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Time is running out for Kat. Her day is turning into a nightmare. |
Chapter 1 Shoving the blankets back and swinging her feet to the floor, Kat reached over to stop the alarm that dragged her from her dreams. Shuffling to the bathroom Kat started her morning routine. Shower, teeth and another thirty minutes spent watching her reflection as she blow dried her long black curls, not that it helped her hair always ran wild. Rushing back to her room Kat's teeth chattered as she threw her clothes on. Slipping on her sneakers Kat grabbed her bag rushing for the door she was as usual running late. The highway was deserted this time of the morning, Kat had the two lane road to herself, which was a good thing as she was having another episode. Knowing what was coming, Kat stomped down on the brake. These episodes had plagued Kat all her life she knew the signs. What Kat didn't know was why or what the images were that flashed over the back of her eyelids when she slipped into unconsciousness. Thankfully the episodes never lasted very long, she had never been out for more than five minutes, though lately they were coming so frequently at least 4 or 5 times a day. Awakening Kat tried to push back the foggy feeling, will herself back to reality. Glancing around sighing with relief she realized she was still alone, still she guided the car to the side of the highway and turned the engine off. Kat reached for her phone, went to dial her mum to tell her, and then realised as the phone started ringing there was no point her mum wasn't going to answer. Shoving the phone back in her bag Kat yanked her seatbelt off and jumped out the car she needed to walk off the foggy feeling and get going. Feeling herself getting back to normal Kat jumped back in the car and headed off again she was now extremely late her boss was not going to be very happy. She sped along the highway trying to make up time, scenery was going past so quickly but Kat didn't slow down. Forty minutes late she pulled into the parking lot for Mack's Auto Barn and from the look on Mack's face she was not going to enjoy her morning. Jumping out the car slamming the door Kat started apologizing but Mack just cut her off mid "I'm sorry" with his cursing and yelling "damn it Kat I told you to be on time today. I've had enough you're always late, for fuck's sake that's it no more finish the day don't finish the day I don't give a fuck you're fired. I know I owed your mum but this is above and beyond payback" Mack's face was almost bright red by the time he finished his little rant. Kat didn't miss a beat as she retorted "And what are you going to do without me Mack you don't even know how to work the computer but whatever I'm sick and tired of your shit anyway" Kat jumped back in her car. Looking rather flustered and annoyed Mack turned and walked away shaking his head. Kat sat in the car contemplating leaving but decided better not too, these arguments were nearly a daily occurrence Mack had yet to actually follow through on his threats because he knew he really did need her. Jumping back out, slamming the car door Kat stormed into the little shed that passed for the office. It was dreary, worn and faded furniture, a musty smell hung in the air. Kat had tried numerous times to brighten up the place but Mack always shut her down, he did not accept change very easily. Kat sat down at her ancient desk and started working on yesterday's sales, not that there were many business was slow at most they sold three or four cars a week. Mack came through the door rather noisily, he looked over then came closer to Kat's desk and sat in the chair in front of the desk. Looking rather uncomfortable Mack cleared his throat "Look Kat you've been great and I appreciate all the work you've done for me.....but" Kat finally looked up, Mack continued "I have to let you go, just not doing enough business to pay myself let alone you as well. I'm real sorry my hands are tied, I wish I could keep you on but times are tough. Just finish the day I will pay you for the rest of the week but you don't need to come in." Kat wasn't surprised, nor did it really bother her smiling up at Mack "it's okay Mack I kind of saw this coming, I don't mind finishing off the week" Kat told him. "No its fine I'm taking a few weeks off anyways, I got some family issues I need to get sorted. Again so sorry Kat" Mack spoke so mournfully Kat thought he might actually care. Again Kat went to phone her mum "damn why do I keep doing that? I know she's not going to pick up" Kat muttered to herself. Kat told herself she wasn't going to get upset, she would get through the morning and when Mack went to lunch she would prepare a little surprise for him to say thanks. Kat giggled to herself as she thought about the surprise she had planned, Mack's face would be priceless a memory to cherish. Chapter 2 Heading home Kat still had the image of Mack's face when she surprised him, this time she laughed out loud as the mental image played in her mind. To say Mack was surprised was an understatement he definitely had not been expecting such a farewell, Kat really got to him. Pulling into the drive Kat noticed the grey sedan parked opposite her house, it was odd out of place but she didn't give it any more thought as she headed through her front door. Pushing the door closed behind her Kat glanced over to the lounge room where her baby brother was seated in front of the TV not even stopping to say hello. She walked down the hall past her mum's room again just quickly glancing in, she headed to her room she had to shower, clean herself up before starting dinner. Turning the taps off Kat grabbed her towel and started to dry herself off, when she heard the doorbell. Kat couldn't think of anyone who would be visiting at this time of the day so she just ignored it brushing it off as a door to door salesman. Kat dressed for comfort and warmth then headed off to check if the person was still at the door. Nope no one there although she did notice that grey sedan hadn't moved, must be for one of the neighbours. Headed into the run down kitchen Kat perused the fridge's contents for something to cook, finding very little Kat decided on getting pizza delivered even though it would take half an hour and Kat was already famished she dialled the shop. Twenty minutes later the doorbell sounded Kat bounded off the lounge grabbing her wallet and practically leaping to the door but again no one was there. Kat was starting to get a little freaked nothing she couldn't handle but definitely enough to put her on edge. Kat closed the door and slid the chain lock into place, was just walking back to the lounge room when the doorbell rang again it made Kat jump. Turning back to the door Kat asked shakily "who's there?" she was not going to open the door until she knew what was on the other side. "Pizza delivery" came a squeaky pitchy voice she recognized as the pizza guy. The edginess drained from Kat, she opened the door paid and took her pizza straight to the kitchen where she devoured almost half of it, she hadn't realized how hungry she had been grabbing some water to wash it down Kat shoved the other half box and all into the fridge. Kat was headed back to the lounge room when again she was startled by the doorbell, now she was starting to get annoyed, she was sure someone was messing with her. Kat opened the door expecting to find no one and was a little put off when she came face to face with a stranger, good looking handsome even but nevertheless a stranger. Hi can I help you?" Kat questioned for some reason suddenly wishing there was a security door between her and this stranger. The stranger looked her up and down, then finally addressed Kat "I don't suppose you're going to come quietly?" he asked in such a sweet voice Kat wasn't entirely sure what to make of it until he started towards her with something in his hand. For a moment Kat was stuck in slow motion, his hand and whatever was in it coming towards her face, as she started to register what was happening, she tried shutting the door but he was already half way through it. Her next thought was to run, unfortunately that was her last thought as the hand and whatever was in it closed over her mouth and nose, Kat inhaled deeply thinking he was smothering her only as the sweet taste travelled over her tastebuds did Kat realise that she was being drugged. Chapter 3 Kat was coming too slowly, her stomach was churning as if she might throw up and her head was pounding, neither of which were helped by the jostling about in her confined space. As Kats eyes begun adjusting to the light, and her head started to clear she realized her confined space was a car boot and the reason she couldn't move much was the binding on her hands it felt like duct tape as it pinched at her skin as she squirmed. Panic was starting to set in Kat could feel her heart starting to race, her breathing becoming shallow and fast almost hyperventilating she had to calm down, she had been through a lot and she could get through this, Kat kept repeating this mantra over and over willing herself to remain calm. |