Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1988973-Pyromania-Rose---chapter-3
Rated: 13+ · Other · Action/Adventure · #1988973
Stuck in the hospital where she thought that she was safe....
    Beep, Beep, Beep....
  The smell was the first thing that woke me up from darkness. I took in a deep breath of air and held in the oxygen for a long time. I wasn't dead, that I knew of, but there was something that wasn't right though. I focused on my hearing and could make out voices behind a closed door. What I heard sounded crazy.
  "She was the only one left alive...." one male voice said in a stressful tone. The other voice had to raise their voice in order to keep things calm.
  "I don't see how one woman could take out nearly ten armed thugs... all on her own."   
  I listened but couldn't make out the rest of the conversation.   
What were they talking about? Those thugs are dead? I didn't do it...
  The door opened and the two males walked into the room. I had kept my eyes closed so it would look like I was sleeping. I really  wasn't in the mood to be bombarded with a million questions... not now!
  "Wake her up." one male said to the other one. The  other male cleared his throat. "I don't believe that would be  the right way to handle the situation." the opposing male said.
  "I don't give a damn what you think. I want to know what happened down there and I need answers. I got the media breathing  down my back for a story." the enraged male said.   
  "Well, as her assigned doctor, I cannot allow such a motion to happen because of her critical state that she is in."   
I could hear the other man pacing back and forth in front of my bed, breathing heavily and cursing under his breath. He stopped for  a brief moment before starting up his pacing, his soles of his shoes squeaking against the polish ceramic floor.
  "I need answers.... call me as soon as she is awake and responsive. Do I make myself clear?" the man said in a slightly threatening voice. I didn't hear a response from the doctor but I am sure that he nodded in agreement before the overly hyper man walked out of the room. I waited for a moment before opening my eyes to see the doctor staring right back at me.
  "Is he gone?" I managed to mumble. The doctor nodded as he walked over to my bedside to check the monitor. The beeping noise was echoing in my ear and I wished that the doctor was going to turn off the annoying noise but he didn't. He just stared at the monitor and then down at me.
  "You heard everything?" He asked.
I nodded and stopped when my neck sent a painful shock up my spine to the back of my  head.
  As he looked over my charts, I watched the moment that was happening in the hallway. Someone was getting agitated over  something and people were frantically looking for ways to get away from one individual. The doctor turned his attention to the door and  watched the shadows behind the curtains, running and screaming to move out of the way. People were scared. But of what, I don't know.   
  "Stay here." he said as he moved towards the door.
Like I was going anywhere...     
  I watched him as he was about to open the door when gun shots rang out. More screams from frightened people and before the doctor  had a chance to move away from the door, bullets shot through the  door and into the doctors' stomach and chest. I tried to move my body but the pain was overwhelming and I watched in horror as the  doctor lay on the floor of the room, bleeding out and gasping for air. The screams from the hallways seemed to fade into the background as I watched the door open.
Oh Shit….
  A huge man walked into the room. He had a heavy military grade  bullet-proof vest, black military pants with steel-toe shoes and a tight-ass dark green T-shirt that was almost too small for his  abnormally huge chest. His eyes were dark and emotionless and his  body vibe was completely static.
What does he want…?
I stared at him and we locked eyes for a moment. Then he moved  towards me, putting away his gun, and started taking out wires from my arms, legs and chest area.   
  "What are you doing? Who are you?" I said as he removed  the last of the hundred wires that I was hooked up too. He never  spoke a word but wrapped me in the hospital bed sheet and picked me up and started to carry me out of the room.

People ran down the hallway as we ventured towards the elevators. I struggled to wiggle out of his grasp but every time I moved, he seemed to grip tighter around my body, almost crushing my ribs, so I stopped. I wasn't going to be getting out of his grip this way so I might as well play along and see where it leads me. Nurses cowered behind their desks while patients pressed themselves up against the wall so they wouldn't be near us.
Whatever he did.... he really scared everyone here...
I looked behind me and saw the horror that unfolded. There were dead bodies on the floor, pools of blood still gushing out of the wounds and the victims barely alive but enough to try and reach out for help.
This guy is a f***ing monster
We stopped and waited for the doors of the elevator to open and once they did, the huge man pulled out his semi-automatic gun and pulled the trigger. I jumped at the sound and tried my best to free myself from him but it was useless. There wasn't many people in the elevator but whoever was in the elevator wasn't breathing after that. We moved into the elevator and i watched as he pressed the "M" button, for Main floor, and waited for the doors to close. You know how some elevators have that really awkward music that plays while the elevator is moving... well, it was playing.
Just another moment in time to remember...
I looked up at the man but he didn't seem to want to look back at me. Staring at his features I could tell that he was around mid thirties to early forties, his facial hair was starting to go grey in spots and his skin looked dirty, like as if he hadn't washed in over a week, but surprisingly didn't smell. In fact, he didn't smell of anything. Most people had a certain body odour to them but not him.
As the doors opened and the music cut off, I couldn't help but look at the destruction the man had left behind. Nurses dead over the desks, Phones beeping in the background, lights flickering wildly (trying to stay open) and the sprinkler system was on, watering down everything. Computers were sparking and the floor was stained with blood from the dead bodies. We moved towards the front of the hospital only to find flashing red and blue lights and about a dozen armed cops locked and loaded, ready to fire at any moment.
This can't be good... 
The man stopped and looked around the lobby. He spotted a bench that was out of the way from harms way and then looked down at me.
"Can you walk?" he asked. His voice deep and almost threatening. I nodded as he lower my legs to the floor. I held onto his shoulder for balance and when I thought I was ready to move, he then pushed me out of the way and opened fire at the police officers. I ran towards the bench, which was shielded but a thick cement wall, and slid under the bench. Glass shattered and bullets bounced around the lobby like crazy fireflies on crack. The man empty his automatic gun on the cops before taking cover behind the "Customer Service" desk.
I looked over at the drama that had unfolded and I noticed a hand-held gun on the floor of the hospital. It must of dropped out of his pocket when he had taken cover.
Too Risky right now
The gun fire went on for about five minutes, which in my mind felt like an hour. There was nothing left of the front entrance way. The revolving glass doors were completely gone and the machine had stopped moving and was spraying sparks everywhere. The place had gotten quiet quite fast and I waited. I wasn't going to come out until I knew it was safe. The man rose from behind the desk and looked around, scanning for me. We locked eyes on each other and for a brief moment, I was thankful that he hadn't been killed... but the feeling went away just as fast as it had come. I was about to move from underneath the bench when he put up his hand to stop me. I froze.
I guess my safety is number one I thought sarcastically.
He moved out and walked towards the front. Glass crunching underneath his boots, he moved to where the cop cars were. I got up from where I was hiding and moved to the front of the entrance. I stared out and saw nothing but bullet-covered cars and dead cops bleeding all over the place. The man walked around and pulled out his hand gun and started popping bullets into the semi-dead cops.
the hand gun!
I turned to find the gun exactly where I saw it during the fire fight. I walked over and picked up the loaded gun.
As i pulled back the chamber and watched as a bullet loaded into place. I let go and heard a fairly loud click. I turned to the man and pointed the gun at him.
I hope the safety is off....
The man turned and looked at me. His eyes were empty and dark. I put my finger on the trigger and was about to pull when out of nowhere, a young rookie cop tried to be a hero and leaped for the man, just at the same time I pulled the trigger.
The cop was down and the man still stood, staring at me.
The man walked over to me and pulled the gun out of my hands. I was still staring at the dead cop that I just shot.
"Thanks..." the man said as he holstered the gun into his back pocket. He grabbed my arm and pulled me out into the parking lot. We walked to the first car, that was parked closest to the Exit" sign, and stopped. He pulled out his car keys and push a button on his fob and the trunk door opened.
"Get in" the man said. I looked at the trunk and then back at him.
"You get in..." I said sarcastically back. Staring at me, he sighed and then put his guns in the trunk. Slamming the door closed, he then moved to the front of the car and opened up the driver door. I walked to the passenger side and waited for him to open the door.
I opened the door and stood looking into the car. It was one of those high-end cars, I believe was an Audi Q10, that was black exterior and that sleek two-toned black and dark gray interior. The seats had black leather edges and the middle had the dark gray fabric. The dashboard was a shiny chrome edged design with bright neon green back-lights for the speedometer. A very nice heating and cooling system for each individual car seat while the windows were tinted with a dark gray so that nobody could see inside the car.
I slowly slid into the seat and closed the door. The man started the car with the push of a button and the car roared to life. He put the car into "Reverse" and pushed the gas pedal. I lunged forward and had to place my hands out in front of me in order to stop myself from smacking into the dashboard.
"Hey!" I called out. The man then hit the breaks before putting into "Drive" and gunning the car again. I flew back into the seat and before I had time to reach for my seat belt, he had made a sharp right turn, throwing my body over towards him. The lock on the door clicked, telling me that there was no way of getting out of the car without manual unlocking the door.
"What the Fuck?" I said as I pushed myself up to re-position myself in the seat. The man then made another sharp left turn and I smack my head against the side door.
"Ow!" I said, rubbing the side of my head. The man looked over at me and then turned his attention back to the road. I looked around to try and figure out where the hell we were.
Was this Toronto? Which hospital was I at?
I looked over that the man.
"Where are we going?" Looking at him, hoping that he would at least acknowledge me while I was digging for answers. There was a moment of silence before he spoke.
"There is a scientist that has paid me to take you to him." the man said. The car turned onto the highway and it looked like we were heading west.
"Scientist...? Who is this person?" I asked while checking out the radio system. I needed something to calm my nerves and the radio was the only way to do that at this very moment. The man reached over and turned off the radio.
"Dr. Scott Acres...."
Okay.... So there is a scientist that paid this soldier money to take me out of the hospital... Why me?
"So, why not some other random person? Why me?" I asked. Another long moment of silence before the man spoke.
"I asked him the same question to him but he was very specific that you, and only you, were to be brought to him. He had said that your blood was a match."
I looked out of the window and stared off into space.
My blood was a match.... a match to what? Does it seem rather strange that everything around me was going all wrong.

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