Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1990481-Spanish-Guitar
by mel
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1990481
At a Flamenco performance, Charlie meets a man that will stroke the flames of her desire.




Chapter One

         The tour bus pulled into the small Spanish village of Figueres just outside of Barcelona Spain. Shifting gears, the massive people carrier meandered between the closely packed homes constructed of river stones. Ivy crept around bannisters and up the side of walls to end over brightly colored doors.  Charlie sat back against the sticky cloth seat wondering again why she had allowed her partner in crime Tami to pester her into signing up for this tour on the most humid day of all time. Charlie already knew the answer to that question she supposed. Tami had a thing for Spain and anything Spanish, the language…men… and really everything.  The Flamenco group they were seeing tonight was called Spanish Guitar [maybe call it Spanish Guitarra, but the name was confusing…didn’t realize you were talking about the band], was a favorite of Tami’s and were playing at a small club in the heart of the city. She had promised Charlie no more blind dates for the near and distant future.

And that was how Charlie now found herself on a tour bus in the middle of an old world Spanish village. Sitting in their seats in the middle of the bus, she gazed out its dust smeared windows onto the changing scenery of everyday life in a small village as they rolled from one neighborhood to another. 

Although the ride to Figueres had taken less than an hour, Charlie couldn’t believe how quickly the shadows of early evening had slowly blanketed the village. Glancing again at her watch, she hoped the performance wouldn’t be long and drawn out or they were not going to make it back to the port in time for her to do some last minute Christmas shopping. Looking across at a beaming Tami, she didn’t seem to have the same concerns.

Always a bit hyperactive, Tami leaned over her, excitement in every breath she took as she swung her head back and forth trying to take in as much of the scenery as possible.  “Charlie…..we’re…finally herreeee.”

Her friend screeched flopping back onto her own seat as the bus maneuvered into a large parking lot with only a few open spaces reserved from tour buses. “Come on ….let’s go!” she squealed grabbing hold of her friends arm.

Charlie looked at the people now packed into the narrow aisle of the bus and knowing how difficult it would be to exit right away. Suppressing a sigh, Tami leaned back against the seat.

“The musicians are going nowhere Tami…we’ve paid for the show, so relax, babe. [awkward line..it appears stunted for this person….Maybe…. hey you want to get trampled by all means I’ll catch up with the pulpy remains…. here she sounds like mom not friend.]  {My version: Hey you want to get trampled? By all means…I’ll catch up with the pulpy remains, Charlie laughed.  Suppressing a sigh, Tami leaned back against the seat.}

We’ll wait until the aisle has thinned out ok I just don’t want to be trampled trying to get there…?” Charlie suggested as they watched and waited until there were very few people in the aisle. Charlie patiently tapped her on her thigh knowing her friend would squirm until they got off the bus.

         The night before, Tami had seen the poster announcing the group’s performance in a bar on the Mezzanine deck of the ship and had gone over the hill declaring her LOVE for the guitarist. Charlie had to admit, he was handsome in a dark, mysterious type of way. [Why not talk about her need to go wild here.even if just for once on this trip] Not really her type though. Personally, she had a thing for the Robert Redford type. But Tami had insisted on them going to the performance, her reasoning was that the improbability of the group turning up in Figueres; while she was on a cruise near their city; and that a tour was set to visit THAT village, she considered the whole thing kismet or a miracle. That it was meant to be. Now she was determined to get an autograph and a touch and feel with the guy. A typical case of groupie worship and she had dragged Charlie along for the ride and …of course support she had argued.

         Tami Evans was her roommate for the past five years, having met in college while taking the same class on human sexuality and become fast friends after giggling over a set of BenWa Balls. Tami, a tall auburn haired girl with freckles sprinkled over skin of café and cream was a hopeless romantic… always trying to fix Charlie up, she had declared bad mojo as her own reasons for not being similarly attached. 

It was for this reason she had brought Charlie on this cruise after her adamant refusal over the past three months until finally Charlie had given in, just for some peace and quiet.

         Now, Tami grabbed hold of her arm and pulled Charlie into the aisle, her fingers pushing against her back forcing her forward. They descended in front of the white washed stone building. Holding up a blue and gold flag with the emblem of the cruise line, the tour guide explained we were to keep the flag within our sights so as not to get lost and began marching the group through Figueres, stopping occasionally to highlight buildings with historical significance. Eventually their small group came to the Cortijo Flamenco, a small out of the way theatre with a combined Moorish and Spanish architect of mosaics. After passing the [somber] doorman their tickets, the group was ushered into a nondescript semicircular room with tables lining the small balcony that overlooked a small thrust stage. The rich red curtains below them were pulled closed, but the sounds of the band practicing[can they be tuning, cuz ive never been to a concert where they are still rehearsing near stage time…a thought?] drifted up from the back. Charlie leaned slightly over the upper tier of the balcony, taking in the floor below as a different sort of patron began filtering in to sit at white linen drapped tables adorned with expensive looking China. The room below from what she could see was a throwback to an older Castilian Spanish era in décor with walls lined with iron scones lit with tiny flames throwing shadows across wall paper that reflected the color of the stages curtains. That Charlie mused was the luxury reserved for a very elite crowd.

         Tami pulled out the seat beside Charlie as the waitress placed a [flouted?]glass [full] of Sangria on the table before them.

“Saluda” she whispered and moved on to the other tables. Charlie had barely acknowledged the waitress, her interest focused on the people below. Something was off about that crowd…she could feel it...but she couldn’t quite place her finger on what it was.          

Maybe, she thought, it was the fact that not one of the people below was curious enough to look up at the tourists above. Charlie looked over to Tami, but before she could nudge her friend she saw Tami was already engrossed in a conversation with a fellow groupie at the next table.  The women had pulled out a tablet computer, and Charlie could just imagine what they were googling…probably more information about the group she mused.  Charlie had to admit that now she was here, she was just a little bit curious and admittedly excited.  Sighing, she just hoped the group lived up to her friends expectations.

         It took just minutes for the waitress to seat everyone in her group and a few minutes later the lights dimmed as and the curtain sluggishly opened to reveal revealing a solitary man sitting at the center of the stage.

         AND MY GOD! WHAT A MAN! [he looked like? Tall, black shirt clinging lovingly to his ripped abs or his beer belly]  Dressed all in black, the darkness embraced him like a lovers caress with only a single beam of light gleaming down on the richness of his silky straight hair that was so black with allusions of blue. 

         Head bent over the sift curves of the guitar, his fingers began to softly seamlessly drift across the strings.  He held the instrument as a man held a woman, close and wrapped in loving arms.  Without lifting his head, he played the notes gingerly as a low thrumming hum rose to resonate throughout the room, lingering briefly before dropping like silvery beads. The pain and longing in every note pulled from the strings wrenched viscerally on the hearts strings until Charlie felt she would collapse under the weight of the beautifully haunting notes.

         “Oh…my God!” She gasped mentally.  Leaning her elbow on the table, Charlie rested her chin on her hand as the final timbres ended abruptly as the guitarist ebony head snapped up alertly. Steel grey eyes scanned the room, his head swiveled looking from one person to another, watching for someone or something. Skimming through the crowd on the lower level he swung his head up trapping her with his gaze.

         Charlie could feel the power that coiled within him[the guitarist] as his gaze riveted her to the spot in the middle of the room.  Lifting one hand he slipped his fingers under the shoulder strap of the guitar allowing it to slide down his arm.  Charlie felt her body quickened as a whisper of his fingers seemed to loosen the spaghetti strap of her sundress sliding them down her arm. The thundering applause of the audience soon drowned out the thudding of her heart as Charlie exhaled softly through pursed lips.

Leaning forward in his chair, in a controlled voice[idea: describe his voice; like silky bass or baritone or sexy tenor] the man announced the Flamenco dancers.  The underlying sensuality of his words captivated her as his silver eyes held hers.  The dancers flounced onto the stage and picked up the rhythm of their clapping hands, drums and guitar.  The dancers were like an exotic flower; their flamboyantly colored silk dresses wrapped with rows of black lace weaved within the dark red ruffles of the skirt.  The men wore shirts of the same fabric with ruffled ballooned sleeves.  The rhythm of the beat and the drumming of the dancers heels caused Charlie’s head to reel as the strange and disquieting beat brought disturbing visions racing through her mind. [huh]

“Who was this man…how could he affect her with just a look?” Finally able to break the spell he’d woven, Charlie turned and glanced to the side at Tami and the others who all appeared to be just as enthralled.


         Lowering her gaze in confusion, she couldn’t believe her reaction to the artist and the music. No one [no music]had ever made her feel this emotional, this sexually aroused.  Charlie looked at her untouched Sangria, noticing as she did that all around her glasses were now empty.  Charlie lifted her glass to her lips. “NO! A voice commanded in her ear. Tensing, she swiveled about quickly searching for the person who had just shouted at her. There was no one beside her.

Chapter Two

         Charlie drew back, her mind and body benumbed as the guitarist from the stage moved in lightning fast motion, jumping unbelievably the height of the balcony to land beside her. Suddenly she felt herself being spun around. [why doesn’t she stop the jerk who jumped a few feet in front of her.  Could he just appear one moment on the stage and the next beside her pulling her up from the chair?  I would think I would beat the crap out of something that just jumped a balcony and is not a pocur artist.]

“You are not to drink…this!” he growled pointedly looking at the glass in her hand. “This is not for you…never for one such as you.” 

Before she could respond, he had pulled her from the chair, knocking over the glass and dragged her hard against him. With a screech Charlie reached over for her friend. Tami , [but she] was still seated at the table clapping at a performance that had stopped minutes ago paying no attention to the drama occurring at their table.

“Why the hell not?” What is wrong with the drink? Is it poisoned?” Charlie asked a faint thread of hysteria in her voice as her gaze drifted around the room taking in the others in her group as they too clapped at a now nonexistent performance.

“I will explain later.” He muttered in her ear. Grabbing her hand he dragged her behind him toward a door at the back of the room. “First, you must come with me if you wish to live. The others cannot discover what you are.”

Angry and disconcerted, Charlie pulled against him, stopping in the middle of the room, she crossed her arms as the man attempted to usher her through the doorway. “What do you mean what I am?…and what is happening in that room to my friend and the others?…you have a lot of explaining mister if you expect me to just follow you!!” Charlie screeched pointing to the now closed door. She knew she was [screeching but this stranger was spirit her away from her group, just beyond the closed door] asking for a lot of explanations, but she needed a lot of explaining from this stranger who had just spirited her away from her group.

“What you are is Simpatico or someone who can read the thoughts of one such as those beyond that door…those like me. [is there a way to make it so that one part of their connection is only for those mates like the telepathy or the smell of her for him, but others would smell him on her and then get her smell?] The man explained, moving to place his body in front of the door.

“Your blood would be sweeter to them, making it impossible to fight the hunger. If I had left you back there they would have taken you away and drained you…killed you and I could not allow it…will not allow that to happen…ever.” [is this a now that I found you statement?, confused]  Some of Charlie’s anger evaporated, leaving only confusion.

“Look, I understand you think that you are helping me… or protecting me or whatever from something or someone, but really who would want to harm me. No one out there even knows me, except my friend. And you’ve just told me, we are in danger”

Plus! There are a lot of people in that room.” She pointed to the closed door. “And although I may be a stranger, no one is going to just up and kidnap me or drain me or whatever you think is going to happen.” 

Charlie admonished hastily, drawing away from what she suddenly realized must be a crazy person. All be it a handsome crazy person…still a crazy person…was a crazy person!

“If you must witness this to believe…I will show you.” Leaning around her, the man opened the door just enough for Charlie to get a view of the tables across the room that were diagonal to the door.

What she saw had her trembling as icy fear seized her heart.  Charlie’s scream was stifled as the man covered her mouth with his hand. All of the members of the tour were leaning back against the chairs as elegantly dressed men and women she recognized as those from the floor below, bent over individuals in the group their mouths attached to their throats. The sounds of slurping and sucking making her feel nauseous and faint.                    

         The door closed and the stranger released her and leaned against it; easing the door out of her hand. Charlie couldn’t believe what she had just seen…it was like a nightmare she was waiting to awaken from.

Placing his hand in hers, the stranger pulled her away from the door into his arms holding her close.

“I knew you were different when I heard you in my head.” He added in a lower, huskier tone. “No one has had that ability in over two hundred years. I knew then I could not allow them to drink from you. You are MINE, you belong to me Nikolas Sartini, and I will never let anyone harm you.”

“Wait one gosh darn minute.” Charlie’s pulse began to beat erratically at the threatening tone in his deep voice. “Unless you have been on different planet for the last century, we do not own people.” “And do not call me little…I am a woman…not a child.” By no means was she “little” either. At size fourteen, she was anything but. If this person thought of her as little, what size female was he accustomed to? Shaking off the terror of the whole situation was hard, but Charlie knew she needed to get a grip if she was going to get out this situation.

“O.K. explain slowly what is going on?

Who you are …and what is going to happen to my friends out there?

Are those things going to kill them?” she asked nervously, afraid of the answer. Again wondering how she had gotten herself into this mess?

Oh yes she remembered…her friend Tami. Who at this moment was being devoured by a what? A vampire! That was fiction, fairy tales…they did not exist. Could not exist! [is she angry? If so can she show it more in her mental description of the vampires…blood sucking leeches of satan maybe..hehe]

“NO…your friends are not being injured, nor the others.” Nikolas answered reading her thoughts easily.

         “They will feed…then erase their memories, replacing them with pleasant ones and your group will be sent back to your cruise ship with the impression they had a wonderful time.” “No one will be aware of what happened here tonight.” 

Charlie swallowed hard, lifting her chin and boldly met his gaze.

“And what about me? I KNOW what happened. Will you erase my memory?”

The stranger began speaking in a tongue that was not Spanish[nor did she understand], his voice [the timbre of ] silken oak. After a couple of minutes Charlie looked into his eyes. His silver eyes became almost translucent as they clung to hers, analyzing her reaction.

“What?” she whispered agitatedly. “It is like I thought…your memory cannot be erased.”

“Then what is going to happen now?”  Nikolas moved further back into the room and leaned casually against the front of an enormous desk, his head bent in contemplation. 

“I can keep you safe…for now…but I need to get you as far away from this place as possible.”

“If you haven’t noticed…I came with a group. The tour will expect me to return with them…there are procedures you know.”  “If I don’t show up, the cruise will be notify the authorities and the delay will cause them to [cruise will] lose their [departure time and I will get the bill]time for leaving.  It will cost lots of money and I will be fined.” Charlie lied, her eyes dropping before his steady gaze.

“Then you will return, [he smirks knowing she was lying], just not with your group. I will ensure that you get back to the cruise in time. I will take you.”

Charlie moved away, her jaw tightening. Speaking with as reasonable a voice as she could manage, Charlie asked a question that was lingering at the back of her mind.

“How long have you people been doing this?” Nikolas met her accusing eyes without flinching; every hard plane of his body spoke defiance.

“We only take what we need to survive…Charlie.” He responded vaguely.

“We have never cause harm to our alimento.” “But you just said that they would have killed me!” “Because of what you are…your blood is cherished…feeding off you would be like taking a powerful drug.”

“What about you? Don’t you want to eat me…drain me?”  His voice firm and final he stopped, and pushing her against the wall he looked her over seductively.

“I would love to eat you Charlie…just not the way you think.”

Chapter 3

         Charlie fumed [thinking], how could he be thinking of sex at a time like this!

“Because being around you, smelling you…feeling you…is how.” He answered, his voice deep and sensual, sending a ripple of awareness through her.

Charlie cleared her throat pretending that she was not affected by the hard outline of his body. She accepted that he could read her thoughts but she wasn’t prepared for him reaching for her, pulling her into the circle of his arms, his hand in the small of her back.

He buried his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent.

“Hmmm…Vanilla, sweet, like your blood.” Charlie gasped in delight as his lips seared a path down her neck and shoulders before moving his lips against hers, devouring its softness.  His dark hair tickled along her shoulders sending shivers along her skin. Oh God! She moaned silently, this man is sooo hot! Nickolas tightened his hold on her lifting her against the solid wall of his muscular chest.

Charlie wriggled in his embrace trying to free herself. The message slowly seeped into Nikolas as he carefully let her slide down his hardened body. Charlie could tell the man before her was no stranger to his own sexuality as his lips tilted in amusement. Nikolas leaned slightly away from her, his eyes engaged and never leaving her lips.

Remembering the feel and taste of him, Charlie’s tongue traced where his lips had just been. With a rumbling moan, Nikolas pulled her back into his arms, this kiss was a fulfillment of the previous promise. His gentle intrusion turned into a deep exchange of [can it become more fierce more demanding instead of sweet?]souls as he sought and found her tongue, seeking to draw her into his soul. Charlie moaned began in the back of her throat as her fingers speared to entangle into the soft threads of his hair pulling him closer, melting into him willingly.


She felt Nikolas slide his hand down the back of her [soft organza] sundress and over the swell of her butt, holding her in position.  [Can she touch him through the pants..not supposed to but cant help running her hands over him and feeling him jump.] Her pelvis ground against the hard ridge of his erection as he swung her around and laid her across the desk.  Charlie released a sharp cry of dismay as he slowly pushed her sundress up her thighs, baring the pale roundness of her belly.

He lowered his head and traced his lips and eye teeth along the perfect oval of her navel until he felt her entire body shiver.  His finger moved up her thigh to catch the slim strip of fabric holding her thong in place.  With a snap the fabric fell away leaving her exposed to his view.

“Look at you…,” he groaned dropping to his knees in front of her. “Beautiful”. His fingers slid down through her soft brown curls, seeking the wetness beyond as her body demonstrated her need for him. He could smell the sweetness of her arousal, vanilla with the faint muskiness of aroused female.  Grasping the back of her thighs he positioned them over his shoulders, his thick fingers spreading her open to him. Charlie gasped for every breath in anticipation…forgetting those in the next room…forgetting what he was…forgetting who she was as he kissed her intimately. 

Then his tongue slid down her wet crevice as her body caught fire.  Charlie felt she would combust in his arms if he didn’t hurry.  Reaching down, her fingers combed through his hair, trying but failing to draw him up to her [or push him into her? She is confused or where does she want him to go?]to finish this.  Nikolas resisted as he sucked on her sensitive clit, drawing in between his lips, he nipped [and swirled his tongue over the] tiny bud and Charlie felt her legs clutch [and her insides spiral]tightly as she was [pushed over the edge] wrenched into an explosive orgasm.  [She would normally scream so he should cover her mouth and swallow the moans of delite.] Nikolas moved up her body and wet[rubbed?] his cock in the hot cream of her juices, Shuddering he entered her; his fullness completing what she hadn’t known she had missed in all these years.  Charlie curved her hands over the back of his shoulders holding him to her, to her soul as she felt him begin to move within her.

“I want to see.” [huh? Why?] She moaned into his ear. Moving back, Charlie lifted onto her elbows as she watched his smooth hardened cock slowly withdraw from her grasping wetness and plunge back in groaning loudly as he hilted deeper, her sigh of pleasure answering deep within him.

“God, Yes!” she coaxed[(how?)rotated her hips in a silent request to quicken his pace] as he quickened his pace. Staring into her eyes, she could see her ecstasy reflected in his stare. Suddenly he snatched her up against him as he positioned her slightly to her side, hitting her g-spot he caught her scream into his mouth. [did you know he only has to rotate his hip bone while facing her to stimulate her clit so they both orgasm together]She felt his testicles draw up against her bottom before he swore, his ejaculation so forceful she felt as if he would totally deflate.

Chapter 4

         Charlie came down to earth with a crash. Pushing against Nikolas’ chest she scrambled from under him adjusting her dress as she looked around for her undies. Nikolas gasped for breath allowing her to push past him. “Why are you so angry?” he asked, his strong hand catching her arm, pulling her back towards him. “Did you not enjoy making love with me?” “This was no making love.” Charlie snapped pointing at the two of them.

“It was a quick lay…and I am a slut.” {hate that she let him see this now.  She should be feeling this way after the euphoria wears off at the cruise.  Can she work with a bit of guilt?  Like: She didn’t speak much just wanted to leave and get back to her friend?  That would explain why he gets to angry at her next]  She admonished, turning blindly, her eyes filling with tears.

“My friend is on the other side of that door, in peril…and here I am being screwed by some vampire.” “… not vampires.”

Nikolas corrected, “My people have a condition that causes them to bleed internally…our bodies cannot produce what it needs to sustain us…so we need the factors in human blood to help us in this process. Over the years, we have been named by the Hebrews as Aluka.  We have adapted to make the process easier, hence the teeth, which allows us to feed proficiently with no stress on our alimento. Unfortunately, we have to resort to this…” he waved his hand toward the door. “in order to survive.” Charlie felt her face flush from embarrassment.

Nikolas smiled, pulling her close against him. “I did not mean…this…as in what we did.” “I mean, the tourist who come looking for excitement, and for a little blood we get from them causes no harm. They leave with the impression of having a grand time. No one gets hurt.” He declared at her doubtful stare. “Except for me.” She whispered quietly, feeling an unnatural pull of the man before her. Turning away from the desk and the scene of her decadence, Charlie headed back toward the closed door. She had barely turned the door before Nikolas was there, his hand covering hers on the knob.

“I meant what I said Charlie…you are mine.”[can she get a small thrill from his possessiveness even if she hates herself for liking it?] Charlie let him believe that was what she meant as she released the knob to him. Nikolas eased the door open and after a minute he nodded for Charlie to follow him.

         When she reentered the room, the scene was surreal. The Flamenco dancers were finishing up their performance with a different guitarist. [Is this a second performance, b/c you said they finished and had left the stage already?]Tami was sitting at their table, finishing another glass of Sangria as if nothing had happened. Charlie approached the table warily, peeking over the tier to the floor below. The patrons were finishing up their meals as if they had not been feasting on the tourists less than an hour ago. Tami took that moment to acknowledge her friends appearance.

In a lowered voice she “where have you been? The tour guide has been beside herself looking for you.” Nikolas took this moment to cut in.

“It was my fault…I met Charlie on her way from the ladies room and way laid her a bit.”

Tami’s gaze travelled up the length of the man beside her before her eyes came to rest on Nikolas’s handsome smiling face. A surprised squeak escaped her as her head moved back and forth between the two of them before clamoring to her feet.

“Oh…my God… do you … I never…thought…who you are?” Tami stammered. Nikolas threw his head back and let out a deep chuckle.

“Indeed…I know who I am.” Holding his hand out, he took Tami’s in his bringing her fingers to his lips. “Now ladies…if I may…seeing that your friend is a fan I will introduce you to my bandmates.” Charlie thought Tami was going to faint, as color flooded her face she tumbled out of her chair., Nikolas, Fingers sliding sensuously against her arm, enclosed her hand, leading both of the women toward a door at the end of the hall, whispering something to the tour guide as they passed.

Charlie’s face turned a deep russet as the three passed the door they had recently occupied. A small set of stairs led to the floor below and the side of the stage. Nikolas was a perfect gentleman as he introduced each member of the band. Charlie noticed out the corner of her eye one of the women from the Flamenco turned her back to them as they entered the room, muttering something under her breath before disappearing into the opposite direction.[why do we need to know this?] Then Nikolas introduced Itzac, his best friend who gave each girl a casual polite nod, a total lack of interest for these strangers, he probably felt were no more than a McDonalds take out. His head jerking up he looked up at Nikolas, his eyebrows shooting up in amazement. Charlie noted the subtle flaring of the man’s nostrils as he inclined his silver white head over her hand when introduced.

         With introductions completed, Nikolas led Charlie and Tami back to the main room and to their previous seats before he headed back in the direction of the tour guide. Charlie felt uncomfortable as the two got into [what appeared to be] a silent but heated conversation, the woman occasionally looking over her shoulder toward Charlie before nodding her head in resignation.

Turning away from the woman he sauntered back to their table, pulling a chair from the adjourning table and sat down leaning against the balcony.

“I have made arrangements to take you back to the cruise ship.” He stated matter of factly, his gaze taking in those on the lower level. Charlie felt her cheeks burn as she glared back at this stranger who was trying to take over her life.

“As I mentioned before…I will be leaving with MY group,” she threatened, trying to hide her agitation from her friend.

“There is no way I am going anywhere with a complete stranger. I will be on that bus, and if you try and stop me, I will contact the local authorities. I’m sure they would like to know about this little scam you’ve got going on here.” Lifting one hand, he fingered a loose tendril of light brown curls that had fallen on her cheek.

“It is done little one. There will be no arguments. Many things can happen on your way back to the cruise ship. Buses break down. People get lost. No! It is decided.” Charlie sighed resignedly. “Fine, I’ll go, but Tami gets to go with us. I will not leave her behind.”

“Fine!” Nikolas growled pushing away from the table and taking [her] hand [in] his own, he pulled Charlie after him, with a startled Tami trailing.

Chapter 5

         Nikolas Sartini could not believe his luck, or bad luck depending how you viewed the situation. He had no idea when he agreed to stand in for Rowan for the night’s performance that he would actually meet his souls mate.[I need to know why she is his soul mate and why 200 yrs] The shock of her scent had almost riveted [knocked] (already said she was riveted) him to his seat as he’d finished the intro for the dancers. Scanning the room, he had allowed her scent to wash over him until he knew exactly where she sat. Looking in that direction his breath stopped in his chest as he looked into eyes as green as the forest of Kandël, with high, exotic cheekbones in delicate cocoa skin.

The woman was of average height, but graceful with up tilted breasts and curved hips. She was shaped the way women should be. Not some frail, winsome female. He shuddered as his gaze met hers. The next he knew, he was beside her sweeping her away from what he knew was to come next. Slowly he entered her mind filtering through unnecessary information until he found her source, the blue light within her that was mirrored in his.

He saw her thoughts as she would his with a little training. But now he knew he had to save this gift for himself. What happened next was beyond his control, he couldn’t seem to stop himself.

         He’d never made love with a female like this before or been this out of control. The intimate, romantic experience he’d [always imagined] he would to share with his mate had instead been accomplished on a desk in a room as big as a closet. Now he had to ensure her safety before the others detected what she was. His only ally[could you describe their relationship in one or two words like brother] and friend Itzac was in the back of the stage, recovering from an over enthusiastic hunter who mistakenly believed the myths of stakes to the heart being a way to dispose of his kind. Nikolas had seen the moment his friend had picked up the mixture of their scents, which he would have to explain to his later, much later. First he had to get them back to their ship safely.

         This part of Spain was not safe for unsuspecting mortals after dark. There were many of the things that went “bump” in the night wandering around looking for hapless, lost tourist.  Leading the ladies back to the main floor, Nikolas left Charlie to go and speak with the tour guide. This particular woman had worked for the Aluka for many years, planning these tours for the survival of their Horde.

         Now he had to get his mate and her friend back safely on the ship. But he would find her again. Her scent was a part of him, and he would find her no matter where she was in the world.

When Charlie and her friend exited the building, she spotted him as he leaned casually against a silver sleek [fisker karma] sports car, his gaze immediately locking on her. Her springy curls floated about her face as a cool breeze wafted through the narrow streets pushing the clingy sundress against her curvy figure. 

         Although he appeared relaxed, inside he was tense remembering the feel and taste of that body less than an hour before.  Now reality surfaced and he was cautious, thinking of those who would scent her now that she had mated with him…they would know she was special and want to take her seeking revenge.

         Now, the parking lot was all but empty and dark. The bus had left a few minutes after the last performance and both women had decided to make a detour to the ladies room.  Nikolas didn’t mind the wait in the darkness; after all he could see where others were blind.  But what he felt caused him no small amount of worry as he scanned the surrounding alleys.  He felt something dark and old…evil…but before he could hone in on it, the sensation was gone.  Moving to the passenger side of the car, Nikolas opened the door and helped her friend into the back seat and Charlie followed to take the front seat.  Folding his six foot plus size [frame]into the driver’s seat, Nikolas waited for all to buckle their belts before throwing the car into gear and speeding through the narrow street barely missing a bicyclist.  From the corner of his eyes he could see Charlie’s death grip on the door handle.

“Do you have to go so fast?” she groaned through clenched teeth as he sped around another corner before merging onto the highway.

“Seventy kilometers an hour is not so fast.” Nikolas answered in an offhand tone as he shifted into another gear and the scenery blurred becoming a prism of red, greens and browns. 

Out of the corner of his eye, Nikolas took in the way the silky dress slid up her thighs with every movement.  With one hand on the steering wheel, his control almost gone, he reached again and again to touch her, but each time, he withdrew mentally trying to gain control.  Finally, he grasped the steering wheel until he thought it would shatter.  On the other side of the car,

         Charlie leaned against the cool glass staring out saying nothing as they sped toward the sea port. Before long they’d pulled up to the dock where the various cruise ships lined up, gates open, waiting for returning passengers.  Charlie lifted the small silver latch of the seatbelt and pushed against the door.  Bending, she pushed the front seat forward as Tami pushed out of the back seat.

“I’ll see you back in the room.” She whispered giving her friend a soft pat on the arm and turned to walk across the grey wooden planks toward their ship.

         Nikolas turned toward Charlie his eyes wandering…clearly not knowing what to say next. The sinfully short dress had ridden further up her thighs…showing a full length of tanned skin beneath. Nikolas felt his body harden as his heart hammered in his chest as he took in her sexy little Greek styled sandals and pink painted toes. The vision of her legs wrapped around his waist had him going from hard and pulsing to stone.

“Get out…now!” he growled dragging his head away from this tantalizing site.

“Get out or I’ll turn this car around and keep you forever…now go Charlie while I have the strength to let you… He murmured… even temporarily.” 

Charlie did not hear the rest as she shrugged out of the seatbelt and car, smoothing her dress down over humidity dampened hips.

      [For a moment] Nikolas remained in the car, watching as Charlie moved across the front of the car…he could not trust himself to just let her go. [Once she passed,] Instead he exited the car to lea[n] against the bonnet; as he waited on the moon lit shore until the last of the passengers arrived.  He didn’t know why he was torturing himself…he just had to assure himself that she was safe.

         His thoughts had wandered and didn’t see or feel the entity until it was almost too late. The overly tall, thin figure was several yards up to gang plank before he turned, his red eyes meeting Nikolas’s before his image shimmered before changing into a mirror image of his own.

“Holy Shit!” Nickolas growled, leaping up from the bonnet of the car and racing toward the ship. The final metal clang of the hatch closing had a certain finality that sent a shiver through Nikolas.  He should have been more alert. How did he let a shifter daemon get past him. Their scent alone should have sent up blaring alarms. [why is it too late.  He has speed on his side and glimmer ability.  So that door shutting was a moments problem, but not something a being over 200yrs old should have missed.  Maybe saying the demon grinned at him and waited for him to see him on deck already after the metal doors had closed.]

         Pacing up and down the dock, the thought that…that thing was on the ship with her…imitating him...made rage fire within him, relishing the idea of killing the daemon when he got his hand on it. But first he had to get on board…he knew the daemon could enthrall the humans the same as his kind. But he did not have the chance… in a few minutes the ship would be out to sea and Charlie would be at the mercy of a shifter who could imitate anyone and was too dangerous to take on alone. He HAD to get on board that ship. Whipping out his cell phone, he punched in the numbers of his closest ally…Itzac.  His friend glimmered beside Nikolas in seconds.

“What’s up?” “We have trouble”, he explained the situation as they walked to a darkened area on shore before glimmering and fading to reappear in the ships engine room.

“DAMN!” Nikolas, when you fall you really fall hard and foolishly I might add. Your mate is a human and alimento.” Itzac muttered casting Nickolas a furtive expression as they strode to the stairs leading from the engine room.

“We need to find Charlie…but first we need to find a room that will protect us from the sun…we hunt the daemon tonight.” Nikolas stated slapping his friend on the shoulder.

“It’s been awhile since I have had to track a daemon.” Nikolas grabbed his friends arm.

“One more thing…the daemon has taken on my persona.[why explain this again.you said you explained it beofer to Itzac] I think that is how he will try to get close to Charlie.”

“Wow! Sounds like a personal grudge…who in the daemon community have you pissed on lately?”

“The only one who comes to mind and who would be out for blood is Darik.” Itzac winced, rubbing his forehead.

“Not….THE DARIK…the brother of BRON, THE MIGHTY…the daemon you killed?” Nikolas ground his teeth.

“It’s not like he didn’t deserve it…I caught him trying to drain the life force from a teenager…even for the lowest of our kind…that is not allowed.” 

Nikolas grew quiet, “He swore vengeance for his brother’s death…now he seeks to take what I hold dear. And for that he will die.” Nikolas turned and stalked toward the elevators.

Chapter 6

         Itzac and Nikolas threw the white and navy blue shopping bags with the cruise lines logo on the love seat just inside the door. Itzac had glamoured the concierge and here they were on the Lido deck, just above the oceans waves.  The inside stateroom had two double beds with small tables between; to the left was a cream colored soft, chair and table. A mini stereo, television and radio was set into a pullout unit that folded back into a double door cabinet. The bathroom on the right side of the cabin boasted a whirlpool bath, shower with bathrobe and slippers. Floor to ceiling glass with a continuous changing virtual picture of the ocean was on the right.


The first thing Nikolas had tried to do was find Charlie, which was had proven difficult. On a ship with twenty five hundred passengers, he was surprised that there were over twenty Charlie’s. Disgusted with himself, he had been so enamored, he had not gotten her last name…he knew virtually nothing about his mate except her scent, which was difficult to discern with all of the other interfering scents. But he was relieved that if he was having problems finding Charlie, so was Darik. Now the ship had settled down for the night and after placing their essentials in the room, Itzac and Nikolas divided the ship between the two of them. Nikolas roared with frustration, hating that she was out there somewhere without him to protect her. Determinedly he would begin his search, and tonight hopefully they would find either Charlie or the daemon.


Charlie Adams couldn’t believe how her life had changed in a few short hours. She had met a gorgeous man, had raw, nasty, monkey sex and found out there were people feeding off of tourist in a small Spanish village…and she couldn’t tell anyone. The story was something straight out of the ENQUIRER. Now, thank God she and Tami were back on board the ship safe and hopefully over the coming years she would forget about this incident. But how could she forget about a man that was a sex God walking, who thought she was a Goddess[not just any but his Goddess].

         AGAIN…she couldn’t say anything even to her best friend. With that thought in mind, Charlie swallowed hard, squared her shoulders and followed Tami back to their cabin.[why follow tami, is she there somewhere?] Inside, she slipped her aching feet out of the strapped sandals, leaving them just within reach of the closet. Flopping on her bed near the deck, she let the cool breeze from the balcony sweep over her as she shivered with vivid recollection of Nikolas hands on her body.

“What a night.” She sighed as the sounds of the waves crashing relentlessly against the ship lulled her into sleep. [want some girl talk and Tami who is hyper and into everything is quiet NOT she asks questions maybe and gets no answers as C falls asleep?]

         The next morning Charlie awoke to the sound of the housekeeping staff’s vacuuming the hall. Stretching, she could feel the pull on her lower back, payment for her activities of the day before. A note was propped up against the telephone on the nightstand.

“You looked exhausted…he..he..he! I wonder why? Anyway, Gone for breakfast, meet me when you get up lazy butt! We will talk later. Then you can fill me in on the HUNK! Tami.” Charlie smiled crumbling the paper into a tight little wad before tossing it into the trash bin. Surprisingly she felt fresh and ready to tackle the rest of this cruise, making the decision to put Nikolas behind her.

         The ship had two more ports and then the return voyage back to England. It seemed Tami had no ill effects from the strange ritual she had witnessed, not even a mark on her skin. Her roommate was again back to her hyper-active self. Which was a relief for Charlie who didn’t know what she would or could have done if something had happened to her friend. Deciding on a quick shower, Charlie hurriedly dashed through her morning rituals, only taking a brief moment to stare at the marks on her arms. Nothing that wouldn’t fade with time. She thought. If  only the memory of his face and body would fade as well. But no! She kept seeing his face…how he looked when he entered her.

How he felt inside of her. Moaning she turned away from the mirror and pulled on a pair of city shorts and a white gauze blouse. Slipping her feet into flip flops she breezed through the door just barely missing the room attendant. Giving him a big smile, she sauntered down the hall to the nearest elevator, her pants making the trip a little more tender than she wanted.

         The Windjammer café was quiet for once she noticed as she placed her hand under the automatic sanitizer waiting for the telltale whirl before the foam was dispensed. The open deck and fresh air called to her and in no time she had filled her plate with fruit, small tea sandwiches, soup and chips. Glancing around the room, she couldn’t spot Tami and guessed her friend had found something or someone else to entertain her. She wished she had as much energy as that girl. Tami could party all night…sleep an hour and still be part of every activity on board. She was a true Royal Caribbean cruiser.

“Getting my money’s worth!” she had explained to Charlie as they stood in line waiting to board the ship. Even then she had made friends with nearly everyone in their line.

Chapter 7

Spotting a table near the open doors she started removing the food, placing it on the table just seconds before a waiter came over to finish the task and take her tray. Charlie inwardly sighed, briefly glancing at all of the couples around her. It was hard being single when it seemed every man and his dog was paired up. Charlie turned back to her food, lifting one of the dainty tea sandwiches cut into triangles and filled with different assortments of meat. The one she held was pimento cheese. Licking the filling from around the edge before popping it into her mouth, Charlie moaned as the slightly vinegary taste hit her tongue.

“I wish I was that sandwich!” A deep voice growled beside her. Charlie blushed and then sat stunned as she gazed up in surprise into the crystal blue eyes of Nikolas.

“Funny…I thought them silver.” She mused in fascination. “Nikolas…” she stammered, exasperation in her voice.

“What are you doing here? Charlie asked looking around her.

“Surprise…my sweet…I thought it was about time to sneak away from the group, and booked a cabin at the last moment. I’d heard that cruising can be fun.”

“But…your kind…I thought they couldn’t be out in the sun? Charlie whispered, her eyes slipped past him at the sun blazing across the calm Azul of the ocean.

“Oh! My kind…I see…that again is an old wives tale.”

“There is no reason we can’t be in the sun. In fact, the hotter, the better for one such as me.” Nikolas murmured, taking her hand.

“So miraculously you decided to book a trip on the same ship I am on. Who’s kidding whom, Nikolas? Look, I appreciate that what we did back there was unusual…and…exciting…and all the rest. But I don’t know you. And right now this…” she said yanking her hand from his.

“Is making me a little uncomfortable, sooo… if you don’t mind.” Charlie moved to push her chair back.

“I have to meet someone.” Nikolas took a deep breath, then let it out so slowly…she could swear she heard a low growl coming from his direction.  His jaw clenched, his eyes slightly narrowed and for just an instant Charlie thought they turned completely black.

“Just the lighting.” Charlie turned from him, but he caught her by the arm.

“Have dinner with me Charlie…Please… Just a nice dinner and I swear I will leave you alone if that is what you want.”  Charlie forced herself to drag her gaze away from the Adonis in front of her. How could she say no to those eyes…and lips…and talented tongue?

“Fine, tonight…one dinner…then we go our separate ways.”

“One dinner.” Nikolas confirmed as Charlie pulled her arm free and moved toward the open doors leading to the deck. Glancing back, she saw Nikolas was already gone.

“Boy, if I could move that fast.” She mused, heading toward the upper deck where she could hear Tami’s excited scream over the sounds of the Caribbean band.

         Nikolas couldn’t believe his luck. He had found her…in the worst possible place, sitting across the room with the Darik, in his form. From where he stood he caught the end of their conversation. He had invited Charlie to dinner…a dinner Nikolas knew he had no intention of allowing the daemon to join. At that moment Darik looked up and gauging from the black of his eyes that were now streaked with red, the daemon was pissed. Nikolas moved through the tables now beginning to fill for the mid-afternoon meal as Darik maneuvered to the left, seeming to disappear in a group of college students just leaving the dining area. Standing in the middle of the room, Nikolas bellowed causing the staff to stop and stare before he charged from the room.

         Nikolas found Itzac an hour later wrapped around a stunning blond in a bikini the size of a cocktail napkin.

“How am I to hunt Darik, if you are not in the game?” He stormed, ignoring his friend’s salacious smile in his direction. Nikolas turned his head, scanning the crowd around him.

“Sorry to interrupt your little tête à tête, but we need to resume our current business.” His voice rough and deep, Nikolas waited next to the automatic doors where the deck flowed into the main lobby as Itzac gave the woman a light kiss on the lips, whispering something in her ear causing her to giggle.

“So where’s the five alarm fire?” Itzac asked distractedly glancing behind him as the blond sauntered away, an exaggerated sashay to her hips.

         Nikolas punched his friend in the shoulder getting his attention the only way he could at the moment.

“You need to concentrate NOW!” he snarled his voice cold and exact.

“Darik is meeting Charlie for dinner tonight. I don’t want that to happen…so we are going to find the bastard and put him out of my misery. If he thinks he will harm my mate…then he has signed his own death certificate.”

“So your mate could not tell the male was not you? That must be deflating to your ego…not to mention your prowess.”

“She is but a human…she does not have our senses and cannot distinguish…not yet. That will come after I have fully mated her. Until then, she is in danger of this daemon. So, stop letting your ‘little’ head distract you.” Itzac gave his friend a one finger salute as he walked off. Turning, Nikolas brows raised inquiringly.

“Are you coming?”

“Wouldn’t miss it.” Itzac nodded his face splitting into a wide grin.

Chapter 8

         Charlie turned around again, looking over her shoulder at the back of the ‘little black dress’ but on her it was more like a medium black dress. She was glad that Tami had talked her into bringing the black silk mid-calf dress with gold beading gracing the neck and under the breast, the skirt flared out from the bodice disguised the one too many meals she had enjoyed this trip, and it fit her perfectly. The black and gold heels finished off the ensemble. Tami had dressed and left earlier, her date a blond surfer from Australia who thought her ‘tan’ was gorgeous. Little did he know. 

         A quiet knock on the door announced her dinner companion, Nikolas. It had surprised her earlier when he’d appeared suddenly at her table, creeping her out a little…who showed up on the same ship, after a fling? Hunting her down like that…and she knew it was not an accidental meeting. Well tonight, she would have dinner…maybe dancing…God how she missed dancing…and back to her room. FINAL!” But still her heart accelerated at the idea of being with him again. Taking a deep breath, she hurried to the door gasping softly at the man standing in front of her.

         Dressed in a black evening jacket with white button down oxford dress shirt, he was every woman’s wet dream. His blue black hair was pulled back and tied with a leather tie that matched his jacket. Holding out his hand, Charlie gasped with surprise to see six very white roses tied with yellow ribbon. In the center of the largest rose was a brooch that mirrored the color of the roses. “Roses for the fairest.” He whispered darkly, lifting the brooch to pin in on her dress. Charlie throat closed with emotion as her gaze was riveted on the pin.

“This couldn’t be real…could it?” she croaked fingering the pin.

“Why shouldn’t it?” Nikolas answered cupping her chin tenderly in his warm hand. Charlie studied his tanned skin, shocked by the impact of his gentle grip. Moving back, Charlie cleared her throat pretending not to be affected by his nearness.

         The walk to the dining room was so sexually charged, Charlie felt that everyone could tell her heart was racing and her panties wet. She had chosen the Samba Grill Brazilian Steakhouse for dinner and soon the Maître d was escorting them to their table. After placing their napkins in their laps he poured each a sip of wine, with Nikolas’s approval, he filled each glass before setting up the wine bucket on their right.

         The table Nikolas had selected was breath-taking looking out at the horizon as the sun dipped behind the horizon, turning the waves a deep rose. Charlie sitting across from Nikolas fingers tensed in her lap. What do you talk about when the man across from you was the same one whom you had a quick romp in the preverbal hay? 

“Awkward!” she thought clearing her throat, twisting the napkin between her fingers. “Soo…Nikolas, tell me something about yourself.” “What would you like to know, Mi amor?” “Well, how do you like performing with a band?”

“Is that what you really want to know Charlie? Or would you prefer I speak of my wife and three children instead.” The heavy lashes that shadowed her cheeks flew up. Charlie colored fiercely when she saw the mischievous smile on his face.

“I am not married, I do not have children…that I am aware of…and I find you very beautiful and seductive.” He growled lowly.

“I want to take you right here, in this room and the hell with everyone here.” Charlie for once didn’t know what to say.

“Now that I have the elephant out in the room, how about we enjoy the lovely meal I have planned for us tonight?”

         The meal was indeed wonderful, but Charlie barely noticed the food as Nikolas regaled her with stories of the group on the road and his childhood living in Eastern Europe. His families travels around the world as they tried to find a way to survive…always leaving before the locals discovered what they were…until they arrived in Spain and found a community of his kind. Although they travelled away for the sake of the band…they always returned to Spain. It was now home to him.

         When she questioned how he came to be able to walk in the sun…The conversation became a little stilted as he changed the subject to ask about her. Charlie had very little to tell. She was a lawyer and had met Tami during their third year at University and had become fast friends. She had him laughing at some of the antics Tami had gotten her in to. After a study hum of waiters and patrons coming and going, the room had become quiet yet again. Glancing around she noticed they were the only ones left.

Flushing she leaned toward Nikolas, “I think we’d better leave, the Maître d keeps looking in our direction.” Nikolas followed her gaze and with a nod. The Maître d approached the table and with a dash of his pen, Nikolas led Charlie out into the hallway.

“Where to now, my lady?” Nikolas whispered close to her ear, his warm breath causing an instant reaction in her body.

“I thought maybe dancing.” “Dancing it is then.”

Taking her elbow Nikolas led her to the lift and pressing the button to the promenade deck.

Chapter 9

         Charlie preceded Nikolas into the smoky, dusky room of the lounge two floors below. The low thrumming beat of the music vibrated the walls around them as the D.J. turned up the beat. The multicolored flashing laser lights shot around the dance floor in various patterns as people of all ages danced on pedestals high above the dance floor. Charlie found it difficult to maneuver past the swaying bodies that crowded around her and grasped Nikolas’s hand as she was jostled from behind. Nikolas led her toward the back of the room to what she now saw was a vacant booth. After they reached the table, Nikolas moved blocking the crowd from pushing against her as she slid into the booth.

The noise was too loud for a conversation so Charlie leaned back against faux leather as Nikolas ordered their drinks. The music and the undulating bodies of the crowd were contagious and soon Charlie wanted to join the mix. Grabbing Nikolas’s hand she pulled him onto the dance floor. She was surprised that Nikolas turned out to be a very good dancer, mirroring her steps. Suddenly she turned with a start when someone touched her shoulder from behind and turning she saw her friend dancing with Nikolas friend Itzac. Casting the man a killing look, he turned toward Charlie.

“I need to speak with my old friend here for a minute.” Nikolas smiled, his even white teeth standing out against his tanned face.

“One minute.” He affirmed raising an eyebrow before giving Charlie’s hand a squeeze.

Tami swung her around and continued dancing as if the men were never there. Charlie and Tami danced until her muscles screamed from the strain. Beckoning Tami with her head, they moved back to the booth Nikolas had procured for them. Her drink was still there and picking up the white frothy liquid took a long sip, relishing the coolness of the coconut and rum laced liquid as it slid down her throat.

“Where did our guys go?” Tami yelled trying to be heard above the music. “Don’t know… …I honestly think we may have been stood up.”

“Nah! My guy was really into me…and I intended for him to realllly be in to me…if you know what I mean.” She wriggled her brows. Charlie burst out laughing.

“Yeah, I know…I had planned a different ending for the night too…but mine was more like having a long walk along the deck…the moon is full and beautiful tonight.”

“Well, girlfriend, if the guys don’t show up, I’ll walk with you under the moonlight and who knows…you might get lucky.” Tami winked smiling suggestively.

Charlie couldn’t help herself as she burst out laughing.  A few moments later, Nikolas returned minus Itzac, Tami shrugged and giving her friend a tiny wave started back onto the floor and was immediately swamped by college frat boy types. Nikolas, she noted face was set, his clamped mouth and eyes fixed on the exit near the bar…the same place he had earlier disappeared through. With powerful hands, he yanked her to her feet pulling her along behind him as they disappeared into the crowd.

         Their footsteps thundered down the hall as they continued to walk, Nikolas’s walk stiff and determined.

“What is going on Nikolas?” Charlie asked yanking away from him.

“One minute we are out having a good time…next thing I know you’re acting like some Neanderthal dragging me away.” Nikolas moved closer to her leaving no room at all between them.

“I am frustrated that’s all…I am sorry. I didn’t mean to end our evening on such a sour note. But I find I must return to Spain. A helicopter will be landing soon to pick me up…and Charlie, it may be a while before I can get away to see you again.” 

Nikolas put his hand under her chin, turning her face up to him, searching her eyes intently. His gaze dropped from her eyes to her shoulder and finally to her breasts. Charlie’s breath came raggedly.

“I need you…Charlie. Come with me…I can show you a part of Spain that you have never seen. Please come with me…I will take care of you…!  “But that’s just the thing…Nikolas…I don’t need someone to take care of me…I can and have been doing that myself for some time now. I wish you a safe trip…but I am not going with you. If this is goodbye then… safe journey.” Charlie swallowed hard, lifted her chin, and boldly met his gaze. Nikolas hand dropped to his side, a shadow crossing his face as if he was making some sort of decision.

         Charlie heard a crack of bone[is it broken? That is what it sounds like] just before Nikolas grabbed her around the waist and pushed her into the elevator slamming the button for her floor. Snarling, she gasped as Nikolas’s eyes turned black, his skin bubbling as he dragged her off of the elevator and down the hall to her room.  Charlie opened her mouth to scream before it was cut off by his thick hands covering her mouth jerking her up against him.

“If you scream little human, I will not wait and finish it here.” Charlie began to shake as fearful images built in her mind. Stopping in front of her door, Nikolas held his hand out for the key. Charlie remembered lesson from defense class. Do not allow them to get you alone.

“I don’t have it…” she stammered, “I gave it Tami…she lost her key yesterday.” Shoving her against the wall beside the door, his nails become sharpened claws and ripped into the metal of the door. “Oh shit…oh shit…” Charlie murmured in panic.

“She was going to be raped or worse and no one would even know.” She groaned. The door swung open and Nikolas pushed her into the room closing the door and turning the bolt lock. Charlie took advantage of his distraction and ran for the balcony coming to a stop when she looked down into the black depths of the ocean.

“Go ahead…human…jump…and know I will be right behind you and we will be alone in the vast ocean. The only difference is that I can survive out there…can you?”

“Nikolas, why are you doing this? I thought we had something…that night in Spain.” Charlie backed away from the balcony, tracking Nikolas as his eyes never left her. “What did Nikolas do to you…Charlie [Human]? He snarled.

“Did he promise you forever after screwing you….as he has done with every human female from those ‘tours’ his horde gathers?”

[seems insincere since she noticed his skin bubbling..even if my bf is a vamp I am not ok with skin bubbling] “Why do you keep saying Nikolas…you are Nikolas.” She demanded. “Oh sweet…how wrong you are.” Nikolas made a furious charge toward her and Charlie ducked inching toward the bathroom. Before she could make her move,[the nikolas creature, always liked the guy in the Edgar suit or just call him by his real name] Nikolas slammed across the room landing in front of Charlie. He swung her around so fast Charlie landed on the bed face up. He followed trapping her under him, his face bubbling again until Charlie stared up at the most hideous being she had ever seen. The black eyes were bled through with red and gold flecks in the center. Nikolas face dissolved, yes dissolved and in its place was a beast with black horns and fangs on a face that was distorted, grey and wrinkled. Moisture pooled under each eye and leaked down to join the green mucous under his nose. His mouth was a hole with large fangs and tusks. Charlie screamed…her breath coming is shallow, quick gasps. The thing that was Nikolas moved his thigh, pressing it between hers. Charlie resisted, squeezing her knees together trying to keep him out.

“It will do you no good…I will have a taste of you…I need your essence, and then Charlie [human]you will have an unfortunate accident in the ocean out there and finally, Nikolas will pay for destroying my brother.”  Charlie struggled to get air to her lungs as his fingers tightened around her throat. Charlie clawed at the beasts arm, hearing the monster curse as she tore at his skin, making him bleed green goo as four long cuts opened under her just manicured nails.  With his other hand, the monster had pushed up her black dress and with a snap had ripped off her panties. [rape in these send the book to another level and might reject some readers, but you may have to put a warning on it] Charlie tried to bring her knee up but was blocked as the monster used her momentum to grab her and spread her legs. In one motion his mouth opened and Charlie found she could not utter a word as a light began to emanate between them. Charlie felt as if all of the energy was being drained from her a little at a time. The monster’s eye began to glow as he continued to draw the white light from her.

         The door to the room suddenly burst open. Charlie stared in desperation and relief as the other Nikolas stormed into the room.

“Get the HELL away from her!” Nikolas yelled.

Giving Charlie a cursory glance before glaring at the monster holding her down. The monster turned his head, his mouth closed, the iridescent light sparking and before sizzling out. Charlie couldn’t move, but she felt the monster being lifted off of her before the sounds of fighting seeped into her consciousness.

From under semi-closed lids she watched as the two circled in the small room scanning for weaknesses, striking out with fists and claws.  Charlie winced as Nikolas’s claws connected with the monster sending him reeling into the wall next to the bathroom.  Both charged over the bed just barely missing Charlie beneath them before her ankle was grabbed and she was pulled along with the bed clothes toward Itzac who suddenly appeared, his eyes never moved from the fight.

         In a tangle of fists and claws, they razed the desk and tables, the impact knocking pictures and the television on the floor. In one final surge, Nikolas turned, so swift the monster had no chance at defense, his claws going so deep the monster gurgled, blood spewing from his mouth as he stumbled back out of the patio doors before falling over the railings.  Charlie waited for the splash, but heard nothing. Nikolas moved swiftly across the room and swung Charlie into his arms.

“I thought I would not get to you in time.” He moaned holding her tightly against his chest. Charlie leaned back, lifting a trembling hand she pushed a finger into his skin and watched it bounce back.

“Just checking.” She whispered before collapsing in his arms.

         Nikolas spent the night with Charlie in his arms, God! He had almost lost her. After he had left with Itzac, they had combed the area, scenting the daemon, finding one of his victims passed out in the sauna. It had taken time to get back to the nightclub and by that he had already left with Charlie. After searching the other rooms, he discovered he may have followed Charlie to her room, especially after he had thwarted his dinner plans. If he had not reached Charlie in time the daemon would have drained her of all of her spirits essence, leaving a dead husk behind. Now his mate was in his arms and safe…where he always wanted her to be.

         Charlie awoke to the sounds of seagulls from the deck outside the penthouse suite. Nikolas had wrapped her up and carried her there after the destruction of her and Tami’s room. Tami had gladly moved their belongings into one of the three bedrooms after reporting the destruction as an attempted robbery to the Captain. Behind her, she felt the warmth of a muscular body as it molded itself to her.  A thick arm draped around her waist and Charlie peaked under the sheets glad to see she was still dressed, if you could call a tiny black sheer nighty dressed.

         The oceans breeze caressed the gauzy curtains as the stars glittered feverishly.  Charlie mused over the events of the last twenty four hours.  Nikolas explained Darik was a daemon who had the ability to take on the appearance of any person, human or otherwise. The daemon had decided to extract revenge for the death of his brother with Charlie after scenting her rare blood that night in Spain.

Spying on them from the parking lot, he had discovered Nikolas’s interest in the human woman.  Charlie had indeed had dinner and dancing with the real Nikolas, but when they left after Itzac scented him on a deck below, both had taken off, unaware the fiend was setting a trap for Charlie. Now as she lay against Nikolas’s chest, she couldn’t stop smiling.

“What are you smiling about mate?” Nikolas growled sleepily, his rough hand sliding up and down her arms. “You…and…me…and …just everything.” She sighed, wiggling back against him. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“And why not?” she mused, giving another wiggle of her hips.

“I DID warn you.” He groaned leaning forward to kiss the side of her neck. Charlie found herself easing onto her back as he moved his firm weight over to slightly cover hers. Licking her lips, he shivered against her, settling between her thighs. Lifting the bottom of the gown, he pulled it over her arms and head, leaving her hair sexily tossed.  Moving slowly down her body he pressed open mouth kisses against her navel, following the small line of dark color hair, her treasure line, before slipping his tongue into her folds. Charlie arched her back, threading her fingers into his hair, groaning harshly as she felt the wetness seeping from her body.

“I have dreamed of tasting you…feeling you…loving you...since that first night” he growled, his breath hot and moist against her. Charlie fought the tension as it built wanting this more than anything in her life. Nikolas crawled up her body as his fingers pressed inside her tight sheath, her nails biting into his arm, trying to ease the agony. Finally he was where she wanted him …in the cradle of her thighs. The head of his cock pressed slid intimately up and down her moist opening. Charlie slipped her hand between their bodies, feeling the throbbing of his thick cock as he jerked in reaction.

“Inside me… NOW!” Charlie moaned as he moved her hand and gently cupped her breasts. Slowly he began working the head of his cock inside of her as Charlie squirmed trying to take more. “Deeper,” she demanded.

“Deeper…Nikolas…Now….Please.” she panted undulating her hips trying to impale herself on him. Nikolas felt as if his skin was on fire as he tried to be patient with her desire.

But finally he gave into her demands rocking into her moist heat, filling her to the hilt. His control slipped as he pounded into Charlie. She opened her legs wider lifting up on her heels to accept all of him over and over.

“Nikolas! I’m coming…” [could he ask her to come for him and she does aren’t vamps the ultimate dominator]  she screamed, feeling her body pulsing, squeezing him greedily taking all he had to give. Yelling, throwing his head back, Charlie could feel the vibration within her, as he joined her in ecstasy, holding her tight to him he emptied his soul into her. Shuddering, his lips caressed her neck, his tongue tracing along her vein.

When he pierced her skin and sucked, Charlie cried out and his eyes rolled back in his head. Growling he felt her flesh tense again as she groaned into another orgasm.

Withdrawing his fangs, Nikolas threw back his head as her blood raced through him taking him on a high, burning and pulsing as he spoke the ritual for mating. “From your blood to mine, from my heart to yours through all of eternity.” A fog lifted from his vision as he held her close against him, really content for the first time in his long life.

[separated this out above or it get’s lost visually]

         Charlie sat in the audience on the lower level of the room as the tourists from the cruise ship were escorted to their seats. She had come a long way from Attorney to wife of Nikolas, of the Spanish Guitar. 

The lights were dimmed as the curtains were drawn and the spotlight shone down on the blue black hair of her husband.  Lifting his head he scanned the room, his gaze coming to rest on his mate, as she stroked her gently rounded stomach. 

His child would be born in a few months and was as healthy as his mother.  He was grateful his child would not carry his disease, but would inherit their longevity.  He had been feeding Charlie a little of his blood over the year to ensure a healthy off-spring per their peoples doctor.  His child would be a new breed…a stronger breed with none of their weakness and all of the knowledge of the Horde. [if there is another short coming here is where you should hint at it]

         At the appointed time, the people around Charlie climbed up to the tier to feed as they did every time the tourists came. Charlie headed toward the stage and her husband, lifting her wrist to his lips. Shaking his head with a mischievous smile he pulled her down to him, sitting her on his lap he nuzzled her neck, licking the vein before his teeth pierced her skin, savoring the flavor unique to his wife. [epilogue about her friend needed like oh..after all the excitement Tami returned to the states. She visits once a year or so…]





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