Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1993975-Like-any-other
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1993975
Writing it for a contest :)
         I walked into the library, same as I do every week. I said a quick hello to Jean, the librarian who seemed to never leave. I said hey to all the usual's as I walked past. I love this place. I feel like I can be accepted here. Not many people from my high school like the library right next door, and they don't usually use it. At my high school, I feel like an outcast. All the other kids are popular, or really nerdy. None of them really give me a second glance but that's okay. I have all the friends I need in my books.
         I have the cover of the book in mind, picturing myself flipping it's pages, breathing in the smell of this used, worn book. My favorite book. Most people would think it's for younger kids, not almost seventeen year old girls, but I can never get enough of it. I finally turn into the isle and see it.
         The problem is, it's in the hands of a boy in my class.
         I stop dead in my tracks. What is he doing here? I think to myself. Nobody from my class comes here, and I can't believe he'd be reading that!
         He turns and see's me, looking confused for a moment before smiling at me.
         "Oh, hey. It's Maria, right? You're in my English class, I sit three seats ahead of you I think,"
         "Yeah, you're Ryan right? I've seen you a couple times in the halls, and in English of course. What are you doing here?" I ask as I recall the seating chart from my English class.
         He looks at me, confused again. "What do you mean? It's the library, why wouldn't I be here?"
         I stutter, "Well, I uh, I've never seen you in here before and I come here almost every day." I stuck my gaze to my shoes and thought about how I had to come late today, because my mother needed help.
         Ryan smiles again. "I come here everyday too. I can't come right after school because of work, but I always find a way to get here. I guess we just have always missed each other. I had a craving for this book today." He holds up The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. "It's actually my favorite book."
         I couldn't really think much at this point. This was all just too coincidental. How was it possible that for the eight years I've been coming here to read, I had never seen him here? I tried to get a grip and figure out what to say.
         "It's my favorite book too. There doesn't happen to be more than one copy, does there?" I finally got out.
         Ryan looked shocked. "Wow. I guess I never knew we had so much in common." He smiled again but this time it warmed me to my core. He turned and looked back at the bookcase.
         "No, sorry. There's only one. But we could read it together. I'm free after work from five to seven, think we could meet up here?"
         Now it was my turn to smile. "Of course. That time's perfect for me too."
         "It's a deal." He said as he stretched out his hand for me to shake. I shook it and we got straight to work with our favorite book.
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