Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1990775-Claras-New-School
by MStuck
Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1990775
A young woman's first day at high school leads to a big problem.
*sigh* "Oh... What's the matter, dear? Are you nervous?" the older woman said comforting her daughter. "Y-Yeah... A bit. But at least my friends from middle school will be there." the young woman replied, smiling. "Unless... they went to a different high school." the mother mumbled.

"W-WHAT?!" the teen shouted, now even more nervous. (Smooth, Martha... Smooth...) the mother thought as her daughter climbed into her bed and covered herself in bedsheets. "Oh, Clara... I'm sorry I said that... But, that could be a possibility. I thought that it would be better to tell you now instead of you finding out by yourself. You know that I just want to make this a more comfortable experience for you, right?" Martha said as she sat on the edge of Clara's bed.

There was a moment of silence then Clara uncovered herself and hugged her mother, "Yeah... you're right mom. The first day might be a tough one and so may the few after that... But I'll get used to it." she said with a happier mood. "Of course you will." her mother said, hugging her back. "Now, get yourself washed up, dressed and come downstairs for breakfast. I made you your favorite." Clara's face brightened and she smiled, "Ooh, ooh, P-A-N-C-A-K-E-S! PANCAKES!" she cheered and ran into her bathroom to change clothes.

Now Clara Lee was a very energetic and active teen, but she LOVED to eat, her mother's cooking especially. No matter how much she exercised, her love for food made her chubby. She wasn't overweight or anything, but if you looked at her, you could definitely tell that she was fat and she didn't mind it at all. Clara was short for a 15 year old, being only 4'9 and she weighed 155 pounds. She had dark blue eyes and medium-length brown hair, the bottom of her hair curving toward her chubby cheeks. She wore a white t-shirt that was big enough to cover her average-sized chest and her well-fed belly. She also wore a black skirt that reached down to her knees, covering her rear, which was similar in size to her stomach, if not a bit bigger.

After her shower and change of clothes, she quickly headed downstairs to meet her mother and to munch on her favorite food, chocolate-chip pancakes. "...You're the best, mom." Clara smiled, hugging her mother who replied, "On, you are just too sweet... Besides, I needed to start off such a big day with something spectacular." Clara sat down and started to wolf down her favorite meal. Martha frowned and asked her chubby daughter, "Wow, you're eating those very fast... No butter? Syrup?" Clara stopped eating and shook her head, "Well... At first, I was very nervous about going to a new school. But... for some reason I'm... I don't know... excited, and now I want to get there as soon as possible!" Clara then resumed eating and her mother giggled, "There you go, Clara! And I know that your first day will be just fine." Clara nodded and finished up her pancakes.

Clara, now finished eating, walked to school since it was only a few blocks away. Martha waved her daughter goodbye as she headed out to work. Martha Lee was a 33 year old, single mother. Having a kid at such a young age and being alone with her baby was a very hard job, but that didn't stop her and she raised her daughter to be the wonderful, young woman that she is. While she was raising her daughter, she also learned how to be a chef, which explains her daughter's chubby build, and worked at a restaurant that specializes in making breakfast foods. Even though Martha was around food for most of the day, she wasn't fat like her daughter. She was actually very slim. Her chest was fairly small for someone her age, but her love for food showed at the size of her hips and rear, being much bigger that her chubby daughter's lower body. Being 5'8 and weighing 140 pounds, she had the same eye and hair color as Clara, but her hair was long and reached down to her shoulders.

Clara had made it to the front of the high school and saw many students around the entrance. "Haa... I-I made it... Wow... haa... I think this figure is starting to take a toll on my health..." Clara huffed, out of breath. Suddenly, Clara heard someone call her name, "Clara! You're going to this high school too?!" Clara's face brightened at the sight of her best friend and she squealed, "Ashley!" she smiled, hugging the friend she had since preschool. "I'm so happy that someone I knew from middle school came to this school. And I'm even happier that it was you!" "I was feeling the same way too! But, now that you're here, these four years here will be a blast!" Ashley grinned as the two together walked to the front doors.

Ashley White was one year younger that her friend Clara and as such was much shorter than her and was definitely skinnier than her chubby companion. She was 4'5 and weighed 100 pounds with dark green eyes and red hair in a ponytail. She, strangely enough, wore the same clothes as her friend, same color too. Only, her skirt was shorter than Clara's, only reaching halfway down to her knees. She was very petite in almost all aspects of her body. Slim stomach, hips and bottom with barely any curve to them. Only her chest was any big, being a bit above average for a girl her age.

As the duo entered the high school, a tall, young man approached them and smiled, "Hmm... I take it that the two of you are new " Clara chuckled nervously, "Y-Yeah... How did you know?" the man also chuckled, "Well, I've been the tour guide to this school for six years now. I guess I've developed some sort of instinct when it comes to this. Anyway, allow me to introduce myself... You may call me Mr. Foster and as I said before, I am the tour guide of the school of Oakwood." the two girls bowed down and greeted themselves, "I'm Clara!" "And I'm Ashley" "Nice to meet you Mister Foster!" the two said in unison and Ashley added, "Hee, Hee, that rhymes!" Mr. Foster rubbed the back of his head and chuckled, "Yes, I suppose it does... And, I take it that you two are friends?" Clara nodded, smiling to Ashley and replied, "Only the best of friends!" Mr. Foster grinned, "Well, I guess that this will make the tour easier and quicker, since I can show you both around right now!" The two girls nodded and afterwards, Ashley asked Mr. Foster, "I got two questions for you Mr. Foster. Were we the only two that are new here? And, not to be rude, but does this school really need a tour guide? Is it really that big?" Mr. Foster smiled and replied, "Well, yes. This year, many middle school students decided to go to other high schools around the country. And to answer your second question, the reason why they chose different schools, is that this school is one of the biggest high schools in the country." Clara nodded, looking around the center of the school, "I can see why now. This place is HUUUUGE!" she shouted as her voice echoed.

Mr. Foster shown the girls around the high school and ended the tour off showing the two their lockers. "Your lockers are 201 and 202, use them to store your various school equipment. I can trust that you won't do any sort of bullying with these. You know, like stuffing other students in them or something?" Clara giggled and replied, "Don't worry, we're good kids!" "Yeah! We would never do something like that." Ashley added, smiling. Mr. Foster chuckled, "Well, that's the end of the tour then! You two have been very nice. Usually, I have unruly teenagers with me, going their own way, making a lot of noise, they were a real hassle! But, I guess when you only need to pay attention to two people, it doesn't get too chaotic. Well, I'll be on my way now, and you two get ready for your first class! It starts in ten minutes." The two girls nodded and waved goodbye to Mr. Foster.

Clara and Ashley opened their lockers as Clara gasped, "Wow, these lockers are big!" "Yeah, they go pretty far back too. We could store so much into these!" Ashley grinned and turned to Clara who had a puzzled look on her face, and asked, "Is something wrong, Clara?" "There's a book in the back of my locker. What's it doing here?" Clara asked her friend, "Well, I'm pretty sure that this locker was owned by someone else... Maybe they forgot it and left it here." Ashley replied. Clara looked into the locker and said, "Well, we shouldn't leave it here! I'll grab it and then we can take it to the school library. I'm sure that the librarian has been missing this book for years!" Ashley nodded as Clara reached for the book.

The book was far back and Clara had a hard time reaching it, "I-I can't reach it! i need to go in further!" Clara shouted as she moved in closer. That is, until her round stomach entered the equation, and stopped her movement causing Clara to groan, (Come on, tummy... Don't do this to me now... I just need a couple more inches...) she said to herself and started to shimmy her way further. Clara made it closer and closer until her entire bulky stomach made it inside. "That's better! Now, let's grab the book and head... back... out?" Clara tried to move back but her stomach stopped her from moving. Clara screamed, frightening Ashley, "AH! W-What's wrong, Clara!?" "I-I can't get back out! Help me!" Clara replied in a panic and Ashley nodded, grabbing her legs, "Don't you worry, Clara! Ashley White is on the job!" Normally, Clara loved her weird personality, but being in such a predicament, all she wanted was to get out.

Ashley started to pull on her legs, trying her best to free her tubby friend, but made no progress. "Mmm... Clara... suck... it in..." Ashley told her between tugs. Clara bopped herself in the head and thought, (Why didn't I think of that sooner?) and sucked in her stomach, making herself a couple inches slimmer. She was still a bit too big to get out as Ashley stopped for a breather, "Wow... you're really in there, aren't you?" "Uh... What's going on here?" Ashley gasped and turned around to see an older boy who looked a year older than Clara. "Umm... You see... My friend saw a book inside her locker and reached into her locker to get it. She was able to get in far enough to reach it, but now she can't get out..." Ashley frowned as the boy nodded and replied, "You may just need more help. Would you mind me helping?" "Well don't ask me that!" Ashley said, gesturing to Clara.

Clara's face turned red and said, "S-Sure... Just... don't look up my skirt when you pull..." "Of course... Okay, i'll grab her right leg, you grab the left one." the older boy said. Ashley nodded, and joked to Clara "Don't fret, my little piglet. We'll free you yet, don't you regret." hearing this made Clara laugh, brightening her mood. The two began to pull their hardest, Clara sucking in her gut, trying to help as much as she could and with the extra help, Clara began to move until...


...Clara popped out, landing on her rear a few inches away from her locker. Clara rubbed the part of her stomach that was wedged and moaned, "Ow... that hurt... but, at least I'm free." She smiled and thanked Ashley for the help. She was going to thank the boy who helped, but she couldn't see him, "Hey... Where's that guy that helped me?" Ashley rubbed the back of her head and pointed down. Clara looked down and saw that she was sitting on her hero. Clara quickly got up and apologized, "i-I'm so, so sorry! I hope I didn't hurt you..." The boy slowly got up and shook his body and replied, "The fall hurt me a bit, and your fall hurt me a bit more... But, as long as you're out, that's all that matters." Clara smiled, "Wow... you're so... kind. Well, thank you very much for helping me!" she held out her hand and greeted herself, "My name's Clara Lee." "I'm Ashley White! This girl's noble knight!" the proud girl added, putting her hand on her hips. The boy chuckled and introduced himself, "The name's Joe Ken. Nice to meet you both!" Clara smiled and gasped, "Ashley!? How long was I stuck!?" Ashley looked at the watch she was wearing and sighed with relief, "Only eight minutes. We still have time to make it to class. But we better hurry!" Clara nodded and the two ran to class. Clara looked back to Joe and shouted, "Joe! We'll meet again at lunch! See you there!" Joe nodded and went off to his class.

To be continued...

© Copyright 2014 MStuck (mario2332 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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