Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1990188-Gods-game-chapter-4-New
by Prince
Rated: E · Fiction · Other · #1990188
Please try to bare with the grammar mistakes, also a review would be amazing. Thanks.
There I was sitting, on the same chair with the same table in the same classroom I had been in for the past fourth months since beginning my 11th year of school. There they were, joyfully chatting amongst themselves with faces filled with enjoyment and happiness, my classmates. They were there too my two best friends, Luke and Rachel. They were chatting back and forth without a care in the world. As I turned around I saw the living room of my house. My mother scolding my little brother Derek for watching too much tv, my brother Derek begging to continue watching his favourite show and my father, reading a book while wearing the same solid expression as he always had. As I watched both the two moments I felt mysteriously happy and peaceful. Then the colour brimming with life around me began to shatter and crumble. Slowly the happy moments disappeared leaving nothing but darkness in its place. As I sat there amidst the shattering world, watching my friends and family fade away, I felt lonely.

My eyes began to open slowly revealing a world once again full of colour. Was that all just a dream, had the moments of my family and friends being ripped apart all been just one scary dream? As I looked to my right I saw metal machines which were wired and hooked into my body. I knew exactly where I was, a hospital meaning everything that had transpired was nothing short of reality. As I slowly got up I felt the cold air touch upon my skin leaving me in chills. I began to feel droplets fall on to my hand and soon I began to notice the tears streaming down my face. In a flash the pain of losing everyone and everything entered me like a sword piercing my heart, it hurt. I wrapped the hospital blankets around my body to hide the tears pouring down like rain, quietly I cried. After what seemed like an hour the door to my hospital room suddenly opened to reveal four people. The lady who had saved me from the monster, the boy who I had fought and almost lost to and two men who seemed to be in their mid-thirties wearing black suits whom I didn't recognize.

"Good morning Marcus." Spoke the lady.

She had somewhat dark blue hair, deep blue eyes that matched her hair, stood around 5ft 3", pale blue skin that looked smooth and was wearing a light blue dress with a white jacket and dark blue scarf.

"Who are you?" I replied in a crooked voice.

"My name is Mischenny Zero. Although you must be having a hard time, I would love for you to hear me out." She spoke in a calm tone with a smiling face as well as painful look hiding in the smile.
I tried to respond, but my throat was choked up and I was unable to find my voice, all I could do was nod.

"Thank you. As you probably know, the things that had happened... the things you saw were most definitely real. I won't go in to much detail right now but you are extremely special and there is a place with other's like you where you must go. I know this is very sudden but please come with us, to paradise. I'm sorry for springing this up no you first thing you wake up but it's already been a week since your collapse and I have to leave very soon."

Her words were sincere and persuasive enough to resemble that of a mother trying to gain sympathy, feeding me heartfelt words I was instantly drawn in. She reached her hand and grabbed my own hand and squeezed it tightly.

"I'm so sorry that did this have to happen. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help your friends or your family. We will take you to a place unlike any other soon. Please wait for us to come back."
Mischenny let go of my hand and began walking towards the entrance and the exit of the room along with her two men in suits. She then stopped, turned around and said,
"I'm sorry."

And with a slight smile she disappeared behind a closed door. All that remained were the hospital equipment, I and the boy who was alongside Mischenny.

"So, my name is Jordan Elden."

"From now onwards I'll be accompanying you for a while."

Jordan spoke in an oddly awkward tone, maybe because fight between or because he was naturally like this.

"Well, here's what's going to happen. You're going to rest for about a couple of days and then I'm going to come back to get you so we can leave for Utopia."

This time he used a firm tone.


Finally after what had seemed like an eternity, I was able to speak but it came with a pained voice.
"It's a place special place where people like you and me go. I'll tell you more about it once I come back, for now you should be alone with your thoughts."
Soon he was gone, leaving me once again by myself with only the cold air and unalive objects to accompany me.

After a week of being hospitalized and eating nothing but disgusting hospital food that tasted like it was cooked by an elementary kid, no one besides nurses to deliver my food had come to visit including the police and news reporters. I wondered what had been happening in the outside world, was the incident all over the news, did anyone know if I was still alive, why hadn't I heard of anything regarding this issue over the past week? All thoughts flooded my head as I was forced to stomach the putrid hospital food in order to not lessen my physical condition. Although I had lost my friends and family, I was for some reason not particularly sad for my friend's death; I only felt a little empty with the departure of my family. I hadn't mourned for their losses ever since the day I woke up after the one week long slumber. Perhaps this was my utter true self: a sadistic, uncaring and cold hearted teen who doesn't even mourn for even his own family. I chuckled at the thought and soon found myself once again with eyes covered in tears raining down upon the food in front of me. In silence I wept and ate.

The next day came and I was sitting on the hospital bed, staring out the window to view a bright orange sky without a cloud in sight. I laid eyes upon the yard of the hospital, viewing the cripples that moved around with the help of nurses, the young children who ran around with bright smiles and the elderly some sitting alone and some with much younger people. I had spent most of my time out in the yard due to the boredom of staying in a cold hospital room with only a tv. I had already explored the entire yard and memorized where everything was. I had also asked some of the other patients about the incident at my school as well as my house but none of whom I asked had a single clue of what I was explaining. Suddenly I heard the sound of my hospital room door's opening, turning around I expected to see another nurse but to my surprise it was Jordan.

"Hey, I'm back."

Unlike our last meeting I was able to find my voice,

"So you are. When are we supposed to leave?" I spoke in an emotionless tone.

Jordan looked at me with disgusted expression. Jordan had black hair with some red highlights to go along with it, he looked to be around 6ft in height much like my own, and he had brown eyes and looked to have an average build if for a teen.

"You seem to well. We're to board a plane at around 5pm so 7hours from now. There's already a taxi out front to take us from here to Vista Airlines which will take around 5 hours, no stops. There's already food waiting in the cab. Also here, put these on."

He threw a brown bag with two straps at the top for holding. The contents of the bag were a plain white top, black jacket, dark blue jeans, white socks and black and red Nike sneakers. Jordan stood there expecting me to say something although I had no intention to, once he understood he quickly left the room for me to get changed. When I had finished dressing I left the room to find Jordan leaning along the wall waiting for me.

"All ready to go?" Jordan said.

I nodded, and soon we were out of the hospital. I hadn't had any meaningful conversations with anyone while I had stayed which perfectly suited me, although I felt as if I didn't ever want to come back here again. As we entered the yellow cab which was from the company "Silver Cabs" I found another brown bag on the backseat. I moved the bag away and sat down on the uncomfortable chair which felt stiff and hard. When Jordan had entered the front passenger seat, we were off. I took one final glimpse at the hospital and read, "Victora Hospital". The journey was quiet, only the sound the cars passing by us along the freeway as well as the moving of our own car was heard. So far I had remained from asking any questions, mainly because I felt he wouldn't tell me right now as well as because our taxi driver being just a regular person, still I felt my curiosity beginning to overflow. After a long and aching 5 hours we finally arrived at Vista Airlines airport. I exited the cab and waited for Jordan to finish paying the cab driver. We entered the airport which was packed and crowded with people with luggage and families and friends, typical for an airport. I noticed that Jordan didn't have any luggage which I didn't mind but I realised that I didn't have a passport or plane ticket on me.

"I don't have a passport or ticket, aren't you suppose to give me one?" I asked curiously.

"Just hold on for a second." He replied.

I did as I was told and waited. After a couple of minutes two men who looked to be part of the airports staff.

"Hello Mr.Elden and Mr.Halse. Please follow us."

Jordan nodded and began to follow them as they started to walk off, I too followed. After a while of walking passed airport security like it was nothing, we stood along a wide space outside the airport with only a huge hangar to the far left and small plane only meters away from us.

"We'll be on our way now" Spoke one of the two men who had leaded us here.

"So we're taking private jet?" I asked.

"That's correct, where we're going it doesn't exist as far as most normal people know" he replied.

"Where are we going?"

"You know, up until know you've been absolutely surprisingly withheld with your questions. I'll answer everything as soon as we get on the plane."

I had no objections with that. As we boarded the plane it was luxurious, with ten white seats all over the small aircraft with tables already set up with fruits and other snacks as well as small portable monitors that seemed to be for entertainment.

"Although we're supposed to leave an hour and a half from now, we're going to leave straight away. Go sit down for now."

Following his orders, I sat on a seat with a table with fruits lying across the table and another seat facing straight towards the seat I was currently seated on. After a few short moments of waiting Jordan once again appeared. He seated himself in the chair in front of me.

"We'll be leaving in a few moments." He said.

"What am I?" I immediately asked as he sat.

He looked at me for a while. I heard the engines of the plane slowly begin to ignite.

"You are an ability user. We ability users call ourselves, Eleusis's."

I looked at him not really surprised, I already knew I wasn't normal there's not a chance in hell that I would believe I'm anything short of special. After a moment of silence we began to ascend towards the sky.
"Eleusis's... we don't know when we first originated. It could be when mankind first existed on this earth, maybe even further back than that. The last record of our known existence is a thousand years ago. We Eleusis's are people far superior to average human beings. We have increased strength, agility and intellect. We are better in almost every way."

Jordan stopped for a second to see if I believed him, I did.

"Our kind are not only limited to just physical and mental improvements. Ten percent of our race has an even more advanced power, the same kind of power you demonstrated while battling against Violet."
Violet was most likely the name of the person who had killed my supposed friends and family, I didn't utter a word though.

"The more advanced type of our kind has all sorts of special abilities. It varies from person to person but so far all our recorded powers fall under three categories, Manipulation, Conjuring and transformation. Manipulation is the ability to control and use a certain thing such as metal, fire, electronics and even light. They can freely bend it to their will and use it and various ways like Mischenny Zero who can control anything that's dark and can literally sink into the darkness and teleport. Conjuring is when a person can create or use a certain object for instance creating the exact same toy over and over again with the same attributes out of thin air. Sometimes the created object can have special perks; I've seen someone create a claymore that can slice even a mountain in half in one swing. The last is transformation; this is when a person can change into something specific or into anything, like I said it varies from person to person. There's one person who can transform into a werewolf. Oh, and I'm in the manipulation category, I can control vibrations."

I remembered being knocked out all of a sudden then waking up with a massive headache that was most likely due to Jordan's ability.

"If we have increased strength, agility and intellect, wouldn't you have just simply overpowered me rather using your ability? Or did you just over exaggerate our kind's strength." I asked

"You're right, I could have over powered you using natural strength but our kind is forbidden from using our powers no matter how small of our usage. But I kind of got angry when you beat the crap out of me so I used a small bit of my power." He replied.

A small bit of his power was easily able to instantly knock me out; perhaps Jordan is an extremely powerful ability user.

"Now, about the monster that killed everyone, what is it?" Finally, the question I should have asked the moment we boarded this plane.

"That monster's name is Violet, and he is one of the many creatures that exist in our sacred land, Utopia."

"Utopia?" I asked ever so curiously.

"It's where we're going. It was founded a thousand years ago by the great Zahard and his sixth followers who were all skilled ability users who fled from the humans who constantly attempted to harm them. Apparently Utopia was just another island but Zahard created a barrier which anyone who wasn't an ability user was unconsciously sent back into the sea whenever they got 10meters in Utopia. From a normal person view it's an open sea, but to us it's a huge continent, almost as big as Europe itself. When Utopia was founded however, monsters also began to creep from the ground as well, things out of fairy tales like Ogres, fairies, Unicorns, Giants, Dragons and even Vampires. Each and every single creature in Utopia is hostile to our kind but we're more than strong enough to hold our own against them. As you have probably guessed already, Violet is a Vampire as well as the leader of all the Vampires. He is a ranked 7 monster along with Dragons and others. I don't know why he was in the outside world, that information has been kept from teens like me."

All of this seemed to be as if it came out of a fairy tale. The old me would laugh at the stupidity of all this and perhaps attack Jordan, but nonetheless I still believed his crazy talk.

"Rank 7; is that some kind of grading system for the monsters?"

"Yes it is, but not just for them, for us as well. It starts at 1 for Eleusis's then ends at 7, 7 being the strongest of all. It was said that Zahard was even more powerful than a rank 10 which is probably the same as a god considering how powerful rank 7's are. Monsters also share the same ranking system but there's goes to rank 9 although there are no rank 8 monsters and the rank 9 is said to be for an extremely strong existence, but again teens like myself don't know what they are. Over in Utopia, ranks are determined by how strong a person is you are probably around rank 3 judging by your fight with Violet"

This came as an instant surprise to me for I thought that I would instantly be at least a rank 6 due to me being able to hold my ground against a rank 7 monster.

"I was able to fight equally with Violet, how am I a rank 3 to you?!" I exclaimed showing more emotion than I had for the past week.

"Violet wasn't even taking you seriously. He was fighting at his utmost worse; if he wanted to he could rip you in the snap of a finger."

I was shocked; if he was that strong no he was that strong I saw how fast he moved how easily he killed people and how much he toyed with me.

"How long do you think it would take me in order to reach rank 7?" I asked looking out the window beside me.

"Well, I will admit that for a complete starter to be rank 3 you are a monster but even so rank 7 is probably impossible for you. After all there are only 13 people out of the one hundred ability users living in Utopia."

This came to the upmost surprise to me, I expected there to be around only a thousand ability users, but for there to be a hundred million was crazy.

"By the way I'm only a rank 4." {/size
Although I prepared myself to accept almost anything, actually doing it seemed almost impossible I felt as if I couldn't stomach anymore of Jordan's blabbering.

"That's enough for now; you can tell me more when we arrive at Utopia." I said.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow but said nothing.

Soaring through the clouds it was nothing but grey and dark. Two hours had passed since we took off and it was also an hour and a half of me sitting here doing nothing but stare out to the cloudy surroundings. {/size
"We are now arriving at Utopia." said the pilot over the speakers of the aircraft.

As I continued to look out my window I still saw nothing but clouded skies until bright rays of sunshine began to appear momentarily blinding me. As I raised my arm to cover the sun I looked down towards the ground and spotted land not much different from normal land but this was Utopia, I was finally here.

© Copyright 2014 Prince (loliskewlz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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