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So, what does this number mean, anyways???
A quick note on GRADING

For the two classes that I teach I have come up with a simple method of grading based on a total of 160 points. The pre-class assignment is worth ten (10) points, and each of the six lessons is worth twenty-five (25).

*Noteg* In the pre-class, you receive five (5) points for your introduction to the class, and five (5) more for completing whatever small intro assignment I have for you. (Normally, this would be a quick review of three poems.)

*Noteg* Each lesson is split into five (5) parts, assigned based on the contents of the lesson. This gives you twenty-five (25) for the lesson. You can count on five (5) points coming from your participation in discussions in the forum, and five (5) coming from the poem you will write for that week’s lesson. Five (5) will be based on the main part of the lesson, and the remaining ten (10) will come from two other challenges within the lesson, or from your participation in tasks posted in the forum.

*Noteg* If, for some reason I tell you that you have received partial credit for an assignment you will be able to complete the task that received partial credit for full credit. Normally, you will have a week to make the changes.

*Noteg* When I give you five points for your poem, this does not mean I would give your poem five stars on the WDC rating system. It just means that you successfully completed the poem.

*Noteg* I very rarely give formal reviews, so if you do not get one, do not take it personally. I do a handful when I can, but I am not one of those that counts my reviews, or seeks to have people give me honors because I have completed “##,000 Reviews and counting!!!” If you would like a formal review of a piece you have written, be it for this class or not, just drop me an email, preferably when class is not in session.

*Noteg* And, as always, if you have a question, any question, about poetry, drop me an email any time.

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