Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1990141-Pokemon-The-Lanuo-Region-Part-2
by MStuck
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1990141
A flashback from Garnet tells how a trip into Forever Forest gets her mother stuck.
"H-Here it is... Forever Forest..." Garnet said nervously as Ash chuckled, "Don't tell me you're scared too." Garnet's face went red and she stuttered, "N-Nonsense! W-Why would I-I be s-s-scared..." Ash shrugged as he, Dawn and May walked into the forest. Garnet shivered uncontrollably and whimpered, "I forgot how much I hated this place... I thought that incident happened in another forest..."

Flashback ten years...

The young Garnet was heading out to the beach to relax and maybe go for a swim. First, she took out her bottle of sunscreen and smiled, "My mom told me to put this on to protect me from the sun. You won't hurt me today Mr. Sun!" she growled, giving the sun an angry face. "I got a really bad sunburn last time I was here, now I-" "Rat-ta!" Garnet stopped and looked down to see a Rattata in front of her. Garnet knelt down and smiled, "Hi, Mr. Rattata! My name's Garnet, Nice to me-" she was about to put her hand out to pet the Rattata, but the small rat grabbed her bottle of sunscreen with its mouth and ran off. Garnet gasped and shouted, "Heeeey! Give that back!" she groaned and turned to the sun, "If I don't use that sunscreen, you'll hurt me, won't you?" she turned back at the Rattata and roared, "Get back here with that bottle, ya dumb rat!"

Garnet started to chase after the Rattata as it ran away. The chase went on for a few minutes then the Rattata ran into a dark forest. Garnet, not paying attention to her surrounding, continued to chase the rat. Garnet chased the rat for another minute then was able to lead it into a dead end. "Got you now, you thieving rat. Now, give me the bottle!" she shouted, holding out her hand and the Rattata released the bottle and ran off. Garnet picked up the bottle and smiled, "Now that I have you back, Mr. Sun won't burn me! Now, back to... the... beach?" she trailed off and took a look at her surroundings and couldn't tell where she was.

Garnet ran through the forest going North, South, East and West but no matter which way she went, she couldn't find a way out. She ran around for a half hour then sat down next to a tree and sniffled, "I'm never going to get out... I need help..." Meanwhile, Garnet's mother headed towards the beach to go see how her daughter was doing, that and she wanted to join her and go for a swim. She was wearing a dark blue two piece bikini that showed off her curvy body. Once she got to the beach, she noticed that Garnet wasn't here, (Where is my little girl?) she thought. She then heard a distant sobbing coming from Garnet and her mother gasped, "Garnet! Hold on, Mommy's coming!" she shouted and ran into the forest.

She looked around for her daughter, using a bag of beads as a trail so she could find her way back out. Minutes passed on by and she started to hear her daughter's cries getting louder and she smiled, "She's close! Garnet, Mommy's here!" Garnet stopped sobbing and stood up, her face beaming, "Mom! Where are you?!" she called out as her mother looked around and caught sight of Garnet through a hole created by a group of trees that were toppled over. (There she is!) she said to herself smiling as she began to go through the hole. The hole was rather small and got caught at her above average-sized breasts. She groaned but was still happy that she found her daughter and yelled, "Garnet!" the young girl turned to see her mother and cried, "Mommy!" Garnet ran up to her mother's top half and hugged her, sobbing, "I-It was scary, mom... A Rattata took my sunscreen... and I chased it here... then I got lost..." she cried, her mother holding her tightly, "It's all okay now... Mommy's here..." she comforted her then asked, "But... can you do something for me?" Garnet wiped the tears from her eyes then nodded. "Okay, I need you to take Mommy's arms and pull! Can you do that for me?" Garnet smiled and nodded again, "Of course! Anything for my mom!" she grinned then grabbed her mother's arms and pulled.

Since her chest was only a couple inches bigger that the hole, it only took a few seconds for her breasts to pop through the hole, her loose bikini top causing them to jiggle, but after a loud thump, her bigger butt was on the other side and was not fitting through. "Um, Garnet?" Garnet stopped pulling and cocked her head, "What is it, Mommy?" her mother blushed and said, "I... think I'm too big to fit through this hole..." Garnet added giggling, "Like Pooh?" "No... Pooh was fat, I'm not. But... my bottom is too big... I don't think it will get through..." she slumped down, not knowing what to do now,.

"Don't be sad, mom... I've seen these trees many times and I know a way to the other side! I'll just get over there and pull you back out!" Garnet said happily as her mother frowned, not wanting her to get lost again, but she trusted her and nodded. Garnet ran through the forest, still a bit scared from her surroundings, but held back her fear and made her way to her mother's big bikini-covered bottom. "Garnet to the rescue" Garnet cheered as she grabbed her legs and pulled. Her mother smiled, (I knew she would find her way back! Now I will get out of he-) her thought stopped when she felt her breasts bunch up into her face, not wanting to fit back. Garnet pulled for five minutes, but her mother's breasts wouldn't fit back through as she panicked, "Uh-oh... um... Garnet, dear... I think I'm really stuck!" Garnet frowned and pulled harder. Nothing happened.

"Oh, Garnet... this isn't good... I can't go forward or back... How will I get out now?" she moaned as Garnet added, "I don't know... I only have this bottle of sunscreen with me. Will this help?" Her mother's face brightened as she smiled, "Yeah! If you... um... (If we used that as a lubricant, I could probably slip through! But... I don't want my eight year-old daughter to rub sunscreen on my rear...)" she thought, her face turning red. Garnet wondered why she stopped talking and thought, (Hmm... My mom's bottom is stuck, I have sunscreen...) she opened up the bottle and rubbed the sunscreen into her hands, noticing how slippery it was, (Yeah! If Mommy's bottom is covered in this, she would be all slippery, and she would be saved! I'm so smart...) she smiled and squeezed her bottle of sunscreen, causing it to pour all over her mother's round bottom.

Her mother yelped, "Ah! W-What are you doing, Garnet?!" "Making Mommy's bottom slippery!" she grinned, emptying out the bottle of sunscreen. Garnet set the bottle down and ran back around to her mother's top half. Once Garnet reached her mother, she grinned and said, "Now, time to pull again!" her mother didn't know what to say, so she simply nodded and held out her arms. Garnet grabbed her arms and pulled again. This time, she made progress, her butt slowly seeping through the small hole. She stopped at the widest part, causing Garnet to growl, "No you don't, trees! Let go of my Mommy!" she shouted, pulling as hard as she could, her mother wincing from the pain of her top half stretching. "Stupid forest... LET HER GO!!!" Garnet yelled at the top of her lungs, giving a hard tug and- *POP* her mother came free from the hole!

Garnet grabbed her mother's hand and pulled her up asking, "Are you okay, Mommy?" Her mother stared at Garnet for a couple seconds then hugged her tightly and cried, "Oh, Garnet... Thank you so much... You're the best daughter I could ever have..." Garnet simply smiled and hugged her back, "And you're the best mommy ever!" her mother stood up and grabbed onto Garnet's hand and led her out of the forest.

End of flashback...

"She really is the best mom ever... and she gave me an idea!" Garnet said to herself and ran back home to go see her mother again...

To be continued...
© Copyright 2014 MStuck (mario2332 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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