Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1989247-Gods-game-chapter-2-Now
by Prince
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Death · #1989247
Part 2 of my new story. Please read and give me feedback.
Slowly I opened my eyes. It was dark, everything around me was dark. But In the darkness there was a faint light. For some reason I felt in peace. Slowly I began to close my eyes once again. But before I could, I felt a slight vibration near my left. In a burst of realisation I got up into a sitting position with a killer headache infecting my brain. Once again I felt a vibration near my leg. I reached into my pocket to grab my phone, the cause of the vibrations and pulled it out. It was my mother calling. Hesitantly I answered the phone

"Marcus! Do you know what time it is?" Shouted my mother which made the pain in my head grow even bigger.

"Sorry mum, I was out with friends"

"Just hurry up and get home!"

"Alright mum, Bye"

After I hung up I looked around and realised that I was still at the abandoned construction site. After a few minutes of resting and the pain in my head ever so slightly reduced, I flung my bag over my shoulders and began to make the long walk home. Checking the time on my phone I realised I had been knocked out for almost three hours. Why had I passed out, and why for so long? Although there was no point in thinking about things I wouldn't get the answer to, but I thought about it nonetheless which only resulted in the pain in my headache once again growing.

Here I was, at the door step of my so called "home". I hadn't disliked spending time with them, in fact being with them somehow smoothed my heart but I loathed idle chit chat about our days and what we did. I unlocked the front door with my keys and what was once a gloomy depressed expression a second ago changed into forced smile.

"I'm home guys!"

The first to greet me was my little brother Derek who was only six years old
"Oh, you're here" he greeted me with a cheerful smile which made me only slightly, happy.

My mother came out of the kitchen to greet me but her expression was that of someone terrified "Why are yours clothes all dirty, did you get into a fight?"

"Mum, I was just out playing soccer, fell a couple of times" Once again I forced a smile, which took energy which was currently scarce in me.

"You don't have to try and hide it, we can go call the cops right now and send them all to jail" mum said while making a fist.

I sighed then replied "Let's just go eat, I'm starving"

I moved towards the kitchen where I met my father who was one of the few people I didn't mind having around me. He didn't make pointless conversations or try to make silly idiotic jokes. The one thing I did hate about him was his caring attitude; he would always help those in need without a second thought.

It was already ten and I was completely drained. I made my way to my bedroom and collapsed on the bed. Today had been a somewhat fun day, I met a strong guy who could take a few hits and although I randomly fell unconscious, it was still a day unlike all the other boring and dull days.

Morning came, and the sound of my buzzing alarm irritated my ears. My headache still wasn't gone but it didn't hurt half as much as it had yesterday. After I finished preparing for school, I was out the front door on my way to the train station. It was a cold morning, just like every other, dull and grey. At the train station I noticed a few girls eyeing me, I hated it. Everyday girls stare at me like I'm some sort of rare specimen; staring in awe I hate their stare. I would rather look like a freckled, glasses wearing guy if it meant they wouldn't stare at me so much.

I made it to school at my usual time of 7:50, forty minutes before school started. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked to my right to see a person my happy and cheerful persona considered a friend.

"Morning Marc" Said Luke with a smile.

I replied with my usual fake smile "Hey"

"Todays the day" Luke said.

"Today's the day for what" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Dude, todays the day we, the heroes of class 10 gold crushes the basketball team at their own game" Luke laughed with a fake evil laugh.

"Oh right, the game was today wasn't it" I replied.

"Marc, you're playing"

I hated useless wasting energy on things like sport, perhaps I was just plain lazy.

"Uh, if I can" I said

"What do you mean if you can?! If you're not there we lose" Luke shouted.

"I have a headache today so I'll probably sit this one out" I said with truth.

Before Luke had a chance to reply someone had jumped on my back.

"Morning Marcus, and morning to you too loser" She scowled at Luke.

"Morning, Whore" Luke replied with smile

The girl on my back was Rachel, who was considered the most beautiful girl in year 10 and who everyone thinks I'm dating because most of the time we are seen together during school along with Luke. She was just another useless sack of meat to me.

"Hey Rachel, you're cute as ever" I said

Suddenly she got off my back and started to walk towards the inside of the school. She then turned around and said

"Thanks Marc" with a smile.

"You player" Snarled Luke

"What are you talking about?" I said with curiosity

"Whatever. Anyway, you're going to play the in the game, even if I have to drag you kicking and
screaming" Luke then ran off into the school building.

I hated mornings like these, nothing but pointless chatter among boring people. I too headed into the school building. As class shortly started to being, I noticed that the kid who I beat up yesterday was nowhere to be seen in the class. His name was Jordan.

Another boring day with boring classes and boring lectures, I couldn't quite understand how some people could even get low grades with such easy classes like this match class. Then it was lunch

"Marcus it's time!" said Luke with a huge grin.

"I told you I'm in pain, I can't" I said with a sick person's face.

"Oh no, you're coming to the match" smiled Luke

Two others, Michael and Sam grabbed me from both sides then began to drag me towards the basketball court. Usually with this persona I would struggle and make a big fuss, but my true self slightly took over making me give up on anymore pointless struggling. It seemed like the whole school had arrived at the basketball court from teen year 7 all the way to year 12, even some teachers were here too. Standing on the basketball court was the year 12 basketball team who were all over 180cm tall. Our basketball team wasn't anything special, we win a few games but also lose as well, were a mediocre team.

"Alright, Luke you know the deal" Said Andrew the captain of the basketball team

"Yeah, I know, let's just get this started" replied Luke

As the ball was thrown in the air I saw, I saw the year 12's get the ball first and at that moment I decided that I would only play 20% I couldn't be bothered playing. Slowly the year 12's started to score shots due to their skills which overshadowed ours. I ran towards the ball I tried to deny it a couple of times, I even scored a couple of shots but they were still dominating us with a lead of 30-12. The crowd was cheering for the year 12's to win; sure they were the favourites to win but I still wondered why. This was pointless, the year 12's were getting more and more points and the shouts of Rachel's to try and motivate me were just plain annoying, same with the other girls who had been doing the same thing. The first half was over and it was 43-16, I could no longer be bothered playing.

"Marcus, there's something I got to tell you" Luke said with his head down.

"Hey, I told you I couldn't play, I'm exhausted" I said.

"No, it's not that... it's" Luke was hesitant.

"What is it Luke" I said with a serious voice.

"I made a deal with the year 12's that if they won, you would have to be there slave for a whole month" Luke spat.
I looked at him, this wasn't good, I could feel my true self crawling out and although I would love nothing more than to be more usual self, I had to set a certain image as to not worry the only people I somewhat cared about, my family. Before I said something my true self would say I walked away and began to get prepared for the second half of the game, this time with eyes of a monster.
The ball was passed to me by Luke and the year the basketball captain Andrew attempted to block me to prevent me from moving any further, but I threw the ball in air as to divert his attention then quickly moved behind him, jumped up and caught the ball. The cheers of the crowd began to grow louder from this, two other years 12's attempted to block me and my teammates were shouting for a pass, but I ignored them. Instead I jumped, threw the ball and scored a three pointer. Soon everyone began to cheer for me, I hated it.
The game was over; we had won 62-54. As everyone began to head to class Marcus appeared beside me.

"Okay, I know you might be mad about the whole bet, but we just won three tickets to Examples concert" Said Luke with a cheer.

I had already come back to my senses and already equipped my persona.

"That's cool, I guess me you and Rachel are going then" I replied.

Rachel had again jumped on my back

"Marc, I didn't know you could play like that, that was amazing" She said with a huge smile.

"I reek of sweat you know, you should probably get off" I said with a little chuckle.

But she didn't, and we stayed this way with Rachel on my back and Luke by my side. When we reached the classroom, there wasn't any teacher, I assumed that he was running late and sat down. The others were talking amongst themselves appoint pointless things and when my eyes reached the front of the class, a tall man with a black robe and jet black hair was standing there. The others soon began to ask questions

"Hey, is this a play or something?" Asked a Jim

There was no response, only a smile and in that moment I saw it, I saw two long fangs. And in the blink of an eye my world was turned upside down with red splattered everywhere, finally there was colour.

I awoke to the sound of something that slurping. I could hear someone crying, why were they crying? I looked to my right and saw Sarah, an average looking girl. Her eyes were somewhat opened and as I looked down, I saw that her lower body had been completely gone. I felt a chill in my spine. At my fingertips I felt something slippery as I brought my hand to eyes view, it was covered in blood. Then I heard Rachel shout

"No, please no!"

I immediately got up and saw the a class room which was what felt like a second ago, filled with useless people talking amongst their useless selves, now it was all red with chair and tables smashed. At the very front I saw her, I saw Rachel in the grasp of the man with a black robe and blood shot eyes, and he saw me.

"Oh, I didn't think I left any boys alive. Silly I, I better correct that." He smiled, showing his two fangs.

I felt an urge inside of me, and in an explosive moment I got up, grabbed an unbroken chair and charged towards the monster. He smiled once again and with like a bullet he quickly shot his hand towards my face. I could feel it, I could feel death creeping towards me, but I didn't want to die today, I couldn't In a split second I ducked, in that brief moment, I saw his surprised and shocked face. I quickly swung the chair in his ribs which brought him down and continued to pulverise him, bringing the chair up and then down smashing it at him, until finally the chair broke. I was panting heavily, it was worse than yesterday when I was up against that kid. As I looked upon the body I felt it inside me, a feeling of immense happiness and smile crept on my face.

"Marcus" moaned Rachel In a quiet voice

Quickly I removed the smile and came to her aid

"Hey, are you okay? Don't worry everything's going to be fine" I said with fake worry.

"The class, how are they? Is everyone alright" Rachel said.

I looked at the classroom and saw nothing but corpses including Luke's.

"Yeah, everyone's alright" I lied. Why did I lie?

"That's great, that's really great" She spoke softly.

Before I could say anything else I felt a hand on my neck which then grabbed me and flung me towards the wall. It was the monster, he was still alive, of course he would be all I did was smash a stupid chair at him.
"You're quite strong, I wonder what your blood tastes like" The monster said in a cold tone.
For the first time in my existence I felt fear. His fangs slowly sunk into my skin and it felt as if I was being ripped apart ever so slowly. I could feel my blood, quickly being drunken away an extremely alarming rate. There was nothing I could do, my body couldn't move, I was cold. After what felt like an eternity, the monster dropped me.

"That as amazing, the best blood that I've ever tasted in my whole entire existence" He shouted
He looked like he was in a party, moving about wildly, my eyes could barely follow him.
"I drunk all your blood, what the hell am I going to do now? Oh I know, let's pay a visit to your family" He said in a cruel tone.

My eyes were snapped awake and I tried to move my body but it wouldn't listen. I was screaming at every vibe of my senses to do something, but it was no use. I watched as he climbed out the window and vanished. Even though all my blood had been sucked out, I was still alive, I wonder why. Rachel was in front of, she still looked dead but she still had enough energy to move.

"Marc, you know, I always liked you. Almost every guy only saw me as some object that had to have, even Luke" She was speaking softly and quiet.

"Except for you, you were always nice. Even though I could tell you were forcing it, the smile your laugh everything you did was forced, I could tell. Despite this, you didn't have the slightest of intentions of wanting me. Although that kind of makes me sad, you were the first one. You know, I love you."

Her soft lips touched mine and then she fell on me. I couldn't feel it, it wasn't there, the most vital body part for the human body wasn't there, and her heart wasn't beating. She was my friend, a friend I had spent three years with and yet I didn't feel a thing. Even though I didn't feel thing for some unknown reason reason there was a tear in my eye. I wonder if this is what they call sadness.

The door to the classroom opened and men in suites appeared, whispering amongst themselves. And then I saw him, the boy I met yesterday the boy who gave me a fight I could remember. I drew a breath ever so slightly and groaned


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