Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/199157-The-Seas-Gift-to-the-Ice-Princess
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Romance/Love · #199157
A princess who has never loved before loves one man enough to let him go...
I have lived my life in my father’s castle on the rocky shore of the sea. I never had the desire to leave the stone walls. I was perfectly content to climb the spiral staircase up to my rooms and run to the window to sit and gaze out at the waves of my beloved sea. I loved the sea from the window in my torrents. I would watch as the sea stormed and bubbled like a giant cauldron. I loved seeing the massive waves crashing onto the rocks. I saw the sea swallow mighty ships only to spew the fragments of wood and corpses washing onto the shore. The sea was my love, that and my pet panther, Destiny. Although my father was loved and honored as the Sea King; I was called Ice Princess, as that’s what the peasants say my heart is made of. Foolish farmers, I don’t have a heart. My father called me by my name though. He called me Lorelei. He made sure I was happy every since I was only at his knees. He gave me servants Lira, Anya, Mira, and Cina to do my bidding. Destiny was another gift of his from a journey across the sea to some exotic land that was full of giant cats like Destiny.

I stood up. Cina and Anya came to dress me in one of my best garments. A turquoise colored silk frock with tapering sleeves. The hem, collar and v-shaped cuffs were embroidered with violet threads. Fully dressed I returned to my window to watch the ocean again. I was growing impatient. I paced back and forth before the window. I could feel that the sea was bringing my father back to me but nowhere on the horizon did I see the mast of Daddy’s ship Cyanne. Cyanne was my mother. She perished bringing my little brother into the world. Sye was on board Cyanne with Father. I prayed to the sea to bring them both safely back to our castle. “Eat something, Princess you’ve had nothing all day,” Mira bowed holding a basket of fruits in my reach. I grabbed an apple from the basket. I turned and looked to the sea again. The apple fell from my hand as I saw the deep green mast of Daddy’s ship that was painted with golden scales! I grabbed my blue cloak, tied my bonnet to my head and hurried from my room to the shore. The ship was closer as I was escorted over the sharp jagged rocks to the wooden pier where Daddy and Sye would soon be. “Your apple, Highness,” Mira insisted. “It’s bruised,” I said refusing to take it. “Sorry Princess.”

I stood chewing a mouthful of unbruised apple when Cyanne was coming in to dock. Two servants of the docks aided my father and brother from the ship as others carried their belongings into the castle. “Lorelei, my girl, still made of ice are we?” Daddy said holding his arms open. “Daddy,” I cheered running to him. “How have you been?” he inquired walking me back into the castle. “I’ve been fine Father. How was your trip?” “Long and full of tedious meetings with kings and chiefs.” “Sounds fun, Father,” I beamed. “Wasn’t it, Sye?” I looked over to my little brother who was a bit taller than I was. “Yes it was, I cannot wait until I am king.” Sye was my father’s heir; I was to be married to the first born of one of our allies. “Father, what’s to become of me if I never marry?” I wondered aloud. “You may stay in your torrent and rooms with your servants to watch the sea.” “Thank you, Daddy,” I curtsied graciously. I wanted to fall to my knees and kiss his boots for telling me that. I would be ruined if I were forced to marry some man I don’t care for.

“Sye, Lorelei, join me for dinner with the crew of my ships and King Hal and his eldest son, Kith,” Father invited. Another prince! “Father, I don’t wish to meet any Prince Kith tonight or any other night. Please Father, let me stay in my rooms with Destiny,” I pleaded. “What you do with your life is up to you child, but you will not disrespect our guest that way. Do you understand?” “Yes Father,” I responded faintly to his severe tone. “Very well, to dinner then,” Sye broke our silence and took my hand. He led me into the dining room. “King Hal, Prince Kith, it is my honor to present to you my older sister, Princess Lorelei of the Sea.” Sye placed me before the decorated prince whose brown eyes stared at me. “It is an honor to behold such a radiant beauty,” Kith replied reaching for a hand to kiss. I kept my hands behind my back. “I’m charmed,” I curtsied before Sye led me to my seat. As we ate, Father and King Hal discussed the alliance; the crewmembers talked of crude jokes and loosely morraled women. I had hoped that Kith would converse with Sye; he talked to me instead.

“Princess, I hear you like the sea,” Kith started. “Yes I do.” “The view of the sea from Aquaticus is breath taking.” “Really?” “Yes. I think you’d like it there,” the prince smiled. “I have to disagree with you for I have no wish to go to Aquaticus.” “Perhaps we can travel somewhere else.” “No. I wish to stay here in Oceanus,” I said to Prince Kith before I gave the order to have Destiny brought to my side. “What is that!” Kith yelled as Destiny’s huge black head sat in my lap. “My cat, Destiny.” “Well, that... that thing certainly is not coming to my castle.” “I know she is not. She’s staying here with me.” “Princess,” Kith breathed. “I think we may have gotten off to a bad start.” “Prince Kith, you’re mistaken. We’ve not gotten off to any start at all and we shan’t.” “You meant to tell me that you do not feel the same spark that I do?” “I feel nothing,” I hissed, petting and stroking my sweet Destiny. “Have you even given a chance to the feelings?” “Why should I allow a chance for feelings that do not exist for I have no interest in you, so leave me be please, Prince Kith.” “You are going to end up never falling in love and you will die in that tower you live in.” Kith’s words only bounced off my stoic nature. I was so relieved when dinner was over and I could run back to my sanctuary.

I sighed deeply and happily as I moved under swathing covers listening to the relaxing sound of the sea. Beside my bed Destiny slept on the floor, my one and only companion. More time passed. Father went on more trips; Sye’s training to be king increased, and that most annoying Prince Kith called for my hand in marriage. “No,” I declined. “No?” Father repeated. “I don’t love him or like him. I could never spend the rest of my life married to him.” “Very well, Lorelei,” Father said leaving my rooms. Once again I watched the sea as Cyanne sailed away with my father and brother aboard. They would be away for years on this trip. I would miss them greatly. I missed them yet enjoyed having the big castle all to myself. The coming of winter chilled the air causing the many fireplaces to be lit. Even in cold weather I bundled up and sat by my window. The sky was gray and black this night and the salty wind whistled in my ears. My eyes fell to the murky gray waves that were choppy, rising higher than usual. The loud crashing waves, the occasional squalling of a sea gull and the warmth of my blanket that Anya draped over my shoulders lulled me to a really peaceful dreamy slumber. I wasn’t alone in my torrent. I didn’t mind the presence of the one who was in there with me. I did not know who was in there with me, all I knew was that I loved them.

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of loud thunder. Clutching onto the stone sill I could barely make out the outline of a ship on the sea. Stupid sailors, no one would sail on a night like this. I looked at the ship being tossed by the waves being very much entertained. I inhaled deeply upon spotting the set of gigantic waves coming just behind the ship. I exhaled as the ship met its fate crashing violently onto the sharp rocks on the coast. Splinters and bodies littered the shore. Oh, I watched and counted close to twenty dead bodies. They were either drowned by the icy waters of the sea or destroyed by the unforgiving razor sharp rocks. I lost count when I saw one body moving. Someone had survived that awful shipwreck! I quickly dressed myself and tied my cloak around me. I ran down my spiral stair. A flaming torch in my hand lit my way. The air was cold and damp and the wind was bitingly cold. Carefully, I walked across the rocks to the spot where the surviving sailor lay.

His breaths were shallow and he was barely moving. I prodded his side. He groaned. So he was alive. I had two servants come and carry him into the Castle. In a room lit with oil lamps I received my first clear view of him. His brown hair was in braids and he slept so soundly. His face was beautiful beyond words. I lightly stroked his baby soft hair. I couldn’t keep my eyes off his heavily sleeping form. As the sailor slept I had Cina, Mira, Anya, and Lira care for him. I ordered him bathed and dressed in fine robes. I had his hair brushed and braided over. I was to be alerted the instant he woke from his sleep. However, I was there as he stirred in the bed he slept in. Silently I crept to the side of his bed. His eyes fluttered open. They were green, greener than emeralds. How I would have loved to transform those eyes into jewels and have them to gaze upon forever. “Where am I?” he asked sitting up as Anya placed a bowl of soup before him. “You are in the Palace of Oceanus. I am Princess Lorelei,” I informed him. “I owe you my life Princess.” “Eat your soup,” I demanded as he twirled the spoon around the bowl. “I do not have the stomach for soup or for anything at the moment, Your Grace.” “Call me Lorelei and eat your soup; it will make you feel better.” I laughed as he spooned up some of the liquid only to dribble it back into the bowl.

“I know it looks horrid.” It was a thin brownish green broth. “But it tastes better than it looks and it will make you feel better.” He still eyed it suspiciously. “What? Are you expecting a snake to slither out and bite you? It’s just soup, eat it or it will eat you.” “I am not expecting any snake.” “Eat it then for it shall make me smile.” “Will it?” “Yes,” I answered flatly as he began to eat his soup. I smiled. “You’re nothing like they say Lorelei.” “What does that mean?” I snapped. “You’re known all over as the stolid daughter to a warm king. They call you Ice Princess, as that’s what your heart is made of,” he explained for me. “But they have to be wrong. Your heart is not ice.” “Sailor, I wish to know your name. You have the unfair advantage here.” “I am Drake of Cascus, the captain of the ship Nexus.” “It is most unfortunate what happened to your ship and your men.” “Do tell me what happened Lorelei?” “A wave crashed your ship onto the rocks that make up our coast. Between the sea and those rocks all but you perished that night.” “They were all good men,” Drake sighed with a heavy heart. “Are you a good man?” I asked him. This was the person in the torrent from my dream! This was the person that I had loved so.

“Drake, join me for dinner tonight,” I smiled. “As you wish,” Drake smiled back. “How’d you know I’d be hungry so soon, Lorelei?” “It’s the soup. When you’re sick you don’t eat so it has an appetite stimulant in it. Or at least that’s what Father told Sye and me when we were ill.” “Who’s Sye?” “My younger brother.” “Heir to the thrown?” “That too.” “What about you?” “Me? Some see me as a bargaining chip to the alliance.” “So you’ve been betrothed,” Drake assumed. “No,” I negated his assumption. “It is my wish to stay in my torrent and my rooms to spend time in my window looking at the sea.” “Don’t you ever get lonely in that tower by yourself?” “Not mostly. If I do ever grow lonesome I have Destiny to keep me company, but sometimes... I do wish I had another soul to be in there with me.” “I’m sorry about your loneliness Lorelei, but how does one have destiny in their room?” I laughed. Drake thought that I had meant destiny as in fate. “No silly, Destiny is my pet panther,” I expounded for him. “You have a pet panther?” “Yes, she’s lovely really. Would you like to meet her?” “Won’t she eat me whole?” Drake sounded scared. “She could, but she won’t unless I tell her to.” “What if you tell her to?” “I won’t,” I assured him. “I like you.”

A twinkle glistened in his gem-like eyes. “I like you too, Lorelei...,” Drake’s voice trailed off. That sentence had another half to it. “Dinner Princess and Sir.” The voice of the scullery maid incited a series of events that concluded with a table being set with steaming meat and vegetables, jugs of juice, cakes for desert and a more soup for Drake. Drake and I bonded over our dinners. Over the months I realized that the sparkle in his emerald eyes was all but fading. “Drake Darling, you seem downcast tonight. What’s wrong?” I asked soothingly, touching his face. He sighed heavily. “I’m remembering home,” he told me with sadness in his voice. “Oceanus can be your home.” “Sweet Lorelei, I wish I could be home here.” “Why can’t you? What do you want? I can give you anything Drake. Just tell me, I’ll deny you nothing.” He sighed again. I held my hand to his warm face. “It’s just that when I think of home, I think of Emily.” I felt needles stab into my heart. “Who is this Emily?” I asked as a hatred of her and all things bearing that name brewed inside me. “Emily is the girl I loved in Cascus.” “Oh,” I replied shortly, feeling as though I could cry. “Tell me about her,” I commanded stupidly. Part of me wanted to know all about her. Another part of me wanted to vanquish that vile Emily girl.

“She’s a sweet girl,” he started then suddenly stopped. “Finish,” I urged. “No,” he defied gently. “It would only upset you Lorelei; I can see it in your eyes. You’re about to-” “Cry,” I finished the sentence for him. I closed my eyes. Tears streamed down my face. I sniffed. “Lorelei, don’t,” Drake coaxed hugging me so warmly. I rested my head on his shoulder. Crying, my body shuddered in his arms. “Lorelei, I love you,” Drake whispered in my ear. “Stay with me then, Drake. Stay here in Oceanus. I’ll make you forget about that Emily girl, Drake. I’ll love you more than she ever could,” I swore to him. I lifted my head from his shoulder and kissed his lips. I felt my heart racing as I kissed Drake my first kiss. My stomach fluttered as my emerald eyed sailor kissed me back. “No more crying Love, your face is far too precious to scar with tears.” Drake dried my face with the cuff of his sleeves. “Never leave me then.” “I won’t.” “Promise me that you won’t.” “Lorelei, I swear by all that is pure that I will never leave Oceanus as long as I live.” To remind me of his oath he slid upon my finger a golden band with a perfect oval of ruby that was polished smooth. “It’s wonderful, Drake,” I mused. “Red like the blood running through my body that makes me love you.”

The ring was a symbol of our love. After our dinner was eaten and the dishes cleared away Drake and I with chalices of drinks walked around the palace. “Who’s this?” Drake asked of a portrait of my mother. “She is Cyanne. She was my mother.” “Was? What happened to her?” “She died in the birthing of my younger brother Sye.” “I’m sorry,” Drake said apologetically. “It’s not your fault,” I told him as we walked on down the corridor. As we were walking my servants were transferring Drake’s belongings to a suit of rooms connected to mine. “Lorelei?” Drake called my name grabbing my arm. “Yes Darling?” “Thank you for rescuing me from those rocks that night.” “It’s not a problem, Dearest,” I replied kissing his lips sweetly. I loved kissing him. When Drake’s lips and mine met I felt like I could die at that very moment; I was so thankful that I didn’t. “What made you come out in the cold for me?” “I don’t know. I fell asleep at the window. I woke up to the storm and the sight of your Nexus being tossed by the sea. When it crashed upon the rocks I was sure that everyone was dead then I spotted movement. I ran down to see what it was and it was you.” “You took me into your castle, nursed me to health, and still after all this time I have no idea why they call you Ice Princess.”

Flattered, I grinned timidly. “Ice does melt My Love.” “It melted away to reveal the most warm and generous heart.” “Stop it Drake, you’re making me feel funny,” I giggled as we climbed up the stair leading to my torrent. “Funny how, Sweetest One?” Drake inquired, softly touching my face. “Light headed funny. My stomach is fluttering and my knees feel sort of weak.” “Perhaps you should sit down,” Drake suggested leading me through my torrent and placing me on my bed. The spinning sensation in my head did slow a little once I was seated. “Better now?” “Yes,” I nodded. “Good.” Drake bent down and kissed my cheek. “Goodnight Lorelei Darling.” Drake leaned down once more to kiss my lips a sweet deep kiss. “Sweet dreams My Beloved One.” I watched sadly as my sailor left for his rooms. I wanted to reach out and pull him to me. Hold him and never let him go. Cina and Anya came to take from me that day’s clothes. Lira and Mira appeared with my white night dress. “It’s cold in here, Mira add more wood to my fireplaces,” I said as Anya brushed my hair. “I’m feeling peckish, Cina go to the kitchen and bring me up some plums and a large flask of juice.” Anya styled my hair in two long braids. “Lira, bring me another blanket for my bed.” I hated being cold.

My fireplaces lit I snuggled under my many many covers. I listened to the sounds of the ocean and to the crackling popping logs. I sighed calmly, happy and warm. The serene tranquility of my room was interrupted by the sound of footsteps in the night. I jumped, sitting up bolt straight clutching my covers to my bosom. My heart quickened as the door to my room creaked open. “Who’s there?” my voice quivered. “Lorelei, it’s me.” “Drake,” I gasped reaching out in the darkness for his hand. “Oh Lorelei, forgive me for scaring you.” “Why were you in my room?” “I only wanted to watch you sleeping.” “Like I did while you were sleeping?” “Exactly.” I was glad he was there. I pulled him closer to me hugging around his middle. He was so incredibly warm and inviting. With a hand under my chin Drake pushed my face up to a more kissable angle. Holding me under my arms Drake leaned in and kissed me. Kissing me even more deeply Drake slowly eased me back. I was lying down on my bed with my sailor beside me marking me with his feverish hot kisses. Moaning softly, I was overcome by lust yet overjoyed with love as Drake and I enacted the rites of love. I closed my eyes. I drew in a deep breath. I opened them again. Still there, beside me, was Drake holding me in his arms and kissing my face. “Lorelei you have my love undying and true,” Drake declared speaking softly under the sounds of the sea outside and the splitting logs inside my room. “Drake, my love for you is timeless, unbreakable, unchangeable.”

The sight of Drake and me together in my bed came as quite the shock for my four servants. We woke to the shrieking gasps of Anya who managed to drop an entire pile of fresh beddings for my room. Foolish girl. “Get me more sheets,” I commanded or else she would have stood there staring blankly with that awful bewildered look on her face. She scurried out of my room with the soiled beddings as Mira, Cina and Lira appeared with matching ogling looks. They, however, weren’t so stupefied that they could not perform their duties. I stood as Lira and Cina dressed me for the day in a sky blue dress with plenty of undergarments to keep me warm. I seated myself at my dresser. I watched in my mirror as Cina unbraided and brushed my hair. Mira placed before me my breakfast as Lira began to tend to Drake. At least three of them had some brains about them. Anya stepped back into the room with a tray of food on top of the stack of covers and blankets she was carrying from the linen closet near the scullery. “Away with you until I call for you,” I sighed gesturing for Cina to drop her brush. “See to it that Drake is satisfied with everything.”

Cina placed my golden headdress atop my head. A gem stone the color of the sea sat on my forehead. The rest of gold band encircled my head. As simple as it was this headdress made it apparent that I was Princess Lorelei of the Sea. I looked across my room to Drake who was fully dressed now and partaking of his breakfast. Chewing a strawberry I realized that he too needed a trinket making it know to all who he was. “Anya!” I called out so I could offer the silly child a chance to redeem herself after her display of clumsy stupidity. “Yes, Princess?” She bowed lower than usual. “Anya, seek out the goldsmith; tell him to fashion a trinket for my love and make in fit for the King of the Sea himself.” “Yes, Princess.” She ran from my room with more speed than usual. So I wouldn’t need to scold her for the duration of the day. I sighed and looked around. “Lira, have Destiny brought to me.” “Yes, Highness,” Lira bowed leaving the room. “You’re having Destiny brought up to your rooms?” Drake questioned coming over to hold my hand. “Yes, would you like to meet her? She’s really quite nice. A giant kitten the color of the darkest night.” “I would be honored to meet her Lorelei.” “Good,” I smiled widely.

Wearing her newest ruby encrusted collar Destiny pawed her way to my side. “Drake this is my Destiny,” I said warmly. “She’s lovely,” Drake smiled as he slowly stroked her soft thick coat. “She’s is so calm a cat to be so large and from such a wild land.” “She was brought to me as a cub; she’s very tame.” Destiny curled around Drake and rested her head in his lap. “Destiny likes you,” I beamed. “So she isn’t going to slash me to ribbons?” “Of course not.” I kissed his lips once. “I love you, she only makes ribbons of those I do not like.” “I love you as well Dearest Lorelei,” Drake kissed my hand. I sighed happily. The bond between Drake and me grew stronger and more loving. The two of us were always together. We would play games with Destiny out in the yards. We’d sit high in my torrent watching the sea. It was like watching a whole new world. Whales spurting up gushes of water. Dolphins performing acrobatics in midair. Pelicans diving into the water for fish. Sometimes we saw the occasional merchant or sailing boat. If watching the sea did not suit us at the time we’d take refuge in my extensive library to sit either in the big plush chairs or on the dense carpet to spend the whole night reading until our eyes could stay open no longer.

I looked over at Drake as he read to me from a book sonnets. The trinket I had fashioned for him was a big circle or sea colored gem with the shape of a ship etched into it and filled with gold. I loved the way it looked on it. It was highly versatile. He wore it plenty of ways. On his collar, on his belt, no matter how he wore it, it looked stunning. “Read me more, Drake,” I pleaded addicted to the sound of his voice. “Gladly Lorelei,” my darling complied looking at me with those two emeralds of his. Those sparkling eyes scanned the words of the pages as his voice delivered to my ears words of love, sex and romance. So many nights the reading of those words made us crazy for each other. I loved those nights! I loved Drake. In exchange for the other’s undying love there were presents. Gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, and simply because we were each other’s world. We denied each other nothing so one day when I noticed him moping around the palace I walked up to him. “Drake Darling,” I called touching his face and playing in his hair that was silkier than silk. I kissed his lips. “I have something for you,” I told him as the look on his stayed the same. There was not even a trace of light in his eyes, he could not even convince his lips to smile back for me. I was losing him.

I presented him with a necklace to hold his cape about his shoulders. It was golden ships and great orange gem stones. “It’s splendid Lorelei,” he said flatly, his voice devoid of any loving emotion. “What’s wrong? Don’t you like it? I can have a better one made,” I said frantically. I felt as though I could cry again. “It’s not that Lorelei,” he assured me, as he held my face in his hand. “Kings don’t even have such fine things.” “Then why are you so unsatisfied? What is it that you wish to possess that you do not have already? Tell me what that is Drake and I shan’t deny you whatever it is.” “Lorelei you’re upset,” Drake noticed, hugging my stiff body to his. “You’re unhappy My Love. It seems as though I’m not enough to keep you contented. Tell me Darling, what will make you happy again? What will put the sparkle back into your emerald eyes? What must I do to cause a smile to bless your face once more?” “Lorelei-” “To make you happy Drake I would cut my very own heart from my chest.” “But-” “What shall make you happy again Drake?” “I wish to return home to Cascus.” “To Emily?” I asked knowingly. “Yes, to Emily.” “Very well then, the construction of your ship shall begin first thing tomorrow morning,” I said strongly before running from his side. The necklace fell to the floor.

I ran to my torrent. I fell to the floor and bawled my eyes out until all I could do was whimper and shake. “Lorelei!” Drake yelled rushing over to me laying sprawled on the floor. He turned me over from my stomach to my back. He leaned me up against his knees and cradled me in his arms. “Forgive me please, Love for breaking our promise. I do love you.” “And I love you. I love you enough to let you leave because you are unhappy here. Now leave me. I cannot bare the sight of you being so depressed; it shall kill me if I must see you like this any longer. I wish not to see you until it time for your departure,” I commanded though my voice quavered and could sound no louder than a gentle breeze. “As My Love wishes.” Drake kissed my lips before leaving me. “Princess, why are you on the floor?” Anya implored the next morning helping me stand. “Don’t ask me questions girl,” I reprimanded being dressed in a burgundy gown. “Sorry, Princess.” After eating breakfast and having my hair brushed I walked out into the spring day. A servant was there to help guide me over the rocks as we walked to the ship makers’ quarters. They all bowed upon my entrance. “Listen to me,” I started. “You are to build me a ship. The greatest ship you’ve ever constructed and you are to supply her with a crew. This ship is to be named, the Ice Princess.”

The construction of the Ice Princess commenced with the rising of sun. For months the sound of hammers and wood echoed from the docks. I watched as the Ice Princess was loaded with the new belongings of my Dearest One with misty eyes instead of my sea. I observed from my torrent as a crew was formed to man the splendid ship. It was a beauty; painted in icy colors with eye on either side to guide the ship back to Cascus. I was dressed in my favorite lavender dress one day in summer as I ate a plum and looked out at the sea that in one stormy night had brought my love to me. The same sea that would take him from my arms and deliver him to the heart of his beloved Emily. I felt a comforting hand on my shoulder; it was my Drake “Lorelei.” “Yes Sweet Sailor?” I replied standing. As I looked into his eyes part of me hoped and prayed that he had come to tell me he wished to stay in Oceanus with me and forget about Emily. “My ship is ready and I am about to leave for home. I just wanted to say goodbye to you before I set sail.” “Right, well, I wish you the safest journey back to your Emily,” I said sounding more regal than emotional. “Lorelei,” Drake grabbed my arm and kissed my lips. “Drake, are you happy here?” I asked wanting him to tell me no. “No Darling, I’m not. Despite everything I’m not happy here.” “So you love her, this Emily?” My voice was breaking and tears had already made rivers down my cheeks. “Yes, with all my heart.” “Well leave then!” I yelled pointing at the door. “Leave Oceanus and go! Go back to your Emily!” I screamed.

As he left Lira caught me when my knees failed me. She carried me over to my bed. I reached under the pillows. I pulled out a black box. Inside the box was a white gold necklace dripping with light blue crystals. “Give this to my Sailor. It is a gift for the one he loves.” My order sent Lira running. I rushed over to the window. Sticking my head out I saw Lira ran up to Drake and hand him the box. As the Ice Princess launched from the dock with its massive billowing sails I could not bring myself to watch the sea that day. All I could do was cry. I did not want Drake to leave me. For the first time in my life I felt alone in my torrent. Not even my beloved sea could fill the massive void. I loved Drake and it was that timeless undying love that made me tell him to go. All I wanted was for my Love to be happy. I wanted those emerald eyes to shine. I wanted his lips to smile. I wished for my Darling to be happy even if that happiness could be only be found in the arms of that peasant girl named Emily. I stopped my tears and smiled knowing that soon my Dearest Drake would be happy. The Sea brought me my love once, and I believe it shall again bring love to the Ice Princess.

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