Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1989607-Holiday-sick
by GG
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Family · #1989607
A short story about a couple on holiday
Holiday sick.

This bus is really crowded. The centre isle is tiny. Every time someone walks past they hit me with their bag. I cant wait to get off.
Its alright love. Were nearly at the hotel.
The toilet smells.
We’ve been on here for twelve hours. The amount of use its had, no wonder its reeking.
That sign we just passed said Barcelona five kilometres and it looks like were on a flyover.
I’m going back to sleep.
How can you sleep on ere. There’s hardly any leg room, the seats don’t recline and its been really bumpy.
I’m so knackered i'd sleep on the tip of a pin and I mean the sharp end.
Well you're dads slept all the way.
Yeah he's saving his strength for the booze and the nudist beach.
Don’t be cheeky Jane. You're dad's always been a naturalist.
I reckon its just an excuse to oggle the boobs and bums.
There's no harm in looking.
Right Mum. Its the groping you want to worry about.
You can pack that in right now, Miss.
That’s why Dad's still with you , Mam, you let him get away with murder. Everyone I know, their parents have split or are divorced.
Oh were here. There's the Hotel across the road.
Have we got to cross the road with our luggage?
Sorry love. There's no car park.
Wake him up then Mum. I'm getting off.

Jane grabbed her hand luggage and her younger sisters hand and squeezed into the isle. Already the isle was full of holiday makers pushing and shoving trying to get their luggage down from above the seats and making their way to the front.

Come on Danni, ive got our hand luggage. If we get out now we'll be at the front of the queue for our bags and we can get our room keys. Mums given me our room tickets, so we can ditch them and pick our room.

Their room was on the tenth floor next door to their parents.

I cant use this key card. I’ve swiped it twice and its not working.
Give it here Jane, your holding it the wrong way.
Typical, it worked for you straight away.
Just get in there, will you. I want to pick my bed.

Their room had an en suite shower room and patio doors leading out to the balcony. Jane dumped her bags and ran to the patio doors and went out to look at the view.

Come out here Danni, the views great and there's some hot lads sunbathing on the balcony two rooms over.
Over there.

Jane waved and one of the lads waved back.

Hello love. What’s your name then?
I’m Dan. Just got here ave you?
Yeah. Were going down to see the rep in the reception and then were going to the pool.
In about two hours you mean. That’s how long ours took.
Our Mum and Dad can stay and listen. Were here for the sun, sea and sand.
What about the sex?
If I find the right guy.
Ill have to be extra nice to you then, wont I!
I haven’t met your mates yet. Which of you is the fittest then?
Me, of course.

Jane giggled. She thought that Dan wasn’t her type. Big nose. No tan and receding hair.

By the way, tell your parents to make sure they get the money off vouchers for the restaurants and there’s some cheap trips available.
Our Mum and Dad go on the old fart trips. We want to go to 'Wet and Wild' and the laser discos.
The beers cheap but shorts are expensive. There's a market round the corner where the booze is cheap.
Thanks Dan. By the way. This is my sister Danni.
Hi babe. Cool name.
Danni giggled and waved.
See you downstairs later.

I turned to go back in and Mum was standing in front of me.
Try not to get into trouble, eh!
Don’t be silly. They're just some lads, Mum.
Ok, she said with a look of annoyance on her face.

I put on my bikini and sarong. Checked out my make-up and I was ready to go to reception.

You’re not wearing that. Mum will have a fit.
I don’t intend to hang about. One drink, point out the trips I want to go on and i'm off to the pool. Arent you coming with me.
Ok. Give me a minute to change into my swimwear.

Danni was a bit self conscious and she tried on a few things.

Does this bather look OK.
Yeah. Sure. Put on your sarong and you're respectable.

We made our way down in the lift and when it opened into the reception area, people were already milling around and helping themselves to the free bubbly. Two reps were standing by the bar, a guy and girl that looked about my age. They were immediately noticeable by their red polo shirts and white shorts. Danni was making her way over to the bar so I followed grabbing two glasses of the sparkling stuff off the nearest tray. Sitting down I looked up and one of the reps was standing next to me. I nudged Danni and pointed to him. Discreetly of course.

Look at him. He's gorgeous.

Danni nodded and I turned and he was looking straight at me.

Hello. I’m Joe.
Hi, I'm Jane.
Nice to meet you. Have you just arrived.
Yes. Were here for two weeks.
I see you’ve got a drink. There's some canapés at the end of the bar.
Yeah. Thanks. I don’t think I’m going to be here long. I just need to book some excursions. I cant wait to get to the pool.
To work on your tan, eh.
Well, enjoy your drink and if you need anything don’t be afraid to ask.

I turned to Danni, swigged back my drink and giggled.

He's gorgeous.
I know. I’m staying and going to try and speak to him again.
Don’t blame you. He's got a great ass.
Fit or what.

I finished my drink and picked up another.
The meeting took an hour and it was really boring. I finished my drink and started my third and my head was beginning to spin.

I feel awful.
You look a bit green
Thank the Lord that’s over. Where's Chris and Pam. They’re going up in the lift.
Ok. There's Joe. I'm going to to ask him about the laser disco and mediaeval night.

I suddenly felt sick as a dog and when I tried to get up my head was swimming.

R u ok, Jane.
No. I feel rotten, dizzy and sick.

Next thing I realised was that Danni was talking to Joe and he was looking at me and offering me a glass of water. I took it and drank.

Can you stand.
No I feel faint.
I think you’re dehydrated. Come on with me. Ill take you up to your room and I strongly suggest you drink lots of water and no alcohol, it will dehydrate you.
Ok. OK I said.

Joe put his arm around me and helped me to the lift. I felt rotten. My head was spinning, I felt nauseous and faint. Joe was almost carrying me to my room because I couldn’t move my legs and I could see Danni open the door and they both helped me onto the bed.

Thanks Guys. I wouldn’t have made it here without you.
Don’t worry said Joe. Its my job. At least you’re safe and keep drinking plenty of water and you’ll be up and about. He smiled at me and then he left.
I felt like such a pratt. I had just collapsed in front of the hottest guy in the place. Danni sat next to me and gave me a bottle of water.
Drink some of this and get some sleep. Ill find the others and let them know what’s going on.
I drank what I could and I turned over and went to sleep.

It was dark when I woke up. My head spun and when I tried to sit up I felt like being sick. I made my way to the bathroom. I didn’t want to make a mess for someone to clean up. I looked at the clock on the bedside table as I staggered to the toilet and it was ten in the night. I could see lights through the patio doors and I could hear music and the sound of the music beat. The toilet door was next to the patio doors, and I hung on to the patio door handle and slid it open. A rush of cool air hit my face and for a second I felt well. Then I staggered into the toilet, sat on it and passed out. I don t know how long I was there but when I woke up I was still sitting on the toilet but I was face down on the rim of the bath. My chin was really sore. I must have cracked my chin on it when I passed out. I still felt nauseous and my chin hurt like hell. I got to my feet, head spinning throwing up all over the floor. I tried to my forward, slipped in my own vomit and crashed to the ground. I passed out again. When I came around I was still on the floor, lying in my own vomit, my chin throbbing. I knew I had to get up and get back to my bed. Id try to clean myself up if I could find some soap and water. There was barely any light from the patio doors and the light switch was the other side of the room by the main doors.

I used the side of the bath to pull myself up from the floor. I could feel water in my mouth, my head began to spin and I felt nauseous. All I could think of was getting to the bed and laying down and going to sleep. Maybe then I'd feel better.

Standing up, bent over because my stomach hurt, I began to make my way towards the patio doors. I stood in the doorway. The view was of street lights and names of bars and hotels lit up along the street. I breathed in the air and shut for my eyes. My head was still spinning and I opened my eyes and passed out.

It was still dark. I was lying face down on the balcony. I ached all over and I still felt nauseous. I dragged myself back into the room towards my bed. My face hurt, my fingertips hurt and as I dragged myself towards the bed, my knees, feet and joints ached. I grabbed hold of anything I could find to use to drag myself to the bed. I could only see ahead of me through the balcony doors and the floor was all wet and slippery from where I'd been sick. I started to cry. What a mess I am in. I cant even get to my bed. I about my options. I rolled over onto my back and sat up. I put my head between my legs and after a few minutes my head began to clear. I stood and staggered to my bed and went straight to sleep.

© Copyright 2014 GG (ggirlgail39 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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