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Forty million pounds? No problem for MEGA WOMAN! |
Chapter 4: Forty Million Pounds? No problem for Mega Woman Mega Woman dove into the water and swam under the huge ship. She knew she was strong, super strong, stronger than she had ever dreamed possible. But this, this was an aircraft carrier. A FORTY MILLION POUND aircraft carrier. Mega Woman steeled herself as she use her x-ray vision to find the best place to put her hands in order to lift the huge ship. "Okay girl, you bent steel easier than tearing up a napkin. Your bicep split a huge chain in two without ANY effort. This should be easy. Because I am not just Liz, I...AM...MEGA WOMAN!" she thought as she began to push on the ship. ERRRRNNNGGG! Her fingers and hands dug into the reinforced steel of the ship. "Here we go," she thought as she began to push. ERRNNNGG! Her fingers and palms dug into the reinforced steel. Unlike with the steel chain, this time she felt the weight of the ship; however, to her surprise, and then to her extreme pleasure, the ship was not that heavy. In fact it wasn't heavy at all. "Wild," she thought as she began to kick her legs, slowly lifting the huge boat into the air. She looked at her arms. They were slightly flexing, but it was clear that they were nowhere near their limit. A broad smile expanded on Mega Woman's face. "Tom is going to blow a freaking load," she thought. "Time to impress!" she thought. Tom was standing on the dock, hoping that his now massive girlfriend had not bitten off more than she could chew. Sure, she had bent steel with her fingers and had burst chains with her biceps but a ship, a forty million pound ship....that was something else entirely. The first signs that something was happening was that the aircraft carrier seemed to rock slightly back and forth. Tom's eyes widened as the boat began to move. Only this time, it did not move back and forth. Instead, it began moving....UP! "Impossible," Tom gasped. At first, inch by inch, the boat began to rise. The chains, which held the massive ship to the dock, began to rise and stretch. The now familiar sound of distressed metal echoed throughout the port. Under the ship, Mega Woman could not stop smiling. She slightly increased her efforts. She stopped kicking and used her flight power. It was easier as the boat began to rise faster. She could hear the chains holding the boat beginning to stretch and break. Her smile broadened as the boat cleared the water's edge and she began to rise out of the sea. Tom fell back on his ass as the aircraft carrier rose above the water. Soon a pair of thick hands were seen, then arms, her head and then her entire body. She was doing it. She was lifting a FORTY MILLION POUND aircraft carrier. And she was doing with a smile on her face. Mega Woman laughed as she saw Tom fall back on his ass in disbelief. She looked to her right and saw two broken chains and two chains still attached. With a blast of her heat vision, she split the chains in two. She watched them fall back into the ocean. She turned her attention to Tom. "What do you think little guy?" she yelled from under the boat....a boat which was now thirty feet in the air. "I, I am speechless. Is it...." He didn't finish. "No Tom, it isn't heavy. And apparently even from this distance I can still read your mind. Let me try something," she said. "Can you hear me?" a powerful voice said in Tom's head. "Think your answer," it further said. Tom shook his head. The voice was soooo powerful, and it sounded like Liz. "Yes, I, I can hear you. You are telepathic too?" he asked. "Yes. It seems so. And this is much better than yelling,' she thought. "But, you, you are still yelling. Your voice Master, it, it is tearing my brain apart. Please, try and, and think with less....power," he thought to her. Mega Woman laughed, this time out loud. "Even my voice is more than a match for these mortals," she thought to herself. "Okay, is this better?" she thought to Tom. "Yes, it, it is still a very powerful thought but, yes, it is better. I can tolerate it. Is there nothing you can't do?" he thought. "Pretty much seems I can do anything. And to prove it weakling, watch this," she thought to Tom. Tom looked over at the floating carrier. He watched in utter amazement as Mega Woman slowly brought her right arm down. She was holding the aircraft carrier, the forty million pound boat, with her one, left hand. Tom had seen some amazing things in his life. The Great Wall of China, the Parthenon, the Grand Canyon, but all those things paled in significance to what he had witnessed today. His massively muscled girlfriend tossing rocks like they were pebbles, bending steel like it was taffy and now, now his super strong and God-like girlfriend was lifting forty million pounds. With one hand. WITH ONE FUCKING HAND! The voice in his head returned. "What's wrong weak little man, speechless?" It was followed by a giggle. "Beyond, beyond speechless. Beyond amazed. I am just, just, beyond any kind of rational and human thought," he thought to her. "You, you aren't God-like. You ARE a freaking Goddess." "Yes. Perhaps I am. I mean, you know anyone who can do this?" she thought as she began pumping her left arm up and down. Tom watched in more amazement as she pumped the huge ship up and down with her left arm, her bicep flexing, but nowhere near as large as when she flexed it on her own. For the second time that day, Tom came in his pants. "Again? Seriously? What, watching your mega girlfriend lift up a boat and pump it up and down with her left hand turns you on? And remember, I am right handed. I am doing this with my, well not weak, but less powerful hand!" she thought to him. "It is more than I could have possibly imagined. Even in our role play games, we never pretended you were, were this powerful." He thought. "Nope," she thought back when a sound got her attention. "Hmmmm, seems my antics here have drawn some attention. I hear the police on their way. Hold still babe," she thought to him. Tom slowly began to levitate into the air and float towards Mega Woman. He was soon under the ship and floating next her the super tall and muscular powerhouse. She grabbed him with her right hand. ' "You are incredible. You can lift a huge boat and still use your mental powers to lift me up and float me over. I should be scared, I mean there is a HUGE boat over my head. But I am not. I have never felt safer," Tom said to Mega Woman. "You will always be safe with me little one. However, I think we need to get out of here. I was hoping this would be an adequate test of my strength but so far, it really hasn't. Plus I am not ready to introduce Mega Woman to the world. Not yet. But," she said, "might as well have a little fun with them. Hold on tight Tom," she said as she floated over to the battleships she had wrecked with her wadded up metal ball. She slowly began to descend. The sound of metal screeching and bending roared throughout the port as she slowly placed the aircraft carrier on the battleships. "Man, I would have loved to try and lift all of this, but time to go," she thought. Once the carrier was resting on the boats, she floated out from under it and rose into the air, with Tom in tow. "Let's see how they explain that away!" she beamed. "OK Tom, ready to head home? I think we can continue to have lots of fun." "Yes ma'am, you are in control!" he said as the two flew away and the cops arrived to the devastation caused by one, single, but powerful woman. A MEGA WOMAN! |