Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1990282-The-Ballad-of-the-Juniper-Tree
by Noah
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1990282
A Man and a Juniper Tree

"Ballad of the Juniper Tree"

There once stood a Juniper Tree.

It stood tall and proud for all to see.

Its creamy brown bark shone in the evening sun, its leaves glistening

On a hill stood the Juniper Tree.

It stood tall and proud for all to see.

No other tree matched the Juniper Tree.

It was not hard to see the Juniper Tree.

On top of that hill, she stood tall and proud for all to see.

Oh that lovely Juniper Tree.

I was a simple man, not too important, not too great.

However, my heart was noble, and my deeds good.

The village around the Juniper Tree, was called Paradise you see.

Paradise was good, and good to me. I had a job as a smith, and owned a house.

All in the village around the Juniper Tree.

Then one morning in that village around the Juniper tree

I saw a sight I could not believe.

The fairest woman came into town

Into the village around the Juniper Tree.

This was a shock to me because I had never seen someone like her. It simply could not be.

Not even the King's visit was a shocking as seeing someone like this to me.

I began to wonder about my life in the village around the Juniper Tree. I wondered if I was really content with the life I had. I recall a bird who once sang a beautiful song to me. I gave it a gold chain in return for the beautiful song. In the village, around the Juniper Tree.

I went to the visitor, and offered her a place to stay. She declined my offer, but thanked me. Her skin was a light brown, her eyes radiant green, and her hair milky brown with leaves around it. Her beauty was great. Her smile brought a warm glow. However, she did not share her name. Now by this time, a small crowd had gathered interest in her as well and grouped around her, and she could not move. She simply said that she was just visiting for a few days before she had to go home. The little crowd dispersed and everyone went back to normal business. In the village around the Juniper Tree.

It was late that same night when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it up, and to my surprise, it was the woman from earlier that day. She told me that she needed a place to stay after all because no one would let her stay with them. And the small in was full. I couldn't believe that the villagers would treat a guest so rudely, and invited her in. I offered to cook her a meal but she declined and only wanted water. We talked for a bit and it got late. I asked for her name and she simply told me 'Arbor'. I let her sleep in my bed and I slept on the floor. In the village, around the Juniper Tree.

I woke up early and got to work in the smith, and after about an hour's work on the forge Arbor came in and watched me. I offered her breakfast but she again declined. So I got her water  and let her watch me. In that village around the Juniper Tree.

I made my craft and made it well. I then grabbed my bag, and some money. It was the Paradise festival, and every person would be there selling goods and trading and having competitions. Arbor came along with me to see the festivities. It was around noon, when the main activities began. We enjoyed walking together, and had some interesting conversations. She was constantly asking questions. Then she asked me what I thought of the Juniper Tree. I told her that it was probably the best thing of the town. She smiled at that and was about to say something when there was a loud bell sound. That was the town meeting bell. Everyone was confused, because the festival was going on. In the village around the Juniper tree.

We all slowly but merrily made our way to the center of town, which is at the bottom of the hill of the Juniper Tree. Arbor and I saw an important looking official standing on a podium. He was strong and tall, with a sneer on his face. He told the crowd that he was an advisor to the King. The King was having a shortage of wood, and needed a big supply of wood. Then the advisor told everyone that that we all had to get wood from our homes and markets and stocks, and hand it over. The crowd became angry. They refused the advisor's demands. The advisor said the command once more, ignoring the loud and angry crowd. I realized that I should get Arbor to a safe place. I took her hand and started to take her away, when something terrible began to happen. So terrible and awful, in the village around the Juniper Tree.

I could not move, I could not blink. The advisor had taken and axe, and began walking up the hill. He got to the top, next to that lovely Juniper Tree, and took a swing, striking that fair Juniper Tree, striking a blow for us all to see. A cry flooded my heart and tears my face, and the crowd quickly became silent. No one could move.  Rain descended upon us. Lightning flashed in the distance. Arbor fell to her knees. I turned to help her up, but saw that she had a huge gash and was bleeding. At once the pieces of the puzzle fit into place. I was in love, with the Juniper Tree. Arbor shed a single golden tear. The advisor did another blow, and another. I yelled, and screamed. I begged him  to stop. But he was ignorant. He kept on. Madly I shoved others out of the way and started up the hill. Then the sky shook with a fierce boom and to my horror, the advisor, had felled the Juniper Tree. I looked back to where Arbor was, but there she was no more. I heard a whisper in my ear that day, as the rain fell and the lighting flashed and the sky rumbled. The whisper spoke into my ear and told me-good bye. I ran up to the advisor sobbing. The whole village was silent except for the noise of the weather and wind. Already the town had begun to fade, and lose color. The dead Juniper Tree lost its light. The advisor turned to me, and seemed to understand the weight of his actions and fell to his knees. He looked at his hands, and back at the crowd. He then began to cry, In the village, around the Juniper Tree.

The Juniper Tree is no more. However, a new seed has been planted, and the story of the Juniper Tree shall be passed on. Maybe someday Arbor might come back. In the village, around the Juniper Tree.

© Copyright 2014 Noah (noaharasen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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