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Fairy tale charm of a houseboy and a princess in a forbidden love. |
Prologue A shrill cry rang out into the dawn. The soldiers would circle around them for sure in little time. “Go there is nothing that will help me now, my soul is already with my ancestors, I see them calling me. Save the life you can. She heard the soldiers nearby, out of fear she quickly did what she could. It was too early for the next life. She would return later to properly send it back. “Good morning” said Ty’o as she greeted the palace guard. I must see Oba Eke on an urgent matter. “Well your visit with the queen is three weeks from now. What could be so urgent at this time of the morning?” Yes I know, but this really is a life or death matter. I know you are so dedicated to your post you have always been such a strong willed child, as your auntie I ask that you request an audience with the Oba and his wife, now go Tunde. Okay Tyo I can’t promise you anything, as my auntie, I will summon them. I know when you use that rank with me it must be utterly important. Tyo was the village medicine mother. She was in charge of producing medicines to heal the sick in the village. She also delivered every child born into the village after she became the head medicine mother so long ago including the place guard Tunde. Tyo was respected as the wife of a great chief and was among the rank of the high elders. She was considered an auntie to all younger than her. Prince Omarion came running by, as Ty’o waited. “O” where are you running off to so early in the morning?” As a respected elder, Ty’o did not need to address the prince with the usual formalities. He too was delivered by Ty’o. The nick name “O” was given to the prince by Ty’o, in fact all of her delivered children were given a personal nickname. “Well I have been working on my spear for hunting, Gotta be up early if you want to catch something”. I want to be ready for the spear games. But you are only four, you have to be seven! “I want to be the best, maybe I can convince them to let me in before seven”. Tunde came rushing back. Stop the prince! He yelled before Tyo could turn around Prince Omarion was running off. The prince is supposed to stay home until time for his drumming lessons; he slipped away from the house maid. “That’s a quick one he is. Good luck catching him. A much better hunter than a drummer” said Ty’o. The royal couple will see you now”. Tyo walked through the long hallway as she has walked through many times before. Tyo’ was still in training to be the village medicine mother apprentice to the one before her, when the Oba Eke and his wife Asindy inherited the throne. Not royalty, but as member of the elders, Ty’o was still given respect from the royal couple. Ty’o entered into the breakfast room, where the couple sat. “What brings you here so early in the morning and three weeks ahead of your next visit with Asindy . Is there anything wrong with her pregnancy?’ Oh no your majesty Asindy is doing well. Tyo, unwrapped the bundle in her arms. He moved slowly and every breath he took was labored. Whose child is this? Oba requested. My goodness this baby looks so unwell exclaimed the Queen, I don’t think this baby will make it. I was out this morning as usual gathering roots and berries to make the medicines we will need for the next season. I ventured of further into the bush than usual. I heard his weak and barely audible cry. When I went to see where the noise was coming from, I removed the leaves covering him. So tiny and such little life in him, If I were to leave him there he would surely die within minutes. We all cover our newborns and wait to hear their cries to know they are strong and ready for this life or if it is best for them to return among the cherubs. Where is his tribal mark? Any tribe in this region will give a child their tribal mark even if the child must return to the cherubs. What family will cover their child with no mark and leave him? Asked queen Asindy. Leave him for dead? Such a bad spirit will be left upon the family. I don’t know. it is likely he was born weeks before his time. Perhaps the mother or midwife thought he was dead since he took so long to cry out. As he is so tiny and weak, every breath he takes he is asking for a chance in this life, he has not yet given in to the peace of returning to the cherubs. I am asking you as my Oba and queen to allow him the chance of living. I ask that I may make him well. Oba spoke after some time of thought. It’s quite puzzling. Why would this child be unmarked, even an unwanted child of any tribe will be marked and live among his tribe? I don’t know the answers, I don’t even know how he could end up so far into the bush” said Ty’o. Tyo, your husband was like a brother to my father. He was a great hunter and chief to my father. He died too soon in the hunting accident. You both were never blessed with a child of your own. Yet you have delivered every child of this village some with children and grandchildren of their own. She also keeps us all well in sickness added Queen Asindy. Will this baby boy live with your help Ty’o? Yes you majesty, but I need to start quickly. The Oba spoke. If you can truly bring this child into a full healthy life as he clings to life with every breath, then he may stay in this tribe. Now that he has been brought into our village we cannot allow him to just die. It may bring bad spirits upon us. If you can bring this unmarked abandoned child into health, bring his full spirit among the living, you could keep him as your houseboy. He will live within this village. You are to raise him as ours, but you may not mark him with our tribal marks. So he may one day be able to find his own tribe should he want to seek them out.. He will be our child, but he cannot have title of you or your husbands. Although an orphan, unmarked and with no family, I will make it known that this child is a part of our kingdom and treated as such. If we were to lose a child under any circumstance we would want that child to be cared for by the tribe that found them. Thank you my Oba and thank you my Queen. I will make sure he is a respected member of our community. Ty’o rushed from the palace to her hut. She would let the medicine girls in training complete the remedies she was to work on this week. She would give all of her attention to this fragile life hanging between the living and the return to the cherubs. After settling in, and giving assignments to the medicine girls, leaving Esie the oldest girl and the one most capable of replacing Ty’o, when the time comes. Ty’o went inside her private hut. She prepared milk with strong herbs given to babies who could not latch on to their mothers breasts. As she held him she snuggled him close to her chest. Besides nourishment, he would need comfort and warmth of the touch. |