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Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1989090
Romance written for the short story workshop and submitted for its contest.
         There was no sense dwelling on it. What was done, was done. She stared down at the paper that had deemed her unviable. Shaking her head, she crumpled it and tossed it across the room into the pretty pink basket that was her childhood waste paper basket. The feelings that had devastated her only a month ago; now fueled her to find a different, more promising goal. Sure it had sent her running for home, but things were looking up.

          Today she had an interview at the local paper. It was certainly no editing position, but that ship had sailed and this job would return her back to what really mattered: her own writing.

         Yes, it was part time, but she would have more time to write her own pieces and take on some experiences that would get her back to her old self. Living back home was not as big a hard ship as she had anticipated. Her parents were overjoyed to have her home. She had missed that connection.

         Something about big city life had hardened her and she needed to find her softer side once again.

* * * * * *

         She left early, choosing to walk and enjoy the freshness that she had abandoned all those years ago when she followed Seth and her dreams to the big city. The sun warmed the air like a caress. She could not help the smile that tugged at her lips. She waved at neighbours that called hello to her.

         When she reached the main street she slowed to gaze into the windows of the shops. The familiarity of it seemed to settle her heart.

         At the hardware store she stopped and stared at the display in the window. On impulse she took herself in to admire it up close. Inside the furniture on display seemed to glow with a natural grace of pure craftsmanship. Her hand reached out and followed the smooth lines. The pieces were gorgeous. Although the chairs and table were a set they were most definitely one of a kind.

         “You like?” A deep voice resonated behind her and Helena jumped at the familiar tone.

         She took a quick inhale before turning and raising her eyes to settle them on one very tall, lean man. Ryan Thomas. Beautiful Ryan Thomas. As always she was struck dumb.

          His lips tipped up at one side grinning at her in that careless way of his. Her heart skittered, then hammered so loud she feared he would hear it.

         “Helena Bradford.” His voice rumbled. “I heard you were back in town.”

         She managed a smile, careful to trim the nervousness from it. ‘What the hell was wrong with her?’ Her thoughts raced.

         “I have an interview.” She blurted, feeling instantly embarrassed, as her emotions swirled around her, choking off all reasonable thought processes.

         “I heard something about that, too.” He said, giving her a full smile that threatened to melt her into the floor.

         “I should go?” She managed to say with a calmness that surprised her.

         “Good luck to you then.”

         She tore her eyes from his and turned to glance back at the chairs. “They are beautiful...” She murmured as she dragged a hand over the smooth curve of the back.

         “Glad you like them. Made them myself.”

         Surprise had her swivelling her head back to look at him. “Really?”

         He gave her a humbled smile and nodded. “Just a hobby.”

          “A hobby.... they are exquisite.” She turned back to marvel at them.

         “I like to take my time.” His voice was soft and the deep rumble sent a tremble up her spine. He moved to stand beside her. She could feel the warmth of him this close. Breathing in, she could smell the musky, male scent of him. Closing her eyes she willed herself to calm down and tell her heart to settle its crazy rhythm. She needed to go. Turning, she gave him a slight smile.

         “Good to see you again, Ryan.” She said in her calmest voice, pleased that it held no waver or showed any of her internal feelings.

         “The same, Helena.” His voice held an air of amusement, but she chose not to look up at him. Instead she raised her chin a notch and aimed herself for the exit. Time to make her escape.

         Back on the street, she could feel his gaze watching her and she walked off. No doubt he had followed her out onto the sidewalk.

         ‘He was back. Why was he back?’ Her mind tripped over the possibilities and she forced them aside. Now was not the time to reawaken those long ago feelings that crushed her when she was a mere girl. Now she had an interview to nail and nail it she would.

* * * * * *

          The interview had gone surprisingly well. Helena had made sure to calm herself down as she walked to the Newspaper’s office, in fact, she had continued past it and come back after taking some time at the park. She was monumentally glad she had given herself plenty of extra time before the interview.

          Mr. Barnsley had been impressed. Having known her all her life helped as well. The interview was merely a formality, as he was overjoyed about having her join their staff. He had apologized for the position being only part time, but it was exactly what she wanted.

         On her way home, she took the long way, so as to avoid the main street and Thomas's Hardware. She was not ready to see Ryan again. She found herself at the community centre and felt drawn in. The community board advertized classes and one sheet asked for volunteers. She moved to get a closer look. An after school program offering sports and creative pursuits. They were hoping to get a few more creative pursuits.

          "Helena Bradford? Is that you?" A daintily, sweet voice drawled out her name. Helena turned and smiled at the woman who had been one of her mother’s long time friends.

          "Mrs. Hamilton." She said in way of greeting.

         “Oh, call me Lainey.” The woman said as she pulled her into a tight hug. "I haven't seen you in a coon's age. I heard you were back in town." The woman held her out and gazed over at her appraisingly. "You have not changed a bit."

          "You look wonderful, too... Lainey."

          "I see you lookin' at the volunteer sheet... you wouldn't want to bring your talents along, would you? Kids would love to have a writing club."

          "Oh... I don't know..." Helena began slowly looking back at the sheet.

         "The kids would love it. Not all of them are interested in sports and Mrs. Anders is teaching needlepoint..." Lowering her voice she added, "It's not that popular."

          Helena could not help the smile that spread across her face.

          "It would not have to be every night. Just a few hours after school a couple of nights would probably do the trick." Lainey gave her a hopeful look.

          "Can I think about it?"

          "Course, you can sweetie." Lainey reached out and squeezed her hand. "You let me know and I can add it to the roster. I already got a few hopefuls. Raelynn Baker has few kids here, you remember her don't cha? Poor girl... she's got four now. Two boys and two girls: one still in diapers. The girl hates sports, though Ryan has been so good to encourage her. She still sits on the sidelines scribbling in her book. I would hate for her to turn out like her mama... pregnant, at what, sixteen?" Lainey shook her head. "Damn shame."

          At the mention of Ryan's name, Helena's heart slammed into her throat. She willed her heart to settle down before she asked, "Ryan?"

         "Yes, Ryan Thomas. Oh, that boy is here every day. Does our sports programs. Baseball is now, but he has done soccer and floor hockey... you name it. He is so good with the kids."

          Helena nodded remembering how athletic he had been, with that body, probably still was. He had been on every school team with her brother, Robbie. She had not missed one of his games. Always watching from the sidelines. Always hoping to be noticed for more than simply Robbie's little sister.

          Lainey walked off to help some people who had just walked in. Helena took herself on a walk around the building. When she walked out into the sunshine at the back onto the field she saw a group of kids jostling and gathering over by the baseball diamond. They were clustered around one spot but no adults appeared to be around, except one. Walking out a bit farther, Helena noted the woman's tight skirt and exposed mid rift. Hair was piled up into some haphazard style barely held in with a hair clamp.
She made her way out to the woman.

          "Get out there, you little...." The woman said pushing at a little girl, who clearly did not want to join the boys.

          "Can I help?" Helena heard herself say, then held her breath as the woman turned and dragged her gaze over Helena's classic cut business suit.

         "Ain't none or your business, is it?" The woman sneered.

         Helena recognized the woman under all the layers of makeup that caked her features. Raelynn Baker. She gave a supportive smile, then glanced down at the teary eyed little girl.

          "Hey, I'm Helena. I went to school with your mom. What's your name?" She asked the girl as she dipped down to crouch in front of her.

          "Sally." The little girl said as she whipped away her tears.

         "You not so into sports?" Helena asked and the little girl nodded.

          "Ain't none of your business." Raelynn sneered as she yanked her wee daughter towards her almost pulling the girl off her feet.

          "Not everyone is a fan of sports..." Helena began, looking up at Raelynn.

          "No matter. This is where she is going to be." She pushed the girl over toward the boys again. "Get going I gotta go to work. You go home with Jerome and Steven afterward, no dawdling."

          "I'll take her." Helena said extending her hand. The girl took it.

          Raelynn huffed, then moved off. She called back toward the group of boys. "See you later, Ryan."

         It was then that Helena looked up and noticed one Ryan Thomas looking over at her. He was standing now surrounded by all the young boys. He smiled. Raelynn waved, blew him a kiss then sashayed off the field.

          He made his way over to her. "Hey. Fancy meeting you again." He glanced down at Sally and tweeted her nose. "I see you met my best girl." Sally smiled up at him as he winked at her. "You gonna stick around today?" The little girl nodded.

          He glanced up at Helena and smiled noting their clasped hands. "Looks like you found a new friend."

          "This is Helena." The little girl told him proudly.

          "Yes, I know." Glancing back at Sally he leaned over towards her. "Did you know she used to watch her brother and I play with the boys when she was a kid, too. She would sit on the bleachers and write in her book just like you like to do."

          "Really!" Sally said, looking up at Helena with awe.

          Helena stared at Ryan who was smiling up at her.

          "Yep, she never missed a game."

* * * * * *

          Helena stared at him wide eyed. Her mind whirled, “He noticed?!” She could not believe it. She managed to still her features before he looked back at her and gave her a wink before turning to head back over to the children waiting to start their baseball game.

          Sally pulled at Helena’s hand drawing her back to earth. She smiled down at the little girl.

         “Let’s have a look at your notebook, can we?”

         This time Sally nodded shyly. Helena gave her a reassured smile. They climbed the bleachers together to sit at the top.

         While the game played out over the next hour, Helena looked over Sally’s stories and poems and drawings. They were very impressive and she told her so. The little girl seemed to blossom at Helena’s words. As she looked through the pieces the thought of volunteering grew within her.

         “If there was a chance to write with other students after school would you be interested?”

         Sally nodded eagerly.

          Helena smiled. “I am thinking it might be fun...do you think so?”

         Sally nodded again almost seeming to vibrate with excitement.

          The rest of the game passed with the two of them engrossed in their chatter and writing. It was not until Sally’s brothers were yelling for her that the two of them looked down at the field.

         “Hey, boys.” Ryan said with tone that brooked no argument. “Be nice to your sister. No name calling.”

         They both looked chagrined, but nodded.

          Sally took Helena’s hand and together they made their way down to the boys. When Jerome went to grab at Sally, Helena gave him a firm look. His arm dropped and all he said was, “Come on.”

         They stood watching Sally skip off behind her brothers.

         “That is the happiest I have ever seen her.” Ryan said before glancing over at Helena. She smiled back.

         “I think we should go celebrate.” He said as he turned to her.


          “Your new job.”

          “How do you know?”

         Ryan grinned. “Your interview was at the Spectator. Barnsley would be crazy not to hire you. Besides...I have my sources.”

         Her mouth had dropped open and she stared at him wide eyed.

         “So... come celebrate with me. I will take you out for dinner. What do you say?”

         Her mouth opened and closed. “Umm...” She looked down at her outfit.

         “I can take you home if you want to change into something more casual.”

         She managed a smile.

         “Is that a yes?”

         She found herself nodding, then remembered, “I need to let Mrs. Hamilton know I will start up a writing group.”

          “That’s fine. I still have to pack up the stuff and take it back in. Meet you at the front door in ten?”

         She nodded again and his smile deepened.

          He walked away and she watched him. Still stunned. Ryan Thomas was taking her out to celebrate. She could hardly believe it.

* * * * * *

          Ten minutes later she found him waiting for her leaning up against his truck just outside the entrance. Casual, lean and long. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly as she moved towards him. She still could not believe this was happening.

         “Hey.” The one word skittered down her spine.

         He shifted to open the door for her guiding her with a light touch to her lower back. A surge flew through her at the contact. Looking into his eyes she wondered if he too had been affected by the touch. He did not seem to be.

          After a quick change into jeans and a flowery peasant style top, they headed out to McGinty's Pub. A local favourite. It was a place she had always liked. The warm wood looked rustic and homey. The food was amazing, especially the pizza, and there were lots of people they knew. Helena was not surprised that many people said hello to Ryan. What surprised her was that they also seemed to remember her.

          "Popular place..." She mused as they slid into their corner booth. She liked this part of the restaurant. They seemed to be enclosed in a world all their own. The rustic wood panelled up to glass window that stretched over them like a bubble. This part of the restaurant was like a sunroom.

          "I'm surprised you want to be out with Robbie's little sister." Helena mused again looking back across the room toward the bar.

         Ryan's hand reached out to cover hers; he gave her a gentle squeeze to draw her eyes to his. His eyes were serious and his tone matching as he said, "There is nothing little about you, Helena Bradford. You have grown up very.... nicely."

         She could not help the blush his words or tone stirred within her. She dropped her eyes feeling that old self consciousness that she had been trying to hide. No other man could rattle her like this, even her ex, Seth, had never stirred this much emotion within her.

         Ryan's other hand reached out to raise her chin. "You are a beautiful woman, Helena." Her eyes met his. "Besides... we are both old enough now to not care what your brother thinks of me seeing you."

          "Seeing me?"

          Ryan grinned at her.

         Any further conversation was put to a halt as the waitress sidled up to the table. They glanced up to see Raelynn giving them a stoney look. She took in the touching hands and Ryan's fingers still on Helena's chin. He eased back and picked up his menu.

         "Hey, Raelynn." He greeted giving her a lazy grin.

         Helena took a moment to steady her racing heart. Had he really said what she thought he had said, or was she merely projecting her hopes onto the situation. She willed herself to calm down.

         Raelynn's fiery gaze did not help, but she did her best to follow Ryan's lead and play it cool. She was glad the sun had already gone down and the lighting back here was dim.

          "You ready to order?" Raelynn said giving them her bored tone. She shifted towards Ryan first and gave him a sultry smile.

          "I think so..." He gave their order as they had decided on pizza and a pitcher as the celebratory dinner. Helena smiled at him as he remembered her favourite pizza.

          Raelynn batted her eyes at Ryan, then without glancing at Helena again she sauntered off.

          "She really wants you....." Helena said fighting a smile that refused to hold back.

         Ryan chuckled. "Seems so... but it’s never going to happen." He looked over at Helena. "I got my eye on someone else."

          "Oh, really." Helena managed to utter, surprised she managed to keep her voice steady. She could feel that blush spreading up her neck and into her cheeks again.

          He reached over and took her hand again. He twined his fingers with her. She glanced down at their hands and breathed out, "I don't understand..."

          Ryan smiled, warm and reassuring. “I am glad you’re home....and I am fully prepared to face anything Robbie can throw at me.”

         She let that sink in, searching his eyes and seeing the honesty that held him like a glove.

         “Long ago he warned us all off going anywhere near you...”

          “He did not...”

         “Oh, he did.” Ryan chuckled when Helena looked perplexed. “There were more than a few of us interested.”

         Helena let out a sigh. She had never been popular with the boys, but now she wondered how much her brother had to do with that.

         She let the conversation swirl about them, finding out about what he had been doing the last handful of years.

          "I am so sorry about your knee." She told him.

         "It was to be.... I suppose. Now, here I am. Taken over Dad's store and got my wood working..."

          "And it was meant to be..."


          When they had finished eating, Helena noticed that the dance floor had been cleared and made ready for the evening’s festivities. The music had been turned up and the bass beat throbbed through the place, making any further conversation difficult.

         “Let’s dance.”

         Looking up she found Ryan had shifted to stand, leaning down to her with his hand outstretched. Smiling she set her hand in his and felt another jolt of awareness thrill through her body. Glancing into his eyes she could swear Ryan’s had darkened at the touch. ‘So he did feel it,’ she thought.

          The music was heavy with beat and they moved close, but not touching until the music shifted and a slow, sultry song poured from the speakers. Ryan pulled her into his embrace and she felt herself melt into his strong muscular frame. She closed her eyes and let the music take her.

          As the song neared to completion she opened her eyes and glanced up to see Ryan gazing down at her. His eyes were dark and sensual, stealing her breath.

          Only a heartbeat and breath separated them. Helena dropped her eyes to his lips and licked her own, feeling suddenly parched. Ryan took his chance. His lips descended to hers, brushing lightly at first. Helena let out a small gasp, then melted into him as his hands reached up to cup her face and deepen the kiss.

          She trembled.

          Her own hands slid up his chest and grasped his shirt as if trying to anchor herself.

          How long they stood there wrapped in each other, she did not know, but when they pulled back, her eyes were wide with wonder and astonishment. Her lips glistened from his kiss. He could not help smiling at her.

          "I've wanted to do that for a very long time." He dipped his head down and leaned his forehead against hers.

          Looking into his eyes, she murmured “So have I.”

Word Count = 3402 before edit.

Word Count = 3600 - Including the title.

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