Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1988738-Liz-the-mighty-MEGA-WOMAN--Chapter-2
by BarryN
Rated: 18+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1988738
Now that Liz has the powers of MEGA WOMAN, she begins testing her limits, if she has them!
         Tom dropped off the couch onto his knees.  "Yes, yes ma'am, you are, are Mega Woman," he stammered as he stared at her massive left mega thigh.
         "Ha!" Mega Woman laughed.  "Kneeling already huh?  That pleases me.  As does the yes ma'am.  You will use that from now on, got it?" she said as she flexed her thick super thighs.
         "Of course, what...whatever you, you want," Tom said as he made adjustments to his pants.
         "I don't need x-ray vision to see you are very excited by the new me," Mega Woman laughed.  "But first things first, time to test out my powers," she said as she thought about levitating.
         Tom gasped as his now massive girlfriend lifted off the ground.  "Holy shit, you're flying!"
         "Yep," she said as she floated towards the door.  "Um ung," she said.
         "Oh, right, the door.  Yes ma'am," Tom said as he got up and opened the door for Mega Woman.  She ducked her head and floated out the door.  She landed next to his car.
         Tom followed her out.  "So, Mega Woman, where shall we go?"
         "Isn't there an old rock quarry about ten miles from here?" she asked.
         "Yes ma'am.  That is a great idea.  Um, I don't think you will fit in my car so..." he didn't get to finish.
         "Cars are for mortals.  Super girls like to fly.  See you there little man!" she said as she reached her hand up into the air, made a fist, bent her knees and with a SWOOSH took off into the sky.
         "Fucking amazing," Tom gasped as he got into his car and drove to the quarry.
         Mega Woman was standing in the middle of the quarry.  Tom pulled up to the edge.  "Hey!  How, how do I get down there?" he asked.
         Mega Woman smiled.  "Like this," she said as she pointed a thick finger at him.
         "Whoa!  What the fuck...." Tom gasped as he felt an odd sensation, like he was being gently squeezed.  Slowly he lifted off the ground, floating into the air.  He looked at his super girlfriend as she smiled brightly.  She began to lower her massive finger.  As she did, Tom went over the edge of the quarry and began to slowly float down towards the ground.
         "Oh God oh God oh God!" he said over and over as he slowly floated down.  After several seconds his feet hit the ground.  "Oh thank God!" he said.
         BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!  Mega Woman walked towards him.  "Not thank God, thank Mega Woman Tom," she scolded.
         Tom looked up at her.  "Yes, sorry.  Thank you Mega Woman," he said.
         She smiled and patted him on the head.  "You are welcome little one," she said.  "So, where shall I begin? Ah!" she said as she walked over to a large boulder.  Tom looked as her blue booted feet left cracks in the ground as she walked.
         "God she's SOOOOO POWERFUL," he thought as he walked behind her.
         Mega Woman came up to the boulder.  Not only had her body been strengthened, so had her mind.  "Hmmmmm....I'd estimate this weights about 40,000 pounds, wouldn't you little one?" she asked.
         "Um, sure, I, I guess.  I, I don't really know Mega Woman," he said.
         "Oh that's right, you not only don't have super muscles," she said as she flexed a beach ball sized bicep.  "You also don't have a super brain."
         "Right, I, I don't," he said, wondering if the power was really starting to go to her now super head.
         Mega Woman leaned forward and placed her fingers on the boulder.  CRACK!  Her massively strong fingers crushed into the rock.  Tom gasped.  She smiled.
         "One boulder, coming up!" Mega Woman said as she lifted it.
         SWOOSH!  Not only did the boulder lift up, but it escaped her mighty grip and flew at six times the speed of sound, with a loud bang as it broke the sound barrier.
         "Holy shit Liz!" Tom gasped.
         She turned to him, her brown eyes starting to glow slightly.  "What did you call me?" she said.
         "I, I, ung," Tom gasped as he felt weird, almost like he was coming down with a cold.  "What, what is, ung, h..h..happening?" he wheezed.
         "I am draining your measly strength," Mega Woman said.
         "You, ung, c...c..can do, th...at?" he gasped as he felt unsteady on his feet.
         "Yes.  That and other things.  Now, what's my name?" she asked with authority.
         "M..m....mega Wo...ung...man," he whispered.
         "Very good Tom," she said as her eyes returned to normal.
         "Thank you for, for stopping that," Tom said as he felt better.
         "You are welcome.  Oh, and to answer your question.  Yes.  That boulder felt lighter than air.  Apparently I am vastly stronger than I thought."
         "You can read my mind?' he asked.
         "Apparently yes," she said.  "Oh Tom, what nasty little thoughts you have!  Dreaming of serving at my feet like we used to pretend huh?" she laughed.
         Tom looked down.  "This isn't fair.  You, you are fucking amazing now Mega Woman," he said.
         "I know.  And don't worry, when we get home, I will dominate you like never before.  I mean, that is why I had this suit made.  Who knew it would turn me into an actual supreme being."  Mega Woman looked around.  "I don't think there is anything here that can really test my mega muscles and strength.  Might as well test out a few more powers," she added.
         Tom looked up as her eyes glowed red.  ZZZZZZTTTTT!  A powerful heat ray shot from her eyes, hitting the quarry wall and burning it into glass.  She stopped and smiled.  "Heat vision, check!"
         She sucked in some air next and with a powerful thrust, blew it out her mouth.  WOOOOOOSH!  Wind, going almost a thousand miles per hour, escaped her mighty lips.  It hit an abandoned truck and immediately lifted it up and smashed it against the quarry wall.  "Super breath, check," she giggled.
         She turned to Tom.  "I know a good place to test my strength and invulnerability out.  Do you trust me Tom?" she asked.
         "Yes ma'am," he answered.
         Mega Woman smirked.  "It is okay.  You can call me what is in your desires Tom.  In fact, I think I might like it."
         Tom smiled and kneeled again.  "I trust you, Supreme Master," he said.
         Mega Woman smiled brightly.  "Oh, I LIKE that!" she said as she levitated him into her thick and muscly mega arms.  "Off to really test these muscles. Up, up and....AWAY!" she laughed as she shot into the sky with her small boyfriend being cradled in her thick invulnerable arms.

© Copyright 2014 BarryN (barryn1978 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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