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John Keats
English Literature Misses You - The Son Of Poetry John Keats

An Article

For  love poetry and life Keats' found a very little span of time. Fate caused him troubles as he came in senses.

Although Byron and Shelley the romantic poets but Keats remained miserable in this case. He started poetry at the age of nineteenth, enlightened the candle of love in his heart but death carried him away from love and miseries of life in the age of twenty five.

The Byron and Shelley found short life but they enjoy that. They did love they did poetry. They did also visiting but Keats with his disease and misery in his chest remained sorrowful. His creative life has only six years. But in this short period he did all that great and amazing which is unbelieveable and which kept his name Alive.

John Keats was not from well to do family. His father was an ordinary Bar-Man at an inn and he wasn't able to send Keats in good school. Keats financial conditions checked his way. When he was in a cheap school he was afraid of not becoming a poet, he went in medical field and after getting certificate in medicine he rejected this field because spiritually he was a poet not a surgeon. So he  announced he'd do poetry and would become a poet rather than a surgeon.

He gave all his time to poetry and literature although he suffered a lot all through his life. He faced diseases of his family and he faced poverty.

His love with Fanny Brawne is his inspiration. He also found fortunate friendship with Hazlit and Leigh Hunt as he was luckless in his love with Fanny.

Keats was a great man of letters. Call of poetry made him alive even after his death. He faced a  lot of ciriticism by a group who was against him. But he also got some favour. Byron, Leigh and Shelley favored him and favored his poetry.

They wrote in his favor and couraged him in his age of trial and miseries. Keats grew such an amazing garden of beauty and imagination that with the fragrance of its flowers the world of literature got lightened.

Keasts says, "beauty is truth, truth beauty. That is all you know and all you needs to know."

Although he was ill but love kept him alive. He was one of the greatest romantic poets. He was the poet of beauty. His letters to Fanny proved a great prose in English.

He was for love and for beauty. Its also not wrong to say that he was for the poor fate and for the sorrows. His soul was innocent but it had to lift many burdens in a very young age. He had to look after his family, he looked after his brother who was ill witl tuber closes and at his death gave him the present of illness.

Keats reveived that present and caused his death. He's famous for romantic poetry. He has written a great masterpiece of literature.

Here are the names of some of hs poems, ode to a nightingale , ode to an autumn and ode to a Grecian Urn.

Keats died in 1820 with great and furtile thoughts which were surely the great masterpieces of literaute. Keats was unlucky but the world of literature is also unlucky because it lost its loyal son.

Its written on the grave of poetry son

"here lies one

whose name was writ in water"

by: Munawar Shehzad

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