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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1988791
2nd chapter of my book.


I’d passed out. When I woke up even before I remembered what had happened my senses blasted me. My ears were ringing, my nose was hurting, my eyes were stinging. I opened my eyes. Sky was sitting on my couch smiling. I looked at him and I could see every detail of him and my house, it was amazing! I could smell him, the couch, and what was in my refrigerator. But I could also smell the deer and rabbit in the woods by my backyard.

“Hey sleepyhead.” Sky said. His voice was supposed to be normal, but it was really loud and it hurt my eardrum. I moaned and covered my ears with my hands.

“Sorry, I forgot how sensitive our ears are when we’re not used to them.” he said softly this time.

“What’s going to happen to me?”

“You’re going to go back to the pack with me and live your life as a werewolf.”

“Does it hurt to change?” I asked avoiding what he said.

“Yes and no, it does at first, but then your changed and everything's different it’s amazing!”

“Will they like me?”

“Some, but I don’t want the guys to like you.” he said shyly.

“Why?” I asked confused

“Because, I turned you and your mine.” Sky said a little too loudly and I had to cover my ears.

“Sorry.” he said sweetly, but sadly.

“I’m not yours, I’m not anyone's!”

“I know, but I love you.”

“You just met me!”

“Actually, I’ve known you for a while.” Sky said quietly

“W-what do you mean?”

“Well, when I was younger I saw this beautiful girl crying so I followed her home and saw that she lived all alone, so I’ve been watching her and keeping her safe from far away, till now.”

“Oh, so you’ve been stalking me since you were little, that’s reassuring.”

“Don’t say it like that, I’ve been keeping an eye on you to...to make sure nothing bad happens to you, I don’t want you to ever cry again.” he said uncomfortably but softly.

“Oh well that's sweet, I guess.” I said awkwardly.

“Well, go get all your clothes in a bag and lets go.” said Sky

“That again. I told you I’m not leaving!” I said

“I wasn’t asking. You have to go with me or they’ll kill you.”

“But you changed me why would they kill me?” I asked

“They would kill you because you’d be a rouge wolf with no pack, you need a pack or they will kill you.” Sky explained

“Fine I’ll go with you to live with the pack.”

After I gave in we walked into the woods behind my house and about a mile in there was a jeep on the trail.

“Hey when did this jeep get here?” I asked

“I had a pack member drive here to pick us up.”

That’s when I saw the hot guy in the drivers seat. He had black hair and weird grey eyes.

“Be careful around James. He is the best of us with girls, but no ones ever met a werewolf girl and definitely not one as hot as you. So i don’t know how he will react.” warned Sky

“Wait, is there not very many girl werewolves?” I asked

“There’s about 3 living female werewolves in existence, counting you.” he replied with a smile

We walked up to the jeep, I hopped in the back and Sky jumped in the front with James.

“Hey, James this is Luna, Luna this is our fellow pack member James.”

“Hi Luna nice to meet you.” James said while holding out his hand.

“Hello.” I said shaking his hand, awkwardly.

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet, other than a few small conversations. When we got to a big house in the middle of the woods my mouth dropped. The house was huge! I mean mansion huge!

“How big is your pack?”

“Our pack, and pretty big maybe 50 or 60 pack members.”

“Wow that's a lot of werewolves.”

“Yup and you’re the only female werewolf around.” said James.

“Yay.” I said sarcastically

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” said Sky

“I will too.” James said with a sly smile.

“No. You won’t.” Sky said protectively.

“Thanks guys.” I said my tension calmed a little, but not much.

Then we walked into my new home. This place seems to be even bigger in the inside than it looks on the outside. I was greeted by 15 very hot guys.

“Welcome Luna!” they said in unison.

“Hello.” I said in a quiet shy voice.

“Stay close to me.” said Sky pulling me close and glaring at the guys.

A handsome man with blonde hair and green eyes walked up to us.

“Hello miss Luna, I will show you to your room.” said the man

“That’s not necessary Fred, she will be right next to my room. She’d be in my room if the alpha would let it.” growled sky.

“Okay.” replied Fred

Sky led me to my room and we passed so many hot guys! Did I die and go to hunk heaven?

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