Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1993581-Cloudbursting
Rated: E · Poetry · Spiritual · #1993581
A dream like take on awakening to love and truth through enlightening experiences.


I remember a time I spent a warm summer's day in the skies,

I was sitting in a sweet dream reverie high on a white fluffy cloud.

Way down below me there were people scurrying busily chasing life.

From above they seemed just like tiny ants in a world majestic and proud.

A swift and powerful breeze arose upon me suddenly,

It nearly forced me over the edge and straight back down to the ground.

Fortunately despite my fright I managed to brace myself and to hold on tight…

I knew I wasn't ready to be flung back into the big world just yet.

I swayed steadily on my observation perch up high in the sky,

Enchanted fully by the sight of all things above and below

Feeling wonder and amazement all of the beautiful birds in mid-flight.

Up until that very moment that I dared to spend some quality time in the sky,

I hadn’t realized how oblivious I had been to the way I had been unconsciously living my life.

So I guess that how quickly I became almost completely mesmerized should not have been no big surprise.

Across the evening sky at twilight I could see how the moon’s light,

was reflecting off of shimmering mists of silvery white.

Lighting up the long trails left behind from airplanes flying in the night.

I was so over-come with joy, and the wonder of witnesses first hand the true splendor of life,

Momentarily I choked on my egotistical pride,

Before finally breaking down after a bit then I cried.}I remember it was about that time when a grand old Mother Goose suddenly flew along landing right at my side.

To my utter surprise she spoke with a gentle honk she spoke up.

Her glittery eyes were shining at me with the fondness of a child.

"Listen closely to me child “ she said, “and look deep into my eyes,

then I will tell you why it is that you are sitting on cloud nine crying”.

I respectfully looked deep into her eyes eagerly waiting to hear the next words that she said…

"It is because from the view up here the world below seems so warm and exciting...

It is because it is a gift of love sent from high up above...

It’s the gift of life and that is your heart that is doing the inviting."

I heard her words, believing so strongly that she was right and leaving all of my doubts behind me

By seeing the truth shining through my eyes back at her like a bright golden light,

The Grand ole goose then winked at me as she spread her wings for flight, she honked and she flew out of sight.

Already set on the intention of no longer playing dead,

I rsvp’d my heart about joining in the world of the living instead.

Now it is time to experience it, this gift she'd called life although

I was not fully willing to come back down from the clouds just yet.

Bursting out in laughter I then began to sing the sacred songs I’ve always loved while joyfully dancing well into the night.

‘til early on the horizon I began to see the glimmer of first morning light.

This meant clearly that the time was now for me to finally come down off of my silver lined cloud…

But not before I said my fondest goodbye's to the clouds and to the sky.

So I out to the whole world good and loud, I gave a shout,

"Hello earth! I'm looking at the big sky now!"

Then I screamed aloud, "I know now I am the creator of my own reality, and I know I can be co-creator of the world when I can fully realize my hopes and dreams.”

“And regardless of whether the choices I make may seem to others to be wrong or right…

It is still my choice to choose whatever paths may be necessary,

for me to succeed in finding my purpose, and fulfilling my destiny.”

Life is challenging indeed, but each and every difficulty placed in front of me provides me with more opportunities to learn and grow…

And eventually be everything I ever wanted to be.

So from this moment here and now this is my creed;

It matters not how long and difficult my journey turns out in the end to be, as long as I am making the choice to love and be free.

This I do by choosing to live life more authentically as me with my mind at peace, and with an open heart full of integrity.
© Copyright 2014 Magdalena Mary (magdalenamary at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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