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by Bruce. Author IconMail Icon
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1992574
Things turn worse for Monica.
Chapter 9

The next day, Anne took over from me at the restaurant for the evening shift. Friday was usually busy, but the previously boarded up window and the inflated rumours of the attack on his premises decimated his trade.

         I was ready to set off for home for my tea, but because the restaurant was not busy, I was standing by the door of the back room chatting to Anne.

         “Guess who I saw at The Jug House last night?” Anne asked the question but didn’t give me a chance to guess the answer. “I saw Eddie pull up in a big luxury Granada Ghia what he had just bought. He took me out for a ride in it; it’s a fabulous car.”

         “What, are you back with Eddie now then?”

         “No, but he took me for a drink at our favourite pub in Millwall. We never got to go in for a drink though. I persuaded Eddie to sit in the back seat with me for a chat. There’s no houses where we stopped, just building site hoardings and the street was deserted. Things got out of control, and we ended up making love.”

         “I don’t believe you.”

         “It’s true.”

         “No, I don’t believe you could act like that.”

         “Me and Eddie have always had great sex together. I couldn’t let an opportunity like that get away.”

         “Well, maybe you should get back with him, then.”

         “What, after what he done with that, Denise. I don’t think so.”

         “But you’re doing the same thing to Dave.”

         “Dave’s an idiot. Anyway, it was only a one-nighter as they say. Haven’t you ever had a one-nighter?”

         “No, Anne, I haven’t. But if you are happy with it.”

         “I am, but Eddie was not so happy when I gave him the elbow afterwards. I suppose I led him on really. He was gutted thinking we had made up. Anyway I’ve got some more good news.”

         “That was good news, was it?”

         “It was to me. So, Dave’s mate, Jeff', has arranged a place for us just down the road from him. It's in Limehouse, but far enough away from my parent's house. It's got four bedrooms so you can come and stop over sometimes. You can even move in and have a room of your own, if you like."

         "You need permission off the council to take lodgers."

         "It's a squat."

         "You're joking, you can't go in a squat."

         "No, it's all right. It's not one of those hippy places. Most of the houses are tenant's houses, but the few that come empty are taken for the squatters. I've already spoken to the bloke who runs it all. He only gets the houses ready for families, he don't give them to hippies."

         "But you're not a family are you, just you and Dave."

         "It doesn't matter. He knows I'm pregnant and he said it'll be an advantage once I start to show, might even help to get a council place."

         "Your mum and dad will hit the roof."

         "Sod ‘em. It's all going ahead. We'll probably be in by Monday."

         I smiled at my friend's seemingly uncaring attitude and returned to the restaurant just as a tipper lorry was pulling up outside. The driver got out and walked towards the restaurant with a delivery book in his hand, but Tony stopped him at the door.

         "Where do you want it, round the back or something?" the driver said.

         "Where do I want what?"

         "Got four yards of sharp sand. For the rendering."

         "I don't want sand. Why would I want sand?"

         "Benito's restaurant, and the address is right. Just sign me note and show me where to tip it."

         "Take it away. I don't want any blinking sand."

         "What, is this some kind of joke, mate? I've struggled all the way from Pitsea with this, you know?"

         Tony eventually persuaded the man that he had not ordered the load and as the lorry was driving away Tony looked over at me. "Furniture Wednesday, skip lorry yesterday, now sand. What next, what next?" He shook his head and walked off to the kitchen. Again I began to think that Tony really was becoming annoyed with me, knowing my problems were beginning to have an effect on his business. I knew his patience was wearing thin and I wondered how long it would be until I was considered too much of a burden. Still, it seems as if my job is safe at the moment.

         I arrived at work for the early shift on Wednesday and was surprised to see a young Italian looking girl setting out the tables. I looked at Tony who was behind the bar changing some bottles on the optics.

         Tony looked back at me with a wry smile. "Monica, I'm sorry, but I have to let you go. I'm losing all my custom."

         I didn't answer him at first. I just stood and looked at him more disappointed than surprised.

         "When the police catch him, you are welcome to come back. I'm so sorry. I feel I'm letting you down, but what else can I do?"

         "It's all right, Tony, I was expecting it," I said. "A bit of notice would have been nice though." Although I sounded calm and reasonable, I felt devastated because I had lost my job and feared I may have to re-apply for my old job at the cigarette factory. Tony had always supported me and I believed him when he said I could always work for him no matter what the pest did. However, I didn't feel like arguing with Tony about his sudden lack of support. I knew it would be unfair. He had, after all, kept me on for a while despite all the hassle, maybe longer than most people would have tolerated.

         "Please don't think bad of me," he said.

         "I don't, Tony, I understand. I've got other plans anyway."

         "Here, I've paid you for two weeks. I really hope they catch up with that man soon."

         I took my wages. I expected my full week's pay, but the second week was a bonus and it cheered me up slightly. "So do I, Tony, so do I." I left the restaurant and began walking back to the bus stop wondering what to do about a job. I had my boosted wages, so there was no immediate rush. Maybe I could practise at home for my grading and perhaps call at the cigarette factory the following day. The bus stop was a little way off yet, and I looked behind to see if a bus were coming. I was alarmed by the sight of a dark blue Cortina slowly trailing behind me. I looked away, my fear increasing because of my own thoughts. The car pulled alongside of me and I saw him looking, grinning at me. Panic filled me, nausea began to grow in my stomach, and my heart started thumping in my chest. I wanted to run, but I thought it best to just ignore him, ignore him, and carry on walking as if he were not there.

         He leaned over and unwound the window while slowly driving beside me. "So, lost your job then, have ya? See, they are all against you. I'm the only one who really cares about you. You only have to ask, and I'll see to that Italian prat for you."

         I ignored him and carried on walking, but I began to tremble, and my heart was now pounding at my chest as if I had done an intensive workout at the karate club.

         "Come on, Monica, just give me a chance. You can't hide your true feeling from me anymore. Just get in the car, and we can talk. I promise that..."

         I noticed the man looking in the rear view mirror. He had stopped mid-sentence and suddenly drove off.

         I was puzzled but knew I should note the car's number plate. When a police motorcyclist rode past, I realised why my tormentor had sped off.

         I watched as the car accelerated towards some amber traffic lights and went through on the red. He had obviously panicked and made a mistake. The policeman may have had no interest in him until he jumped the lights, and was now in pursuit. I watched and saw the car pulled over away in the distance, but then realised I had forgot the registration number.

         I felt continually nervous as I made my way home. Often looking around and back in case he was coming for me again. I got home to an empty house and dashed in and quickly locked the door. I was troubled both by losing my job and by the confrontation with the man. I needed something to do and decided to do some household jobs for my mother. I soon had the chores finished off. I began my stretching exercises in the living room and practised my karate katas before settling down to some breathing exercises. I looked at the time and thought I would put the dinner on as a surprise for my mother when she returned from work. I realised Anne would be working this evening and I wondered how my friend would take the news. I grinned at the knowledge that Anne would probably have a right go at Tony, and I could picture her yelling at him. Not for long though for Anne couldn't afford to lose her job as well, not with a baby on the way.

         I knew there was a tinned Fray Bentos steak pie in the pantry, and I was wondering what to do for the rest of the meal when there was a single loud knock on the door. I was in an instant panic. The man, the pest was the only person who could know I was at home and probably on my own. I sat in silence thinking of him, hoping that if I kept quiet, he would just go away. There was another single knock. I stood up. If he bashed the door open I would defend myself. I was fully primed after my exercises and thought how I dealt with him the night he followed me from the karate club. The razor, I thought of the razor. If he threatened me with it again, I would have no choice but to snap his knee. It would be a nasty thing to do, but it was a sure way to bring him down and protect myself from his attack. Frantic and loud banging started on the door. “Go away,” I shouted, but right away I regretted it because it was now obvious that I was in the house.

         The banging stopped and I stood still for a while but the knocking started again and soon became continuous. I walked into the hall and I noticed the letterbox opening up. It closed and then flipped back open as if someone were trying to look through and I dodged back out of the way. My fear intensified as I thought about what might happen if he managed to kick the door in. I was trapped and thought maybe I should go out to the garden and try to climb over the wall. Yes, that’s what I might have to do.

 Monica. Ch10. Open in new Window. (18+)
Monica gets upset by Alan's attention to the new girl at the karate club.
#1993112 by Bruce. Author IconMail Icon
© Copyright 2014 Bruce. (brucef at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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