Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1991149-Evermore-by-Alyson-Noel-summary
Rated: 13+ · Essay · Other · #1991149
My summary I made for an assignment. The book is Evermore by Alyson Noel.
After a horrible accident claims the lives of her family, sixteen-year-old Ever Bloom can see people’s auras, hear their thoughts, and know someone’s entire life story by touching them. Going out of her way to avoid human contact and suppress her abilities, she has been branded a freak at her new high school- but everything changes when she meets Damen Auguste.

Damen is gorgeous, exoctic, and wealthy. He’s the only one who can silence the noise and random energy in her head- wielding a magic so intense, it’s as though he can peer straight through her soul. As Ever is drawn deeper into his enticing world of secrets and mystery, she’s left with more questions then answers. And she has no ideas just who he really is- or what he is. The only thing she knows to be true is that she’s fallen deeply and helplessly in love with him.

There were quite a few main characters. The real five main characters were; Ever, Damen, Heaven, Miles and Sabine. Damen was Ever’s boyfriend; off and on, Heaven and Miles were Ever’s only friends and Sabine was Ever’s guardian and aunt. The settings in this book are at the school, Evers’ house, and Summerland, where Damen takes Ever when saving her from Damon's ex-wife, Drina.

Drina and Damen had a thing for more than 6 thousand years, but once Damen put his eyes on Ever, he couldn't help but want her. Drina didn't like that so every time Ever came along, and went with Damen, she tried to kill her every single time, until one night Drina caught Ever in the fog, looking around trying to find the cave that Drina told Heaven, her 'fake' friend, but Ever was still a little drunk from her majorly drinking spree, so this was Drinas chance to get rid of Ever, forever!

Drina went up to, and Ever was shocked, she wasn't planning on seeing her here, even though she had a funny feeling about this Drina girl. Drina grabbed Ever’s phone that she was using, and just smiled. Ever was frozen, and didn’t know what to do. Drina would always go on and on about how Damen could possible want her, and blah blah blah, well, that’s how Ever was thinking. Ever think something, then Drina would give a disgusted face, or smile wide, then answer her question, or just speak from what she heard in Ever’s head.

Drina could read her mind, and get this, so could Damen! They were called, Immortals. Which meant they would never die, unless you hit them with their weakness, and kill them. Immortals are very special in their own way, and unique as well.

Drina had this game, called Trick or Treat. How to is that the the cat; predator, would let the mouse; prey, do it’s thing for a bit till it got tired and the cat got bored. It would then chase the mouse, and once it got it, kill it. Trick would be the cat waiting, and Treat is for the cat when it gets the mouse. Ever ran as fast as she could and Drina just watched her. She caught up to her and stood in front of Ever. She went to hit Ever, but Ever dodged, then she went to run, then Drina kicked Ever straight in the face, and when Ever hit the ground, see saw that she was bleeding a lot, then she touched her nose, and it went to the side, so she knew it would broken. She cringed when she noticed that some of her teeth were missing and stream of blood coming out of her mouth. Drina went on about what Damen saw in her, and how Damen and her are the best. When she spoke her ‘whole’ name; Drina Magdalena Auguste. Auguste is Damen's last name, which means they got married! Ever didn’t like the fact that Damen kept lying to her. She just lied there, getting ready for Drina to eliminate her. But, when Ever thinks of the last few seconds she spent with family, she regained her strength, and all the love she thought about, made her better, and Drina couldn’t believe her eyes. “What the hell?” Drina said, so shocked. Ever got up, and Drina stepped back a bit, “Hey Drina, Trick or Treat?”.

Ever charged at Drina, but just when she was about to land on her, she was brought to a meadow, with flowers blooming, and grass saving her from her fall. She was gazing around, looking to see what her eyes have got caught on too. “Ever.” she heard. She raced to her feet and was ready to make her move. When she looked, she found Damen, but she took a step back, wondering whose side he’s really on. He told her to relax and that it’s okay, Drina is not here. She looked around again, “Where am I?” then she thought, ‘Am I dead?’. Then since he could read her mind, she answered her question, “You aren’t dead.” “You’re in Summerland!” Damen said. Ever looked at him confused. “It’s like a waiting room, stop between stop, dimensions between dimensions.” He reached for her hand, but pulls away quickly, but he just shrugged, then mentioned her to follow him through this amazing meadow. He asked her to close her eyes, but she just closes them halfway. He sighs, “Trust me, just this once.” She does so and asked what to do. “Image something” he says. She imagines an elephant, then a monarch butterfly, then colourful majestic macaw, then Orlando Bloom. Damen just shakes his head and sighs.

They go on for a ride, then she starts asking questions, in her head. He started talking about him putting a veil in her room, and creating her dreams, yet Drina told her that she did it, then Damen told her that Drina showed the location, he showed the exit. “Exit?” Ever was once confused again. He told her that it’s not the death kind of exit, the exit about getting away. She also wondered why Drina didn’t follower here, but then Damen told her that she can’t come here. “Why is this place so familiar?” she said, and Damen told her that this is where he found her the day of her family’s death. He found her body laying there, but her soul lingering around. He stopped the horses and they walked to a patch of grass and she manifest an outdoor living room, when she accidently thinks of rain, then they were soaked. They sigh and think of something dry and nice, then they start talking about how this all came to be. Damen told Ever she had to choose whether to be immortal, and live forever, or just let go of everything, and be nothing. She started asking all these questions, and he answered, and when she said Drina said he was in New York, he mumbles he wasn’t actually there. When they looked at each other, Ever saw the pain in his eyes. She grabs his hand and holds it. She sits up a bit and presses her lips against his warm ones.

They went on about the questions and ever finally found out what Drina’s real name was; Povernia. But when she remembered Drina had Damen’s last name, she cringed. She asked if that was true and he nodded. She thought about them getting divorced, then he said about how the court room would be weird-silence if he wanted that. Then once they were done talking about that, he said he needed to leave. She wondered if he was coming back, and he said it was up to her.

He asked if she still hated him form their fight in the parking lot, and she shook her head. He asked if he loved her, and she looked away, knowing that she does. She loves him with every strand of hair, with every skin cell, with every drop of blood, that she bursts with his love, boiling over the top, but she can’t bring herself to say it. Even though he can her mind, he think it’s better to be spoken. He says she has to forgive herself, even though it isn’t her fault for the car crash. He pulls her into his arms, and says he has to go, and she just kissed him, pressing into him, needing his lips against hers. But when she opens her eyes, it’s all over, and she’s in her room alone.

The next couple days Ever was thinking about Damen, and Riley; her dead sister, who she can see who just hadn’t crossed over the bridge quite yet. Riley and Ever were talking when Riley said she should go see Ava; another psychic. Riley was fading away and when she was gone, she left Ava’s card. Ever finally decided to go see her, and they talked about how Riley hasn’t seen her parents and Buttercup; their old pet. Ever didn’t go there to talk about that, she went there for help, to help her shield herself. Ava sighed and started telling her what to do. By the time they were done, Ever was heading out the door when Ava asked her if she wanted to learn how undo the shield. But Ever just shook her head and drove off.

Ever couldn’t get over the fact that she loved Damen so much. She loved him so much, and wanted him as well. Ever shut her eyes, and imagined the feel of Damen’s warm wonderful body curled around hers, the whispers that sent chills down her spine, and the way his mouth felt, so relaxed and soft. She imagined their perfect kiss, and say ‘I love you’ over and over again. But when she opens her eyes, she’s alone, and she knows she’s waited too long!

When she went downstairs to go get some sad ice-cream, she turned to face Drina, once again. Drina knew that Ever had called out Damen’s name, “It’s like you’re a stalker” Ever once said. Drina just cringes, and then she kept going on and on about Damen, not surprising right? ever wanted to look for a weapon, and spotted a knife on the counter. Drina didn’t care, she knew what was up. Drina really wanted to get through this all so Damen could be all hers, and when Ever was going to grab the cutting board, she launched at her and Ever fell to ground, smashing her head off the fridge, then the ground, cracking her head open. Ever felt a pool of blood around her head, and a stream of blood coming form her mouth. Drina said, “Let go, be with your family, they’re waiting!”

Ever has had enough of Drina, and wants to get rid of her for once and for all! She remembered the time in the car again, remembering the happy moments they all had together, full of love and happiness. She has finally said it to herself, “Now it’s no longer clouded by guilt, now that I'm no longer to blame.” She felty the strength come back to her and she saw that Drina was on top of her, and then she lifted her up off of her, and through her across the room. Drina looked at Ever, and laughed, like nothing happened. She lounged at her again, and then Ever though her off again, watching as she flew through closed french doors and into the den. Ever wanted to get up and do it again if she had too, but before she could get even lounge at her, Drina sort of, paralyzed Ever. Drina gave her a choice; die by letting herself go, or letting Drina do it. Ever just closed her eyes again and though, “I can’t let her win. I can’t let her win. Not this time. Not after what she did to my family!” Ever took her fist and swung it toward Drina, but her body clumsy and defeated. She was surprised when she hit her square in the chest, but she thought it do much, so she just stepped back and waiting for it all to end. When she opened her eyes again, she sawe Drina stagger backwards, clutching her chest. “Damen! she cried out. Ever looked back and saw Damen standing beside her, shaking his head at Drina. It’s over. It’s time to go, Poverina.” “You know I hate that!” He just smiled and watched as she disappeared. Ever wondered if she actually killed her, and Damen nodded his head.

Ever thought that know that he was here,she would be stuck with him, but he didn’t think about it that way. The he kisses her briefly, but she grabs him and pulls him back to her. “Don't go, please don't leave me ever again!” Ever told him. He kisses her forhead, and grins. She was confused, then ran her head over her forehead. “Forgiveness heals.” Damens says.

From no one, Ever wanted Damen by her side, at all times. He looks at her, waiting for what he wants to hear. “I love you!” Ever finally says. “And I love you, always have and always will!” Damen says, smiling, and she smiles too!

I rate this book a 10/10 star because I personally love the writer and the book series! It’s a really great book and I suggest this book to everyone grades 7 and up. This book is mostly for teens to read, because it’s based off of teens.
© Copyright 2014 Jess (Smut Queen) (jesskoni at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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