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An boy finally meets his angel guardian, and decides to pay back the favor. |
An blonde boy is sitting in his room alone. His name is Rith, an 17 year old guy. a bit of a shy, selfcentered guy, sure, but he's pretty fun to talk with, but a lot of people don't really give him the chance to prove himself to be a nice guy, as most people see your silent attidute as ''unusual''. It makes people feel sort of nervous around you, usually socially rejecting him. Rith grew up in a small town, (where he still lives), and was a loving son to his parents. Everyone in the village knew each other, and it was the place that made him feel the most comfortable in. Outsiders always repelled him anyway.. The thing is, though, after he were born, a young blue cub has always been spotted near the village, and sometimes it even protected him. Heck, one time, it even rescued him a couple of times. He owes the beast his life. The cub was reffered to as ''Suicune'', a Legendary Pokemon. Why it's a cub and why it has been defending and following you, noone knows for sure. There may have been a breeding, but people were always unsure of certain genders involving ''Legendary Pokemon''. The only thing Rith knows, is that it's a close friend. Well, ''close'' might be a tad overrated.. it always keeps its distance and flees into the forest as Rith spots it. He wished he could meet the Suicune face-to-face, and thank him for saving him so much. It seems to be the only one who truly understands how you act and feel. It's like.. Rith and the Pokemon have a connection. It sure seems somewhat weird to say, but it just feels like it does. It feels very good for you, to know that there is somebody, or something out there that acts like something of an.. guardian angel. Rith sat in his room, spending some time playing video games. He was alone that night, for a week. The ambience of rain could be heard outside. It's very calming, but a little sun now and then might be nice. Rith paused his game, and walked towards the window. As he looked out, it was really misty. Weird, the news didn't ever say anything about mist. Oh well, back to video games. As Rith started up the game again, he played for a good time, not noticing the increasing rate of the falling rain. Rith paused his game again, and looked outside. Ugh, the weather's becoming worse. Rith walked up to the window, and noticed a Suicune looking through the window from the other side. There it is again.. It would just run away again. It's probably just checking up with him again. Rith shook his head, he's fed up with the Suicune just running off again. Instead, he just waved, and headed back to the tv. He sighed. He might as well give up on meeting it. He sat down, when suddenly, an unnerving feeling came over Rith. ''What.. what is this..?'' Rith thought to himself. For some reason, he knew something was wrong. Something with the Suicune. Rith got up from his seat, and headed directly for the door, not thinking about even putting on a coat on. He went outside, and ran to the forest. Something told him his friend is there. Rith ran into the forest, and ran through the forest, looking for the Suicune. He heard a loud scream, coming from near. As Rith ran through the source of the sound, he looked at the Suicune, stuck in a beartrap. ''My Arceus..'' Rith ran to the Suicune, trying to free him. He opened the bear trap a bit, and the Suicune took out his leg from the beartrap. ''T-thank you, h-human.. ngh..!'' The Suicune's leg looks very bad. It's bleeding heavily. ''A-all right.. Come on..'' Rith said, as he ripped off a bit of his shirt, and tried to stop the blood from coming out the Suicune's leg. ''Darn.. not enough..'' Rith took off his whole shirt, and bound it as sort of an bandage around the Suicune's leg. ''T-there we go.. let's get you somewhere safe..'' the human said, and put the Suicune on his back, carrying him. ''H-human.. y-you've come to save me.. d-did you r-receive my.. t-telepathy?'' the Suicune's words went through your head. ''Yes, now, where is your resting place? I'd bring you to a Pokemon Center, but it's way too far..'' Rith grumbled. ''..T-take a left from this path, and cross the grass field.. look for an opening in the stone mountain, my home is there..'' the Suicune said, weakened. You look up, walking through the rain, dedicated to get the Suicune safe. ''Now it's my turn to keep you safe.'' He walked as fast as he could, supporting the Suicune, and already having crossed the field. The human looked up to the mountain. There wasn't any way in. The Suicune spoke a few words in the Pokemon language, triggering an earthquake, while an entrance inside the mountain opened. As Rith entered the dark cave, the entrance closed, and crystals on the walls lit up his path as he walked on. It was beautiful.. but no time to be sightseeing. Rith pressed on, and noticed a somewhat impressive room for a Pokemon. Sort of an fireplace formed in the wall, not the kind of fireplace us humans know, just an.. whatever. There was an hay pile in front of it, laying on a carpet. The human laid down the Suicune on the hay pile, and made a fire on the fireplace. Rith looked back to the Suicune, who looked at the human, very weak, but looked like it was already recovering. The Suicune smiled gently. ''Thank you.. human..'' it said. Rith shook his head. ''It's Rith.. and don't mind it. You saved me plenty of times.'' the human said. The Suicune looked at the human. ''Well, make yourself at home.'' the Suicune said. ''I will.. but are you going to be okay?'' he asked. The Suicune nodded. ''I'm going to take a look at these crystals, they're amazing.'' Rith said. ''Be sure to come back, you can't leave without me, and I'm too weak to walk now.'' the Suicune said. The human nodded, and left. Rith looked at the crystals. They shiny brightly with pride, and illuminated the cave very nicely. Some even gleam better than others. Rith took a closer look. Seems like these crystals have some kind of.. liquid on them, it looks transparent, but he can't tell what. Rith smelled a certain smell on the crystal, and sniffed it a bit better, making sure to get the smell. Jeez, it smells.. amazing.. Rith then shook his head, realizing how weird he is acting, sniffing crystals. He looked at the Suicune, who seemed to have spotted him doing it. ''Nice smell, huh? The source of it is amazing, but.. I'll show you later.'' Suicune said. Rith blushed. ''I-I.. eh.. err.. heh heh..'' Rith giggled shy. He suddenly felt a bit cold, and realized he lend his shirt to the Suicune, not having any source of warmth here. The human went back, and laid down in front of the fireplace, warming up. ''Hey.'' the Suicune said. Rith looked back. ''If you feel cold, we could, err.. keep each other warm, if you don't mind.'' Rith blushed. ''Uh.. keeping each other warm? That's..'' Rith hesitated for a moment, thinking about his trust to the Suicune. ''..very sweet of you. I'll accept your offer..'' Rith said, moving over to the haypile, and laying down against the Suicune. The human snuggled itself against the Suicune's belly, his bare chest against the soft fur of the Suicune. The Suicune put his front paws over Rith, giving an feeling of security. Rith blushes, but tried to not think too much of it. ''Good night, Suicune.'' the human said, falling asleep. The Suicune smiled, and fell asleep, proud of the human close to him. The morning soon came, and Rith s awakened by a soft light, coming from a creek in the wall. He looked to his side, and noticed the Suicune laying next to him. The Suicune seemed to be blushing in his sleep. Rith stood up, and looked at Suicune's paw. As Suicune rolled over, Rith soon noticed the bleeding stopped. Thank Arceus. However, Rith was.. curious about something. The gender of the Pokemon.. he crouched, and noticed Suicune, laying on it's backside, revealing the.. surprisingly nice ass of the Suicune. W-what? Rith looked confused. Did he seriously just think that..? He blushed, and noticed the Suicune's ballsac. Male. Rith was still.. tempted into.. inspecting further.. Rith stroked the big rump, feeling the fur through his fingers, and then he carefully slipped his hands inbetween the Suicune's buttocks, which woke up the Suicune. Suddenly, Rith noticed the big rump going into the air, knocking over Rith, and trapping his body from his head to it's waist, unable to move. ''Well, now.. I woke up to something rather.. interesting.'' The Suicune said. ''I-I'm sorry.. it was all an accident.. I..'' Rith stuttered nervously. ''Don't worry, Rith.. I know that you were interested in me from the moment we met.'' Suicune said. ''Don't deny it.. you crave for my body, don't you?'' he asks. Rith was nervous, he couldn't lie, he liked the Suicune, but.. a Pokemon and a human..? ''Now.. I know what you're thinking, but.. noone can see us. It's just you and me. Noone can stop us. We can show each other our true love..'' the blue hound said. ''I.. yes.. I crave your body.. please, give me the honor to mate with you.'' Rith said, feeling his dick becoming erect. ''Well, now.. you know that crystal that smelled so nice? Guess where that went.'' he said, as he farted unto Rith. Rith felt the warm stream of air against his body, and smelled the same heavenly smell that was on the crystal. ''A-amazing..'' Rith said, and licked the Suicune's anus without thinking. The Suicune moaned, feeling the human's warm tongue through his anus, licking everywhere it could. ''D-don't stop, human.. continue..'' the Suicune moaned. Rith continued loyally, and made sure not to miss a spot. The taste of the Suicune's anus was great, and it was surprisingly clean. The human's dick became rock hard. The human stopped licking, and pushed of the Suicune. ''Oh.. done already?'' the Suicune said, teasingly shaking his rump in front of the human, waist-level. ''Not even done yet.'' he said, grabbing the Suicune's asscheeks, and sticking in his dick. ''Ohh.. Rith.. show me your fiercer side..'' the Suicune said. Rith humped the Suicune, thrusting his dick in and out, making the Suicune moan. ''Ah.. you're moaning, I expected you to be a bit more.. dominant.'' Rith said. ''Don't question my dominance, I'm just letting you on top now because you can't overpower me.'' he said. ''Prove it.'' The Suicune grinned, and simply knocked over the human, and started riding on his dick. Rith moaned. ''Ah, who's the little bitch now, hmm?'' the Suicune said. ''I-I am.. my lord..'' he said. ''Good.. now, finish it yourself.'' the Suicune said, letting himself fall to the side, allowing Rith to take control again. That Suicune rode Rith's cock didn't help, he was about to cum. ''Nygh.. I'm gonna..'' Rith moaned, and took out his dick from the Suicune's pucker, and cummed all over his ass. ''Hey.. finished already? And why didn't you cum inside of me?'' he asked. ''I didn't want to ruin such a good musk. Also, fuck you.'' Rith said. The Suicune grinned, and rolled over with Rith, standing fourlegged above Rith. ''My turn.'' he said, and sticked his dick in the mouth of the human. Rith sucked the dick as a loyal dog, loving the manly musky taste it left on his tastebuds. leaving the Suicune surprised. ''Why.. no objections? You slut.'' the Suicune said. You gave a slap on the Suicune's ass, punishing him for insulting you. The Suicune chuckles, and loved the sensation of the human's warm tongue, licking his cock, pre-cumming a bit in the human's mouth, making Rith flinch. ''Oh, don't worry, babe. Just a bit of pre-cum. But, you've licked enough now..'' Suicune said, and took his dick from the human's mouth. ''Now.. get ready..'' Suicune said. Rith spread his asscheeks, looking the Suicune in his eyes, as he looked down upon him, and noticed the Suicune's soft lips tenderly kissing Rith's. They kissed long, and it got interrupted when the Suicune put his dick in Rith's pucker, leaving you surprised. As the Suicune thrusted harder and harder, he took his lips off Rith's, and Rith quickly started moaning. With every hump, a new sensation came in the body of Rith and Suicune. ''P-please, fuck me, harder..'' Rith begged. The Suicune did as asked, and picked up the pace, forcing his dick to go faster and harder in and out. The Suicune looked Rith in the eyes, and Rith looked back. This was true love, to the core. As Suicune started moaning, Rith moaned harder, and suddenly felt an great stream of cum going up his anus, filling it up quite nicely. The Suicune humped further a bit, until his dick became flaccid, and took it out in time. ''I-I.. love you, Suicune..'' Rith said softly. ''I know.. however.. I want to keep you completely safe.. And I know just the way.'' Suicune said. ''Wait, don't I have a choice?'' Rith said. ''Nope, you're mine..'' the Suicune grinned, and slammed his ass unto the human, trapping him again. ''But, if you don't want to~..'' he said. Rith looked at the anus again, and started licking it again. ''Now, now.. not so hasty.. just.. Let me..'' Suicune said, and he pushed his butt, so the human's face went deeper into the Suicune's anus. ''U-uh.. Suicune?'' Rith said, scared. ''Just.. trust me, baby.. I'm going to keep you safe, no matter what. I love you..'' Suicune said. ''.... I love you too. Suck me in there, big boy..'' Rith said. The Suicune started moaning, as Rith went deeper in. Rith struggled a bit, making the sensation even better for the Suicune. ''A-ahh! Baby.. you're so naughty.. please, keep going..'' the Suicune said, as Rith was halfway in his ass. Rith struggled as hard as he could, pleasuring the Suicune very much. Every little bit Rith came in the ass of the Suicune, he wanted to be in there even more, as he struggled more. He felt the warm, soft and smelly flesh around him, making him feel secured.. safe and secure, in his new partner's ass. The Suicune took a break, but Rith couldn't help but dig further down the cave. ''Oh, you want to go in there so badly, don't you? Well, I'll let you get in there yourself..'' the Suicune said, laying down. As Rith struggled more and more inside, he felt his partner's clenching his inner anus, crushing him teasingly. ''I can play with you whenever I want to now~.. you're not like the other humans..'' the Suicune said. As Rith eventually dug his way in, he finally got his feet in, now fully in the Suicune's big ass. The Suicune let out a big fart. Rith loved the smell, this was like a second home to him now. ''Now, I'm not gonna let you out for a long time.. but I'll take good care of you..'' the Suicune said. ''You'll be out by the time your parents are back. Can't get my little boy in trouble, so..'' the Suicune said, farting another time. ''We're gonna have lots of fun.. but do know.. I truly love you..'' the Suicune said. Rith nodded. ''I know.. but..'' Rith yawned. ''Aww.. go to sleep, buddy. You're probably tired.. I will be awake, so just give me a sign when you need me.'' Suicune said. Rith licked the side of the ass of Suicune a bit, and fell sound asleep. The Suicune, went off to do his usual business, proud of his new playmate resting in him. |