Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1988937-Neo-H-FluffyKins
Rated: GC · Novel · Young Adult · #1988937
OC's of course, Neo returns to hometown after leaving twelve years ago.

Chapter One: Dude sorry!

Black converse stepped down the large public library stairs, the steps awkward due to the said furry reading a manga. As the hooded person turned the page and stepped off the curve, a sleek, black corvette turned the corner a little too fast.

Unable to react in time, the rims of large round glasses brightened, the light of the headlights beaming off, and then a loud Thump! Darkness.

~Awkward transition ~*o*~

"Mmm mmm gmmm..... Mmm mmm gmmm, Mmm mmm gmmm, Mmm mmmyy gawd!" W....what's that noi- the figure closed it's eyes, senses drifting away.

Out of the car hopped out a mortified male fox, he appeared around his early twenties if not late nineteens.

He wore worn out jeans, red converse, and a black shirt with a bands name scribbled in white, as well as a yellow and black stripped bandana around his neck. His brown fur up on edge, black ears flat on his head with worry and his tail low.

Quickly running to the body laying sprawled on the road a few feet ahead, "Oh My God!"

Falling to his knees he stares shocked at the still body. His hands reaching to lift the thin raccoon, he froze, quickly letting go afraid to possibly hurt the other more, instead he eyed the other over, Thank god I didn't run him over!......

The unconscious one was wearing black converse, black sweat pants and a large thick violet hooded sweater,which happened to cover his face. The taller of the two noticed two long locks of a deep purple colored hair parallel to each other framing the raccoons serene face. Something caught his eye, about two feet away were the large, round, black rimmed glasses. Those are his. Leaning over he plucked them from the ground, placing them in his pocket. Shifting to get the other more comfortable, he tenderly lifted the others unconscious head, placing him face up on his lap. A soft slap followed another. Wake up! He whimpered.

Panicking when the other would not wake up on his own, the fox began to shake the raccoons shoulder slightly, "Hey? Dude wake up?"

After continuous dude wake up's the raccoon began to stir conscious, "Mmmnnnnn...." The hooded figure tweaked its nose.

A small smile crossed the caramel brown fox, before asking again, a bit softer."Dude, anything hurt?"

Bright deep colored amethyst eyes snapped open, being greeted by relieved golden ones belonging to the looming figure. "Um....just my side....and my head....."

Both blushing at his closeness, the fox realized he really was over the other, the raccoons hooded head on his lap. Quickly getting up the fox brought the silver raccoon up with him.

~after two minutes of awkward starring in silence type of transition~


"Hmmm?" Taking a moment to blink he realized he was starring at the shorter of the two shrouded face trying to locate any more features other than the visible hair, glowing eyes and small black nose. He looked down at his red shoes. What am I doing!?

"For not running me over...and driving off.....thanks."

The fox's head jerked up to see the other rub his shoulder, he blushed at the smaller ones smile, "Geh, If I were in your position I'd be mad as hell....heh." What? Mad as hell!? Thats so stupid! He cleared his throat, "um.....sorry dude......for hitting you....."

"It's alright." The grey raccoon did a little spin to show no real damage was caused, but all the fox could really look at was the grey and black striped flurry tail trailing behind the mini pirouette. "Besides.....I've endured much more painful experiences."

His eyes refocused on the ground but scampered close to the others converse, next to them though was the book he was reading. Bending to retrieve it, the taller of the two returned the book to his owner who thanked him yet again. Both stood in silence for a moment, before the raccoon began to turn away, the tail following it's owner in a swaying manner.

He frowned, having a knot form in the depths of his stomach as he watched the raccoon turn around to leave, "Uh, Hey!?"

The hooded figure peeked over his shoulder, "Yes?"

The fox stretched out a black furred hand, "My name is Izanami Yamaraj ....My friends call me Nex though."

The raccoon brought up its smaller, delicate black hand to greet the others, "I am Neo...Neo Fluffykins."

Nex gave a goofy smile, Cute.

"Um.....Thanks......I like your name too."

Nex looked down at his shoes horrified, Hell! I said that out loud! A sweat bead drop from his brow.

"So um. Can I buy you a coffee or something?" He blurted out before continuing in a calmer voice, he retrieved his hand back to scratch the back of his neck. "Uh you know....to try and make it up to you?"

The grey and black raccoon stood there thinking about it for a moment, a small grin exposing fangs, "Yeah.....sounds good."
© Copyright 2014 Neo H. Fluffykins (neofluffykins at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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