Game of thrones players:
Has cnote shops and is currently running GoT
House Stark
Hannah ♫♥♫ Runs Lucky Dice. Won an honorable mention from Quill Awards in 2012
Bonnie Member of the Paper Doll gang. Ran A Spring Romance Contest.
🐕GeminiGem🎁 Has several stories in her portfolio about Danger Dog. Is still a newbie at WdC
Kanish ~ we got this! Kanish’s portfolio is large, having been with WdC for almost 5 years now. You will find short stories and poetry in many different genres.
Quick-Quill Has four published works.
wordninja Mike is a newbie of a short four months, writing poetry and short stories
mystic_dreams Mystic left WdC for a short while and returned. Yeah!! She runs A Touch of Romance poetry contest and is a strong poetry writer.
Jeffrey B A newbie and rising star. Wow, that’s awesome.
Rhonda She is a senior leader of the Paper Doll Gang. Posts prompts to help with blogging.
ssummers Sky writes short stories as part of a healing process.
House Targaryen
Matt Bird MSci (Hons) AMRSC Runs the Coffee Shop for the Fantasy Society, which has won a Quills award. He has a blog on blogspot. He is also seeking reviews for his highlighted items, and gives in depth reviews as well.
Sir Various Is a Rising Star, and loves SciFi and Fantasy. He is an English and creative writing student currently. He is looking for constructive criticism for his writing.
~MM~ Likes vampires, dragons and aliens. Young adult, as well as religious items can be found perusing the portfolio.
L. Stephen O'Neill His name is Stephen and writes a blog. Enjoys the WdC community.
cqa1 Lives in the Big Apple. Writes fantasy and fiction, but also explores other genres.
Cupadraig~The Remote Country Patrick is a chef from Nebraska.
Hanna Hanna lives in Israel, and likes to incorporate fantasy into children’s stories. She writes about her life through poetry.
A E Willcox Amanda lives in England. She is a rising star sponsor. She has a poem entitled You Turned Away published.
alysia Ally loves fantasy but also delves into other genres. She has more than one blog in her portfolio. She does return the favor when she receives reviews.
House Lannister
Jeff Jeff runs the UEN and Paradise Cove. He’s always helpful and gives great reivews. He works in the screen writing industry field and lives in California.
Brooke She wrote a scene completely in lines from movies, which is pretty interesting. She is a supporter of suicide prevention.
Jay's debut novel is out now! Jay is female and is very creative, not only in her writing, but with her hands as well.
Annette Gisselle has run many contests over the years. She took over The Weekly Quickie when I could no longer run the contest. I love that she deleted her bio and put it back for GoT. You go girl!!!
Prosperous Snow celebrating She has a folder in her portfolio that contains poems her mother has written. There is a section of her portfolio that is broken down into awarded items, and then by placement, which I find is really a cool idea.
dblameck (David) David has entered Tales of Seduction every round since its inception. He is always quick to step in and lend a hand. He can write some sizzling erotica. He became a moderator in 2013. He spent decades in the Navy and is Canadian.
Indelible Ink Has Terence Trent D’Arby’s Wishing Well as his song of inspiration for the month of May. Love that!! Has articles that were published in local newspapers. Very witty if you check out posts in Guest Room.
Andrew Runs the Quill Awards. Writes short stories and poetry. So I’m curious as to what ‘dangerous things’ Andrew does in his spare time.
A*Monaing*Faith Has first novel under his belt.
abcoachnz-Sometimes around Has taken courses from HSP and is eager to become a better writer, honing their craft. Likes to drink large cappuccino. Loves music and has over 2k songs in his music collection.
House Martell
Lornda Her favorite genre is comedy. She writes for the comedy newsletter. She writes poetry and short stories.
Maryann A mother of four from the DC area. She has several c-note shops. She has visited Australia.
eyestar~* Mona is an Aries, the Ram. She was recently awarded with one of the first WDCs Power Reviewers Group merit badges. It looks really awesome! Congrats.
jdenningberg A new preferred author. Well done! Writes short stories and Westerns.
TarynSloane ~ Writing She learns about herself through her writing. She writes poetry that hits upon almost every subject.
Sum1's Home! Owns Anniversary Reviews. Writes poetry and short stories, not all of them are serious. Gets to travel for work and teach as well. And the best part, it’s free travel. Now that’s what I call job perks!!
QueenOwl ~ A New Day Dawns A newbie as of January this year. Lives in the USA, childhood spent in the Phillipines.
taliah_l She has a short story series that revolves around two main characters, witches Ashlyn and Drea. She likes to enter the Writer’s Cramp.
Kalai Writes poetry and short stories.
Lox~back, but all new! Lives in the UK. She bought Tobias' 20 Master Plots and How to Build Them as a Christmas present to herself. She writes fantasy, dark fantasy and supernatural stories.
House Florent
Lyn's a Witchy Woman Lyn calls her writing journal Jezebel because of that sometimes lack of cooperation. Don’t cha just hate it when that happens? She adores her children and grandchildren. She recently lost her cat Quasi, RIP.
CJ Reddick His philosophy on work is you have one you hate that pays well, or have one you love that doesn’t. He hates school with a passion. I can relate. Recently went to Colorado.
PandaPaws Licensed VetTech Began novel writing only to learn her true passion is poetry! She loves black licorice.
Mitchopolis Has a good sense of humor. Has left little trails in his port and then snatched them away so it makes it harder to figure out things about him, the Pina Colada song stands in as a substitute. Sneaky, I tell ya. He fears bottle message readers. And his fortune cookie messages are an awesome read!!
very thankful Has four true loves in her life. Her soulmate is a great kisser and sets off fireworks. Her first crush was Johnny Cash at age seven.
Janine She has a blog on wordpress. She is searching for her other half, the one who will know she is perfect just the way she is. She cannot go without love, success and happiness!
Joy She misses writing on a good old fashioned typewriter. I remember those days well. She writes poetry, short stories, novels and has a c-note shop in her port.
lizco252 She prints out her stories when she gets stuck to help pull her back into the characters and storyline. Took down her bio to thwart GoT players, naughty naughty! She owned a Husky dog for a short period of time, given to her by an Indian man.
The Run-on King PDG Member Retired Vietnam vet who loves gaming. He is a professional computer repair man. I could surely use one of those in my life, no joke. He has learned how to overcome his fears throughout his life. Bravo!!
Charlie ~ Charlie is stressed, according to his bio. Hmm, is this a GoT thing? He is a fan of all things dark, especially dark comedy.
House Frey
blue jellybaby She’s a captain with WDC Power Reviewers group. She tends to put everyone ahead of herself, making her last, and now is working on putting herself first. I can relate to that.
ember_rain She runs a ton of contests and raffles, including Holiday Raffle Top and 2nd Annual Halloween Scary Story Contest. Not only is her husband a member here, but some of her children as well. That is pretty cool.
wolf knight He is a rising star and writes mostly poetry. Since he was homeschooled, his English assignments were put into his port to check his grammar. If only I’d had that luxury back in the day!
Osirantinous Still writes with pencil on paper, gets depressed by YouTube, and actually read a car manual!
goldenautumn Is a mother, wife, teacher, and she says aspiring writer, but I’ve combed through her port, and I’d say she’s definitely a writer. Check out the blog because you’ll see it isn’t hers alone.
SirSchemingSerpent Likes the fantasy genre. Writes short stories and novels.
Cobe A female Architect. Love that!! She has two blogs, running consecutively. One is about why people commit suicide, and the other is why they leave church. Both are very indepth.
soapy11 He started out rewriting lyrics and now concentrates on horror novels.
Christine Christine has taken classes at HSP, and writes very vivid characters. All of her scenes are descriptive and vivid, making it easy to picture it all right before you. She writes erotica, romance and fantasy.
Shaye Has a novella about vampires. Has three different fiction stories based on diary entries, which I find quite an interesting concept to write from.
House Hightower
Elle Lives in New Zeeland and is addicted to WdC. She has short stories, poetry and family history items in her port. The family history she uses to collect recipes to create a family recipe cookbook.
Marci Missing Everyone She is religiously strong, and openly writes about her feelings pertaining to God and faith. She is the captain of a few houses, including The Poet’s Place Patio
Fran 🌈🧜♀️ Is a retired swimmer. I love that, especially because I consider myself a fish in the water. She was shocked to discover how much money she saved by skipping Starbucks for one week.
LostGhost: Seeking & Learning She dabbles in all genres but is best at writing poetry. She has taken a few classes with HSP. Yeah, and thank you.
ENB Is homeschooled and loves Mr. Bean. Captain American is one of her favorite superheroes. She has never snuck off to see a movie she wasn’t supposed to.
Lina Black-So Far Behind!!! Lina has taken HSP classes and is always eager to learn and strengthen her writing. She writes erotica short stories and romance novels.
Jellyfish Lives a short ten minute walk from the sea in the UK. Very cool. Recently moved to England. Likes photography and honey.
☮ The Grum Of Grums Writes poetry and short stories. Has lived in Australia since 1965. I love the idea of reinventing oneself throughout life!
ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy She likes country music and lives in Oregon, but grew up in Oklahoma. She writes a lot about family and the relationships within them.
Lynda Miller A mom with one book published under her belt. Awesome! She and her husband are raising their grandson. Wow, kudos to you both for stepping in.
House Arryn
~A.J. Lyle~ Is a judge for The Weekly Quickie and is always helpful. She gives in depth reviews, not only pointing out the good, but the bad as well. She has four kids, and her daughter just wrote her first short story!!
Missy ~ EnjoyingBeingAMommy Is waiting for that phone call from Stephen King for advice. I just love that by the way. Has foresight in life, but tends to disregard the warning signs. Gotta listen to your intuition!!
angeldarkness She relies on her friends to help her smile when she’s down. She finds celebrity crushes nonsensical. She says she is awful at making decisions.
Marcia~I'm Home :) She is inspired by Martina McBride and her music. She wants everyone to know that life is a gift from God. I totally agree, Marci!!
Loreli Has been married 14 years and counting. She’s looking forward to seeing Maleficant, as that is her favorite Disney character. She is working on her fourth novel.
rydog3457 Is getting close to his first year on WdC. He writes short stories, likes SciFi and fantasy.
Shadowstalker-- Covid free He is constantly broke, which is bummer, I can relate. The more he writes, the stronger he gets at creating his craft. It is awesome to be aware of your own growth!!
Jeannie💕 Has been writing childrens stories since high school. Has two dogs. Loves movies with a wide range of interests from Frozen to the Ten Commandments.
Purple Catching Up Me, well, I run the House of Sensual Prose, and Tales of Seduction. I write mostly romance and erotica, and dabble in poetry when the muse hits. I live in the gloved state that still hasn’t gotten the memo that spring arrived over a month ago!!
Riot Riot is sad to be turning 30 this year. Hmm, perhaps I should tell her what 46 is like. She refuses to give up or even share her coffee! Oh my! Well, I wouldn’t either so I guess I cannot complain. If money were to grow on trees, Riot would happily attend college forever.
House Baratheon}
🌑 Darleen - QoD Is not technologically challenged and can figure most things out on her own. I love that she has handed over that job though to her husband, and uses her charm to get him to do these things for her. I need to learn this trick, lol.
Paul D Claims to be older than dirt, omg, I use this line all the time!! He enjoyed observing his father watching wrestling and the reactions his father would have. Nothing better than people watching.
pinkbarbie Ah, Aisha. It was a treat having you in HSP this past session. She usually leaves things until the last minute and then is in a frenzy to finish things on time. I can relate, fear not!!
~Lifelessons~ She loves working in her garden and finds it therapeutic. A spiritual person who believes in the higher power always being there. Is a poet.
alittletoolate She is a poet with plenty of animals in the home and blogs regularly. She has a deep respect for her sister and the way she raised her children.
🌖 HuntersMoon Ken is a terrific poet and loves laughter. He creates in all genres and likes to challenge himself.
DyrHearte writes She has a niece on WdC who encourages her dreams. She is a fantasy and SciFi fan.
r.a.garcia Ron loves playing guitar and writing. Very cool. He writes poetry about many different subjects.
Teerich - 2019 Participates in National Poetry month. She just had to take down her bio to be mean to her fellow GoTers, lol. I scoped her port and it is full of poetry.
💙 Carly - February is here! Carly participates in the Writers Cramp and has been writing since she was young. She is a rising star.
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