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by BarryN
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1994192
From boyfriend to servant, the domination of Tom by MEGA WOMAN continues
Chapter 9: From boyfriend to Foot Slave, the domination of Tom continues

         Tom looked up at the beautiful face of his girlfriend. "Go all the way Mega Woman?" he asked.

         "Yes. What I mean is this. This is not role playing. I am now a super woman. The fantasy is now a reality. You call me Master. I call you Foot Slave. Even during role play, you never submitted to my toes. Said you were inferior than they were. You are now kissing my feet. You never ever did that during our pretend sessions. This is feeling very, is very, real. I want you to submit to me as my Foot Slave. To swear allegiance to me, to worship only me, to do whatever I ask, when I ask. I truly want you to become, my servant," she said. For emphasis, she flexed her huge biceps.

         Tom's eyes widened. God her muscles were so fucking huge. "You, you want me to, to really be your, your slave?" he asked.

         "Yes. I do. Maybe it is the Divine power speaking, but I don't think so. Just like you were nervous about kissing my feet before, I was always nervous about pretending to make you my servant. Anyway, you seem into it. I mean, when I mentioned it, you got hard again," she said.

         Tom looked down at his pants embarrassed. He looked back up at her. "The idea, it, I mean, it is different. And I have thought about it when we role played. But that was pretend. If I do it now, it, it will be for real, right?"

         "Yes," she said.

         He looked at the big feet before him. He had to admit, he liked serving at her feet. And the fact that she was now a living God, it made sense for her to have a servant. But how would it affect their relationship?

         "It would change our relationship Tom," she said, having read his thoughts. "But I don't see how it is any different than what you have done tonight. Making me food, cleaning it up, kissing my feet, swearing to my mega toes. Look, you are my boyfriend, my soul mate. I know of no other man who would do what you have done for me today. Any other man would be total intimidated by me and would run for the hills. You accepted the new me, the mega me. And I know this is what you want as well. It is in your thoughts. You love me dominating you. Imagine that relationship continuing, only as me as your Master and you as my Foot Slave. It won't change the fact that I love you. In fact," she said as she put her left big toe on his lips. "It might make me l over and respect you more. What a great man you are, to realize your place next to my power," she said. "I could make you. I could get into your brain and make you think you really are my slave. Or I can use the strength in that toe on your lips to overpower you. I could drain all your strength until you agreed. There are many ways I could do this, but I don't want to do that. I want you to want it as well," she added. "Imagine me dominating you on a full time basis. Your fantasy becoming a," she said as she flexed her arms again. "a reality."

         Tom brought his hands up and grabbed her toe. He pulled. It had no effect. He tried talking out of the corner of his mouth. "Ints just mffffl," he babbled.

         "What?" Mega Woman said and then laughed. She removed her toe. "Sorry. You may speak."

         "Thank you," he said as he grabbed the toe that had been on his lips. "There is no doubt in my mind this mega toe contains more than enough strength to make me do anything you want. And the thought of you messing with my brain, well, it isn't appealing," he said taking in a deep breath. "There is no doubt you are a Goddess now, given power beyond all reason, power beyond anything I could have ever dreamed. If, if I do this, I mean, do I keep my job? What do I call you when we are out in public? Calling you Master when we are at dinner with my parents might make for an awkward meal," he said.

         She smiled. "True. No, you keep your job. You call me Mega Woman when I am like this, and Liz when I am normal. When we are home, you call me Mega Woman if I am in mega mode," she said, and then the smile on her lips widened. "And when I am Liz, you can, no wait, what do you think you should call me when I am normal?" she asked having read his thoughts.

         "Supreme Master Liz," he said and then smiled. "Or Lordesss Liz?" he said.

         She giggled. "Both are acceptable to me little one. So, are you on board? You realize you will have to do whatever I say, when I say it. There can be no disagreement. When we are home, you will serve me and worship me. It doesn't matter if I am in mega form or not," she said.

         Tom looked down and then back up at her. "I really don't see that I have a choice. But, it doesn't matter. I will willingly do it. I said you deserved to be worshipped. It doesn't matter if you're big or small. Okay, let's, let's do it," he said.

         She smiled down at him. "Thank you. You have no idea how it feels to have you do this for me or how it feels to soon have my own servant....which is what I will call you. You aren't a slave, you are a servant. A foot servant," she said.

         He smiled. "Whatever you decide to call me is fine by me....Master," he said.

         "I know. Now, let's do this," she said as she put her feet back together. "Again, place your forehead on the ball of each of my feet. Grab the edges of each foot," she said.

         Tom leaned forward, with half his forehead on one foot, half on the other. "I, I am ready, ready to become," he took in a deep breath. It was weird to be both nervous and turned on. He gulped in. "I am read to, to become your, foot slave," he said.

         Mega Woman smiled and breathed in deeply. God, it was such a turn on to have him swear to be her slave! She wanted to do it right. "Very well Tom. Repeat after me. I, Tom Phillips hereby swear to worship my new master, Mega Woman and Liz," she said.

         Tom took in another deep breath. "I, Tom Phillips hereby swear to worship my new master Mega Woman and Liz," he repeated.

         "I swear to serve at her feet. To obey and serve her, and only her," she said.

         "I, I swear to serve at her...er....your mega feet. To obey you, and to, to, serve, serve you, and only you," he stammered, feeling both hotly turned on, embarrassed and small.

         "I swear allegiance to her. I swear to worship her, and only her, for the rest of my life."

         Tom felt smaller and smaller as he spoke. As if the reality of his new position was setting in. "I, swear, allegiance to you. I, I swear to worship you, and only you, for, for," he stammered.

         She looked down at him and pressed lightly with her foot against his forehead. "For the rest of your life Tom. Say it," she commanded.

         "I swear to worship you, and only you, for, for the rest of, of my life," he said

         "You are nothing. I am everything. You renounce all others and accept me as the one, true, and only master," she said as she felt extremely powerful and turned on.

         Tom wondered how long this was going to last. "I am nothing. You are, are everything. I renounce all others and accept you as the one, true and only master. You, you now own me."

         "I swear total and utter allegiance to Mega Woman and Master Liz. I now own you. You are now Mega Woman and Master Liz's foot servant and slave, forever and ever."

         Tom took in a final deep breath. "I swear total and utter allegiance to Mega Woman and Master Liz. I am now Mega Woman and Master, Master Liz's foot servant and slave. Forever, and ever."

         "Very good Foot Servant. Very good. I am pleased. You have now affirmed your allegiance to me as my servant. How does it feel?" she asked.

         Tom removed his head from the balls of her huge feet and looked up at her. "I was hoping to affirm my allegiance by kissing your mega foot," he said.

         She smiled. "I am glad you are into this little one! Of course, you have my permission," she said.

         He leaned back down and kissed the balls of her mega feet and then rose back up. "I am ready for your command Mega Woman," he said.

         "Good. Been thinking about our conversation earlier. About you being weaker than Liz, or well Master Liz now to you I guess. It doesn't make sense for a servant to ever have more power than his ruler. So, my first command is this. You will be drained so that you are weaker than I am when I am normal. As for an excuse, we will just tell people you have been sick," she said.

         Tom looked down. He didn't want to be that weak but knew he had no choice. "Yes, that makes sense. I can't be stronger than you. Even when you are, just Master Liz," he said.

         "Right. Now, why don't you kiss my mega feet while I drain you? I promise I will leave you enough strength to get around. I used to be able to lift about 50 pounds. How much could you bench? She asked.

         "Two hundred pounds," he said.

         "Okay, I will leave you enough strength to lift 30 pounds. Sound good?" she asked.

         "Yes," he sheepishly said.

         "Good. Don't worry, you will get used to it. And if anyone picks on you, I will be there to kick their ass. Now, start kissing," she said as her eyes began to glow.

         "Ung," he gasped as he began to immediately feel weaker. He grabbed on to her mega feet to steady himself from falling over. He began slowly kissing her feet as he watched his arms and legs get thinner and thinner. "God...s...so...w..we....ak," he moaned. "hard to, ung, hold self up...k..kiss..m..ega..f..eet," he gasped.

         "K..k..eep t..try...ing" she tease as she continued the drain.

         "Yes, M..ega..." he gasped. HE kissed her left foot and then moved to the right. He put his lips on it but the drain was too much. His face slid down the bottom of her foot until his head rested at her mighty heel.

         "I think you are there," she said as she stopped the drain, her eyes dimming. She lifted her foot and extended her big toe. She poked him in the head. "You okay down there Foot Servant?" she asked.

         Tom slowly raised his head. "Feel so, so weak. I, I never knew this is how you felt. I, I am sorry if I ever made you feel, small," he said.

         She smiled sweetly at him. "Thank you. Now, ready to submit to the rest of your Goddess weak little man?" she asked as she put her foot on top of his head in total and superior domination.

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