or under my feet Foot Servant."

         "Occupational hazard I suppose," Tom answered.

         Liz laughed as she removed her foot form his hand, but not his chest. "You kissed Mega Woman's feet. Now it is time to kiss mine," she said.

         Tom took in a deep breath. "I swore to be your and Mega Woman's foot servant. I swore to worship at both your feet. It, it would be an, an honor Master Muscle Liz to kiss your superior feet," he said

         She smiled. "Good answer," she said as she brought the other one over his face and down to his lips. It was exciting! It was one thing for him to do this when she was huge and could crush him. But this, this seemed more special.

         Tom leaned up, closed his eyes, and kissed the bottom of her superior foot. "Thank you," he said.

         "You are welcome," she purred as she brought the other one over and he kissed it as well.

         "So, are you going to muscle back up? What is next Master Muscle Liz?" he asked.

         Liz bent down and helped him to his feet. He was still taller than her. "No, for what I want to do, Mega Woman's muscles would probably kill you. I am still considerably stronger than you Foot Servant," she said as she took his hand. "I think it's time we moved this worship into the bedroom, don't you?"

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