Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1992531-Monster-chapter-2-voice
by Prince
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1992531
Chapter two of my new book. Please read and give a review.

Beep. I heard a beeping sound, where it came from, I couldn't tell. Beep, the noise once again appeared, irritating me. Beep, a third time and my eyes slowly opened revealing a dark room, with only rays of sunlight peeking through.

In a flash, everything came back, my parent's dead bodies, Elenna getting stabbed and Ryan being shot. With a sigh of relief, it seemed to have been nothing more than one really bad nightmare. But did that mean Ryan wasn't real, had I just dreamt of having a friend? If that was the case then I'm glad he wasn't, I would never give up my family for anything.

Beep, the fourth time that noise appeared again. Wondering where it was coming from, I turned to my left. My eyes peeled open, a heart monitor along with an IV machine stood there plugged into my body.

Panic began coursing through my body, my heartbeat drastically rising. Attempting to move, I was stopped by a piercing pain they came from my lower body. It wasn't a dream, I was stabbed, and my parents were killed, but what about Elenna? I only briefly remember seeing her breathing, but breathing nonetheless.

Tears dripping, falling down and staining the blankets, I heard a door open. Looking up, I spotted three men, and two women wearing nurse uniforms. Tears flowing, the nurses simply stood there in surprise, until a male nurse walked up to me.

Putting on a smile and with a soothing voice he said, "Hey there Jake. How are you feeling?"

Opening my mouth I tried to answer, but was stopped by a mysterious voice. A voice, a voice sounding like my own spoke in my head, are you really stupid enough to fall for this again? The voice was right, if I fell for this again something like before could happen again.

"GO AWAY!" I shouted through the top of my lungs, frantically thrashing around, despite the sharp pain coming from my stomach.

"Hold him down!" one of the nurses pleaded.

Three nurses grabbed me, locking my down on to the bed. I continued to thrash, attempting to break free of their iron grips.
"STOP LET ME GO!" I screamed.

"Do it!" one of the male nurses said.

I felt a slight pinch poke at my neck. Still trying to break free, I suddenly felt weak and powerless, my consciousness slowly fading I fell into darkness.

Voices, hearing voices all around me I once again awakened. Looking up, I spotted a man cloaked in a long white coat, a doctor most likely. He smiled down upon me "Good morning Jake".

This tone, this tone of soothing and kindness, I couldn't trust it not now, not ever. Attempting to move, I raised my hand only to feel it being stopped by what felt like a band. Looking down I noticed that my hands and legs had been bounded to the bed.

"What are you doing?!" I questioned, panic all across my voice.

"Listen, we're not going to hurt you. We're the good guys" said the doctor, with a continued smile.

Feeling utterly hopeless, I sunk into depression, only showing silence and slight tears streaming down my face.

"We're not going to hurt you, I promise." Still I remained silent, not breathing a single word.

"I know you've been through a lot, but please trust me when I say we will help you" placing a hand on my own, I felt nothing but kindness emitting from him.

"Okay..." I whispered. Idiot, once again you're going to be tricked, a voice in my head spoke.

The doctor looked behind him, moving his head towards my direction. A couple of nurses walked towards me, unbinding the restraints holding my movements.

"Okay Jake, I'm going to do a few exercises, bear with my okay?"

I could only nod. The doctor held out three fingers, "how many fingers am I holding out?" he asked, "three" I responded.

"Good, nothing wrong with your eyesight then. Now when's your birthday?"

"It's... October the 19th." I answered.

The doctor asked me a number of questions, all of which I seemed to have passed as he gave an accepting nod each time I answered. After the doctor left, I was given hospital food, which tasted awful. I knew I wouldn't be eating anything good for quite a long while.

"What happened to my sister?" I asked during the middle of an exercise.

The doctor hesitated; making a silent gulp sound "That's a topic for another time" he smiled.

Was my sister alright? The last time I had seen her she was stabbed, what had happened to her? "Where is she!" I screamed, rage filling my voice along with a hint of panic.

The doctor looked down, staring at his shoes, "she's... passed away."

I feel straight down to my bed, tears again streaming down. In a crooked voice I creaked "so she died from the stab wound"

The doctor gave a strange look, only for a brief moment, but I noticed. "What? She didn't die from the wound?!" I questioned.

"She did die from the wound, but there was a small possibility of her survival. The pair of you were on the near verge on death, you're kidney was stabbed and you wouldn't last long. Your sister was also on the verge of death with massive blood loss. I transplanted her kidney into you along with a blood transfusion. I won't tell you how I made this decision."

I was quiet, tears flowing I heard the voice in my head, first you get your parents killed now you're sister dies all so you could be alive. "GET OUT. LEAVE. GO AWAY!" I screamed, wanting so badly to be by myself. For the first time in my whole life I never felt so lonely.

Days passed, which then turned to weeks of exercises after exercise, all for the sake of my physical condition. Not a single person has come since my awakening, not that I was surprised, my parents friends probably didn't give a damn about me. My grandparents however, they were always kind, always treating me with so much love, why they hadn't come yet was a shock to me.

The pain coming from my stomach had gone, almost as if the wound had disappeared, by every time I lift my shirt and look in the mirror, that long scar is always there, haunting me.

After a month of being hospitalised, it was finally the day that I would leave this dull place and live with my grandparents. Despite not seeing them for a long while, I was extremely happy and excited to finally meet them, my last remaining family members.

As I sat in the waiting area, accompanied by the doctor named Steve Robern who had helped me through all this time, I saw two elderly people walk straight through the entrance. Instantly I knew it was them, they still looked exactly the same as they had the last time I met them, grey hair and all.

"Grandma, Grandpa!" I shouted, running straight towards them, tears welling in my eyes accompanied with happiness and joy spreading across my face. As I attempted to hug my grandparents I was stopped by a hand. Following the hand, I realised that my grandpa had stopped me dad in my tracks, glaring down at me with a disgusted look.

Confused, I turned my head towards my grandma who also had a disgusted look, which was directed straight at me. Shocked, I attempted to say something but was interrupted by my grandpa "I'll be filling in the paper work now."

"Come along now" my grandma ushered with a cold and dark tone. Following her, I exited the hospital without even saying so much as a goodbye to doctor Steve. We entered my grandparents White Camry which they had purchased only last year. We sat in complete silence, the only sound coming from the outside.

After a few minutes of silence, my grandpa had arrived, jumping into the front seat of the car. This time, I gathered up my courage and spoke "How have you two been?" I smiled.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION" my grandma shouted, he back towards me, but her eyes glaring at me through the car mirror.

Confused, I could only say a single word, "what?"
"Did you not hear what your grandma said? Don't speak without permission. You damned cursed child." My grandpa spoke with an angered and displeased tone.

Arriving at my grandparent's old single story house which they had owned ever since my mother was only a little girl, we walked in.

Back before this whole incident had happened, my grandparents' house was normal, with pictures of the entire family all having bright smiles and plain dirty white walls. But now, all those pictures of my parents, grandparents, Elenna and I were all gone. Instead, replacing them were crosses, and pictures of Jesus being held by Joseph and Mary along with statues of them.

"Oh, you're finally back!" a voice spoke. It was a seemingly old man, cloaked in a long white robe stretching down to his feet and wearing a large cross necklace.

"I'm sorry. It took a little bit of time to see this monster." My grandpa said.

"All is good." The priest replied. Looking towards me he smiled "let us begin."

Instantly, my grandpa held me down, pushing me towards the floor. Confusion stormed my mind, I began thrashing about. "What are you doing? Stop please!" I yelled.

I was immediately slapped soon after, "do not speak unless spoken to!" my grandma shouted.

Looking up I saw a large metal cross in my line of sight, followed by a sharp pain. I screamed in pain only to be slapped once again by my grandpa.

"Be gone evil demon!" the priest shouted, whip in hand he charged it down, hitting my clothes as well as my skin. The pain was piercing and I could do nothing but thrash and scream only to be answered with a slap.

"Leave this child immediately!" the priest continued while whipping me. Powerless, I sunk into darkness tears uncontrollable. See? This is what you get for getting your parents and sister killed. You deserve it. The voice in my head spoke.

This torture was unbearable and I soon past out, falling into darkness. My eyes briefly opened to see my grandma handing the priest a sum of money,

"The exorcism may not have worked this time, but we will continue! Just make sure you have the money prepared." The priest smiled.

"Oh, but of course. Once we cure my grandson we can once again find happiness." My grandma replied.

I was seated in my room, which was filled by a single bed, no more, no less, except for a bowl of rice which I was served for dinner. My grandparents had laid out rules for me to follow without question. In this household I was not to talk unless given permission, I was not allowed outside of my room unless given permission, I am to always remain at least five meters away from them if I am outside of my room.

They had thought of me as some sort of cursed child, who had brought misfortune upon my family which I did. They believed that a demon was haunting me and that was the explanation for my appearance and that through severe purification by priest Robert I would be freed. Of course, it was obvious that he was only doing it for the money, not out of some stupid belief that I was possessed.

My door opened, fearing that the priest had returned, I frantically moved to the backside of the room. Closing my eyes and fearing for the worst I heard a voice I hadn't ever heard before "it's okay; there's no need to be afraid."

Opening my eyes, a tall middle-aged man, with brown wavy hair and brown eyes lay in front of me.

"My name's Lawrence Yung, from now on I'm here to help you. I'm a psychiatrist, and your friend." He smiled pulling out a hand for me to shake.

A spark lit inside of me, for some reason despite everything that happened, I felt that I could trust this unknown man with even my life. Idiot! Have you learned nothing? Are you really going to do this again?! The voice in my head again spoke, but ignoring it, I raised my hand shaking the man before me.

"Let's get along" he smiled.

© Copyright 2014 Prince (loliskewlz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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