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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Adult · #1989523
An illness tests this couple. Will they hold out or fall apart?
These Cranberry Stories by Panda Dearest
Quietly, Jennifer slipped the letter under the yellow pillow. She placed a small white cylinder under the blue silk pillow and stood up. She gazed at the sunny décor adorned with scenery of the beach as she walked to the doorway, rotated counter clockwise then shut the door. Jennifer walked past two more doorways before turning right, where the staircase rested. She walked up stairs and continued until she reached the last door on the left. She reached for the door knob, pausing to take a deep breath. She knew if she made an error everything would fall apart. Her nerves increased her blood rate, causing her to become a little dizzy. She decided not to take the risk of ignoring warning signs. She took action and now she was ready for sleep. She turned the doorknob and entered the dark room. Fumbling on the wall, she found the light switch and resumed her task. She walked to the dresser and pulled out a set of purple and white flannel pajamas. She would relax before it was time. Jennifer continued to her bathroom. She turned on the faucet, letting warm water drizzle into the bronze colored basin. Reaching up she grasped a small bottle, opened it and poured a small amount of hazel tincture smelling of sweet honey and milk. Adding a small touch of bath salt, Jennifer waited as the tub filled. She began to undress as the water level reached its desired limit. Stepping in with the right foot first, Jennifer reached up to pull down a peach colored towel. Slowly she sank to the bottom of the bubbly abyss, letting the warmth reach her bosoms. As she tilted her head back, thoughts of other sweet smelling things swam into her mind…

Story One: Blossoming Truth
The air in the room filled pleasantly with cinnamon. Rachel was baking again. Usually this meant company was coming over but lately it was an escape. It was a way to avoid sitting around doing nothing for hours as the clear and silver clock ticked and ticked behind her. She avoided speaking to him today. She knew it was time to tell him the news but she couldn’t find the right words. Then there was his reaction. At this point in time, he could be there or distant. They were having problems again and ever since she read those ambiguous text messages, she had an even harder time trusting him. Why cause trouble today? Jen and Eric would be over later and so far nothing has gone amiss. In time, she reminded herself as she removed the caramel concoction from the oven. As the cooling timer buzzed, Rachel reached into the cabinet for some ginger. Ginger glaze had always been her favorite on caramel cake and a house favorite among family and friends. Surely taking the time to create a wonderful meal would be a distraction. Besides, Jen and Eric were an item now and Rachel wanted to hear all the details. The Sunday game would keep the guys busy while Jen and Rachel had time to talk. As she completed her glaze, an arm wrapped snuggly around her waist. She hadn’t anticipated his early return. No, no, no! She despaired; she needed more time to think and to prepare. His hands traveled down to her hips, pulling the center of her body closer to his. He nuzzled the inside of her left ear, his breath hot on the nape of her neck. But Rachel was not as engaged. She stirred the ginger glaze quickly, shrugging her shoulder to make him stop. I’ll take a rational approach she thought. I’ll just tell him to give me a minute as I finish dessert. Rachel turned as she placed the bowl down. She gave him her warmest smile and relayed her message. His shoulders slouched forward slightly when he nodded his head. As he retreated from the kitchen he reached back and slammed the door. So much for avoiding conflict. She turned back to her glaze, continuing her preparations. They could talk later.
Josh was angry. She pushed him aside again and it was beginning to piss him off. What had he done to deserve such cold treatment? He clenched his fists. They hadn’t been intimate in a while. She had gotten so “busy” that it felt lonely lately. I get Rachel is busy with the shop but I could use some of her time too. Josh had spent the past few weeks wondering how to fix what was broken. Did he say something to offend her? Forget something again? As Josh grabbed the TV remote, he began to question if it was him all along. Maybe she’s… The doorbell chimed and Josh flew to the door. Anything to take his mind away from that question. He opened the door to see a beautiful Jennifer standing next to a smiling Eric. Good. Company had arrived on time and the game was about to start. After the usual greeting, Jennifer excused herself to the kitchen. Eric took his seat on the couch as Josh passed him a beer. Now here’s a good distraction. Auburn State vs. Georgia. Josh would worry about Rachel later. Right now was bro time.
Rachel yelped as a happy Jennifer jumped onto her back. Fortunately Rachel wasn’t close to anything that could fall. Hot tea awaited them as they sat at the median counter. Jen looks so happy. I need details! The ladies sipped for a few minutes in silence- a tradition started after watching Gulliver’s Travel one stormy afternoon. The girls talked about small things for a while. A silence crept over the table as they sipped their tea. Then Jennifer broke first. She spilt the news out to Rachel just as her tea receded from her lips.
“Guess what Rachel?”
“What is it?”
“Eric…” and here she whispered, “Proposed.” Rachel could hardly contain her excitement. She leapt up from her chair and immediately hugged her best friend. She was truly happy. After the initial excitement, Rachel listened to Jen’s story.

“Wow, that’s amazing!”
“I know. It happened so quickly. But I said yes and I’ve been so happy Rachel. I can’t believe I’m getting married this year!”
“Did you start planning things yet or are you going to wait until after the vacation?”
“I’ll probably wait until after the trip. I could use the break anyways. Enough about me. Tell me about you and Josh.” Before Rachel could answer, a loud yell interrupted their conversation followed by harsh thuds against the floor. Eric breaks into the kitchen hooting with Josh in tow.
“It’s a miracle in the air! Whoooo!!!!” Eric grabs the edge of the counter and pretends to shake it, drawing a smile from Jennifer. After his show, Eric asked the next big question, “What’s for dinner?”
“Roast and potatoes. I’ve got something special for dessert.”
Rachel immediately guides her guests to the dining room, where the table was already set and the food awaited. Her plan had been simple: meat, vegetable and dessert. What she hadn’t anticipated was the need for an escape today which lead to an increase of food. The table was lined with creamy macaroni, tossed Caesar salad, steamy mixed vegetables, and golden cornbread paired with bronze dinner rolls. The pork roast sat high on the table: the king among nobles adorned with golden potatoes and carrots. She even fresh squeezed today’s juice and she brought up some wine. Her guests were astonished at the delicate display while Josh seemed bored. Ok, maybe I overdid it. As Jennifer and Eric took their seats next to each other, Rachel sat across from Jennifer as Josh sat adjacent to the pair. Just as Rachel was about to ask Josh to sit next to her, he spoke.
“So, what were you wonderful ladies talking about today?” Josh glances sideways at Eric as Jennifer blushed. Eric cleared his throat and stood up.
“As it turns out, I’m getting married this fall.” He nods his head twice before sitting back down. He places an arm around Jennifer as he plants a soft kiss to her left cheek. Josh and Rachel clap as Jennifer and Eric kiss. Rachel looks at Eric and notices a longing look in his eyes. It almost made her frown. Almost.
Josh stares at the happy couple as Rachel pours wine into each of the glasses. He remembers when he and Rachel made their announcement at Crystal’s house. How Rachel would stare into his eyes for hours as he held her. He longed for the same happiness. [At first things slowed between them.] Then Rachel started to pick things up at work. He then noticed how their schedules clashed, leaving little time for much else. The change had happened so slowly… could it be that Josh hadn’t tried a better method of time management? This thought gave Josh pause as his wife poured his wine. He looks past her to the wall opposite the table, anything to avoid looking at her right now. She canters back to her chair almost slamming the wine down. While Eric and Jennifer explain their story, Josh sips his wine and bites his pork. It never ceases to amaze him when it comes to his wife’s cooking: she always had a talent for spice. What saddens him now is the neglect of one particular ingredient… Rachael speaks.
“Of course I can be in the wedding. I’ll adjust my schedule so we can go dress shopping. Do you remember my cousin Katherine? She still owns that bridal shop I told you about.”
“Really? Thank you Rachael!” Jennifer leaps up from the table and hugs her best friend. At the same time, Eric stands up with his wine in his hand.
“Hey Josh, let’s step outside for a moment.”

Eric squats on the porch while Josh stands next to the doorway. For a few minutes the men drink in silence. Then Eric turns his head to face Josh.
“You ok man? You’ve been quiet all evening. Something on your mind?”
“Yeah it’s just the usual.”
“Have you talked to her about it?” Eric stands to face Josh. He looks Josh in the eyes as he approaches him. Although Josh knows Eric is trying to be sincere he also knows that he should be supporting his bro. Josh craftily changes the subject to avoid talking about his problems. He hones in on the wedding and asks Eric what his next move was.
“I’m planning on surprising her on the day of the wedding.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Do you remember the house behind the park we had the barbeque?”
“I bought that house. It’s ours.”
“No way. Dude that house must have cost a fortune!” Josh was in disbelief. The house was a five bed room, two and a half bathroom loft with a pool and patio set along with two full garages. The house was huge; Josh expected the price to be around the hundred thousands.
“Yeah. I got an estimate on the house and with the raise this year, we can afford it so I bought it. The only thing that has to be fixed is the chandelier- Jen probably won’t like it.” Eric puts his glass down on the ground before stretching. As his arms begin to recede to his side, he asks Josh a question neither was expecting to hear.
“Josh, are you having problems with Rachael?”
The question caught Josh off guard. He nearly dropped his glass as he rotates to face his friend. I know it can’t be that obvious.
“Yeah, it’s that obvious. Dude seriously, what is it? Is it big or little?” Josh, still staring at his friend with a neutral face, shrugs his shoulders. At this Eric frowns.
“Dude what is it? Is it about sex? Suspicion? What? I can’t stand seeing you mope around like this. Either you tell me or I will go ask Rachael.” Josh shrugs at first. When Eric got close to the door Josh surrendered.
“Alright. We have something going on but I can handle it. It’s no big deal, really.”
“Really.” Eric tucks his head down, peering upward at a right angle. He furrowed his brows as he looked up causing laughter from Josh. “Are you really sure?”
“I guess.”
“You guess?”
“What do you want me to say?” Josh shrugs, then sips from his glass. “We’ve… been distant for the past few weeks. Being busy is part of it but the rest? I don’t know.”
“Well, did you do something?”
“Can’t say that I have. I’ve been trying to figure that part out all week. I really don’t know.”
“You haven’t been…?” Eric looks at Josh suspiciously. Taking defense, Josh leans back against the railing.
“No. I gave that up when I married Rachael. I don’t plan on returning to that.” Josh’s voice grew quiet as he spoke causing Eric to become more suspicious. “Sometimes I wonder though.”
“Do you regret being married?” Eric looks at Josh while sipping the last of his wine. For a moment Josh tries to think about life without Rachael. He closes his eyes and tries to imagine what he would be doing at that exact moment. Once he opened his eyes he knew what his answer would be.
Rachael nods as Jennifer gently grabs her hand.
“That’s a really big problem Rach. You’ve got to talk to him before this gets out of control. You did try to talk about it, right?”
“That’s the thing. I don’t know how I’m going to tell him or if I should. Every time I get close to finding an answer I either get busy or we argue and he backs off. I don’t know what I should do.”
“There has to be a way. You’re usually good with words so I know you’ll find a way to tell him.” Rachael nods, then changes the subject back to the wedding. Her mind can’t handle her problems right now but her mind can handle a wedding. She asks Jennifer who’s going to the wedding before taking another sip of her wine. It’s her friend’s moment to shine, not hers.
Eric and Josh spent the last of the hour telling jokes and recounting times past. Humor is what Josh needed and he decided not to let his problems take away from his friend’s excitement. Getting married is a huge deal and it was important to Josh too. Supporting his friend rather than discussing his problems meant more than anything right now. Besides, if he distracted himself from the issue he might think of a solution. He might come up with a way to put the spark back into his own relationship which should cause everyone to breathe easier. Josh cranked the jokes out until Eric went into overdrive. It wasn’t until both men were laughing on the ground did Jennifer appear at the door. She decided that it was getting late so she and Rachael had packed dessert to go. Eric Hugs Rachael goodbye as Josh opens the door. Rachael always waits for company to leave before coming inside. She stood in the doorway watching her friends disappear down Cranberry Lane. She waved, then stepped inside the door. As soon as the deadbolt clicked in its socket, Rachael took on a new character. Her smile had faded completely as she walked back into the kitchen. Josh, seeing his wife shrivel in front of him, followed her and assisted in putting the food away. As he covered the caramel cake Rachael disappeared. Josh could feel that something was wrong as he wiped off the counter. He checked to make sure everything was put away and clean. Then he took the left staircase to his bedroom.
Rachael tilted her head back in the shower. So much has happened recently and she didn’t know how she would manage. The wedding was a new twist in a plot that had already gotten out of control. She started to consider taking off from work. After all everyone, including herself, should take the day off every now and then. As the owner of her shop she could afford to take a break but she decided to wait a while. She might need the escape again. As she began to lather her hair she considered what Jennifer told her. Maybe it was time to tell him the truth. Maybe the real reason she needed the escape was because she felt she was hiding from Josh. I need to tell him but how? Just as the last of the soap bubbled down the drain a small tap interrupted her thoughts.
“It’s open.” Josh steps in, t-shirt less. He steps gingerly to the left and begins brushing his teeth. Rachael turns the water off and reaches for her towel. She dashes out of the bathroom to her dresser. As she reaches in for her lotion, she hears a loud bang. This is it. I have to tell him before- Josh exits the bathroom with a towel against his face. When he removes the towel, his red face reveals a scowl. Just as Josh was about to speak, Rachael drops her towel. As she takes a deep breath she takes a step forward. Maybe I can’t tell him tonight. That doesn’t mean I can’t buy myself some time. Rachael approaches Josh and places her left hand on his chest while gripping his hand in her right. She looks up into his eyes- a sorrowful gaze that she hasn’t given Josh in a while. Then she waits for his move.
Josh wanted to believe she was being genuine. But being married for seven years has taught him enough about his wife. He knows that she is buying time for something, but for what? She squeezes his shoulder causing is knees to melt. He knows that he shouldn’t fall for her antics but it has been so long… Josh grabs his wife's hand, forcing her to release him. He steps to the right and walks forward leaving Rachael alone and naked in their room. Just as he reaches his room, Rachael calls out to him.
“Josh!” He doesn’t listen. He opens his door, steps in and while swiveling slightly to the right he closes the door. He doesn’t believe it was genuine at all. He reached back to lock the door as Rachael turns the doorknob. She pushed the door ajar, pressing her fingers through the tiny gap. Josh was tempted to slam the door anyways but decided not to. He stands back, ready to defend himself.
“Josh please.” Rachael pushes the door open all the way. She approaches Josh to touch him but he moves out of the way. He turns to sit on his bed, leaving her at the doorway.
“Josh… I really need-”
“To go to bed. It’s been a long day. Don’t worry, I put the leftovers away.” Josh glares at his wife. She steps back until she reclines against the closed door. Looking at her feet she begins again.
“Josh please.” Josh lays on his back staring at the ceiling. He doesn’t care anymore. He just wanted to get some sleep.
Rachael’s pulse increased. She had hoped for more time but Josh wasn’t interested. She looks at him lying on the bed.
“Josh its important.”
“You’re expanding again?” The bitter tone from Josh didn’t give her any indication that this was a good idea either.
“Yes but it’s not that. We really need to talk about this.”
“So you’re relocating?”
“Will you stop interrupting me? Yes I do need to talk to you about that but this is more important.” Rachael pauses. She considered her next words carefully before approaching her husband. “Josh?” He sighs. Then sits up. His face was hardened with impatience. Rachael decided to tell him because she knew if she backed out now it would only make things worse.
“Josh I’m pregnant.” Shock jolted through Josh’s body as his face began to relax. She could see a smile beginning to form. She wouldn’t let him have false hope. She released the next words in one breath.
“I can’t have the baby.”
“I can’t have this baby.” The bitterness Josh had returned sharper.
“Bad timing for business?” Just as Josh reached out to shove Rachael away she jumped onto him, pressing him down. She scream out the last of the news.
“Because I will die!” Rachael began to tremble as confusion swept over Josh’s face. She spoke quietly as she repeated herself. “I will die if I have this baby Josh. My body can’t handle the strain. My options at this point are abortion or to try carrying to full term. Either way I might die.” Josh scoots back on the bed pulling Rachael in closer as he sits up. He sat quiet for a moment then he looks into Rachael’s eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you and everyone. Every time I came close to saying something we’d get busy or we’d argue. And then I would get nervous. I thought I could handle this better but now… I’m scared” Rachael’s whispers were replaced with tears. It was out; a weight had been taken off her shoulders. Josh cooed as he wrapped his arms around her body, his fingertips relieving stress with each stroke.
“Hey we’ll figure this out, ok? We’ll get a second opinion and fight this. It’s going to be ok.” Rachael cried even harder. She hadn’t felt his touch in a while and it was beginning to sooth her anxieties. She lifts her head up and peers into her husband’s eyes.
“I’m scared.” Josh lifts her face to his and kisses her. He leans back, pulling Rachael onto his chest. As Josh strokes her back Rachael slowly drifts asleep, the tension in her back melting away.
Josh holds his sleeping Rachael closer. For the first time in years Josh feels fear suffocating him. He knew there was something she wasn’t telling him but he didn’t think it would be something like this. Guilt began to gnaw at his mind; he had pressed Rachael for a few years about starting a family unaware of the danger his wife had been going through. He presses her body into his, inhaling the subtle dove scent lingering on her skin. He stares at the ceiling. I didn’t think she was dealing with something like this. What should I do? Josh was afraid he wouldn’t be able to deal with losing Rachael right now. He thought he had everything figured out. Their careers were going great, they were financially stable. He thought they might have out grown each other but never something of this magnitude. The guilt corroded his thoughts until he restlessly fell asleep.

Josh opened his eyes. He didn’t feel Rachael’s body anymore. A small bit of panic chocked his breath as he sat up. Rachael was lying next to him curled into a ball of mocha. Josh relaxes. He scoots towards her, curling his body around hers. The warmth from her body seeped into his as he held her. He thinks about the arguments they had. He wanted to cut back on his hours so that they could start a family. She was always busy and now… Josh gently squeezed Rachael’s arms. His fingers traced the outer edges of her silhouette as her rib cage ebbed in and out. He didn’t mean to make it hard for her to talk to him. His frustration had been placed on their schedules and Racheal’s secretive behavior. He remembers his comment. Bad for business, huh? Ass-hole, why’d you say that? The guilt returned, chewing at his heart. He didn’t mean to insult her. He leaned forward, planting soft kisses on Rachael’s neck. All he wanted to do was start over and take a step back. They had gone from bliss to disgruntle. He wanted to feel the way he did when they spent the first two years together. They would always find small gestures to express their love at work or at home. Whenever they could spend time together they did, walking around the park or cuddling on the couch. Sometimes he would stare into Rachael’s eyes for hours in disbelief that she was his wife. Somewhere along the way they had gotten too busy to experience excitement or to express love. They didn’t have the energy to go out together for a few hours or even to play upstairs. It seemed to Josh that they were in a rut that has an even deeper ditch now that Rachael is ill. Josh watches the flecks of light dance over Rachael’s skin illuminating the caramel undertones. He closes the distance between them, pressing his hips into Rachael’s back while pulling her in closer. She jerks, then rotates around to face Josh. Looking at his wife’s face he can see all of the strain that her make up usual hid. Deep creases of bruised skin clung under her sockets as she drowsily opened her hazel eyes. Her frown was replaced by a pout. Josh leans forward and kisses her. As Rachael sat up Josh pulled her onto him. He watches his sleepy wife rock once, twice, then a third time before she slides down to his chest. An involuntary movement made Josh jerk forward before relaxing. It had been a while since he felt his wife’s body on his. He hoped Rachael hadn’t noticed and since she returned to a restful state he assumed she didn’t. Josh looks to his left at his clock. 9:10am on a Saturday morning and for the first time in two years he woke up next to his wife. Josh slides his fingers down Rachael’s back to her rear. Feeling the soft flesh warming his hand caused even further involuntary movement. He couldn’t help himself- one of the few ways he ever comforted Rachael was to rock her to sleep. He knows right now is not good timing but he wonders if a little quality time with Rachael might calm her nerves long enough for them to think of a solution to their problem. Josh started to think about what else Rachael might be dealing with but when his wife pressed her body into his, he turned his attention elsewhere.
Rachael tried to lie still on her husband’s chest. It had been some time since she was this close to him and instinctively she positioned herself the same way she used to when they shared time together.
© Copyright 2014 Panda Dearest (cullins11 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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