Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1994346-A-day-in-the-life-of-Jade
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Other · #1994346
The result of summer boredom.
If there ever was a day to drink 4 cups of coffee in one sitting, this was it.
Welcome to Jade's world. Where living alone was like having a me party every day. Except you were lonely because you lived alone. Jade had stayed up all night before doing paperwork with her good old friend wine. Alcohol was the only thing that could keep her awake.
"Welcome to Sox News. Blah blah blah, terrible stuff, terrible stuff, terrible stuff, woe misery and misfortune," said the television. Jade turned off the T.V. She was already depressed and didn't need to hear anymore bad news. She knew the world was fucked up; so why did the media feel the need to harp on it?
Jade grabbed a cigarette and lit it. Like she fucking cared if her landlord didn't want her smoking in her apartment. She worked for the CIA, didn't she? The comforting sound of her lighter filled the silence. The phone rang and jade stumbled over to her cell, puffing out the sweet smoke. It was Ria.
"What," jade mumbled.
"Hi, Jade. You know Mission X? Due to complications the director has rescheduled it for tonight."
"Fuck!" Jade moaned to the ceiling, "Why?"
"I just told you, there's been complications."
"What kind of complications?"
"Agent Miller turned out to be a double agent. He's behind bars but according to his phone he's          
already sent his agency more than enough information for them to completely ruin Mission X."
"Who does he work for?"
"That's the problem; we don't know. So we have to pull off the mission ASAP. Report at headquarters at 8pm sharp."
"K bye," and Jade hung up the phone.
"Fuck," she said again. She was in no mood to carry out Mission X. She had been out of
antidepressants for weeks and no food in her apartment except for a head of lettuce. She was poor and had no money to buy more antidepressants or food. On top of that, she had cramps and was severely craving chocolate.
         Jade took her cigarette out of her mouth and finished the last of her coffee. She was still tired. Jade sighed and softly banged her head against the wall. She and Ria had been friends for a while. Actually, Ria was basically the only person she knew in the CIA that she hadn't co-worker zoned. Jade had a hard time making friends. Ria was sixteen and Jade was nineteen. A bit of an age difference, but they got along fine. Ria sometimes acted as a mother/psychiatrist for jade; scolding her for drinking underage. Jade looked at her empty wine glass,
         "Like I give a fuck," she thought. Wine was the only thing that took away the pain and she was not giving it up.
         Jade tried to make a smoke ring like Gandalf and failed. As she watched the smoke, she thought about her virginity. Jade had mixed feeling about her virginity; sometimes she was ashamed of it and sometimes she didn't care. She hated people, and was not particularly fond of males. And since a virginity cannot be lost without a male (Jade was straight), Jade was in quite a dilemma. She wondered what it was like. But, like every time she thought about it, she made up her mind not to care. Why would she do something with someone she didn't like? She was single and didn't have any crushes. So Jade decided it was her life and she could do what she wanted to when she wanted to. And not do anything at all if she didn't want to. Even if she was looked down upon and made fun of because of it.
         Jade put out her cigarette and flopped down on the sad looking couch, intending to take a nap. It was not too long ago jade was living in her parents house.
         "Or jail," she thought. Jade didn't hate her parents--well sometimes. Jade could tolerate her parents but since she had been homeschooled her whole life, the equivalent of being in her house 24/7, home was beginning to feel like a jail. Jade was so jealous of her old friend that lived at college in another state; it must be nice to get out of the house, live somewhere else. It was here at home Jade's problems started. Feeling like she would never escape from the jail her home seemed to be, she became severely depressed and lost all hope, cutting to make herself feel better. She considered suicide at times and couldn't seem to handle the real world; everything overwhelmed her. Being stuck at home was the cause of her problems and since her parents wouldn't let her leave the house until her problems were solved, it was a never ending cycle. A never ending hopeless cycle of misery. This, plus the fact that she was fat at the time, weighted heavily down on Jade's heart. Try as she might, she couldn't seem to lose the weight or her jail/home. However, currently she was in shape and enjoyed wearing crop tops.
         Luckily for her life, Jade got recruited by the CIA while exploring Washington D.C. She was eighteen at the time and could legally live on her own. So, under the guise that the CIA was hiring her as a receptionist, Jade became a core collector for the CIA. Her parents never suspected since one needed a bachelors' degree to become a spy. But in truth, this was not the case. This was merely publicity; the CIA recruited all ages, education or not. (That's how Ria, a sixteen year old was working for the CIA as a core collector too).
         Jade moved out of her parents house and into a cute little apartment of her own.
"YES," Jade had thought at the time. Finally she was free! Living her dream!
Jade's life was so much better and she was out of her life rut; but she still carried some of her problems with her. She still was depressed, antisocial and took up smoking and drinking. But other than that, Jade was happy. Ever since she was thirteen she had dreamed of becoming a spy.
         Despite her desire that Mission X be moved to a different date, Jade smiled and snuggled up under her handmade blanket she had crocheted herself. She wasn't suicidal anymore, so life was good. In fact, she was beginning to enjoy life. She realized her desire for death sprung from the fact that she was still living in her parents' house and not her dream career.

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