Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1991058-Pokemon-The-Lanuo-Region-Part-3-WIP
by MStuck
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1991058
The trio start to look through Forever Forest to find Professor Maple.
"Pi... Pika..." the small mouse quivered, getting scared from the look of the forest. "Oh... I feel the same way Pikachu... This place is scary..." Dawn said, crossing her arms and shivering with fear. May let out a sigh then shouted, "Come on! We've been through scarier places than this! I mean, sure, this place is pretty dark! ...And a bit scary... But we can get through this! Right, Ash!? ...Ash?" Ash, too was scared. May groaned, (Oh... Maybe this wasn't a good idea...)


The trio gasped and slowly turned around to see a horde of Beedrill behind them. Ash started to whisper to the girls, "O-Okay... I know what to do when a horde of Beedrill are staring you down." Dawn tried to keep herself calm and asked Ash, "W-What do we do?" "It's very simple... RUN!!!!!" The trio bolted, screaming as the horde of Beedrill chased after them. "I... HATE... THIS... PLACE!!!" Dawn cried as the three continued to run as fast as they could.

Meanwhile, Garnet made it back home to see her mother again. "Mom! Mom!" Garnet shouted in a panic. "W-What is it, Garnet?" her mother asked, really worried. Garnet told her mother about Professor Maple and Forever Forest and her mother gasped, "She's lost in THAT forest!? That place is a huge maze! How will anyone find her in there?" Garnet smiled and asked her mother, "Well, I just remembered our little trip in Forever Forest, and I came back here to ask you... Do you still have those beads?" Her mother stopped to think of what she was talking about and almost instantly remembered, "Oh, right! The beads that led us out of the forest! They're in the cabinet upstairs, inside a small brown bag." she told Garnet, who ran upstairs to look for it.

Garnet looked around inside the cabinet and couldn't find it. She scratched her head and thought, (Hmm... Where is the bag?) she then had a good look inside the cabinet and could see a small hole on the bottom of it. She raised an eyebrow and looked underneath the cabinet and could see the brown bag was there. (I guess the bag fell through the hole... Oh well, at least I found it!) She smiled and began to crawl under the cabinet. The cabinet stood a few inches above the ground, meaning it would be a tight fit, even for Garnet, who couldn't get her chest under. She quietly growled, "Don't hold me back... Let me under!" Garnet made a quick shove that forced her chest under the cabinet, her bigger butt making a loud thump against the cabinet.

Her mother could hear the loud thump, followed by a scream, "Garnet!?" her mother said with a concerned tone and ran upstairs. When she made it up, she could see her daughter's lower half sticking out from under the cabinet and sighed, "Oh... I thought something much worse happened to you... but... why are you under the cabinet? I said it was in the cabinet." Garnet let out a groan and told her, "There was a hole inside it and the bag fell through and is under the cabinet. But... I'm too big to fit underneath and I can't reach it..." Her mother chuckled a bit but was still concerned about her stuck daughter, (This situation feels familiar...) She thought about it and started to hear her young daughter's voice in her head, (Stupid forest... LET HER GO!) She remembered that sticky situation and asked her daughter, "Garnet? Remember when I got stuck in the forest? You helped me get out. Now, I think it's time for me to repay the favor." she smiled and started to push her rear under the cabinet.

With her mother's help, Garnet began to move forward, inching closer to the bag, "So... close..." she was able to grab the bag and she smiled, "I got it! Mom, pull me out!" her mother nodded then grabbed her legs and pulled. With someone pulling her out, Garnet made it out from underneath very quickly. Garnet dusted herself off, thanked her mother and rushed off to the forest. "W-Wait, Garnet!" Her mother called out as Garnet replied, "What is it, Mom?" her mother looked through the cabinet and handed her a bottle of sunscreen, "In case something like that happens again." Garnet nodded and headed back to Forever Forest.

Ash, May and Dawn continued to run away from the horde of Beedrill, running pretty far through the forest until Dawn saw a small cave up ahead that was about three feet deep and she shouted to the others, "Quick! Into that cave!" the others nodded and they all jumped doen into the cave. The horde of Beedrill looked into the cave, not seeing the three who were crouching to keep themselves hidden, and the horde of Beedrill flew away. Ash slowly looked back out and noticed that the Beedrill were gone and sighed with relief, "They left... I think we're good for now... That was close!" Dawn nodded as May added, "You know... we have Pokemon... Why didn't we use them?" Ash shrugged then replied, "Well, your Oshawott and Dawn's Fennekin are probably level 5 and couldn't stand a chance against all of those Beedrill. And as for my Pikachu..." Ash sighed as his partner was hiding underneath his hat, "Pi... ka..." Dawn frowned, hearing the mouse's scared cries and got up to look around the cave.

"Wow... this cave goes on pretty far... Should we explore?" Ash looked back out of the cave then nodded, "Well, I think anything else is better than going back out there..." May smiled and pulled out her pokeball, "I agree! Especially since caves are home to Rock and Ground Pokemon. Come on out, Oshawott!" May shouted, throwing her pokeball, "Osha!" the small otter exclaimed. Dawn grinned and reached into her bag for her pokeball and a small stick, "My Fennekin may not be the best type for cave Pokemon, but she will be very useful. Let's go, Fennekin!" Dawn grinned as she tossed her pokeball, "I've never seen a Fennekin in action. I'm excited to see what it can do!" Dawn squealed when she saw her Pokemon for the first time, "Aww... It's adorable!" "Fen, Fen!" the fox Pokemon smiled to its trainer. Dawn showed the stick to her Fennekin and asked, "We're heading into a dark cave to explore but it's... well, dark. So could you-" before she could finish, Fennekin let out an Ember that was big enough to light the torch and Dawn's face. Dawn cried out from the flames, groaning from her charred face and said, "W-Well... at least it's lit..."

The trio continued to explore the cave as Garnet was walking through the cave, dropping beads so she could find a way back out. Walking through the forest made her uneasy, "This place is s-spooky... B-But it shouldn't be too bad... I just need to find the Professor and get back out... What could go wraaaah!" Garnet screamed as she fell down the cave that Ash, May and Dawn were in. Garnet groaned as she stood up, rubbing her rear and said, "Ow... What did I fall into?" Garnet looked ahead to see the cave and sighed, "T-That's pretty dark..." but then smiled as she pulled a flashlight out from her bag, "It's a good thing I prepared!" then proceeded through the cave, hoping to find the Professor.

The trio were already ten minutes ahead of Garnet, fighting wild Pokemon along the way. Since most of the Pokemon were Geodude and Roggenrola, only May did the fighting, leveling up her Oshawott. "I'm guessing Oshawott is higher than level 5, since it knows Water Gun." May said as she looked ahead to see something moving. "Ash, Dawn! I see something in the distance! It looks like... a person!" she exclaimed, thinking that it could be Professor Maple, and the three ran towards it.

"Almost-OOF!" May let out a grunt as she ran straight into a wall. She scratched her head and looked back at the wall to see the person through a small hole. Ash and Dawn helped May onto her feet as Ash looked through the hole, "Hey, Miss!" The woman gasped, quickly looking around the huge cave area she was in until she saw Ash, "W-Who are you!?" Ash started to go through the hole. Being rather slim, he didn't have much difficulty squeezing through, only having trouble getting his shoulders through and his Pikachu followed after. "I should be asking you the same question." Ash replied. The woman nervously smiled and introduced herself, "Well... I'm known as Professor Maple. Now, answer my question. Who are you?" Ash smiled, "I'm Ash!" "Pika!" "And this is my partner, Pikachu! We're your rescue team!" Ash winked as Maple said, confused, "Rescue team? What are you talking about?" Ash looked at her, puzzled, "B-But, I thought you were-" "Hey, Ash!" Dawn cut him off as she began to go through the hole, trying to get her shoulders through, "Mmm... Is that the Professor?" Dawn groaned as she got her shoulders through, "Yeah... But, you're really not lost?" Ash asked the Professor, who was even more confused, "Lost? What gave you that idea?" "Well, your assistant said-" Maple chuckled and told Ash, "My assistant always exaggerates whenever I tell him that I'm going into Forever Forest. I've been here, looking for a rare Pokemon, Carbink, for three months now and every time I go here, my assistant starts to panic, even though nothing bad has happened to me whenever I explore here."

Ash sighed with relief, knowing that the Professor was safe and turned back to Dawn who looked like she was in a bit of a struggle, "Is your friend okay?" Maple asked as she and Ash ran up to her top half. "Dawn? Are you okay?" Ash asked the girl who replied, "This... hole is too... small. I... can't move!" Being on the other side, May could see that Dawn's chest was a few inches bigger than the hole and getting her through wouldn't be easy. May walked toward Dawn's lower half and said, "Well, you're definitely stuck. But your b... er, wedged area should be soft enough to squeeze through if we use enough force. Ash and Professor, grab her arms and pull!" May shouted as they both grabbed Dawn's arms, causing her to blush, "O-Oh... this is so embarrassing..." Ash smiled and told her, "Embarrassing or not, all that matters is that we get you out of there." hearing this made Dawn smile back to Ash.

Ash and Maple started pulling on the young woman's arms. Dawn;s large chest slowly seeped through the hole as she winced from the pain of their pulling. May stood still with a frown on her face, (If Dawn's having this much trouble getting through, how will I get this through?) she thought, putting her right hand on her big bottom, causing her to sigh. "May... I'm not... moving anymore! Could you help?!" Dawn asked her friend who nodded, "R-Right..." May lifted Dawn's legs and pushed on her feet as the others continued to pull and Dawn popped out shortly after, causing Ash and Maple to fall on their backs. Ash got up and helped Dawn to her feet, "You okay? That looked a bit tight." Dawn dusted herself off and replied, "A little sore around my chest... but I'll be fine. Thanks Ash! You too Professor!" Maple smiled, "No need to thank me. If I can help Pokemon in trouble, I can do the same with other humans. But, I don't think we're done yet..." Maple said, pointing at May who began to go through the hole.

May was able to get her shoulders through but her chest stopped her. (If Dawn could get through, so can I!) May told herself as she pushed the walls with all she could and got her upper body through, her hefty bottom now reaching the hole. No matter how much she pushed, her hips and rear was just too big. May groaned, trying to get through by herself, but after a minute of no progress, she sighed and asked the three, "I-I can't get through... Could you help me?" The others nodded and formed a pulling chain, Ash grabbing May's arms, Dawn wrapping her arms around Ash's waist and Maple doing the same with Dawn and they began to pull.

They hoped for an easier time like with Dawn, but May's bigger and firmer butt wouldn't cooperate and after a few minutes of pulling, the three stopped to take a break. "Hm... I think your friend is too big to get through..." The professor said as May retorted, "Hey! I'm not too big, the hole is too small!" Ash turned to May and sighed, "Either way, I don't think it will be easy for you to get through..." Dawn sat down next to May and frowned, "But for now... I think we should rest. Sorry, May..." May replied smiling, "That's fine. I know that I will get out of here eventually, we just need to think of someway to get me out." May sighed as Ash and Maple sat down next to May.

Garnet continued to look around the cave, "Wow... this cave is pretty dark. It really is a good thing that I brought a flash-" *CLICK* "-light..." Garnet groaned as her flashlight's batteries died. She continued to walk through the darkness, hoping to find something. "O-Oh... I really should have brought extra batteries... wha?" Garnet said as she walked into a dead end. "Oh no... Don't tell me I'm lost again..." Garnet sighed sadly as she sat back onto the dead end wall.

"Huh?" May questioned as Dawn turned to her and asked, "What is it, May?" May looked back and said, "I-I think something is touching me... back there. Hey, back off!" May shouted, kicking whoever was behind her. "OW!" May's eyes widened as she gasped, "That shout... It sounded like Garnet!" Garnet turned back rubbing her head. "M-May? Is that you? Where are you?" "Right in front of you!" May replied loudly as Garnet reached her hand out. She felt May's soft rear, causing her to jolt back. "Oh! Uh... i guess I should have realized that when I felt how soft the wall was."

May smiled and turned to everyone. "Guys, Garnet's here! She could help us get me out!" Maple frowned from this and asked, "Garnet? Why would she come out here?" Ash replied, "Well, she was going to join us when we went to look for you, but she stayed behind. I'm not sure why she's here now, but if she could help May, it's a good thing that she's here!" Maple nodded as the three formed another pulling chain. May turned back and told Garnet, "Okay, Garnet, I need you to push on my, um, rear..." Garnet just stood with a puzzled face, "W-Wait... are you stuck?" "Um... yeah. Why do you think my rear is sticking out of a wall?" May asked. Garnet replied, feeling stupid, "Well... I did have a flashlight, but the batteries died and now I can't see a thing in here. But, if you need help getting unstuck, of course I'll help!" Garnet said with a smile as she got ready to push.

May smiled and turned back to the others, "Okay... I'm ready." The three nodded and began pulling as Garnet pushed on her rear. With the extra help, May slowly budged, her rear bulging around both sides of the hole. May groaned from the force coming from both sides. After ten minutes of pushing and pulling, they managed to get May a few inches through until she stopped moving again. Everyone stopped for a breather and May sighed, "Well... I moved a bit. But now I'm stuck more than before..."
© Copyright 2014 MStuck (mario2332 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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