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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1988730
What the...

Mal opened his eyes. A bright light burnt into his retinas sending a searing stab of pain rushing around his head. He winced and screwed his face against the onslaught.

Through his narrowed vision a black face appered, then another and another, what the fuck? The faces blurred as his eyelids lowered, the darkness brought with it an instant relief.


“What the fuck happened?” Phil said as she walked into the front room, its state still surprising her even now.

Travis sat in the grubby sofa picking at a hole in the arm, “Shit, it was fuckin’ mental; the bastards outnumbered us. Fuckers beat the crap out of Trevor and Sniffs, fuck knows where they are, me and Mal legged it, had no choice… they’d have killed us if we’d piled in.” Travis stood up, stretched, then walked into the kitchen; Phil heard the fridge open, then a hiss as a can sprung into life.

Deb stared at Phil with a concerned look, she raised her voice insuring it pushed its way through into the kitchen, “Why’s Mal up stairs unconscious?”

Travis wandered back in and tipped his head back with a can at his lips; he took two gulps and lowered his gaze to Deb. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, “This Paki was running away from the Bradford lot; I didn’t see him till it was too late, Mal was behind me when the fucker slammed into my arm, all I saw was Mal fly through the air and nut the bastard in the face, then they both fell in a heap. Lucky backup arrived or we’d have got a right pasting. Our lot started having a go at the Reds so me and Goz picked Mal up and dragged him back here. You were out, lucky dopey cunt in the corner over there left the door open… I took him up stairs and chucked him on the bed.”

“How long has he been out?”

“Must be about a couple of hours now.”

“Do ya reckon he’s ok?”

“How the fuck do I know, do I look like a doctor? He’s breathing, and I couldn’t see anything broken… anyway, he’s all yours now, I’m off.”

Travis grabbed another larger out of the fridge, nodded to the girls and left.

Phil glanced at Deb then leapt up the stairs two at a time.

She pushed open the door to his room, “Well he looks ok.”

The girls could see he had a black eye, but nothing they hadn’t seen before… Phil pulled to door to and returned the room to its darkness.


Mal blinked; his sight brought objects, shapes, but with a blurred undefined edge. He blinked again trying to grasp their clarity, but none came. He looked around; no black faces this time, at least there was that… but the lights still hurt.

He lay in bed, but he could tell it wasn’t his. The dull aching throb that accompanied him shot to a stabbing pain as a noise shattered the silence; metal curtain rings dragged over a metal pole, bright lights, funny smell, uniforms… hospital.

Mal concentrated on staying conscious as his senses started to bring the information he needed. He heard each whoosh of blood pass through his ears. It sounded like ten thousand soldiers goose stepping across a parade ground.

“Oh, you’re awake then?” Came a voice from out of sight.

Mal looked over in its direction; the shape of a woman formed in front of him; she wore blue and white straight lines. He understood the question, but couldn’t answer.

“Don’t worry, take your time, you’ve had a bad bump on the head, here…”

Mal felt something slip on his face, the blur sharpened, the woman sounded kind, but it had little effect on him.

“I’ll turn the lights down, go back to sleep if you want,” the voice said, the pain in his head dipped with the lights and the footsteps faded leaving him with the distant soldiers.


Ash opened his eyes; a dull light came from under the closed door lifting the darkness to gloom and silence rung in his ears. He raised his hand and rubbed his hair, ‘what?’ he thought as he struggled to focus.

His body seamed heavier than usual, like it was covered in thick treacle. He sat up and looked towards the door ‘what the? That should be on the right...

A clock blinked at him from a bed side table, its red glow illuminating its immediate surroundings, he’d not seen that before. Ash reached out and switched on a light that sat beside the clock.

He surveyed the room; closed his eyes… then opened them again.

Empty crumpled larger cans of various colours lay scattered across the floor amongst overflowing ashtrays and heaped clothes. Posters clung to the walls covering a heavy patterned blue paper, angry looking sweaty people shouted into microphones and a figure that Ash couldn’t make out held his arm at an angle. A tattered and broken lamp shade hung from the ceiling.

Ash turned to look at the wall behind him, a large red flag with a white circle and black swastika dominated the space above him. He’d seen that before on the TV, his heart sank and his mouth dried, bringing with it a bitter taste.

He faced the door and heard footsteps coming up what he assumed to be stairs. He reached over and turned off the light. He threw his head back on the pillow as the door opened and two girls stood silhouetted in its frame.

“Oh you’re awake then?” One of them said.

Before Ash could answer the girls walked in and closed the door, returning the room to its gloom. His eyes recovered and he could see the girls moving in front of him.

“We thought we could make you feel better, you know, show you that thing you keep on about.”

He strained to focus. Through the fading darkness the strange voices found him; the London twang that accompanied the words was deep, not fake, the two figures stood before him were not his brothers playing a trick on him as they done had before.

The darkness covered Ash’s puzzled look, his heart raced, these girls were real …but where was he, and why where they staring at him?

The girls turned towards each other, Ash watched as nimble fingers twisted buttons and pulled at material, he stared, dumb struck, ‘what the hell?’ The girls turned to face him.

“Well, what do you think?” said the blond.

Ash stared at the girls, one was naked and the other only had a thin pair of dark lacy nickers covering her. Both girls had small breasts which accompanied their petite frames, ash could see their defined flat stomachs, and the blonds neatly trimmed pubic hair, they looked stunning.

Before Ash could answer; the girls climbed on the bed and the blond span round to lay on her back next to him. The dark haired girl looked directly at Ash as she knelt at the foot of the bed. She eased her friends legs apart and smiled as she took her time kissing the inside of the blonde’s thigh. “You want to see what me and Deb do when you’re not around?”

Ash stared at the two girls, speechless; transfixed. The thought of his strange surroundings left his mind, replace with something far more immediate.

The dark haired girl raised her friend up and pulled down her thin knickers, Ash had never seen a naked girl before and here were two at once, he thought about busses for some reason. He watched as the dark haired girl placed her head between the prone girls legs and began to deliver small light kisses to the sensitive flesh before her, in response, a low groan came from the blond.

The dark haired girl left her position and crawled up the naked girl beneath her, she lowered herself and Ash saw them kiss.

He focused on the girls embrace.

“Umm…that’s nice” said the dark haired girl.

“You ok there Mal?” The blond asked.

“Think he’s just enjoying the show…” the dark haired girl added before she kissed the blonds neck and began to move back down the naked body beneath her. She stopped at her friend’s breast and danced her tongue around her erect nipple.

Ash watched the dark haired girls decent. He followed the small kisses she placed on the blondes’ flat stomach, teasing, taking her time in returning to the foot of the bed.

Ash’s erection strained at the thin material covering him. He stared at the blonde’s body. Her small breasts, her erect nipples, the pulsing vein in her neck, it all seemed so real.

The dark haired girl finally returned to her position, Ash watched her head move back and forth as she brushed the tip of her tongue over the pussy before her.

The blond closed her eyes and started to move and moan with the pleasure her friends mouth was giving her. She opened her eyes and looked at Ash, “You wanna’ have us both tonight Mal?”

The darkness in the room remained, but enough light shone beneath the door for Ash to see. He nodded and the blond smiled. She bit her lip as she felt the dark haired girl’s tongue fully enter her. Ash moved down the bed to join the dark haired girl, he hovered before the scene, transfixed at the sight. She had her mouth locked tight to the blonds’ cunt as she pushed her tongue deep inside her friend.

“Shit that’s good.” The blond said through her gasp. “Fuckin’ finger me…”

“What’s going on?” Ash said, “Why are you showing me this?”

The questions were ignored as the pair focused on their lust, the dark haired girls tongue and fingers worked together between the blonds thighs. The blond took a slow intake of breath.

“Is that nice Deb?” said the dark haired girl as she eased her tongue out and over the blonds erect citreous.

“Jesusss, yes, keep going,” she hissed as a wave of pleasure washed over her. “Bloody hell Phill, you’re good at that…”

“I’ve had a good teacher aint I?”

Ash watched the dark haired girl pushed another finger into her friend, opening her up to new levels, stretching her wet cunt.

“Fuck me… I’m gonna cum, Jesus keep going, just keep doing that, shit…”

The Blonds body tensed and she clung to the sheets with both hands as an orgasm engulfed her.

“JESUS…” she yelled as her body moved and gyrated with the spasm flooding her body.

Without saying a word the dark haired girl moved towards Ash, she grabbed the back of his head and pulled him towards her, she brought her lips to his and pushed her tongue deep into Ash’s mouth, he could taste the blondes cum.

“Enjoy the show Mal?” she asked.

“Why are you calling me Mal?”

Again the question went unanswered.

The dark haired girl disappeared from view, Ash gasped as he felt a hand grip his penis through his pants, he felt himself being released and a warm sensation surround the tip of his cock. He looked down, a head moved down in his lap.

The blond moved from her position on the bed. As one mouth left him, another replace it.

“Who’s it gonna be Mal…me or Deb?”

“Ha, it’s like jizz roulette…”

The blond flicked her tongue around his swollen gland. A feeling began to build with the rhymic movements. He let out moan which alerted the girls to his pleasure.

The blond removed her mouth, and slid her hand up and down his wet shaft. It twitched then Ash felt the warm sensation return.

“Oh no you don’t,” Came a voice from the gloom, cold replaced warmth, then the warmth surrounded him again.

It was too much; Ash’s head spun as he erupted, his body locked in his own spasm as the

mouth remained in place, draining every last drop of cum as if life depended on it.

Sucking noises accompanied his wince as his now sensitive gland disapproved of the attention. The mouth left him and he felt a bite on his stomach, “There ya bastard, fuckin’ feel alright now don’t ya?”

“Right, my turn,” said the blond.

A rustling made its way through the dark and Ash felt something cover his still erect penis.

He watched the blond lean forward, she pushed him back and threw her leg over him, he felt a hand grip his penis, then a pressure yield and a warm wet tightness engulf him.

Ash tensed, Bloody hell, he thought as the girl lifted herself up, he threw his head back and sighed as he felt her ease herself back down his length. His eyes fixed on the movement of her small breasts which jumped with each decent she made, this must be a dream, he though, he’d had these before and woken up in a sticky mess, but it had never been as real as this though.

The dark haired girl ran her hands up Ash’s chest while the blond rode him. “Ok my turn,” she said.

The blond didn’t stop. She put her hands on Ash’s shoulders and raised herself. She rolled over onto her back and pulled Ash on top of her.

“Fuck me you bastard… HARD,” she yelled.

With the girl in control instinct took over. The blond reached between her legs and guided him. Ash rammed into her hard, he knew enough to work it out from there.

The new sensation overwhelmed him, this girl, who ever she was, looked fantastic as her face contorted under the weight of his thrusting.

He raised himself up, looked down and exploded inside her, the second orgasm being more intense than the first.

“Bitch.” Said the dark haired girl.

“Sorry Phil, looks like you’ll have to wait a bit for yours,” said the blond, laughing.

Ash began to move away,

“Hang on fuck head,” she said as she reached between her legs. She grabbed the base of Ash’s deflating cock and held the condom in place. “Don’t want that lot left behind.”

Ash felt her breasts rub his chest. “Feel better?” the blond asked

This is normally when he woke up to find the sticky mess, “Yeah,” Ash replied, puzzled. “Head hurts a bit… Who are you again? And I’m not sure if I like this voice…”

“What are you going on about? You’re fucking freaking me out.”

The blond stood up and grabbed her clothes, “I’ll leave you too love birds too it then.” She said as she left in a huff.

“Bollocks, what’s wrong with her? Better go sort her out, bloody drama queen, I let her shagg my boyfriend, make her cum and that’s all the thanks I get.”

Ash didn’t respond. Phil looked down at the skinhead sleeping on the bed “Fucking typical.”


“Severe trauma to the frontal lobe with a lot of swelling I’m afraid, could be a while before we see any improvement.”

“Right, I’ll keep an eye on him; I'll let you know if I see a change,” said a woman in the corridor.

Mal wasn’t sure how long he’d been awake. Through the darkness he could hear the noise of the ward, gurneys traveling back and forth, patients being seen to. He imagined bodies laid covered with thin blankets on their way to theatre or X-ray. The lights above him flickered into life and a nurse pulled back a curtain.

“Hello young man,” she said.

Strange? He’d been a skinhead for a year or so now, he’d been called many things, but hadn’t been addressed in this manor for some time.

Mal couldn’t move; he looked over at the nurse.

“You’ve had a bump on the head,” She said, “It’s caused a swelling around the brain, it may take a while for your speech and movement to come back.” She walked around the bed and took down something from above his head, “Your parents have been here most of the night while you’ve been unconscious; I expect they’ll be in later. Do you want a drink?”

Mal nodded; he heard water splash into a glass then saw it appear in front of him. A hand slid behind his head and eased him from his prone position. He drank, the cold liquid bringing relief to his dry mouth. He rested back on the pillow and felt the unfamiliar friction of hair. How long had he been here? he wondered.

“The doctor’ll be around in a while, he’ll tell you more.”

Mal opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came.

“Don’t worry, it’ll come,” said the nurse with a smile; she pulled the curtain across and left.

Mal stared into the bright light above him. He tried to remember what happened. Nothing.

He tried to move his toes, nothing. He cleared his mind, pictured his toes beneath the blanket and thought hard. They moved, but the connection seemed distant, not a natural instantaneous movement, but at least they moved; he breathed a sigh of relief.

He lay still under the weight of the pressed white sheets and blue blanket. A tea trolley clinked as a large lady struggled to push it around the room. She looked like she'd fall if she let go, she reached over and grabbed a cup, filled it with a weak brown liquid, and without realising her grip on the trolley, passed it to an elderly man. He smiled as he took the light-blue cup. Mal stared at the large lady and wondered what she would look like naked, he shuddered at the thought.

A voice drifted through the curtain.

“Your son has had a severe impact to the temporal lobe, which has caused swelling around the brain. Damage to this area of the brain can cause a change in behaviour; it controls how we act…. a kind of social compass. Until the swelling goes down we won’t know if there will be any permanent damage.”

“How long will that take?” a voice asked, thick with accent.

“I’m afraid we just don’t know,” the doctor said, “We will have to wait and see.”

The curtain swung back to reveal the face of an Asian man with a thick black beard, beside him stood a woman in a light blue Sari and long platted hair. Mal wanted to shout but with his voice still absent he looked like a fish out of water grasping for its last breath.

His eyes widened, and the steady beep of the heart monitor quickened its pace to an almost piercing rhythm. He tried to move, clutching at the metal hand rails that ran along the length of the bed, desperate to get away.

His wild eyes fixed on the two people before him. He didn’t see the nurse lean over and plunge a syringe full of clear liquid into a plastic tap inserted into the back of his hand. The cold sensation turned warm as it made its way up his arm and across his chest, the voices dulled and the pain subsided.

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