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Man-made steel v. MEGA WOMAN, guess who loses!?!?! |
Chapter 3: Man made metal v. the mighty MEGA WOMAN Tom had a mix of feelings. First off, he couldn't believe he was flying through the air. Second, he couldn't believe it was his once small and slightly pudgy girlfriend who was doing the flying. Third, his natural fear of heights was kicking in; but all that paled in comparison to how turned on he was. He reached across his body and felt Liz's unflexed bicep. He couldn't believe its size and hardness. Unflexed it was bigger than his waist. Flexed....who knows? Liz laughed. "Don't worry Tom, flying with me is safer than any airplane. Mega Woman airlines has a perfect flight record! Anyway, I'm invincible remember?" "How, how did, oh," Tom said. "You can read my mind. I forgot. Fucking shit you're amazing." "Yep," Mega Woman said. "Ah, we are here," she said as she straightened up and descended to the ground. BOOM! Was heard as her powerful feet made contact with the ground, leaving two large dents and cracks. She gently put Tom down. Tom looked around. "Where are we Master Mega Woman?' he asked. "The naval shipyard where they keep abandoned boats," she said as she walked towards the docks. Tom quickly followed, drooling as he watched her calve muscles bunch and unbunch as she walked. Mega Woman came to the edge of one of the docks. In front of her was an old destroyer, which was attached to the dock with a series of thick moors and chains. Mega Woman smiled. "This will do," she said as she bent down and lifted up the massive chain with one hand. "Holy shit," Tom said as he scurried over to her. He looked at her and the chain. "Is, is it heavy?" he asked. Mega Woman smirked. "Um, no. You know better than to ask that," she said. She squeezed her thick fingers. ERNG! Was heard as they dug into the metal like fingers squeezing a pillow. Mega Woman smiled. "HA!" she laughed. "Able to bend steel with my fingers! God I love this power," she said as she tugged on the chain. ERNNNGGG! Was heard as the metal screeched. Using only one hand, Mega Woman gently tugged on the chain. More screeching metal was heard as she increased the pressure. Tom watched in total awe as his girlfriend pulled on the large chain, the links stretching and bending to her might. He looked at her bicep and shoulder, they were not even flexing. "She isn't even trying," he thought as he grabbed his pants. "Baseball, cold water, Bea Arthur," he thought as he tried his hardest not to cum. "You think you are excited now little man, watch this," she said as she gave one final yank. EEEERRRNNNNNGGGGG! BOOM! Was heard. Tom scurried behind the huge legs of his massive girlfriend as the area on the ship which housed the mooring chain flew off the boat, tearing through the metal as if it were air. It flew towards Mega Woman. "Lis, watch out!" Tom screamed as he ducked behind her huge legs, which were large enough for him to fit behind easily. "Watch out for what? This?" Mega Woman said as she reached up with her other hand and caught the huge anchor mooring system in her other hand, stopping it cold in the air. Her fingers easily dug into the steel. Mega Woman slowly turned around and looked down at her cowering boyfriend. "Please, you were afraid of this little thing? Here, catch," she said as she acted like she was going to toss it at him. "No please!" Tom said as he brought his hands up in a worthless effort to stop from being crushed. Mega Woman laughed. "Come on Tom, I wouldn't crush you. Well, not with this piece of metal. I may crush you in other ways," she said as she flexed her huge thighs. Tom gulped in. His thighs looked smaller than toothpicks compared to the beef in front of him. There had to be close to 60 inches of pure muscle. "I, I know," Tom stammered. "What you just did was....amazing," Tom said. "Not really, and hardly a test of my strength," she said. "And you called me Liz,' she said as her eyes began to glow. "Ung..." Tom gasped as he felt the familiar weakness wash over him. "I, I, ung, am, s....s...sorry..M....aster," he wheezed. Mega Woman stopped and put down the chain. "Flex your arm sweetie," she said. Tom brought it up and flexed. His once larger muscles were reduced with barely a bump coming up. Mega Woman laughed. She brought down her titanic arm and flexed. Tom's eyes widened as her arm slowly expanded. Her tanned flesh grew and grew like a muscle balloon. Finally it peeked. "My fingers are thicker than your tiny little arm wee man," she teased. "And my bicep, it is fifteen times larger than yours. Remember that. Remember that I can crush you with my pinky toe. I am Mega Woman, or Master to you when I am in this form. I do not want to have to keep reminding you weakling. Got it?' she asked with confidence. "Yes Master," he said. Mega Woman unflexed her huge bicep. "Good! Now watch THIS!" she said as she picked up the chain and the mooring mechanism. She slowly gathered the chain around her bicep. She brought it up and flexed. ERRRRNNNNG! Was once again heard as her pure female muscle stretched the chain to its limits. "Mere manmade metal has no hope against not only my strength, but there mere flexing of my superior mega muscles," she said as the chain reached its limits and broke, falling to the ground at her booted feet. "You...you flexed out of...the...chain," Tom gasped. "Easily I might add," she said as she picked up the large mooring system in her hands. She began wadding it up like it was paper. Metal bent and screeched as it bended to her massive power. The mooring mechanism, was quickly reduced to a beach ball sized wad of distressed metal. She tossed it up and down in her left hand, her muscles not flexing. She looked at Tom and winked at him as she threw it at the huge battleship. KABOOM! Was heard as the wad flew through the reinforced steel of the ship, creating a massive hole. The wad continued, going through four other ships before splashing in the water. Mega Woman turned to Tom and put her hands on her hips. "The mighty Mega Woman one, man-made weak steel, zero!' she said. Tom could no longer hold it in. The casual display of super strength just demonstrated was too much for him to handle. He grunted as he unloaded in his pants. Mega Woman laughed. "Jeeze Tom, I didn't even have to touch you and you came? Weakling," she teased. Tom looked away embarrassed. "I, I am sorry. It, it is just that you, you are so, so powerful. No, powerful isn't the right word. You, you are God-like, you have the powers of a God. Beyond what you and I even used to role play about. I am surprised I lasted this long," he said. "Ha!" she laughed. "God-like huh? Well, technically Tom it is Goddess-like powers. But you are right, no one can even come CLOSE to what I can do with relative ease. I thought maybe this place would challenge my strength but it hasn't even come close. All of this, all I have done, was easier than wadding up paper," Mega Woman said as she looked around and then smiled. "And then there is that," she said as she pointed a thick finger at a medium sized and rusting aircraft carrier. Tom looked over at it. "The carrier? You, you think you can lift a freaking aircraft carrier?" he asked. Mega Woman flexed her biceps. "Only one way to find out. First things first. Your phone, use it and google how much that thing might weigh," she said. "How did you know I had my, oh right, x-ray vision," Tom said as he got out his phone and googled "how much does an aircraft carrier weigh." Several pages popped up. The picture of an aircraft carrier from WW2 looked to be the same size as the huge boat in front of them. He clicked on it. "Wow," he said. "How much?" she asked. "Forty million pounds," Tom said. "You, you really think you can lift that much?" he asked. Mega Woman flexed her left bicep. "Yep, you just stand here and watch weakling," she said as she took to the air and t hen dove into the water behind the carrier. |