Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1990878-
Rated: E · Other · Contest Entry · #1990878
How I feel when no words come out, when I get 'word cramp'.
The End isn’t Nigh – it’s Now!

Words: ipso facto meanings,

In the beginning was the word
And the word was …

Dam! I’m bereft of words
got ideas in floods… no dam words
to reach…to grasp…to manhandle them.
writing poetry
Gets harder. Harder. HARDER.

Rhymes you want…rhymes you want
You want rhymes…Dam you! I can’t
Get closer to rhymes
Than these lines! 

Becoz in The End
i hit the wall again,
that same bloody one I’ve mashed my head into
Before -
i won’t look in a mirror
to see the blood smeared hurt self-inflicted on my psyche
by head-banging. Oh, Dam it to hell!

Words: ipso facto meanings

In the beginning was the word
And the word was …


(I always was a pretentious smart arse)

D I Harrison

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1990878-