Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1989109-Love-and-Wolves
by brigxx
Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1989109
"What is meant to be will always end up being together."
The moon hung high in the sky, the clouds were scattered around the midnight sky, but you could barely tell that they were there at all in the sky. The breeze was light, and the air was crisp, telling you that fall had finally came, and summer had finally passed. There wasn't a sound at all out tonight, not even a bug flying around. Everyone knew, and no one dared to be outside. My eyes glowed, a golden yellow color showing through the trees staring at the target across the field. Every female before me had been through the same thing I have been, but no one ever told me that this would be the worse night of my life. Lucas stood there across the field, shirtless as always, chest sticking out to make himself look even buffer than he is. His short brown hair wasn't combined, and his eyes were piercing me from across the field. He knew I was here. I stood behind the bushes trying not to show myself too much. I could feel my heart pounding faster than it ever has. I had just turned eighteen last week, and I was already a week late. For a week straight, I had stood out here going through guys that seemed to be picked for me, but no one ever seemed to interest me. Lucas, well, everyone knew what happened between me and him.

I couldn't believe Darien did this to me. Why would you send him? Of all people to send out here, they send Lucas. I was told this was the last chance I had, and if I didn't take it, I would be moved somewhere, or even killed. I moved an inch forward, and then back. I heard his voice calling me and I sighed. He knew that I was here, and I was wasting time. I moved again, and then back. He let out a sigh of frustration, and then said" Come on, Elle. I mean, it's this or they're going to move you to something else. Darien told me he wouldn't dare get rid of you, but he has no other choices." I sighed, and then said" You, out of everyone was my choice. Doesn't Darien get that I hate you?!" Lucas sighed, and said" you don't hate me, Elle's. Now, please, just come here." I huffed, and said" Catch me, and I'll do it." Before he could even answer, I dashed off. Everything was a blur after that, everything passed quicker than I could look at it. I was on a chase, I was about to win. Then bam,Lucas slammed into my body, and once I got the chance to look, He was on top of me pinning me down

I let out a sigh, and said" fine, you win, Once again." He laughed and said" I always do, Elle. You should remember that next time you want to race me." I looked at him, and said "Why did you choose Stacy over me, Lucas?" His eyes looked away, and then he looked back at me and said "Let's not talk about that stuff, Elle. Come on, we have to do this. We have till three am, and it's almost one. You know what happens if you don't settle with me. I'm sorry it's weird that it's me. Darien thought it'd be better with me. But, I know it wasn't, but I can't disagree with him, or argue. I have duties, and this is one of them, Elle." I looked at him, and said" I'm difficult I know, Luc. I just, never mind. Let's get this over with before Darien gets mad at you."
It was three am when my eyes opened. I looked over, and Lucas was gone. A sigh came out of my mouth. It was really bad that I wished he stayed. I looked around the cabin, there was a small kitchen, and living room, and then off near the kitchen was the bathroom. I was now here for the next nine months of my life. I had to make this home. I sat up and stretched my arms out, and pulled over my shoulders making my shoulders crack easily. I pushed the blankets away from me, and then moved them away from me. I stared off at the wall and into space. This was my home. I couldn't believe I agreed to this. Why am I so stupid? I have to stay here for nine months, and this place was the most uncomfortable place ever. I shivered and then flopped back on my back.
I stared up at the ceiling, staring at anything that came alive to me. I soon thought I should go to sleep, but what was the point? I had nothing that I had to do in the morning, and it's not like my kind really needed sleep, right? I looked at the door as I heard it creek open. Lucas stepped inside, as he looked over to me, he sighed. "Of course, you woke up, Elle. When do you ever learn that you should sleep?" He said. I looked at him, and said" Lucas, we don't need that silly stuff called sleep." He laughed, and said "Well, how are you feeling? I mean, uhm, are you okay? Are you hungry?"

I looked at him, and said "Don't act like you care, please." He looked like a ghost just walked by him, and then he sighed. He never knew what to say to me at all. Actually, no one ever did. I was different than most girls. I wasn't all with the traditional you're supposed to do this at this age, and be the one that carries on the genes of one of the strongest males in our pack. Shut up, I can be stronger than half of these guys, and Darien knew that. He looked at me, and said "Elle, we are stuck with each other now. I know you hate the thought of that, but you know that it's true. Please, just forget about the past, and remember that, I am the father, and Darien picked me to be with you." I looked at him and said "He picked you?!" He sighed, and said "Shit, I'm not really supposed to tell you this, but you'll figure it out, because honestly you always do. I was picked for you a long time ago.
I didn't know until after the whole Stacy thing. He picked the other guys so you didn't get mad right away, and thought I was just a last resort, but I was the one that was supposed to be there the first night. I knew that a long time ago, and I knew something would be planned to make you more relaxed about this." I looked at him, and said" Great. Just great. I was picked to be with you all my life, and the guy that was supposed to want me didn't want me. Go the fuck away from me, Lucas. Stop trying to be here. Just go see someone else, because I don't want you here at all." He looked at me, and said "I have to be here, Elle." I looked at him, and said "GET AWAY FROM ME, NOW. This is my house now. I don't want you here at all. Get out, before I seriously chuck something at you." He looked at me and said "I'll leave for now. I'll be hunting. But, here's some food. You'll need it, you know." Soon I was left alone in this dark two room cottage. I sat there, huddled up with my knees to my chest pouring my eyes out. I couldn't believe this. I was picked for him before I even spoke. How could someone just choose my destiny for me? I punched down on the bed, and screamed out loud. I really didn't care how the hell heard me at this point, I was mad. I looked around, and then stared at the food. Crap, I was hungry. Why was he right?

I hated that. He was always right about something, and he always won. No matter what, I could never win with this guy. I knew that, I was stuck with him forever, even if I hated the thought of that. I sat up again, and then finally stood up. My whole world spun, and suddenly I crashed on to the floor.I woke up on the bed, with Lucas sitting on the chair staring at me. I looked at him, and said "Is well uhm, you know okay?" He looked at me, and then said "Yeah, colt just left. He said you needed fluid and food. Elle, I have to take care of you. It's my jobs to make sure that you're okay, and that our child is okay. You have to let me do this." I nodded, and didn't say anything. I had to accept the fact that I was the one to be with him. I had to accept what I had to do. He nodded, and said" I'm sorry, this is so unfair to you." I looked at him, and said "It's not your fault, Lucas. I'll get over it, no wait, consider me over it now." He looked at me, and said" I know you better than that, Elle." I looked at him, and said "Do me a favor and just stick to the responsibility you have. I don't care what happened, it never did happen. It's the past, forget everything I've said, because I was stupid and I didn't mean it. This child is yours, but I'm not yours." He looked at me, and then said "Whatever you want." He handed me a cup of water, and some food. I knew exactly what to do, so I just did it. I stared off in space, and then soon I was out. Everything came alive behind my eye lids. The light danced in front of my eyes, and then the dark came over me. I was in the middle of a field, it was dark, and I was alone. Dark figures hovered all around me, and then hands were touching me. Suddenly I woke up screaming and panting. I stared at the wall and then soon, Lucas looked at me, and but didn't say a word. I stopped screaming, and then blinked. Just a dream, just a dream I repeated over and over to myself. Lucas's eyes didn't move from staring at me. I looked at him, and said" It was just a dream. Nothing wrong, Luc."

He slowly nodded, and continued to do what he was doing. I laid my head back down, and relaxed. It was just a dream, I repeated to myself silently. It wasn't till about nine in the morning that I fell back asleep finally. The nightmare sort of thing didn't occur again after that surprisingly. It was about eleven in the morning when the door opened, and Darien was in the door way. I looked at him as I sat at the table eating some food that Lucas had just brought to me from the store. Sometimes, I need something that seemed normal. I looked away, and then Darien came and sat next to me. He looked at me, and said "Elle, we need to talk." I looked at him, and said "With all due respect, you're the last person I want to have a talk with right now. I'd rather talk to Lucas than you." He slammed his fist on the table, and said "Elle, for god sake, you're not a kid anymore." My eyes turned from the cheery light that they usually are too dark black when I looked at him, and said "No, Darien I'm not. But, I didn't make that choice, you did." He slammed his fist again, and said "Alright, Elle. But, we need to talk, right now. I will pin you to this chair, I will lock you in the cabin to make you listen to me. But we are talking. You're behavior stops now." I looked back at him, and said "What you going to do about? What could be worse than this, Darien? I'm stuck in a house, with someone I actually don't want to be, and before I even was born, I had my life already marked up. You made my life out for me." He looked at me, and said "No, I didn't. Your father did. Lucas comes from good genes, strong genes. You come from strong genes, so both of them together are what we need. Stop trying to deny something that has to be the way it is. Your father wanted this. Your mother accepted her fate when she was your age."

I looked at him, and said" My mom loved my dad, Darien. I don't love Lucas." He looked at me, and just said "Bullshit, Elle. We all know you do. Lucas knows it too." I looked at him, and said" Why the hell does everyone think they know me for some reason?" He laughed, and said "I have a way of knowing feelings. Now, please, just do what you're supposed too, it will be over before you know." I looked at him, and said "Fine. But not for you, not for Lucas, but for my father." He nodded, and said "The little one is going to be the best thing that ever happened to this pack. I know it.."I nodded, and then he got up and left. I sat there for a moment alone, before Lucas came and sat down next to me. I looked at him, and said" I guess I owe you an apology." He laughed, and said "None needed, Elle. I understand the way you act." I sighed, of course he does. Who the heck doesn't these days? I looked at him, and said" Why did you do it? Why, Lucas." He looked at me, and said "You're never going to stop asking, so I might as well just answer this already and get it over. Elle, I don't have an answer. I don't have a reason. I was an asshole. I know this already. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I wasn't and still am not worth your time. I knew how you felt, and I knew it was more than Stacy. But, lust, you know it's hard to ignore sometimes. It's not that I didn't want you, but I was stupid, alright? Can we just put it behind us, because it's not about that? It's about now, and that baby that is in your stomach. She or he is mine, as well, Elle."

I sat there in my bed thinking while Lucas was absent. I was carrying the next generation. I was the one that was carrying his heir. But, Darien made sure that the power and my side went on as well. Choosing the powerful family beside mine was a choice that I would have to like because truthfully it was smart. I was now the only one of my family left, so I had to stop and think for myself. I didn't have siblings; I didn't have any uncles, or aunts, so I had no cousins. My father was an only child because his mother died short. Our pack believed in keeping to one mate, so we never had more kids than what the mother could handle. I knew I didn't want this one to be the only one. Lucas had a brother, Colby, and a sister, Hanna, but to me that wasn't enough. My little peanut would have a family; he or she would not go through what I did, that was something I knew I was keeping. I looked up as the door closed to see Lucas. He smiled at me, and then said "You have a look on your face, Is something up?" I looked at him, and said "No, I was just sort of thinking of things. It's nothing big." He nodded, and said "If you need to talk, just let me know." I thought for a minute, and then said "Lucas, I need you to know that this isn't the only one. I grew up the last one of my family. My father was all I had. I loved him dearly till he pasted, and I still do. I never ever want someone to go through that, and especially not my child."

He looked at me and said" I expected that one coming, Elle. But, I understand. I grew up with my family. You're a part of it now, Elle. But, you sort of always have been. But, I totally get it."I looked at Lucas, and smiled. I wasn't sure about anything, but I knew I always would have someone by my side, that feeling was comforting. I've always had someone looking after me, of course. I was raised by my father till I was fourteen years old when he passed away, and my brother's best friend, Nikolas took me in with his family. He didn't have much of a family, to be honest, but it was more than I had. It was him, his sweet wife, and his little son, Dunstan, who was only about five years old. I fitted into the family easily, till about two weeks ago. After you turn eighteen, you are expected to live with your mate, and start your own family. Even know I always said I'd be different, I was pushed into the standards of our pack, and I'm starting to actually yes, like it. I hate saying that I like this whole standard you get married, and pop out some kids with your hubby, but I do. I like feeling like I have a family, like I have someone to turn too in the first time in four years. Lucas looked at me, and said" I know. I get it, Elle." I smiled, and then looked around. This was home for nine months; this is where I would be. I would find out everything about my little peanut in this house. I took a breath, and smiled. I was content though.

Lucas looked at me, and then said "Uhm, there's a pack meeting right now. You know how these things go. Now that there's a baby in there, you're not allowed. I'd stay with you, but they asked me to go." I looked at him, and said "right, the baby rule. I'll be here when you get home, that's about it." He looked at me, and said "I'll give you some details when I get home, relax." I laughed, and nodded. As soon as the door shut behind him, I was alone. As soon as I sat down on the bed, I heard a knock at the door. Well, who could that be? Not many people knew where I was. I stood up, opening the door only to see, Caleb. Caleb was my best friend, my best friend who was utterly in love with me actually. Me and Caleb had a thing about a year ago, and I had to end it. I looked at him, and said " Caleb, oh my god. How did you find where I was? I missed you so much." I wrapped my arms around him, and hugged him.

I felt his arms wrap around me, and hug me back. We let go, and I let him inside. I sat on my bed, letting him sit down at the edge. His eyes looked at me, and he smiled again. " Gee, Elle how's that little one? How's the whole being stuck with Lucas?" I smiled, and said" The little one is barely anything, Cal. To be honest, I know this is weird, but it's not that bad anymore. We talked about things, and Darien told me some things, so I have to do this, Cal. This is my destiny, this is our destiny." I looked at him as he looked down. I knew this must hurt him somehow. I swallowed, and then said" I'm sorry, Cal." He looked at me, and said "No, I'm happy for you, Elle. You deserve everything and to be happy." I looked at Cal, and said "You're the best, Cal. Never forget that." We both sat there for a few minutes. He sighed, and said "The meetings over, Elle. I have to go. Lucas will kill me for being here." He kissed my top of my head, and then said "See you in nine months, and that little one. I promise, forever, best friends." I smiled, and said "Never a day less than forever, Cal." He smiled, and then he was gone. It was only about five minutes after Cal disappeared that Lucas walked in the cabin. I looked at him, and smiled. He had a serious look on his face. I looked at him, and said" What's wrong?" He sighed, and said " I really can't believe Cal was here. This isn't for anyone but us, Elle." Shit. Well this was great. My eyes looked down, and I waited for him to speak. He looked at me, and said "You have nothing to say for once, Elle?"

I looked at him, and said "Luke, he's my best friend. You can't expect me not to see him." He looked at me, and said "This is my time to bond with you. This is my time to make this work. I don't want him anywhere near here at all." I looked at him, and sighed. "He's not coming back. He just wanted to see me. Calm down, and if you're going to continue to act like you own me, you can walk the hell out of the door right now. You know better than anyone that no one owns me, or controls me." I said back to him in a harsh voice. He shook his head, and then looked at me, and said" Elle, we have a family now, together.I have to try to bond with you, and make this work. This means...I have to fall in love with you, and you have to fall in love with me." I looked at him, and just stared. I really couldn't believe him right now. "this is one of the times I think you should turn around because I am tempted to kill you, and god knows I can do it." I said flatly out. He shook his head, and said "No, Elle. Stop this whole you have to leave before I do this, and that. Stop it now. I know you, you say it yourself, I know you more than anyone. More than Caleb does. Let me the fuck in your heart. Please." My eyes looked at him, turning slowly to black. I flared my nostrils, and then shouted "And last time I did that, you hurt me, Luke. So tell me please, why should I let you in again? Why should I admit my feelings again? Why should I trust you out of everyone?" Luke looked at me, and then said" Because I am not leaving this time, Elle, and no it's not because you are the mother of my child. No, it's not because we were chosen to be together. It's because I want to be with you, damn it. Elle, just let me try to be there for you." My eyes lowered back to the normal color, and I sighed. I let myself get so guarded.

I lowered myself back on the bed, and curled in a ball. I didn't know what to say. I was just well I was tired of fighting the fact of how things were. This was a mess, my life was a mess. Luke looked at me, and said" Elle?" I looked up slowly, and said" I'm sorry, Luke." He looked at me, and said" Do you need anything?" My head nodded, and then I heard him say "What is it?" I looked at him, and said" Please come here." As he laid down on the bed since the first night, I curled my body to him, and for the first time, I let myself go in front of Luke; I cried in his arms for the first time.It wasn't long till I woke up to Lucas still there on the bed. A smile formed across my face, and I breathed in. Yes, I could get used to this I suppose. But, I knew I still had my streak to do my own thing, and to rebel. All my life I was different.My father knew it before I was even born; I was going to be the one to test everyone. I was told when I was very young by my father that I was the one that would change things, my dad put a lot of faith in me, but he knew I could handle anything, after all I was his child. At about eight years old, I was let on to things no one else my age would hear as a whisper, because my father knew that I could cope easier than most my age. Which, I did. Nothing ever scared me, nothing made me back down, at all. I was purely my father's daughter. All through the pack, my father was known as a legend. He was known as being the best warrior and someone that everyone went to when they needed anything at all. My father was loyal, and that was something I inherited from him as well. Once I heard a sound from Lucas, I knew he was waking up. My eyes stared at him, and then I was looking back at his brown eyes and a smile formed on my face. His smile formed slowly, and then I heard him say "Good morning, Elle." My smile grew bigger and then I whispered back to him, "morning, Luc." I fell back into his arms, intertwining our bodies together as we laid there on the bed.

It was about noon when Lucas finally decided that it was time to stop lying in bed when he crawled out of bed. It took me about to minutes of shifting my body to realize the extra weight that I had on me, I moved my blanket to look at my stomach. It looked like I had swallowed a couple softballs. They always told me that they baby grew fast, and more than you would think, but I didn't think it would be this fast. I looked to Lucas, and said "Right now, I really could go for something to eat. But, I'd rather not move." He let out a laugh, and said" Right, I'll get on that. Just relax, darling." Pet names, when did that come in play? I wasn't sure, but for some reason I liked the ring of it smoothly flowing out of his mouth. Everything he did was just so attractive in ways that I really couldn't even explain to anyone. Even know I hated doing nothing, I lay back down on the bed. I could feel my stomach move, and I jumped back up. Lucas had barely moved from his spot, and his eyes were on me. He eyed me for a minute, and then waited for me to speak. "I felt a kick.." I simply said.He nodded, and said "My brother's wife was pregnant with their first only a few years ago, He told me that they didn't have movement till like two months. It's day three, and it's moving." He looked around, and said "I'm going to get Darien, and Chief and Sara." All I did was nod to him.

It was about two or three hours after that he left that the door slowly opened. Sara was the first face that I saw come in the house. I always liked her, she was one of the sweetest old ladies that I've ever met, and she knew a lot, more than anyone I knew. She stepped far away from me though, which to me was odd. Sara and I have always been close, even know the age cap had been pretty big. But, she was someone I could relate to always. She had no one else, just like I did. Her whole family had passed away, most of them when she was younger. So, I had always felt a bond with her that I really couldn't explain. Somehow I knew she knew what I felt. Chief was the first one to step close to me, besides Darien and Luc. I looked at them all, and smiled. Chief coughed and then said "Hello Elleanora. I hear that the little one moved. When I heard Lucas tell me this, and how it looked, I knew. So I had to come here to tell you something." I looked at him, and said "Alright." He took a breath, and then said " I was there the day you were born, Elleanora. I was only about nineteen, but I do remember everything crystal clear. I am your mother's nephew, Elle. My father is your mother's brother, and I was always around for her. I looked at her like my own mother more than my aunt, because I was so close to her. She raised me, after my father had passed away. So, I am related to you. But, I am about to tell you something that I know, that not many know around here. Sara here knows it too, because she watched every other birth and pregnancy that is like this." I looked at him, and smiled. Why is that I didn't know that before? He looked at me, and said "When you were only a day old in your mother's stomach, you moved. It was a slightest kick, but it was there. Your mother's genes are so powerful that you can't even see that, because you don't know that side. She was more than we say she was. Your mother's side was a different type of wolf that revolved after the vampires had attacked us in the early century. Now your father was picked for your mother when she was just a young little one, because they had that as well. But, they weren't as strong as your mother's family was, but they had their own specialties that they could do. See each family that possessed this had something that they could do that was unique, and your father's was seeing the future, but your mother's side was all different. She could sense when someone choose to go a different way then what your father saw it has, and before he could see it."

He cleared his throat, and then continued "You can sense change in the world, which is why Darien here, always looked after you even before your father passed. Sara has always felt close to you, because she is the same way as you. Your partner here Lucas, is a different type of wolf than you though. He doesn't have the same powers as you, but he is just as strong. His power is strength, and speed. But, it's your genes that make this baby grow fast." I nodded, and waited for him to finish. He looked at me, and said" We never knew why this happened, but it did. I just wanted to let you know that the nine months you are here, you cannot have any one here, because this baby will come way before nine months. He or she will look different; the baby will grow faster, and stronger than anyone else's. But, right now, I can't tell you what powers she or he will have."All I did was stare. I looked at him, and said " Why didn't you tell me before that I'm related to you? Why didn't I go with you when my dad passed away?" He sighed, and said" Because I could not care for a child. I am sorry I never did tell you, sweetie. It was just the way of life, and the way to protect our kind.

I looked at him, and then I placed my hand down on my stomach. I had the next generation of something that no one knew about In me. As soon as my hand placed down, I felt a kick. A smile formed on my face, and said " Yes, little one, you are very special. Momma loves you already, sweetie." I looked up to see everyone smiling and looking at me. Sara's eyes were the ones that seemed frightened the most. I looked at her, and said " Sara, what's wrong? Please, you haven't said a word, and that's not like you with me." Her eyes looked away from me, and then back at me. She let out a little hum, and then she spoke, " I can hear the baby talking to me, but I'm hearing more than one little one in there. He loves you a lot, Elle. But the other one I can't tell what it's saying or thinking. It's scaring me right now, I'm sorry." I looked at her, and said" What do you mean there's two in here? And a boy?!" She looked at me, and said " A boy, yes. Two, yes." Sara could always hear things that others could not, and this was one of them. She smiled, and then laughed, and said" Of course, of course, Lilia. You're right, sweetie." I looked at her, and said "Lilia?" She smiled, and said "It's a little girl in there. She mentioned you Luke. She said that you will see how things are supposed to be when you lay your eyes on her, and Damien." I looked at Sara, and said" Lilia, and Damien, like after my father?" Sara smiled, and said "Like after half the guys in your family, Elleanora. Lilia is a name you liked I assume. But, that's what they're telling me." My eyes widened and said "Telling you this?" She smiled, and said" Lilia has been talking to me since I entered this house, Elle. She told me many things about her, and about you, and about her wonderful daddy, and oh and little Damien."

My eyes looked at Lucas, and then Sara. I smiled, and said" Well then, I love you guys already a lot. Lilia and Damien. I like that, a lot." Lucas looked at me, and said "What am I supposed to see when I see them?" Sara smiled, and said" That she didn't tell me. You're little one in there is very much like momma, you see. I give you luck as I've known Elle since she was a little girl, and even then, she was trouble." I smiled, and said" You know you loved it Sara." She smiled, and then said" Well, Little ones, I have to go. Elle, I'll be back tomorrow. Lilia, I will talk to you later." After that she exited the room.
Lucas and I were left staring at each other. Not only was a mother, I was a mother of two. I smiled, and looked at Darien, and said "Looks like another me will be a pain in your ass, Dar." Darien looked at me and said "Oh, more grey hair in my future." I laughed, and said "Chief, I assume I will be okay then, right?" He laughed, and said" Yes, you will be fine. I'll be back with Sara tomorrow, as well."I nodded as he exited the house as well. Darien was the last one to leave the cabin, and after that it was me and Lucas again. My eyes looked at him, and I smiled. He looked at me, and said "I really can't believe this. I mean, one was something I wasn't even ready for at my age. But, two. Elle, are we ready for this? Are you ready for this?" I looked at him, and said "I am ready for this. I know that this wasn't what I wanted at first, and I couldn't even stand you, and all that stuff. But, Lucas, we are parents. These are our little ones. I will never turn the other way on my family." He nodded, and said "I know you won't. I won't either. I want this, so I'm here. But, man, wow, I am a father." I laughed, and said "Yes, and your little girl loves you." His smile was ear to ear by now, and he laughed, and said" She thinks I'm pretty cool, huh?" His hand lowered on my stomach as he sat down on the bed with me. He smiled, and said" I can't wait to meet you two, more than anything in this world."

It wasn't soon after Lucas lay down with me that I and he fell fast asleep together. It was the first time I really felt connected to him, and more than just that I was carrying his children. I found myself in bliss, more than content and way more emotions than happy. As soon as I moved an inch away from Lucas, I was grabbed back towards him. My eyes looked back at him, and a smile formed across my lips, and then I said "We can't lie in this bed all day, you know." He laughed and said "What else would you like to do, my princess?" I looked at him, and said" how do people sit in one house without leaving for nine months? Like what do they do?" He laughed again, and said" I assume they have hobbies, or read." I looked at him, and said" I do have one hobby. If you would go get my paint supplies I have at home, then I would have more than just lying in bed all day."
He looked at me, and said" Paint. Hmm, sounds cool. I'll go do that as soon as my body wants to move." I sighed, and said" Lukeeey don't be so lazy." He gave me his famous look, and then laughed. Back when I and Lucas were something more than enemies, Lukeey had been his nick name from me. I shoved him playfully and then said" No seriously, I want you to get it soon, like today. Could you manage that?" He nodded, and said" Anything, princess."It wasn't till after Lucas left the cabin that I heard a knock on the door. I knew that Sara was visiting today, but it wasn't even close to noon yet. Why would one be so early? I lifted myself up and opened the door to see, Sam. Sam was one of the new leaders in the counsel of the pack, her frame was tiny, with golden locks curling down her back, and piercing blue eyes that seemed to captivate everyone's attention. I looked at her, and said" Hello, Sam." Her smile formed on her face, and she looked at me, and said" May I come in? Sara reported to me last night about something that amazed me." I nodded, and said" Of course, you may." I looked at her, and then found myself heading for the little kitchen that the cabin held for us, and then said" Would you like anything? We really only have some soda and tea." She looked at me, and then said" No I am fine. I just came over after having breakfast with Chief, and Kara." I nodded, and then said" Well, okay." She looked at me, and said "You're having twins, I heard." My eyes looked at her, and said "Yes, we are having twins."

She nodded, and said "Did you know that is one of the rarest things to happen to our kinds?" I looked at her, and said" No, I didn't." She paused and then said" very rare, and special thing for that to happen. My grandfather was a twin. He was on the counsel; his position was the same as Darien." I nodded, and then said" Oh, Aaron?" She nodded, and said" Yes. I was a twin too, but my brother passed away in the battle." My eyes shot up, and then lowered. I looked back at her, and said" I'm sorry.." She looked at me, and said" Sara told me that the little girl in there is like you, and she gave luck to you, and Lucas. But, I am here to tell you one thing."I looked up, and listened. "I don't give you luck, because you don't need it at all. I see how you are, Elle. You are something that has only been in the pack once. She was born because we need it; we need her strength, her power, and her ability, take care of her." She stated. I looked at her, and said" What do you mean, Sam?" She smiled, and said" Queen Meredith, have you heard her stories, young one?" I nodded as a reply. She smiled, and said "She was born from families that came together to help our kind get stronger.

Meredith could tell you anything that was going to happen in the near future, and she was always right. I mean, always." She looked at me again, and said "Lilia and Damien will serve us very well. Damien is very much in love with you, already. He will serve you well as a son. Lilia is a lot like you, strong, head strong to be exact, and stubborn. She will be hard to look after, but she needs that affection from both of you, a lot." I looked at her and said" What will my daughter do?" Sam looked at me, and said" She will let you know. Elle, after they are born, your life will change. I don't simply mean that you will have two children on your hands, you will be changed in many ways, and you're life will be altered, as well as Luke's. I give you the advice; Keep him with you." As soon as she said that, she looked towards the door, and then said" I have to go. Sara will be here in about an hour. I will be visiting again, sometime soon." As soon as she left, I was alone. I sat down on my bed, and sighed.I laid my back down, resting on the bed with my feet still on the ground firmly planted on the hard wood floor. I felt a kick, and I smiled, and said" Yes, Daddy should be arriving soon." I heard the door creek open and the wonderful smile appear in front of me. I looked at him, and said" You're the best, ever." He dropped the bag of my belongings on the table, and began to set up the easel. I watched him as he set everything up for me. I sat up, and walked to my aisle. My father had bought this for my eleventh birthday after I had formed a love for painting and art.

I looked at it, admiring it and remembering the day I had got the whole set. I enjoyed painting so much, and my dad always told me one day I would be selling them, and be famous. But, that was just a dream, and this was reality. I looked to Lucas, and said" Thank you so much. This really does mean a lot, Luc." He smiled, and said" Some reason I can tell that." I stood there eyeing everything in front of me. I quietly set up the paint how I usually have them, and then got a cup of water for my brushes. I lined up my brushes in the same way I have always done it, and picked up my favorite brush. I wasn't sure ever what I was going to paint, but I always just went with it. It wasn't till I looked at Lucas that I knew what was going to happen. I picked up my brush, dipped in the color, and started. As soon as I started, Sara, Chief and Darien walked in the house. I was too deep into what I was doing to even look up. As I continue to wrap myself in my painting, I tweaked, and sighed, and let out a puff of air trying to picture what I wanted to paint the best I could. Finally, I was close to being done.I looked up again staring at Lucas, and then I threw in one more mark and smiled. I had did it. I took a step back, and then said" Right, makes sense to me." Family always made sense to me. You lived for it, you guarded it, you protected it, you fought for it, and you loved and cherished it. That was how I was raised. I looked up, and said" Family that is what Lilia is trying to tell you Luke. Family will be different. You will see just how much you will do for family."

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